Configuration Files

The startup file editor.cfg preserves the values selected from the configuration menu item between sessions. You can have multiple editor.cfg files in different directories since the current directory plus parent directories two levels up are searched before using the default editor.cfg stored in the same directory as the executable. This is useful since a configuration suitable for text (auto wrap on, auto indent off) is not ideal for programming (auto wrap off, auto indent on) thus text specific editor.cfg files may be kept in text directories and programming specific ones in program directories. The editor.cfg file is plain ASCII and can thus be edited with a text editor as an alternative means of changing the settings or the macro definitions. If changes have been made to the configuration the editor will update the editor.cfg in the directory from which it was read. Thus in order to create a custom cfg file for use only within one directory copy the default editor.cfg to the current directory before starting the editor.

The current macro definitions bound to function keys are also stored in the editor.cfg file but in an encoded form. Thus, it is easier to view and modify macros from within the running editor by selecting the list macros command in the macro menu. There the macro codes will be translated to plain English. Note that the macro definitions must be in terms of the un-mapped keystrokes.

The key mappings in use if any are stored in the file which has the key names in plain English. It may also be viewed or edited from within the editor by selecting the keymap menu item in the Config menu.