
The editor has very powerful search options which allow searching with any of the following modifiers singly or combined. Search up, search marked block only, ignore case, whole word only, loop through all loaded files or interpret as regular expression. For search and replace a dialog allows the following; replace, skip, replace all, quit, undo last replace, and redo last skipped. The initial search is done by opening the search dialog from the menu or with Ctrl S (Ctrl R for search and replace). A search can also be initiated from the command line by prefixing the search string with a `/' or any other punctuation not used for other purposes. A search and replace from the command line is of the form ``c/str/rep/[-cblrw]''. The square brackets denote the optional search options if any and are not themselves to be entered. Subsequently, the same string may be searched for using Ctrl f. The editor keys used for searching are as follows:


Un-mapped Search Control Keys

Ctrl f find next occurrence of search string
Ctrl F change dir and find search string
Ctrl R opens the search and replace dialog
Ctrl S opens the search dialog
Alt * find next word like current word
Alt # find prev word like current word

The search options are specified using the buttons in the search dialog or with the optional command line switches. For example: ``\-w'' searches up from current cursor position and looks only for ``string'' that is not part of a larger word. The optional search suffixes are:
- search up (down is default)
b search marked block only
c ignore case
l loop through all files
r interpret as regular expression
w match whole words only
Of these the most complex and most powerful is the interpret as regular expression option. Regular expressions allow search strings to be built that will match complex criteria. A simple example is ``[0-9]+ \.[0-9]+'' which will match any fixed point number. For regular expressions certain characters have special meaning:
 start of line or not the following characters in a set
$ end of line
. any character
\ next character is literal. Used to override special meaning of next character.
* match previous character or group zero or more times
+ match previous character or group one or more times
[] start of a set. [] end of a set.
- range delimiter
( start of a sub-expression
) end of a sub-expression

The following are some simple examples:


+ match any word containing only letters
match a,e,i and 0 through 9
match anything but a,e,i and 0 through 9
a(ab)*b matches ab aabb aababb aabababb etc.

If a ``grep'' (A UNIX utility program which searches files for a regular expression) utility is run from the command line the grep search string automatically becomes the editor search string. If your grep does not have the name grep set up a batch file or rename it to activate this feature.