═══ 1. Installation Notes ═══ Requirements  You must have Rexx support installed to run this program. Rexx is normally part of the default installation of OS/2. If Rexx is not installed you must go to Selective Install and install support for it there.  If you don't have the Enhanced E installed on your system you MUST run the install procedure to setup the editors to function properly. This is now required before the program will run.  This version includes a changed ini file structure that needs to be set up by the install procedure. If you haven't done so already unzip the archive in any directory and run "install". You may install to the directory you started the install operation from or key in a new directory to install this program to. The install program will create the directory (1 deep) if needed and copy the files to it. In the interest of avoiding adding to your already long Path statement three files are copied to other directories. The EEE.EXE and EE.EXE files are copied to the \os2 directory and the EEE.HLP file is copied into the \os2\help directory. These files are less than 250k total in size. If you will not be using these editors from the command line, these three files may be deleted from those locations. The uninstall procedure will also remove them if and when you decide to uninstall the editors. Notice - If you have a previous version of the Enhanced E installed - Beginning with version .15 there is a new "Vprexx.dll". If you have moved your dlls to another directory, make sure they are replaced with the version included in version .15 or later. ═══════════════════════════ The Install program also has an uninstall procedure as mentioned previously. The uninstall will:  Remove any desktop references to the editor(s) you've chosen to uninstall  Remove any files it may have placed elsewhere on your drives  Remove the chosen editor(s) desktop objects After running the "uninstall" you may delete the Enhanced E directory and any files that you may have moved. ═══════════════════════════ The install routine also gives you a choice of default editors. This item is disabled unless you bypass it at the command line. At this point it only works if the OS/2 System Editor is the only editor on the system. DO NOT use it if your text files have other associations attached to them! If there are no other editors on your system that have an association to "plain text" files the Enhanced E may fill that void just by having an object created. To remedy either situation, there is a neat utility by Henk Kelder called "assoed03.zip" at the PillarSoft site or on Hobbes in "/os2/editors' that will change any associations. There are some data files that don't seem to "take" to a different default editor without changing them individually, I am studying this. The default change worked fine on my other machine with only the "E" System Editor installed on it but I can make no garantees. It is not fool proof yet so avoid it and use "assoed03.zip" unless you have alot of guts and are good at fixing messes. BE WARNED! It may negatively affect your system. If you try this please let me know if it works one way or the other. The install program parameter to make it work is "def". example - install def REMEMBER, the safest way to make the Enhanced E or Enhanced EE the default editor for the time being is to use Henk Kelders "Association Editor". It is only 40k in size and available on Hobbes "/editors/assoed03.zip" or on the psoft website. ═══════════════════════════ There is no nag screen but to keep beta versions from floating around forever this version of the EEE.EXE will expire June 30, 1997. The EE.EXE is Free, it has no expiration date and it will live forever... I Hope! ═══ 2. Troubleshooting ═══ Trouble?  Did you use the install program? Try running it and see if that solves your problems.  If things still aren't working right try running install from the editors' home directory then choose "uninstall" then run install again and choose "update" or "new install". "Update" will recreate the system settings for the editors chosen. "New Install" will update system settings and recreate the folder and icons. Be sure the install directory information box has the correct directory entered.  If the install program chokes with an error message that says "routine not found" the most likely cause is a dll conflict with another program. The easiest way to overcome this is to reboot and run the install program before running anything else that may using the "rexxutil.dll" functions. The install program will unload any functions it loads upon its' completion.  Is there a dot as the first entry of your LIBPATH statement in the config.sys? example - LIBPATH=.;C:\OS2; This tells OS/2 to check the home directory first.  Did you copy over ALL the old files if you had the Enhanced E installed previously? With version .17 a new "Vprexx.dll" was introduced. Some features will not work without this new dll. All files for the Enhanced E's must reside in the installed directory with the following exceptions:  The DLL files can be moved to the \os2\dll directory or to a directory that you have setup in your path for "user.dll's" if you prefer but shouldn't need to be moved. If you have more than one copy of a particular dll, put the newest one in os2/dll or a user/dll directory to save disk space. Before deleting the older dll, make sure all your programs work with the newer one.  In order to use the Enhanced E's from the command line, OS/2 needs to know where they are. Rather than adding to your already LONG Path statement or adding an environment variable etc. The two files EE.EXE & EEE.EXE are copied to your \OS2 directory. They are small and the effect on your freespace will hardly be noticeable. If you do not forsee yourself using them from the command line just delete them from the \OS2 directory to regain 200k. The uninstall will also remove these files.  This help file is copied into the \OS2\HELP directory so it is available if you use the editors from the command line. If you do not forsee yourself using them from the command line you may delete the help file from the \OS2\HELP directory to regain 50k. The uninstall will also remove this file. The help file can also be moved if desired to any directory listed in the SET HELP statement in your config.sys.