MICROSOFT® POWERPOINT® VIEWER 97 for Windows 16-bit Operating Systems ===================================================================== Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 for Windows 16-bit operating systems allows you to view Microsoft PowerPoint 97 documents. PowerPoint Viewer 97 can open presentations created with all previous versions of PowerPoint for Windows, and version 3.0 and above of Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh®. You cannot edit a presentation in PowerPoint Viewer 97. Microsoft encourages you to distribute PowerPoint Viewer 97 with your PowerPoint 97 presentations to people who are not using Microsoft PowerPoint 97. Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 for Windows 16-bit Operating Systems is intended for Windows 3.x users. Windows 95 and Windows NT users should instead install the 32-bit version of PowerPoint Viewer 97. This version is available online as a self-extracting executable file at any of the following locations: 1. Microsoft's World Wide Web site on the Internet: 2. Internet (anonymous FTP): Use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) utility to connect to with anonymous logon. Then change to the Softlib\Mslfiles folder. Use the GET command (get PPView97.exe) to download the file. 3. Microsoft Download Service (MSDL): You can connect to this bulletin board by dialing (425) 936-6735. Then follow the instructions to download a file and download "PPView97.exe". 4. A disk set containing both viewers can also be ordered from the Microsoft Order Desk, at (800) 360-7561, for a standard shipping and handling charge. System Requirements for Using PowerPoint 97 Viewer -------------------------------------------------- · A personal computer with a 486 or higher processor · Win 3.0 or later · 4 MB of memory · 3 MB of hard disk space (6 MB free for installation only) · VGA or higher-resolution video adapter · Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device Installing Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 ----------------------------------------- To install PowerPoint Viewer, you must have the file PPView16.exe on your LAN or local hard drive, (or one of the alternate file sets described in this document under "Distribution of PowerPoint Viewer"). Close all other applications and ensure that you are not running any utilities or virus protection programs. In Windows File Manager, double-click PPView16.exe. Follow these instructions to successfully complete the installation. 1.Installation of PowerPoint Viewer is designed to take place from within Microsoft Windows. If Windows is not running, please start it before continuing. Make sure to close all applications first, and make sure you are not running any utilities or virus protection before proceeding. It is very important that your computer runs under a Windows 16-bit operating system in order to install this version of PowerPoint Viewer. The Setup application for PowerPoint Viewer prevents you from installing PowerPoint Viewer in a 32-bit operating system like Windows 95 or Windows NT(r). A 32-bit version of PowerPoint Viewer 97 is also available. 2.Your starting point for PowerPoint Viewer installation depends upon whether you download the Viewer from the Microsoft Web site or an online service, or receive it on disks. (a) If you download PPView16.exe and choose to run it, the file will unpack itself. You can also save the file to a local folder and run PPView16.exe later. The unpack program will ask you for a destination folder. The default is c:\PPSetup. After choosing a destination folder, select "Unzip". When finished, select "Close". After unpacking the contents of PPView16.exe you will have to start the PowerPoint Viewer Setup program (setup.exe) in order to continue the installation of Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer. Use File Manager to open the destination folder, then double-click on the setup program (setup.exe). (b) If you received PowerPoint Viewer on disks, insert the disk labeled as disk 1 into your floppy drive. In Program Manager, on the File menu, select "Run." Type "a:setup". 3.PowerPoint Viewer Setup will prompt you for a folder in which to install PowerPoint Viewer or you can simply accept the suggested default location. The default folder location for PowerPoint Viewer is C:\PPTVIEW. 4.After choosing the folder location for PowerPoint Viewer, continue through setup and click "Install" to install PowerPoint Viewer. 5.To run PowerPoint Viewer, in File Manager, double-click on the PPTView.exe file. You can also double-click on the PowerPoint Viewer icon in Program Manager. If you plan to distribute PowerPoint Viewer, either online or on disks, you will need PPView16.exe or the files it unpacks. Features of the PowerPoint Viewer 97 for Windows 16-bit Operating Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PowerPoint Viewer 97 for Windows 16-bit Operating Systems allows Windows 3.x users to view PowerPoint presentation files. Because the files are converted to PowerPoint 4.0 format, any special features of PowerPoint 97 will be lost. This includes such features as 3D effects, WordArt, texture and picture fills, and some drawing behaviors such as connectors. In most cases, features were translated as closely as possible using PowerPoint 4.0 functionality. For maximum visual fidelity, users should save the presentation in PowerPoint 4.0 format from within PowerPoint 97. To do this, click Save As on the File menu, then choose "PowerPoint 4.0" in the Save as type box. Ordering Microsoft PowerPoint 97 -------------------------------- For information on how to order the retail version of Microsoft PowerPoint 97, contact the Microsoft Order Desk at (800) 360-7561 in the U.S., visit the Microsoft Online Shop ( or contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. To locate your subsidiary, see the Microsoft World Wide Offices Web site at: Technical Support for Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 ---------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Technical Support provides a number of no-charge options for you to obtain technical information about Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer. These options include Microsoft Technical Support Online (, the Microsoft Knowledge Base ( and Microsoft FastTips. Distribution of PowerPoint Viewer --------------------------------- Microsoft encourages all users of PowerPoint Viewer for Windows 16-bit Operating Systems to distribute it to friends and colleagues. You can post it to online services, put it on networks, or give it to others on disks. Disk Distribution ----------------- Microsoft distributes PowerPoint Viewer on two disks as well as online. The disk set is available from the Microsoft Order Desk, at (800) 360-7561, for a standard shipping and handling charge. (c)1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. MICROSOFT CORPORATION § ONE MICROSOFT WAY § REDMOND, WA 98052-6399 § USA