═══ 1. Help for OK ═══ Select OK to send any changed information to the program and close the window. ═══ 2. Help for Cancel ═══ Select Cancel if you decide not to change the current settings. ═══ 3. Help for Reset ═══ Select Reset to change the settings to those that were active before this window was displayed. ═══ 4. Help for Undo ═══ Select Undo to return the settings of the current page to the values that were active before the dialog was displayed. ═══ 5. Help for Defaults ═══ Select Defaults to change all the settings of the current page to the printer's default values. ═══ printer driver ═══ A file that provides device-independence. This file describes the physical characteristics of a printer, plotter, or other peripheral device, and is used to convert graphics into device-specific data at the time of printing or plotting. ═══ 6. IBM Trademarks ═══ Trademark of the IBM Corporation ═══ 7. Non-IBM Trademarks ═══ The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) in this information, are trademarks of other companies as follows: AST is a trademark of AST Research, Incorporated. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Type Manager is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Digital Research is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc. Epson is a trademark of Seiko Epson Kabushiki Kaisha. Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Helvetica is a trademark of the Linotype Company. HP and Hewlett-Packard are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. LaserJet is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Lotus is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Times New Roman is a trademark of the Monotype Corporation, Ltd. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ═══ 8. Help for Keys ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. Use:  HELP KEYS to get help  SYSTEM KEYS to switch between programs  WINDOW KEYS to move around in a program window  POP-UP WINDOW KEYS to make a selection in a pop-up window  EDITING KEYS to make changes in a pop-up window. When two key names are joined by a plus sign (+), use these two keys together. Hold down the first key and press the second key. HELP KEYS F1 Get help F2 Get extended help (from within any help window) F9 Go to a list of keys (from within any help window) F11 or Alt+F1 Go to the help index (from within any help window) Esc Cancel help Alt+F4 Close the help window Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs Shift+F10 Get help for help SYSTEM KEYS Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Alt+Tab Switch to the next windowed program Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a program window F10 Go to/from the action bar Arrow keys Move among choices End Go to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs Alt Go to/from the action bar Alt+F4 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Ctrl+PgDn Scroll the contents of the window right one page Ctrl+PgUp Scroll the contents of the window left one page Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window POP-UP WINDOW KEYS Enter Complete the pop-up window Esc Cancel the pop-up window Spacebar Set a check box on/off or perform the task described on the selected pushbutton Tab Move to the next entry field or check box EDITING KEYS Backspace (left arrow delete) Delete the character to the left of the cursor Del Delete the character to the right of the cursor End or Ctrl+Right Arrow key Move to the end of a field Home or Ctrl+Left Arrow key Move to the beginning of a field ═══ 9. Help for Layout ═══ The Layout dialog (also known as n-up), allows you to print several pages on a sheet of paper. The pages are arranged on a specific number of rows and columns. To make reading easier, a border may be displayed on the edge of each page. The right hand side of the dialog contains a white rectangle that displays a sample page of how the output might look. Each line on the sample page represents a line of text. You will also notice the indents for 'paragraphs'. As you change the number of pages, the sample page will also change to reflect how the output might look. If Print page border is selected, then the sample will display borders around each page. For more information of specific controls, select one of the following:  Number of pages/sheet  Print page border  Booklet printing  Undo  Defaults ═══ 10. Help for Number of pages/sheet ═══ This listbox contains the number of pages that may be printed on a single sheet of paper. The default value is one page per sheet. As you select a value, the sample page will display how the output might look. Notice that on some selections like 1 and 4, the pages appear in Portrait mode, while on other selections like 2 and 6, the pages appear in Landscape mode. You may only select one of the values listed. You cannot enter your own value. ═══ 11. Help for Print page border ═══ If selected, then a border will be printed around the edge of each page on the sheet of paper. This is so that it is easier to identify each page. If it is not selected, then no border(s) will be printed. This checkbox is disabled if one (1) page per sheet is selected and the border will not be printed. If selected, the sample page will display how the border will look for the output. If not selected, then the sample page will not display a border. ═══ 12. Help for Booklet printing ═══ The Booklet printing option allows output documents with the pages ordered in such a way as to make a booklet when folded. When All pages button is selected all pages of the document will be printed, otherwise select Pages to define the range of pages to be printed. In the Range of pages area, you can type the page numbers with commas between them or/and page ranges with hyphen between the starting and ending pages in the range. For example, to print pages 3,5,6,7,8,12 type 3,5-8,12. ═══ 13. Help for Defaults button ═══ If selected, then this dialog page will reset all controls to default values. In this case, one (1) page per sheet will be selected. ═══ 14. Help for Watermarks ═══ Watermarks are text or images that appear in the background on a sheet of paper. This dialog allows you to define watermarks for your output. The white rectangle on the upper right area contains a sample page. This sample page displays a sample text called "Watermark" and only displays the watermark's intensity and rotation to give a general idea how these features might look on paper. The sample page always assumes that the watermark is centered in the middle of the page. If no watermark is selected, then the sample page is blank. Because of the large number of controls, help for individual controls are broken down into the group boxes where they are displayed. For more help on a specific control, select one of the groups below where the control is located:  Watermark group  Fonts group  Placement group  Rotation group  Undo  Defaults ═══ 15. Help for Watermark group controls ═══ This group contains controls that allow you to select the type of watermark desired. Depending on the driver, this may be text or specific images. The top listbox, Watermark type lists the available types of watermarks. If None is selected (default), then no watermarks will be printed. Most drivers will support two types of strings: Predefined string and User defined string. If Predefined string is selected, then the listbox below contains a list of common, predefined watermark strings that may be selected. if User defined string is selected, then an entry field is displayed and you may enter your own watermark string. Other than that, there are no other differences between these two selections. If these watermark selections are not displayed on a driver, then they are not supported. If a driver supports other types of watermarks, then the type of watermark supported will be listed in the top listbox. If selected, then an entry field will appear, prompting you to enter a file name. ═══ 16. Help for Fonts controls ═══ This group is enabled only if Predefined string or User defined string is selected in the Watermark type listbox. This group contains controls that allow you to set font information for your watermark. The listbox under Font name contains a list of available fonts. Select a font name in this listbox to choose the desired font. Selecting the font size can be approached in one of two ways. If Size font to fit page is checked, then the font will be set to the largest possible size to fit in the page. If the page is changed, then the font size will be automatically recalculated. If a specific font size is desired, then uncheck Size font to fit page and Point size is enabled. To set the intensity of the watermark, select Intensity. The range of values is from 10% (lightest) to 100% (darkest). As you modify the value, the Watermark text in the sample page is modified. If your printer supports color, then a color table will be displayed to allow you to set the color for your watermark. ═══ 17. Help for Placement controls ═══ This group contains controls that allow you to set the watermark anywhere on the paper. These controls are set only if Predefined string or User defined string is selected. To center the watermark on the page, check Center watermark in page. If selected, then all other controls in this group are disabled. If Center watermark in page is not selected, then you can enter the x and y coordinates in inches or centimeters. The point of origin (x = 0, y = 0) is the lower left corner of the paper. ═══ 18. Help for Rotation controls ═══ The controls in this group are responsible for the watermark rotation. These controls are set only if Predefined string or User defined string is selected. The knob at top allows you to defined the rotation. As you move the knob, the Watermark text in the sample page matches the rotation. The possible values are from -90 degrees (watermark text starts from page bottom and goes up) to +90 degrees (watermark text starts from page top and goes down). If Align with corners is checked, then the watermark text is rotated so that if you drew an imaginary line from one corner of the page to the opposite corner, then the watermark text would go right through that imaginary line. The value of the knob determines the direction of the watermark text. If the value of the knob is negative (-1 to -90), then the text would appear as if the imaginary line was drawn from the lower left corner of the page to the upper right corner. If the knob's value is zero or positive (0 to +90), then the watermark text would appear as if the imaginary line was drawn from the upper left corner of the page to the lower right corner. ═══ 19. Help for Defaults button ═══ If selected, then this dialog page will reset all controls to default values. In this case, watermarks will be disabled. In other words, None would be displayed in the Watermark type listbox. ═══ 20. Help for Font Substitution Table ═══ Font Substitution allows a specific system font to be mapped to a device font. A system font is a font that is defined in the system. If printing using a system font, the entire font information must be sent to the printer along with the job. This causes the job to increase in size, and take a little longer to print. A device font is a font that is supported in the printer. If printing using a device font, the printer only needs the name of the current font. The printer has the information it needs to use the font. Using a device font will reduce the size of the job, which reduces the time to print the job. Unless an application specifically identifies the font as either being a system or device font, there is no way of knowing the kind of font that is currently selected. With this page, it is possible to map a system font to a device font. If that system font is used, the printer driver will automatically switch to the mapped device font. The listbox on the left side contains a list of supported system fonts. The listbox on the right contains a list of supported device fonts. To map a font, simply select a font from the left listbox, and select a font from the right listbox. If no mapping is desired for a specific system font (on the left side), then select No Font Substitution, located at the top of the right listbox. There are two advantages in mapping a system font: 1. If a system font is mapped to a device font with the same name, then during printout, the printer driver will use the matching device font, which will increase output speed. 2. If a printer supports a unique device font that is not available in the system, it is still possible to use that unique font, by mapping that font to a desired system font. When the selected system font is printed, the driver will automatically switch to the unique device font, which will then be used during printout. In this case, the font on the page will not look the same as on the screen. If Defaults is selected, then all system fonts are set so that they are not mapped to any device fonts. This dialog is broken down into the following:  System Font List  Device Font List  Map similar font names  Undo  Defaults ═══ 21. System Font List - choose a system font. ═══ This lists all of the available system fonts. When a system font is currently selected, the mapped device font will automatically be displayed in the listbox on the right side. If no device font is currently mapped, then the right listbox will display No Font Substitution. ═══ 22. Device Font List - choose a device font. ═══ This contains a list of supported device fonts. Select a device font to be mapped to the currently highlighted system font, or select No Font Substitution if no device font is to be mapped. ═══ 23. Map similar font names. ═══ If this button is selected, then all device fonts are automatically mapped to a system font with the same name. For example, if there is a Courier system font and a Courier device font, then these fonts are automatically mapped when the button is selected. If a system font is currently mapped to a device font with a different name, then that setting will be overwritten if this button is selected. Any system fonts that do not have matching device font names will not be overwritten. ═══ 24. Help for Font Manager ═══ The Font Manager page is used to manage font downloading to the printer. Font downloading is used for generating faster, smaller print jobs. When fonts that are commonly used in a print job have been downloaded to the printer's memory, or hard disk they do not have to be sent again in each print job. The Available fonts window, lists all the fonts that are downloaded to the associated Location. Each line lists the font name, type, and location. In Location field, the following three choices are available:  Memory - if selected, the font will be downloaded into the printer's memory. The Available fonts window lists all the fonts already downloaded into the printer's memory.  Hard disk - if selected, the font will be downloaded to the printer's hard disk. The Available fonts window lists all the fonts already downloaded on to the printer's hard disk.  All - if selected, the Available fonts window lists all the fonts already downloaded to the printer's memory and/or hard disk. Note - to enable Hard disk for some printers, it is necessary to install 'Printer Hard Disk' option first. Add button allows downloading of chosen font(s) into selected location. You must pick Memory or Hard disk to add additional fonts. The Add button is disabled if All is selected. Click the Add button to open the Add font window. This will allow you to select the desired font file from the directory where the font resides. Hint - True Type files have extensions of ttf, while pfb is for ATM. As you select fonts they will be immediately sent to the printer. Reload button reloads font(s) selected in the Available fonts window into the specified location. At least one font must be selected to activate the Reload button. NOTE - you must reload memory fonts each time the printer is reset or powered off. Reload all button reloads all fonts listed in Available fonts window to the location specified. This button is disabled when no font is in Available fonts window. Delete button deletes the selected font(s) from the specified location. ═══ 25. Help for Web ═══ The Web notebook page provides a comprehensive means to launch a Web browser to a preset URL. From this page you can search for information about drivers or printers or download updated printer drivers. These URLs can be customized by the user. The Home URL, by default, points to the DDPAK home page or the printer vendor's information page about that printer. Click Home to launch a default Web browser pointing to that URL. The Driver URL, by default, points to the OS/2 Service FTP site where you can download the latest printer drivers. Click Driver to launch a default Web browser pointing to that URL. After you download the updated driver, you will have to install it manually. Automatic install is not supported. ═══ 26. PostScript Printers ═══ A PostScript**-capable printer can interpret commands embedded in text that call for special features, such as rotated printing and shadows around characters. PSCRIPT.DRV supports a variety of PostScript printers, and also provides a generic selection for use with a PostScript-capable printer not specifically named in the models list of the printer driver installation window. The Printer Driver Diskettes that come with your OS/2* system include PostScript soft fonts. You install them only one time, even if you intend to use more than one PostScript printer. To take advantage of these fonts: 1. Display the Printer Properties window for a PostScript printer driver, then select Fonts. 2. Add font names from the diskettes to the list of Available Fonts in the Font Installer window. 3. Select any of the installed fonts for a particular job from within your program. ═══ 27. Help for PostScript Printer Properties ═══ This dialog contains settings that allow you to configure the driver to match the setup of your printer. The settings on this dialog may affect what is displayed in Job Properties. You only need to modify this dialog each time you modify your printer, including adding new options or using a different form in a specific tray. This dialog contains following pages: Paper, Options, Features, Font Manager and Web, however, the Features and Font Manager pages are not displayed for all printers. Before making any changes in this dialog, you should set the options in the Features page first. Features contains additional hardware settings that may affect the content for the rest of Printer and Job Properties. For example, if your printer supports an additional tray and you set that option to Installed, that tray will be displayed in the Paper page in Printer Properties. If you set the option to Not Installed, the tray will not be displayed in the Paper page. For more information on each page, or other controls, select from the list below:  Paper  Options  Features  Font Manager  Web  Save  Cancel ═══ 28. Help for Paper ═══ This page allows you to select the pages, or forms, that will be used for each tray on the printer. The tray and form names that are listed on this page will also be listed in the Job Properties dialog box. This page is broken down into two main groups: Trays and Forms. Before modifying the contents of this page, it is recommended that you modify Features first. The Features page may contain additional tray options that, if enabled, will be listed in this page. The Forms group handles all available forms. For the currently selected tray, if no form is assigned to that tray, then No Forms Selected is displayed in the listbox. Not only will the Forms listbox list all printer-defined forms, but you can define your own form names as well. To create a user-defined, or custom form, select Add New Form Name. You can also remove a custom form by selecting Delete Form Name. This button is only enabled for custom forms.  Undo  Defaults ═══ 29. Help for the Options page ═══ The Options page contains the Font Download and Automatic Mode Switching controls. For a more detailed information on the following controls, select a topic in the list below:  Font Download  Automatic Mode Switching  Display assigned forms only  Override forms mismatch  Undo  Defaults ═══ 30. Help for the Features page ═══ This page displays additional options that are available to your printer. Some options may be additional trays, or memory settings, or other hardware. It is recommended that you make your settings in this page prior to modifying the other pages, since the settings in this page may affect the rest of the dialog. It is important that you make the correct settings in this page, especially if setting memory size. Making an incorrect selection may cause the driver to work improperly, or give you options that aren't available on your printer. For more information on each option, refer to your printer's user manual. The Features list box (at top) contains a list of the available printer features. You can select one feature at a time by clicking on that feature with the mouse cursor. Depending on the number of features, you may have to scroll through the list to select the desired feature. All printer features contain selections. Some features allow you to make only one selection, while others allow you to make multiple selections. The list of selections is displayed in Current feature selections. This list contains the available selections for the currently selected feature, and is automatically updated every time a new feature is selected. The list of selections is displayed in one of two formats:  A drop down list box is displayed for features that allow only one selection. The current selection is displayed in the entry field.  A standard list box is displayed for features that allow multiple selections. All current selections are highlighted. Beneath Current feature selections is a short description that tells you if you can choose one or multiple selections for the current feature. See the printer's documentation for a description of each feature.  Undo  Defaults ═══ 31. Help for Define Form ═══ Select Define Form to access the Define Forms window. Use the window to add a form if the Form list does not contain the size of the form you are loading, or if you want to uniquely identify a preprinted form. ═══ 32. Help for Delete Form ═══ Select Delete Form to delete the selected entry from the Form list. A window appears, in which you confirm or cancel the deletion. Selecting OK deletes the selected form. Selecting No returns to PostScript Printer Properties window without deleting the form. ═══ 33. Help for Device Defaults ═══ Select Device Defaults for an opportunity to:  Specify orientation (portrait, landscape), scaling ratio, flipped or inverted effects.  Specify default form or request manually fed paper.  Enable color printing.  Redirect print output to a file.  Request multiple copies.  Specify time-out. Prior to selecting Device Defaults, hold any queued jobs for which you intend to change properties. ═══ 34. Help for Define Forms ═══ This dialog allows you to define your own unique form name. This form name will be listed in Printer and Job Properties. By assigning a name to a form, you can distinguish between special forms, even if two forms have the same size. For some printers, not only can you define a unique form name, but also specify your own height and width sizes for that form. This is known as a custom form. If a printer supports a custom form, then the word Custom is listed at the bottom of the Size listbox. If Custom is selected, all the controls in the Custom Paper Size group will be enabled. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Name  Size  Units  Width  Height  Add  Cancel ═══ 35. Help for Name ═══ Type the desired unique form name. This name will be displayed in Printer and Job Properties. You may not define a form name that already exists. ═══ 36. Help for Size ═══ This field contains a list of all the predefined sizes that fit the trays for your printer. Select the size that you want assigned to the name in the Name field. For printer models that can accept custom form sizes, the list includes the word Custom as the last entry. Select Custom for access to the Custom Paper Size fields, in which you specify dimensions of a form that does not appear in the predefined Size list. For a detailed explanation of each field, select from the list below:  Units  Width  Height Related Information: Form names and sizes ═══ 37. Form Names and Sizes ═══ A4 210 by 297 millimeters A5 148 by 210 millimeters B5 182 by 257 millimeters Letter 8.5 by 11 inches Legal 8.5 by 14 inches Statement 5.5 by 8.5 inches Tabloid 11 by 17 inches Envelope names have point sizes after them. For example, Envelope.297.684 (C10 Envelope) is 297 points high by 684 points wide. ═══ 38. Help for Units ═══ You gain access to this list by selecting Custom in the Size field. Select the unit of measure in which you intend to specify width and height -- Inches, Centimeters or Points. One point equals 1/72 of an inch. ═══ 39. Help for Width ═══ Type a number that represents the horizontal measurement of your form in the selected Units. For example, for the same letter-width form, you would type: 8.5 in inch units, 21.59 in centimeter units, or 612 in points. ═══ 40. Help for Height ═══ Type a number that represents the vertical measurement of your form in the selected Units. For example, for the same form, you would type: 11 in inch units, 28.2 in centimeter units, or 792 in points. ═══ 41. Help for Add ═══ Select Add to add the new form name. The name appears in the Form list in the PostScript Printer Properties window. From this window, you can select the new form for a tray. This button is not enabled until you define a unique form name in the Name field. ═══ 42. Automatic Mode Switching ═══ Automatic Mode Switching Some printers can emulate different types of printers. Select the Automatic Mode Switching check box to send commands to the printer putting it in PostScript mode every time a job is sent. You can only make this selection for a printer model that supports multiple emulation capability. You might want to turn off mode switching if the printer is set in PostScript mode and only PostScript jobs are sent to it. This feature is also useful if you download fonts or other printer resident routines that would be lost if a mode switch occurred. ═══ 43. Font Download ═══ Font Download Use these fields to set a limit of how many soft fonts that can be sent to the printer in a document. Soft fonts are stored as files, usually identified with the file extension ".PFB", that are sent to the printer when output is generated. These soft fonts take up a certain amount of printer memory based on their size. If too many fonts are sent the printer will abort the job. The amount of memory in the printer determines how many soft fonts can be sent to it. The Maximum Downloaded Fonts field limits the number of fonts can be sent to the printer. This initial value is calculated from the base memory that is shipped with the printer. This is the number that appears when the Default button is pressed. If you have added printer memory you should adjust the number upward by clicking on the up arrow or using the up arrow key. If you are not sure of how much memory is installed on the printer or would like a suggestion, click on the Print Font Capacity button. This will cause a status sheet to be printed showing the actual available memory and the suggested number of fonts the printer can handle. The calculation is as follows: Num Fonts = ( Free Memory (in bytes) - 100,000 ) / 80,000 80,000 per font is a very conservative number which should work in all cases. However, most fonts are considerable smaller and in many cases you could calculate the maximum number of fonts based on a memory requirement as low as 40,000 per font. If you want to disable the limit set it to 999. If you are using many soft fonts and find your jobs are aborting, lower the Downloaded Fonts value by clicking on the down arrow or using the down arrow key. Lowering the number of downloaded fonts does not prevent you from using the font in your documents. To turn off font downloading set Maximum Downloaded Fonts to zero. Only device or hardware fonts in the printer will be used. All soft fonts will be drawn by the engine. You can still use soft fonts but printing performance may decrease. ═══ 44. Display assigned forms only ═══ Display assigned forms only In the Printer Properties Forms page, you select a form and assign that form with one or more trays. When you display Job Properties, each form you display lists all the trays that were assigned in Printer Properties. Select this check box if you wish to display forms that have been assigned a tray in the Job Properties Paper page. If you have not assigned a form, than that form will not be displayed in Job Properties. For example, suppose you are Printer Properties setting your forms and matching trays. Suppose you set Letter to the Upper tray, and you set Legal to No Forms Selected. When you go into Job Properties, only Letter is displayed. Legal is not displayed because there are no trays associated with it. If this box is not checked, then all forms are displayed in Job Properties, whether they have been assigned a tray or not. ═══ 45. Override forms mismatch ═══ Override forms mismatch Normally, if you select a form in Job Properties that was not assigned to a tray (in the Paper page in Printer Properties), you will get a Forms Mismatch error and your job will not be held in the queue. You can overwrite the error by checking this selection. If checked, the Forms Mismatch error will not occur. IMPORTANT. If you check this selection and select a form in Job Properties that is not being used by your printer, your printer will abort the enitre job since it could not find the requested form, and no error message will be displayed. ═══ 46. Help for Delete ═══ Select Delete to remove selected font names from the Installed Fonts list. ═══ 47. Help for PostScript Job Properties ═══ The Job Properties contain printer features which can be modified for each job. Such features include changing form size, orientation, scaling, and number of copies. You may also have other selections for printers offering special features such as color and duplex. Some programs display this window, enabling you to assign the selections for a specific document or template. Each print object allows you to set up default Job Properties. The notebook in the dialog box contains controls which allow you to modify printer selections. Below the notebook is a list of icons that make up the Status Bar. Each icon in the Status Bar represents a specific printer selection. The notebook contains the following pages: Paper, Output, Effects, and Layout. If the current printer contains additional features, an additional page (Features) is displayed. For a detailed explanation of each component, select from the list below:  Paper Page  Output Page  Effects Page  Features Page  Layout Page  Status Bar (Settings)  Save  Cancel ═══ 48. Paper Page Help ═══ The Paper page contains the following common printer selections: Form setup, Orientation and Media Type. For a detailed explanation of each control, select from the list below:  Paper  Available Trays  Orientation  Manual Feed  Media Type  Use different Paper for first page  1 or 2 sided printing  Copies  Undo  Defaults ═══ 49. Help for Media Type ═══ Some printers provide special handling features for media such as paper and foils. If a printer provides media handling features, then Media Type will list the different media types. If the printer does not provide special media handling features, then the listbox will be disabled and blank. ═══ 50. Help for Use different Paper for first page ═══ Check Use different Paper for first page to specify different paper settings for the first page of your print job. Leave it unchecked if you want to use the same paper settings for all pages of your print job. Use the same paper size for all pages of your print job. This option is disabled if Booklet printing is checked. If Use different Paper for first page is checked, the first page will be printed on a separate paper sheet even if 2 sided printing is selected or Number of pages/sheet is set to a value other than 1. ═══ 51. Output Page Help ═══ The Output page contains selections that allow you to control the output of the job. For a detailed explanation of each control, select from the list below:  Print To...  Use Downloaded Fonts  Use Printer Device Fonts  Postscript Level 1 Compatibility  Unix/AIX compatibility  Download error handler  Resolution  Undo  Defaults ═══ 52. Effects Page Help ═══ The Effects page contains selections that can modify the job content. For a detailed explanation of each control, select from the list below:  Gamma Correction  Flip Top To Bottom  Flip Left To Right  Draw Inverted  Scale  Enable Color  Undo  Defaults For Flip Top To Bottom, Flip Left To Right, and Draw Inverted, any of these controls can be selected alone, or combined for a job. ═══ 53. Features Page Help ═══ This page contains additional printer features that are not on the other pages. The contents of this page will vary from printer to printer. This page is not displayed for printers that do not contain additional features. The Features list box (at top) contains a list of the available printer features. You can select one feature at a time by clicking on that feature with the mouse cursor. Depending on the number of features, you may have to scroll through the list to select the desired feature. All printer features contain selections. Some features allow you to make only one selection, while others allow you to make multiple selections. The list of selections is displayed in Current feature selections. This list contains the available selections for the currently selected feature, and is automatically updated every time a new feature is selected. The list of selections is displayed in one of two formats:  A drop down list box is displayed for features that allow only one selection. The current selection is displayed in the entry field.  A standard list box is displayed for features that allow multiple selections. All current selections are highlighted. Beneath Current feature selections is a short description that tells you if you can choose one or multiple selections for the current feature. See the printer's documentation for a description of each feature.  Undo  Defaults ═══ 54. Help for the Status Bar ═══ The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the Job Properties dialog box. The Status Bar contains a list of read-only icons that provide a "quick view" of some of the more common printer selections. The first icon references the current orientation selection, and is modified every time a selection is made in the Orientation group, which is found in the Paper page. The second icon identifies the current color selection, and is modified every time Enable Color is modified. Enable Color is found in the Effects page. The third icon identifies the current duplex selection, and is modified every time a selection in the Duplex Options group is modified. This icon gives a general idea on how the current duplex option will work. The duplex selections are found in the Paper page. The fourth icon identifies where the job will go, either to a printer, to a raw file, or to an encapsulated Postscript file. This icon is modified every time a selection is made in the Print To... group, which can be found in the Output page. ═══ 55. Help for Orientation ═══ Select Portrait (upright) to print with the top of the printed material in the same direction as the top of the paper. Letters, books, and reports usually have portrait orientation. Select Landscape (rotated) to rotate the output 90 degrees. This is frequently selected for documents such as spreadsheets or plotted graphics, which are wider than they are long. Because you can rotate individual PostScript characters on a page, Portrait and Landscape orient the entire job with reference to characters that are not rotated in the original document. ═══ 56. Help for Duplex ═══ This field is used to select duplex options, for printers that support duplexing. Duplexing is the ability to print text on both sides of the paper. If Single Sided is selected, output appears on only one side of the paper. If 2 Sided Book is selected, the top of both sides of the paper are the same, as in a book. If 2 Sided Flip is selected, the top of both sides of the paper are inverse to each other. The page must be flipped to view the other side. 2 Sided Book and 2 Sided Flip are disabled if the printer does not support duplexing. ═══ 57. Help for Scale ═══ This field shows print image size as a percentage of magnification. The preselected value, 100 means the material prints full size. Type a number greater than 100 to obtain an enlarged image, or type a number smaller than 100 to reduce the image. ═══ 58. Help for Paper ═══ This field contains the names of all defined forms, whether they are defined by the printer, or defined in Printer Properties by selecting Add New Form Name. Note: If Selected mapped forms for jobs is checked in Printer Properties, then only the forms that have associated with one or more trays will be displayed. For example, if Letter is among the list of available forms in Printer Properties, but was not selected for a tray, then Letter will not be displayed in Job Properties if Select mapped forms for jobs is checked. However, if Selected mapped forms for jobs is not checked, then all forms will be listed in Job Properties, whether they have been associated with a tray or not. This is usually preferred for LAN printing. ═══ 59. Help for Available Trays ═══ This field contains the names of all trays that are associated with currently displayed form in the Paper field. This association is defined in Printer Properties. This field is modified every time a new form is selected. See Manual Feed for information on manual form feeding. In some cases, an additional selection called Auto Tray Select is displayed. This selection is displayed under the following conditions:  If the displayed form is associated with more than one tray.  If the displayed form is not associated with any trays. If Auto Tray Select is selected, then the printer decides which tray to get the paper. If a specific tray is selected, then paper is pulled from that tray. ═══ 60. Help for Manual Feed ═══ The manual feed selection of earlier versions of the Postscript driver was a check box at the bottom of the Job Properties. For the latest version of the driver, Manual Feed can now be selected from the Available Trays listbox if the printer has a tray which supports manual paper feeding. Manual Feed enables you to manually feed forms to your printer. This is useful for media that is not found in any paper trays. To enable manual feed, select Manual Feed or a tray with manual paper feeding (e.g. Tray 1(Manual)) in the Available Trays listbox. ═══ 61. Help for Enable Color ═══ Select this check box to enable color printing. A check mark appears if color output is desired. This control is disabled for all monochrome printers. ═══ 62. Help for Resolution ═══ This field contains all the resolutions supported by the printer. The values are in dots per inch (DPI). You can scroll the list to see additional resolutions. To select a particular resolution for a print job, select its value. ═══ 63. Help for Print To... ═══ Select one radio button to indicate print job destination. The preselected choice, Printer, routes the job to the printer queue. You can, instead, elect to process the job as a file, formatted in one of two alternative ways:  Select Raw PostScript file to save the contents of your job imbedded with PostScript** printer controls. Some users select this choice, then forward the print-formatted file to a service agency that provides typesetting.  Select Encapsulated PostScript file to prepare the first page of output in encapsulated (EPS) form for programs that accept this format. You must fill in the File field if selecting Raw PostScript file or Encapsulated PostScript file. Type the path and filename where you wish to direct the printer-formatted output. ═══ 64. Help for Flip Top To Bottom ═══ Select Flip Top To Bottom if you want your image to print upside down. ═══ 65. Help for Flip Left To Right ═══ Select Flip Left to Right to produce a mirror image. ═══ 66. Help for Draw Inverted ═══ Select Draw Inverted to reverse background and foreground color, producing an image similar to a photographic negative. ═══ 67. Help for Timeouts Secs ═══ You can indicate time limits (in seconds) for the job to process. In the Job field, you can type a number of seconds you wish to allow a job for completing printing. If Job time expires during printing, the remaining pages do not print. In the Wait field, you can type the number of seconds you wish to allow a job to wait in a queue. If the job is still queued when the Wait time expires, it does not print and is removed from the queue. Each time limit has a maximum of 999 seconds (16 minutes, 39 seconds). The initial value of zero (0) in each field means there is no time limit, and the job can take as long to print or wait as needed. ═══ 68. Help for Copies ═══ Number of copies: enter the number of copies to print. Collate: provides available options to control collating. Collating is defined as follows: for three copies of a three-page document, collated pages are produced in the order 1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-3, while uncollated pages are produced in the order 1-1-1-2-2-2-3-3-3. ═══ 69. Help for Use Downloaded Fonts ═══ Downloaded fonts are fonts where the font information is sent to a printer with each job. Some printers are equipped with font information built into them (these fonts are called device fonts). If a printer does not understand a specific font, then the font information must be sent, or downloaded, with the job in order for the printer to use that font. This check box determines whether the PostScript driver reports system or downloaded fonts as printer fonts. If this box is not checked, no downloaded fonts are sent to the printer and no downloaded fonts are reported in any font queries. You might want to uncheck the box to produce smaller files if the output is directed to a file. Note: By unchecking the box you may reduce the amount of available fonts to some applications. Note: The dialog prevents the possibility of both User Printer Device Fonts and Use Downloaded Fonts to be unchecked. If you try to uncheck both selections, then the other selection will automatically be checked. At least one of the above selections must be checked at all times. ═══ 70. Help for Use Printer Device Fonts ═══ Device fonts are fonts that are built into the printer. Using device fonts produces smaller output than with downloaded fonts because for device fonts, the font information does not need to be sent with each job. This check box determines whether the PostScript driver reports fonts that are supported by the printer. If the box is checked, then printer fonts are reported along with the downloaded fonts in response to any font queries. If this box is not checked, only downloadable fonts are reported. Normally, this box should remain checked and only needs to be unchecked in special situations. One situation may be if the system and connected printer support different languages. Note: The dialog prevents the possibility of both User Printer Device Fonts and Use Downloaded Fonts to be unchecked. If you try to uncheck both selections, then the other selection will automatically be checked. At least one of the above selections must be checked at all times. ═══ 71. Help for PostScript level 1 compatibility ═══ This check box is grayed for level 1 printers. The box is selectable only if the printer supports PostScript level 2. If the box is checked, the driver produces PostScript level 1. Otherwise, the job is sent out using the PostScript level that is supported by the printer. Normally, this option does not need to be changed. If you are producing PostScript or EPS files that will be used on other printers, you might want to check this box. This will ensure the PostScript file will be compatible across all PostScript printers. There are some level 2 printers with older models which are level 1. If you are having problems printing and think this is the case, then check the box. ═══ 72. Help for Unix/AIX compatibility ═══ The driver appends a special character (ASCII character 4, also known as CTRL-D) to each job to help the printer identify the end of the job. If checked, then the CTRL-D character is not added to the end of the job. Normally, this option should only be checked when printing to non-OS/2 servers that should not receive a CTRL-D. This should not be checked when printing locally or when printing to an OS/2 server. If you are not sure if you should set this value, then un-check the selection and try to print to the server. ═══ 73. Help for Use Font Substitution ═══ If this is selected, the driver will use the font substitutions selected in the Font Substitution page of Printer Properties. If you are using a TrueType or bitmap font you might want to provide a mapping in Printer Properties and enable substitution for this job. ═══ 74. Help for Download error handler ═══ If a Postscript printer encounters an error in the job, the whole job is aborted and no pages are printed. In order to identify an error in a job, a Postscript error handler is sent to the printer, prior to the job, If the error handler is loaded and an error is encountered, then the error is printed. Download the error handler if you sent a job, and the printer received a job, but no output is generated. To download the error handler, select the Download error handler button. The error handler remains loaded in the printer until the printer is turned off so it only needs to be sent once each time the printer remains on. It is not recommended that you send the error handler more than once while the printer is on. If you do, additional errors may be reported that really don't exist. If you're not sure if the error handler is loaded in the printer, turn the printer off and on, then re-send the error handler. ═══ 75. Help for Gamma Correction ═══ Gamma correction is the process where color and monochrome values are adjusted to a more linear scale, resulting in more true colors and grayscales. There are three slider bars, each one allowing you to adjust gamma correction for red, green, and blue. Each scale has a range from 0.1 to 5.0, in increments of 0.1. Moving a slider toward 0.1 darkens the image, while move a slider to 5.0 lightens the image. A value of 1.0 provides no gamma correction. While all color and monochrome values of an image are adjusted, the closer the color being adjusted is to a solid color, the less noticeable the change will be seen. For example, adjustments to light red and light gray will be easily noticeable while adjustments to solid red and solid black may not be noticeable at all. Beneath the three slider bars is a check box called "Lock Proportions". If this is checked, you will notice while moving one slider, the other two automatically move in the same direction on a linear scale. This is useful if you wish to automatically apply the same gamma correction value for all colors. ═══ queue ═══ A list of jobs waiting to be printed or plotted at a particular print destination. See also spooling. ═══ 76. spooling ═══ The process of temporarily storing print jobs while waiting for an available printer or port at a print-destination. Spooling jobs frees system resources from waiting for a relatively slow device to output information, and keeps the contents of each print job separated from the contents of every other print job. ═══ radio button ═══ A circle with text beside it. Radio buttons are combined to show you a fixed set of choices from which only one can be selected. The circle is partially filled when a choice is selected. ═══ 77. check box ═══ A square box with associated text that represents a choice. When you select a choice, an X appears in the check box to indicate that the choice is in effect. You can clear the check box by selecting the choice again. ═══ default ═══ A value, an attribute, or an option that is assumed when another is not explicitly specified. ═══ path ═══ A statement that indicates where a file is stored. The path consists of the drive letter and all the directories that must be opened to get to a particular file. The directory names are separated by a backslash (\). The first backslash represents the root directory. The first path in the example below shows a file that is located in the root directory of a diskette in drive A; the second path in the example shows a path to a printer driver file on drive C: A:\ C:\OS2\DLL\IBM4019 A path is sometimes followed by a file name and file-name extension (if there is one). ═══ 78. hard disk ═══ A rigid disk in a hard disk drive that you cannot remove from the drive. Because of its size, the hard disk is subdivided into directories. ═══ 79. install ═══ To copy software components from distribution media to specified areas (directories) of a hard disk. ═══ soft font ═══ Optional fonts shipped as files. The soft font files must be copied to the hard disk before you can select them from programs.