This is PM Open. This is the first release of it. To install the program, place the execuatable (pmopen.exe) into a directory. C:\PMOPEN\ is a good choice, but I use C:\OS2\ because I don't see the need to make a new directory just for one file. Also, there is an accompaniing text file called sysmenu.txt which include detailed instructions for adding the program PM Open to your WPS system menu. The program is designed to add a functionabillity to OS/2 that was not previously there, or at least not from a WPS session. Personally, I don't feel that there is a need for it, but some one asked me about such a utillity in the EFNet IRC channel #OS/2 one day, so I decided to write this. Basically, the program allows a user to enter in a file name or directory and to open the DEFAULT view for it. Thus, entering "C:\00INDEX.TXT" will open that file in the default text editor (E.EXE), and typing in "C:\OS2" will open the folder C:\OS2\ as a folder object on the desktop. It is analogous to the File-Run abillity in Program Manager, and the Start-Run feature in the Windows Explorer. As I said, this is not a feature which is in dire need do to the start button in OS/2 WARP V4, but if you want, here it is. This program uses the true object association that is an integral part of OS/2 WARP and the WorkPlace Shell, so File extensions are irrelevent. This is the first version of the program, and at this point there is no warranty of any kind associated with it, nor is there any guarentied help. Questions and comments are welcomed at my E-Mail address ( If there is a desire, and/or if I decide to get off my butt, there will be future versions of this program to fix some "annoyances" and add features. E-Mail replies will be the largest catalyst for this. Planned Future Improvements: Development in a different Platform (Currently Watcom VX-REXX) that will allow for greater speed. Remove several of the "Annoyances" associated with the program. (See Below) Add the abillity to choose which association to use to open the given object. Some of the KNOWN annoyances with PM Open: It is DEAD SLOW the first time! This is due to the development platform. Can't choose a directory from the File-Browse Box. This is due to the default settings of that dialogue and will not be able to be fixed until a custom dialogue is programmed (In a different language). If a Directory is typed in, it cannot end with a '\' Daniel M. Pomerantz Hole or Hole_ on EFNet IRC