═══ 1. Introduction ═══ PM Hex Editor is a Presentation Manager based hexadecimal editor. A 32-bit Application for OS/2 2.x designed to view and edit binary files. There are three parts showing the file: the address, the hex area and the text area. ═══ 2. Features ═══ o PM Hex Editor can be used to patch binary files without changing their size. o Deletion of single bytes is as well possible as appending bytes to the end of a file. o Editing can be done both in the hex area and in the text area. o New files can be created by just typing some hexadecimal values on an empty sheet. o The number of bytes shown in a line is a multiple of 8 and depends on the window size you choose. o Codepage 437 is used only. o The starting address can be changed by simply typing a new address over the top address. o Free Space is filled with zeros inside the hex area and with blanks inside the text area when appending bytes. o Files can be loaded from the command line. ═══ 3. Notes ═══ PM Hex Editor consists of three files: - PMHEXED.EXE - PMHEXED.HLP - README.1ST PMHEXED.HLP must be in the same directory as PMHEXED.EXE. If you rename PMHEXED.EXE you also have to rename PMHEXED.HLP. PM Hex Editor generates a file named PMHEXED.INI. This file contains initialization information and can be deleted if you want to start with default values. If you don't get an icon with a hex value and a ball pen when installing PM Hex Editor onto the Desktop, you've lost the Extended Attributes attached to PMHEXED.EXE. You should use an OS/2-unzipper to extract the files from the archive. Changed files are not saved automatically. But you are asked whether it's ok to proceed when you are about to lose changes. Closing PM Hex Editor from the tasklist discards all changes. Backup files are not generated. ═══ 4. Keys ═══ Down Cursor down Ctrl+Down scroll down Up Cursor up Ctrl+Up scroll up Left Cursor left Right Cursor right PgDn one page down Ctrl+PgDn Cursor to bottom line PgUp one page up Ctrl+PgUp Cursor to top line Home Cursor to beginning of line Ctrl+Home beginning of file End Cursor to end of line Ctrl+End end of file Enter inside area: Cursor to beginning of area in next line TAB Cursor to next block Shift-TAB Cursor to previous block Space inside hex area: move Cursor right, inside text area: write spaces Backspace Cursor left or to end of previous line DEL deletes the byte under the Cursor F1 Help Contents F2 save file F3 Exit F8 Cursor to same byte in opposite area left Mousebutton Cursor to that location ═══ 5. Copyright ═══ PM Hex Editor Copyright (C) 1994 by Matthias GФbel This version of PM Hex Editor may be used freely. You're authorized to make copies and distribute it provided that no fee is charged for use, copying or distribution beyond reasonable handling costs, no modifications are made and this license is not removed. PM Hex Editor may not be included into any commercial packages without my express permission. DISCLAIMER The author makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable or responsible for any damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. ═══ 6. Contacting the Author ═══ If you have any comments or suggestions feel free to contact me at Internet: m.goebel@bionic.zer.de Fido: 2:2449/700.30 CompuServe: 100041,2547