═══ 1. About the RimSTAR PM Programmer's Editor ═══ RimSTARProgrammer ' sEditor Version 0.92 for OS/2 PM Copyright 1989,1990 RimSTAR Technology. All rights reserved. The RimSTAR Programmer's Editor is a Presentation Manager-based editor for software developers. Consult the Table of Contents or Index for help on a specific topic. The help system is not complete for this release. The help facility is designed to give context-sensitive help. It is not intended to be a tutorial. For more information about using the help facility, select Help for help on the Help pull-down. If you require technical support call 1-617-925-2718 between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm EST Monday-Friday. Please have your serial number available when you call. Please register your copy(s) with RimSTAR to ensure you recieve notification of upgrades and other important information. Upgrades to Version 1.0 are no charge including complete printed user manual(s) but we can not upgrade you if you have not registered. Mail all correspondence to: RimSTARTechnology 1 Commodores Court Suite 503 Hull, MA 02045 ═══ 2. The File Action Bar Choice ═══ The File choice on the action bar allows you to perform the following actions: New Creates a new untitled buffer. You must give the buffer a name before you can save it to disk. Open Presents a dialog box which allows you to select a file to load into a buffer. If the file does not exist you are prompted whether to create it or ignore the request. Next Brings the next buffer into the current window. Previous Brings the previous buffer into the current window. Save Save the buffer displayed in the current window to disk. Save as Renames the buffer displayed in the current window and then saves the buffer to disk under the new name you gave. Compile Allows you to execute an associated executable if there is an extension associated with the buffer's file extentension. This association is established by selecting the Associate action on the Options pulldown menu or the ConfigAssociate command. Delete Deletes the buffer displayed in the current window. If the buffer has been modified you are presented a dialog box which allows you to save the buffer before deleting it. Print Prints the entire contents or the selected text in the buffer displayed in the current window. Print setup This item is currently unavailable. Exit Exits the editor, displaying a dialog box if there are unsaved buffers, giving you the option of saving them before exiting. Following the above choices is a list of all buffers. The buffer being displayed in the current window has a check mark in front of it. Selecting one of these displays that buffer in the current window. Buffer names followed by an asterisk indicate that the buffer has unsaved changes. ═══ 2.1. Creating a New (Untitled) Buffer ═══ The New action on the File action bar pulldown creates an UNTITLED buffer. You are prompted to give the buffer a name when you save the file to disk. If you exit the editor with an unsaved UNTITLED buffer you receive a popup message informing you that there are unsaved UNTITLED buffers. If you want to save them you should cancel the exit and use the Save as... choice on the File action bar pulldown and give the buffer a valid OS/2 path and file name. ═══ 2.2. Opening a file for editing ═══ The Open... action on the File action bar pulldown presents a dialog box which allows you to open an existing file and load it in an edit buffer, or create a new file if the file you specify does not exist. ═══ 2.3. Bringing next buffer into window ═══ The Next action on the File action bar pulldown attaches the next buffer in the list of buffers to the currently active window. If there is no next buffer the first buffer in the list is attached. ═══ 2.4. Bringing previous buffer into window ═══ The Previous action on the File action bar pulldown attaches the previous buffer in the list of buffers to the currently active window. If there is no previous buffer the last buffer in the list is attached. ═══ 2.5. Saving a modified buffer to disk ═══ The Save action on the File action bar pulldown saves a modified buffer to disk. If the buffer has not been modified a popup message informs you that the file has not been modified and the save request is ignored. If you are saving an UNTITLED buffer you are presented the Save As dialog box. ═══ 2.6. Save as - renaming a buffer ═══ The Save as... action on the File action bar pulldown presents a dialog box which permits you to change the path and file name of the current buffer. The buffer is saved to the new path and file name when you select the OK push button. ═══ 2.7. Compiling ═══ The Compile... action on the File action bar pulldown is used to invoke an executable program based on the current buffer's file extension. If more than one executable has been associated with the file extension, you are presented a dialog box which permits you to select which program you want to start. Output from the invoked program is redirected to an edit buffer as the program executes, allowing you to monitor its progress. A window is created for the output buffer if one does not already exist. See Associate for further information on associating programs with file extensions. ═══ 2.8. Delete Buffer ═══ The Delete action on the File action bar pulldown delete the current buffer attached to the currently active window. If the buffer has unsaved modifications you are presented a dialog box which permits you to save the buffer before delting, delete without saving or cancel the delete buffer operation. The next buffer in the buffer list will be displayed in any window which was displaying the deleted buffer. ═══ 2.9. Print ═══ The Print action on the File action bar pulldown prints the currently selected text in the current buffer or the entire text of the buffer is printed if no text is currently selected. ═══ 2.10. Exit Editor ═══ The Exit action on the File action bar pulldown exits the editor. If there are unsaved buffers a dialog box is presented which allows you to choose whether to save all, save selected, cancel the exit request or exit without saving unsaved buffers. ═══ 3. The Edit Action Bar Choice ═══ The Edit choice on the action bar allows you to perform the following actions: Undo Undo the last editing action which moved the cursor or changed the contents of the buffer. Undo/Redo information is saved for each buffer. All your editing actions are saved. When you save the buffer to disk undo/redo information is discarded (this default can be overridden by changing the setting in the Options - Global Settings dialog box.) Redo Redo the action or actions you just backed out by using the undo command. Cut Copies the selected text to the clipboard and then deletes the selected text from the buffer. If no text is selected the current line is copied to the clipboard and then deleted. Copy Copies the selected text to the clipboard. If no text is selected the current line is copied to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor position. Delete Deletes the selected text from the buffer. ═══ 3.1. Undo ═══ The Undo action on the Edit action bar pulldown undoes (backs out) the last editing command which moved the cursor or changed the contents of the current buffer's text. Undo information is retained for all your editing actions except scrolling performed by using the scroll bars. Undo information is separately maintained for each edit buffer. If you accidently undo something which you wanted to keep use the Redo command to reverse the effect of your undo action. By default, when you save the buffer to disk the undo information is discarded. If you wish undo information to be retained across buffer saves, you may change the default behavior using the Global settings choice on the Options action bar pulldown menu. Undo information is saved using the virtual memory system incorporated in the editor. Up to 128MB of virtual memory is available to you if you have the disk space available for the swap file. ═══ 3.2. Redo ═══ The Redo action on the Edit action bar pulldown redoes (reverses the effect of undoing) the last editing command which was undone. Redo is available only after you have used undo, if there are undoable actions (ie. you have moved the cursor or changed the buffer's contents since you last used undo) you will have to undo to the point of your last undo in order to use redo. Redo information is separately maintained along with undo information for each edit buffer. If you accidently redo something which you wanted to keep undone use the Undo command to reverse the effect of your redo action. Note: Once you redo what you have undone and then resume editing the undo/redo information for what you have just redone will be discarded (ie. you can not undo a redo after you have moved the cursor or edited the buffer.) By default, when you save the buffer to disk the redo information is discarded. If you wish redo information to be retained across buffer saves, you may change the default behavior using the Global settings choice on the Options action bar pulldown menu. Undo information is saved using the virtual memory system incorporated in the editor. Up to 128MB of virtual memory is available to you if you have the disk space available for the swap file. ═══ 3.3. Cut to Clipboard ═══ ═══ 4. The Search Action Bar Choice ═══ The Search choice on the action bar allows you to perform the following actions: Forward Presents a dialog box allowing you to specify the search pattern. Searches forward from the current cursor position. Backward Presents a dialog box allowing you to specify the search pattern. Searches backward from the current cursor position. Again Uses the last search pattern and direction to search for the next match in the buffer. ************************************************************************ ═══ 4.1. Regular Expression Syntax ═══ Current support for Regular expressions in Search Patterns are: BRIEF compatible regular expression syntax ? match any character except newline * match zero or more of any character except newline { } used to group regular expressions @ zero or more of preceeding character or expression + one or more of preceeding character or expression | match the preceeding or following character or expression (expressions must be grouped between curly braces, eg. {hello}|{world}) < or ^ Beginning of line > or $ End of line \c position cursor to the character following \c in the pattern \ escape (match following character literally) [ ] enclose character set (Example: [abcde] or [a-e]) [^ ] OR [~ ] NOT in class (Example: [~a-z ] or [^a-z ] ) UNIX EGREP regular expression syntax: . (dot/period) match any character except newline ( ) used to group regular expressions * zero or more of preceeding character or expression + one or more of preceeding character or expression | match the preceeding or following character or expression expressions must be grouped between parenthesis ^ or < Beginning of line $ or > End of line \c position cursor to the character following \c in the pattern \ escape (match following character literally) [ ] encloses character set (Example: [abcde] or [a-e]) [^ ] OR [~ ] NOT in class (Example: [~a-z ] or [^a-z ] ) The following escape sequences are interpreted as in C when specified within a character set specification: \b - backspace \t - tab \f - form feed \n - line feed Escape sequences of the form \xNN where NN are hex digits will be supported at a later date. Replacement strings may include the escape sequence \'digit' where 'digit' is a number from 0-9. This causes the text matching the grouped expression in the search string to be substituted at this point in the replacement string. A group expression is on enclosed by the grouping characters { } in BRIEF and ( ) in EGREP syntax. Note: Searching across line boundaries is not currently supported. Selection of which syntax you want as the default can be made in the Global settings choice on the Options action bar pulldown. ═══ 5. The Replace Action Bar Choice ═══ The Replace choice on the action bar allows you to perform the following actions: Forward Presents a dialog box allowing you to specify the search pattern and the replacement text. Searches forward from the current cursor position. Backward Presents a dialog box allowing you to specify the search pattern and the replacement text. Searches backward from the current cursor position. Again Uses the last search pattern, replacement text, and direction to search for the next match in the buffer to be replaced. When an match is found the matching text is highlighted and a dialog box is displayed which permits you to Replace All, Replace One, Skip, Undo Last, or Cancel the operation. ═══ 6. The Window Action Bar Choice ═══ The Window choice on the action bar allows you to perform the following actions: Cascade Causes all edit windows (except for minimized windows) to be sized and positioned from the upper left corner of the main window towards the lower right corner of the main window overlapping each other so that just the title bar of overlapped windows is displayed. The current window becomes the topmost window. Tile across Causes all edit windows (except for minimized windows) to be sized to fill the main window without overlapping each other. The windows are sized in such a way as to give windows greater width than height. Tile down Causes all edit windows (except for minimized windows) to be sized to fill the main window without overlapping each other. The windows are sized in such a way as to give windows greater height than width. Keep tiled When this selection is checked, resizing the main window, closing or creating an edit window causes all edit windows to be re-tiled as above. The tiling orientation (across or down) is that of the default or the last tiling orientation selected using the Tile across or Tile down actions. Keep cascaded When this selection is checked, resizing the main window, closing or creating an edit window causes all edit windows to be re-cascaded as described above. Next Makes next window the current (active) window. This window is made the topmost edit window. If there is only one edit window this action is ignored. Previous Makes previous window the current (active) window. This window is made the topmost edit window. If there is only one edit window this action is ignored. Duplicate Duplicates the current window, creating a new edit window of the same size and position as the current window. The new window displays the same buffer as the current window. The new window becomes the current window. If either the Keep tiled or Keep cascaded item is checked then all edit windows are adjusted accordingly. Following the above items is a list of all edit windows (shows the name of buffer associated with the window) Selecting one of these items makes that window the current (active) window. ═══ 7. The Options Action Bar Choice ═══ The Options choice on the action bar allows you to perform the following configuration actions: Global settings Set default tab widths, backups, state save, autosave, regular expression syntax, and keyboard speed. Fonts Set default font to use for displaying buffer text. Colors Set foreground and background colors for displaying buffer text. Cursors Set cursor size and type for insert / overtype and virtual insert / virtual overtype edit modes. Associate Associate executables with file name extensions for compiling within the editor. ═══ 8. Associating Programs with File Extensions ═══ The Associate... choice on the Options pulldown menu allows you to tell RSE which executable program(s) (compilers/make, etc.) to associate with a particular filename extension. When you select this option a dialog box File Extension Associations showing the current file extensions and program associations is displayed. Add an extension To add a new filename extension click or press the Add... pushbutton under the Extension list box. A dialog box will prompt you for the filename extension, enter the extension including the leading dot/period (eg. .c or .asm or .rc etc.) and press the OK pushbutton. The extension is added to the Extension listbox. If you change your mind and don't want to add an extension press the Cancel pushbutton. Delete an extension To delete a filename extension select the extension you wish to delete in the Extension list box then click or press the Delete... pushbutton under the Extensions list box. A dialog box prompts to confirm that you wish to proceed. Pressing Yes deletes the extension and all executables associated with the extension. Pressing No cancels the delete operation. Adding an executable program to an extension Select the filename extension in the Extension list box with which to associate with the new program you are about to add. To add (associate) a new program to the extension currently selected in the Extension listbox press the Add... pushbutton under the Associated programs list box. A dialog box prompts you for the following information: Program title Enter a descriptive title for this program. This description appears in the Associated programs list box and is used to build the title of the window which will display output from executing the program. For example: MSC 6.0 Syntax Check Only Path and file name Enter the full path and file name including the extension to the program to be executed. (If this program is in your PATH environment you may omit the path.) Batch files (.CMD) requires the executable CMD.EXE. Specify the batch file name in the parameters field preceeded with /C. For example: CMD.EXE C:\BINP\CMD.EXE Working directory If you wish to have the current working directory changed before invoking the program enter the directory path to be switched to. This field is optional. Parameters Enter the command line arguments to pass to the program. To have the path and filename excluding the file's extension of the current buffer (file) inserted in the arguments string passed to the program enter %s at the appropriate position in the parameter field. Please note that the extension is not inserted so if the program requires the extension you must place it after the %s ( eg. %s.c .) RSE will substitute the full path and filename excluding the extension for the %s. You may omit the %s from the parameter string and RSE will use the Parameters just as you specify them. Parameters are optional. Some examples follow: -c -AL %s.c For CL.EXE -mx -zi %s.asm; For MASM.EXE mypjt.mak For MAKE.EXE "/C DIR *.C" For CMD.EXE "/C BATCH.CMD" For CMD.EXE When all fields are completed press the OK pushbutton to add this entry to the Associated programs list box. If you change your mind and don't want to perform the add, press the Cancel pushbutton. Changing an executable program's information Select the extension and program in their respective list boxes and press the Change... pushbutton under the Associated programs list box. A dialog box will present you with the current settings of the fields for this entry. (See above for a description of the fields.) Change any fields that you wish and press the "OK" pushbutton when you are satisfied with your changes. If you change your mind and don't want to save the changes you have made, press the Cancel pushbutton, any changes you have made are discarded. Copying an associated program To copy an Associated programs entry select the entry you wish to copy in the Associated programs list box and press the Copy... pushbutton. You are presented a dialog box which allows you to choose which file extension you wish to copy the entry to. Select the file extension and press the OK pushbutton. The entry is added to the list of associated programs for the extension you selected. If you change your mind and don't want to perform the copy operation press the Cancel pushbutton. A fast way to add multiple entries for an extension is to add the first and then copy the first as many times as you wish and then change the copied entries. Deleting an associated program Select the extension and program in their respective list boxes and press the Delete... pushbutton under the Associated programs listbox. You are prompted to confirm that you really want to perform the deletion, press the Yes pushbuton to perform the deletion or No pushbutton to cancel the delete operation. When you complete your modifications to the File Extension Association dialog box you have two choices: Press the OK pushbutton to permanently save the changes to the configuration file. OR Press the Cancel pushbutton which does not perform a save to the configuration file, the changes you have made are retained until you change them again or exit the editor. You can go back at a later time and permanently save them by selecting the OK pushbutton. ═══ 9. Compiling and Jump to Error ═══ When you invoke the "CompileCurrentBuffer" command, either from the "File" pulldown ("Compile..." option) or via a keystroke association one of three things will occur. 1. If the file extension for the current buffer (file) is not found in the file extension associations data you recieve a popup message telling you that no association exists. 2. If only one association exists for this extension RSE immediately executes the associated executable. 3. If more than one association exists RSE presents a dialog box from which you may select which executable association you want to execute. The dialog box shows the "Program title" which you entered in the "Associate..." dialog box. Select the title you wish to execute and press the "Execute" pushbutton. Press the "Cancel" pushbutton if you change your mind and don't want to execute any of the selections. When RSE invokes an executable the following actions are performed: o If the current buffer has been modified, it is written to disk. o A temporary buffer and a window for this buffer is created, if one does not already exist, for output from the executing program. The window's title is a concatenation of the "Program title" and the full path and filename of the current buffer. Note: stdout and stderr are both redirected to this window. o Associates the temporary buffer with the current buffer. o Locks the current buffer and the temporary buffer so that they can not be deleted until the program completes execution. You can delete the windows but not the buffers. o Creates a thread which executes the program and redirects its output to the temporary buffer. The program is exec'd asynchronously to RSE. o Creates a thread which waits for the completion of the executing program. While the program is executing, its output to stdout and stderr is redirected to the temporary buffer (and displayed in the window attached to this buffer, if any) as the program executes so you can monitor the progress of the executing program. When the program completes execution the following actions occur: o A popup message notifies you of the completion and if the program returned with a non-zero result code. o The temporary buffer and the buffer associated with the temporary buffer are unlocked. You may now delete these buffers if you wish. o You may invoke multiple concurrent program executions, but each must be on an unlocked buffer (ie. you can not start two executions on the same buffer, you must wait until the first completes before starting another). If you attempt to do so you will receive a message telling you the buffer is locked by a process. JUMP TO ERROR RSE supports jumping to errors for programs which format their error messages in the same way as the Microsoft C Compiler, ie. pathname(error line) : text {error}|{warning} In the following discussion error line includes lines containing warning messages as well as errors. Jump to error processing is performed by the "NextError" and "PrevError" commands. When you invoke these commands (default key assignments are CTRL+N for NextError and CTRL+P for PrevError) four actions are possible: 1. No temporary file is associated with the current buffer - the command is ignored. 2. The end (for NextError) or beginning (for PrevError) of the temporary file has been reached - no action is taken. A subsequent invocation will reposition to the beginning or end of file and display the first or last error message (ie. treats the temporary buffer as a cicular list ). 3. An error line is found and the error is in the current buffer - you are positioned to the line specified in the error message and a popup message box containing the contents of the error line message is displayed. 4. An error line is found but the file is not the current buffer's: a. If the file is currently loaded in the editor a popup message box asks you if you want to jump to the line in error in the other file. b. If the file is not currently loaded a popup message box asks you if you want to have the file loaded and then jump to the error in that file. The message box displays the file which will be jumped to/loaded if you press the "Yes" pushbutton. If you don't want to see the error in the other file press the "No" pushbutton. This makes it possible to step thru errors generated by a MAKE of multiple source files, but the current window must be the buffer with which the temporary (error) buffer is associated for the NextError/PrevError command to work. ═══ 10. Commands Assignable to Keys ═══ The following commands can be assigned to key combinations to customize a keyboard for the editor. SelfInsert Insert/Overtype the ascii value of the key NewLine Insert a carriage return or moves to beginning of next line Note: SelfInsert and NewLine are affected by the state of Insert/Overtype mode DeleteChar Delete char at cursor DeleteCharLeft Delete char to left of cursor (no wrap back to prev line) DeleteLine Delete line cursor is on DeleteLineEnd Delete from cursor to end of line Left Cursor left (no wrap back to prev line) Right Cursor right Up Cursor up Down Cursor down PageDown Cursor down number of lines in window - 1 PageUp Cursor up number of lines in window - 1 Home Triple action (LineStart/TopOfWindow/TopOfBuffer) End Triple action (LineEnd/EndOfWindow/EndOfBuffer) LineStart Move cursor to start of line LineEnd Move cursor to end of line WordLeft Move cursor to beginning of previous word or number WordRight Move cursor to beginning of next word or number TopOfWindow Move cursor to beginning of top line in window EndOfWindow Move cursor to end of last line in window TopOfBuffer Move cursor to start of buffer EndOfBuffer Move cursor to end of buffer ScrollUp Scroll contents of window up ScrollDown Scroll contents of window down GotoLine Prompts for line to jump to (+ and - for relative jump) Undo Back out last cursor movement or editing change Redo Put back what was just undone MarkBlock Toggles block marking MarkLine Toggles line marking MarkColumn Toggles column marking Note: If another marking mode is selected the above will change the mark type to that which the command specifies. CutClipboard Copy to clipboard then delete selected text CopyClipboard Copy selected text to clipboard PasteClipboard Insert contents of clipboard at cursor position DeleteBlock Delete selected text WriteCurrentBuffer Save buffer to disk WriteMarkedRegion Save selected text to disk Write Save buffer or selected text to disk Note: Write combines the action of WriteCurrentBuffer and WriteMarked region. If text is selected (marked) you receive a dialog box to give the path and file name to which the selected text should be written. If no text is selected the entire buffer is written to disk if the buffer has been modified. DeleteCurrentBuffer Deletes the current buffer, if it has unsaved changes you are given the opportunity to save before deleting, delete without saving or cancel the request. ExitEditor Exits the editor. If unsaved buffers exist you recieve a dialog box giving you the opportunity to save all, selected, or none of the unsaved buffers, exit without saving, or cancel the request. SaveAllAndExit Saves any unsaved buffers and exits the editor NewFile Creates an UNTITLED buffer OpenFile Presents a dialog for you to select the file you wish to load into buffers. ReadFile Presents a dialog box for you to select a file to be read into the current buffer at the current cursor position. RenameBuffer (Save as) allows you to change the path and file name of a load buffer. The buffer is then written to disk. NextBuffer Brings next buffer in the buffer list into the current window. PrevBuffer Brings the previous buffer in the buffer list into the current window. Print Print the selected text or if no text is selected the entire buffer. CompileCurrentBuffer Invokes an executable which has been associated with the extension of the buffer's file name. If more than one association exists you are presented a dialog box from which to select the program you wish to run. Stdout and stderr are redirected to a temporary buffer which is created for you. Undo/redo information is not retained for the temporary buffer and the temporary buffer can not be saved to disk or renamed. NextError If a temporary buffer is associated with the current buffer searches forward for an error/warning message conforming to the Microsoft 'C' compiler's error format. If a line is found a popup message displays the error/warning line and jumps to the line in error. If the error is located in a different file you will be notified. If the file is not loaded it will load the file and then jump to the line in error or if the file is loaded you can jump to the line in error. PrevError If a temporary buffer is associated with the current buffer searches backward for an error/warning message conforming to the Microsoft 'C' compiler's error format. If a line is found a popup message displays the error/warning line and jumps to the line in error. TileWindows Uses the current tiling orientation to tile all windows which are not minimized. TileAcross Tile windows giving preference to window sizing wider than they are high. TileDown Tile windows giving preference to window sizing taller than wide. ToggleKeepTiled Toggle whether windows should be kept tiled when the main window is sized or windows are created or deleted. When the toglle goes from off to on the windows are tiled. CascadeWindows Arrange all non-minimized windows so that they overlap. ToggleKeepCascaded Toggle whether windows should be kept cascaded when the main window is sized or windows are created or deleted. When the toglle goes from off to on the windows are cascaded. NextWindow Make next window in the window list the current (active) window. PrevWindow Make the previous window in the window list the current (active) window. DuplicateWindow Make a copy of the current window. The window overlays the current window and displays the same buffer. If KeepTiled or KeepCascaded is on then all windows are resized and positioned. DeleteCurrentWindow Deletes the current window. The buffer that was attached to the window is not deleted. DeleteWindowAndBuffer Deletes the current window and the buffer displayed in the current window. Any other windows attached to this buffer will have the next buffer in the buffer list attached to them. ToggleRecordMacro Toggles keystroke macro recording. If toggling to on, a dialog box prompts for the name of the file to which to save the macro. PlayMacro Presents a dialog box prompting for the file name of the macro you wish to play. PlayMacroAgain Plays the last recorded macro, or the last macro that was played again. SearchForward Presents a dialog box prompting for the search expression. You may also change the state of the Ignore regular expression and Ignore case flags. Searches forward from the current cursor position. SearchBackward Presents a dialog box prompting for the search expression. You may also change the state of the Ignore regular expression and Ignore case flags. Searches backward from the current cursor position. SearchAgain Uses last search expression and search direction to search. Searches from one character position away from the current cursor position. ReplaceForward Presents a dialog box prompting for the search expression and replace expression. You may also change the state of the Ignore regular expression and Ignore case flags. Searches forward from the current cursor position. ReplaceBackward Presents a dialog box prompting for the search expression and replace expression. You may also change the state of the Ignore regular expression and Ignore case flags. Searches backward from the current cursor position. ReplaceAgain Uses last search and replace expressions and search direction to search. Searches from one character position away from the current cursor position. ToggleInsert Toggles insert/overtype mode. ToggleTabs Toggles whether to use tab characters or an appropriate number of spaces when the tab character is inserted into the text. ToggleBackups Toggles whether backup files will be created when you save a buffer to disk. ConfigGlobals Presents the Editor Configuration dialog box. ConfigFonts Presents the Font Selection dialog box. ConfigColors Presents the Color Selection dialog box. ConfigCursors Presents the Cursor Settings dialog box. ConfigAssoc Presents the File Extension Association dialog box HelpForHelp Invokes help system for help on using help HelpExtended Displays extended help for item if available HelpKeys Displays keys help HelpIndex Displays the help index AboutEditor Displays the About RimSTAR Editor dialog box InvalidKey Beeps when key is pressed. ═══ 11. The Help Action Bar Choice ═══ The Help choice on the action bar allows you to get help on the following items: Help for help Help on how to use the Help system. Extended help Displays extended help (if it is available) for a topic. Keys help Gives help on editor functions and key assignments Help index Presents an index of help entries for the editor ═══ 12. Help for Help index ═══ Select Help index on the Help pull-down to see the help index for the RimSTAR PM Editor. ═══ 13. Help for Keys help ═══ Select Keys help on the Help pull-down for help on the keys you use to perform a specific task. When you select this item, you are presented a list of key groups. Double click on one of the groups to see the keys you use to perform the task.