pm_keys.e by Petr Mikulik, Some my favourite key sequences are defined here. This file is in public domain. This file belongs to the "pmCSTeX for EPM" package, see or on hobbes, leo and CTAN archives. -- CTRL/Y deletes line def C_Y = deleteline; .col=1 -- Alt-1 generalizes the EPM's include file function def A_1 = 'cstex_include S' -- Alt-3 inserts \begin{} def A_3 = getline x; replaceline( insertstr('\begin{}',x,.col-1) ) .col=.col+7 -- Alt-4 inserts \end{} def A_4 = getline x; replaceline( insertstr('\end{}',x,.col-1) ) .col=.col+5 -- Alt-5 inserts \[ \] def A_5 = if .col>1 then .line=.line+1; endif insertline '%' insertline '\[' insertline '' insertline '\]' insertline '%' .col=1 .line=.line-3 -- Alt-6 inserts $$ $$ def A_6 = if .col>1 then .line=.line+1; endif insertline '%' insertline '$$' insertline '' insertline '$$' insertline '%' .col=1 .line=.line-3 -- Alt-W unmarks, then calls the default EPM action for word marking, and -- finally puts the marked text into the clipboard def a_w = if marktype()<>'' then unmark; endif call pmark_word() 'copy2clip' -- Alt-Z margins for e-mailed documents, TeX files and programs def A_Z = ma2='ma 1 1599 1'; ma3='ma 1 80 1'; ma4='ma 1 75 1' s=entrybox('Set margins','/OK/'ma2'/'ma3'/'ma4,'ma '.margins,30,30) if s=4 then s=ma4 elseif s=3 then s=ma3 elseif s='' then s=ma2 endif Definition of the Alt-Q hotkey. It provides the following two actions: 1. quickly makes \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} environment with two two comment lines above and below. Thus pressing Alt-Q on this line would do: \begin{equation} \end{equation} 2. If you put the cursor over the line containing only the string \begin{..} or \end{..}, where XX is equation, eqnarray, align, equation*, eqnarray*, align*, then instead of the function 1. the text on this line is changed to the next environment in this list. Useful if you add one more equation into an \begin{equation}. Note for future: this could be more powerful if this command would change both \begin{..} and \end{..} simultaneously. def A_Q = if (not wordpos(filetype(), 'TEX LATEX STY CLS DTX') ) then sayerror 'pm_keys: Alt-Q does not work on non-TeX files' return endif getline S B='\begin{'; E='\end{' s1='equation}'; s2='eqnarray}'; s3='align}' if S=B''s1 then S=B''s2 elseif S=B''s2 then S=B''s3 elseif S=B''s3 then S=B''s1 elseif S=E''s1 then S=E''s2 elseif S=E''s2 then S=E''s3 elseif S=E''s3 then S=E''s1 else s1='equation*}'; s2='eqnarray*}'; s3='align*}' if S=B''s1 then S=B''s2 elseif S=B''s2 then S=B''s3 elseif S=B''s3 then S=B''s1 elseif S=E''s1 then S=E''s2 elseif S=E''s2 then S=E''s3 elseif S=E''s3 then S=E''s1 else -- inserting the \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} if .col>1 then .line=.line+1; endif insertline '%'; insertline '\begin{equation}' insertline '' insertline '\end{equation}'; insertline '%' .line=.line-3 .col=1 return endif endif replaceline S -- finishing the replacement mode -- syntax highlighting on defload 'a_togl_hilit S'