PDFBuilder/2 User's Guide and General Refererence for version 1.00.00 First, I will start off by saying thanks for trying my program. Second, let me write a little about the first version. This version release is mainly to gauge interest. I will put more time in this program if I see the interest. Also, it is not meant to convert full HTML to PDF. The main goal is PDF creation using HTML as a markup language. There is a subtle but distinct difference between the two. Keep that in mind when writing me. I have tried to make the program as easy to use as possible. Obviously, it does not implement all of HTML. Currently, the only tags available are: 'b' for bold, "i" for italic, "font size" and "font color". The available fonts are: Courier, Helvetica, and Times-Roman. This should be enough to create a useful but not visually pleasing PDF document. Visually pleasing will come with time. The default font size is 10 and the default font face is courier. These can be changed by user input. For font color the available colors are: Red Green Blue Black, which is the default WhiteWhite Yellow Cyan Gray Brown Light Red - ltred Light green - ltgreen Light blue - ltblue Magenta Orange Teal Colors are also available in this format: #rrggbb. This is the standard RGB color scheme. PdfBuilder/2 allows for document information to be stored within the PDF file itself. The Title, Subject, Author and Keywords will be shown from within the Adobe Acrobat reader. In HTML, white space is ignored. White space is useful. So if you want your text centered, then you would have to do this yourself. Word wrapping has been implemented for all fonts. For the next version, I am taking suggestions. What are the tags you view as the most important? What limitations would you like to see over come first? I will use those to build the next release. I am always open to comments, criticisms and questions. So, if you feel the need, let me hear it. In case you are wondering, if I ever get tired of writing/maintaining this program (which currently is not likely), I will release it and the source code. When writing, keep in mind that I live on the East Coast (US) and have a day job (that's not very OS2 friendly). So any investigation of problems has to wait until I get home. Thanks, Dan Holmes dholmes@trellis.net