Section: User Commands (1)
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oraperl - Perl access to Oracle databases  



$lda = &ora_login($database, $name, $password)
$csr = &ora_open($lda, $stmt)
&ora_bind($csr, $var, ...)
&ora_do($lda, $stmt)



Oraperl is a version of Perl which has been extended (through the usersubs feature) to allow access to Oracle databases.  


The ora_version function prints the version number and copyright information concerning Oraperl.

Any program wishing to access an Oracle database must first log in to Oracle using ora_login. This is called with three parameters, the system ID of the Oracle database to be used, and the Oracle username and password. The return value is a login identifier (an ORACLE Login Data Area).

To specify the SQL statement to be executed, the program must call ora_open or ora_do. These functions take two parameters: a login identifier (obtained from ora_login) and the SQL statement to be executed. The return value from ora_open is a statement identifier (an ORACLE cursor) for use with ora_fetch or ora_bind. The return value from ora_do is the constant string OK. The ora_do function is only suitable for statements which do not return data or contain substitution variables.

If the SQL statement contains substitution variables ora_bind is used to assign values to them. This function takes a statement identifier (obtained from ora_open) as its first parameter, followed by as many parameters as are required by the statement.

To retrieve the data returned from an SQL SELECT statement, the program should make successive calls to ora_fetch. This function takes a single parameter, a statement identifier (obtained from ora_open). In an array context, the return value is an array containing the data, one element per field. In a scalar context, no data is actually fetched and the return value is the number of fields available from the query.

When all the data desired has been returned from an ora_open() call, the statement identifier should be released using the ora_close function. This function returns the string OK. Every ora_open call should have a corresponding ora_close, even if it did not return any data.

When the program no longer needs to access a given database, the login identifier should be released using the ora_logoff function. This function returns the string OK.

All functions return a null string to indicate failure. In the case of ora_fetch, if $ora_errno is zero, this indicates the end of the data.  


Two special variables are provided, ora_errno and ora_errstr. These may only be read; a fatal error occurs if a program attempts to change them. Ora_errno contains the Oracle error code from the last function call, and ora_errstr contains the Oracle error message corresponding to the current value of ora_errno.  


Oraperl allows an SQL statement to contain substitution variables. These consist of a colon (:) followed by a number. For example, a program which added records to a telephone list might use the following call to ora_open:

      $csr = &ora_open($csr, "insert into phonelist values(:1, :2)");

The two names :1 and :2 are called substitution variables. The function ora_bind is used to assign values to these variables. For example, the following statements would add two new people to the list:

      &ora_bind($csr, "Annette", "472-8836");
      &ora_bind($csr, "Brian", "937-1823");

Note that the substitution variables must be assigned consecutively beginning from 1 for each SQL statement, as ora_bind() assigns its parameters in this order. Named substitution variables (for example, :NAME, :TELNO) are not permitted.  


format top =
       Name                           Phone
       ====                           =====

format STDOUT =
       @<<<<<<<<<<              @>>>>>>>>>>
       $name,                   $phone

die ("You should use oraperl, not perl\n") unless defined &ora_login;

$lda = &ora_login("t", "kstock", "kstock")
    || die $ora_errstr;
$csr = &ora_open($lda, "select * from telno order by name")
    || die $ora_errstr;

$nfields = &ora_fetch($csr);
print "Query will return $nfields fields\n\n";

while (($name, $phone) = &ora_fetch($csr))

die "fetch error: $ora_errstr" if $ora_errno;

do ora_close($csr) || die "can't close cursor";
do ora_logoff($lda) || die "can't log off Oracle";



If debugging has been compiled into Oraperl, a further variable, ora_debug is available. Setting this variable sets the level of debugging required. If Perl's own runtime debugging is included, this variable is initialised from the -D option. It may be set from within an Oraperl script by normal assignment.

To determine whether debugging is available, you could use something like this:

defined($ora_debug) && print "debugging available\n";
defined($ora_debug) || print "debugging not available\n";

At present, only flags 8 (program execution), 32 (string/numeric conversion) and 128 (use of malloc and free) are supported.  


In keeping with the philosophy of Perl, there is no pre-defined limit to the number of simultaneous logins or SQL statements which may be active, nor to the number of data fields which may be returned by a query. The only limits are those imposed by the amount of memory available, or by Oracle.

Debugging option 32 only reports internal string/numeric translations, not those performed on the data retrieved from the database.  


Oracle Documentation:
SQL Language Reference Manual
Programmer's Guide to the Oracle Call Interfaces

Perl documentation: Programming Perl by Larry Wall and Randall Schwartz perl(1)


ORACLE by Oracle Corporation, California.
Perl by Larry Wall, Netlabs (lwall@netlabs.com).
Oraperl by Kevin Stock, Encore Computer SA, France (kstock@gouldfr.encore.fr).




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