NewView release changes V1.33.0 Gak, I broke lots of things in the last few releases. Appy polly loggies :) - Navigation (back/forward): - Fixed all windows invisible! - Add last 9 back points in Navigate menu - Connect Navigate - Forward - Searching in index, have to press enter to view the topic. This Saves useless entries in history while you're typing - Save notes & bookmarks immediately on changes (just in case NV crashes :P) - File open: - Works! - keys better; more shortcuts, tabbing works, (Sibyl bugs) - .. etc working again - File - Save As works - Font selection dialog rewritten to be good instead of crap - Fixed bug shutting down leaving zombie process V1.30.6 - True Multi Document Interface so topic windows can be sized and closed. - Fixed bug with alignment around images - Fix for text line chunks longer than 200 chars Shows up mostly on hi-res screens - Reconnected Colour wheel and value bar in options. Whoops. - Added NewView.INF helpfile, connected to menu "Help" - "How to Use NewView" - Added Expand All item to view menu Also option to Expand All on file open. - Minor user interface fixes/enhancements - Added gpl.txt to distribution V1.28.3 - Bookmarks. - Saved to a text file called .bmk in the same directory as the help file. - Layout the crash dialog text a little better! - Minor improvements in text and contents controls - Fixed problem with initial display of topics V1.27.9 - Now GPL'd - Bug fixes in scrolling, margins, cursor - Added popup menu for topics. - Saves position within topic for each window - Fixed bugs in notes handling - Fixed up a couple of crashes in global search. - Fixed problem with index listbox - Various minor cosmetic fixes. - Changed to put INI file in application dir. V1.27.1 - Major revamp of search. Multi-word +/- modifiers ala altavista to include/exclude words Results are sorted by relevance - Simple implementation of hyperlinked bitmaps: only handles single overall link code, but this is enough to handle e.g cmdref examples links. - Added checks that BOOKSHELF and HELP environment vars are defined. Give a warning if not. - Put INI file in application dir. - Set margins better V1.22.0 - Wrapping works properly with outline fonts. - Footnotes. - Text centering via $fb code works. - Reworked links a little to fix crashes - Back to Sibyl fixpack 3: may fix problems with lockups - Checked the contents loading more carefully. - Implemented bitmap flags, except for stretch to fit. - More exception handling including logging V1.19.4 - Loading rewritten. Twice as fast. - Fixed big mess I made a big mess of bitmap loading. - Can pick the toolbar bitmap now (File - Options - Style) - Fixed file dialog some more: now changes directory when typed in. - When images cannot be loaded, just displays a 'missing' placeholder. - Menu hints, displayed in status bar. - Fixed problem with words running together halfway through a topic - Fixed alignment in lists - Removed font log files (didn't learn much!) V1.17.15 - Huge improvements in search speed, especially in global (all files) search. Should be at least ten times faster. - Loading files is about 3x as fast - Fix for focus change to other apps - Added collapse all in view menu - Dialog font to WarpSans.9 - Fixed a bug with displaying links a second time! - Added a few more keyboard shortcuts Note - memory usage is well up again, but will be reduced in future V1.16.12 - Global search is functioning, although still slow. It's a modeless dialog. - Re-enabled save as - Fixed - Autolinks at start of a topic, the link continues into the text e.g. cpplng.inf - Turned compiler optimisation off again. Was causing problems with assertions reading bitmaps. - Fix for setting font (more than one activation of dialog usually caused crash) - Standardised layout of font dialog - Loading time improvements - Contents (outline/tree view) selection text is inverted, scrollbars fixed - Fixed all remaining memory leaks of note (for now ;-) - Fixed mistake in getting help file title. - Fixed many huge bugs in searching, such as only finding the first occurrence of each matching word! - Search the topic titles and the index as well. - Double clicking a note in the notes list goes to it. - Search and index search edit boxes are not cleared on close file. V1.15.2 - First draft of global search. It's pretty slow. Incomplete. - Fixed index duplicates. It's not quite perfect because if there is a topic with the same title but pointing to a different topic it will not be caught... - Added /profile cmd line option - Command line topic searching. Bit different to view. View searches the index and displays only the first topic. I decided to do a full text search and (of course) display all the results. This could be another option, I guess, but I think mine is more helpful. - Fixed many, many large memory leaks in help file loading. - While loading help file(s) show which file is being loaded in the status bar. - Fixed a huge bug in the navigation back and forward with multiple windows! - Load notes before displaying first topic. V1.13.2 - Fixed broken options screen - Colours can be customised - File dialog: - Option to use std OS/2 dialog, so that enhancers can replace. - Fix keyboard operation of directory list box - Default filter to only help files. - Fix copy - Fixed problems with link mouse over V1.12.19 - Fixed huge memory consumption and crash on files with one or more empty topics. - Fixed extra random data at end of topics. - Fixed crash following link in some cases. - Fixed the display of < and >. - Improved index reading - should not crash ;-) - Reset progress if file fails to load - Improved window painting while scrolling - FIxed bitmap/wrapping problems V1.12.14 First public release.