This package contains a file, epmkwds.nrx, with syntax colour-highlighting information for the NetRexx language in the EPM editor. To use this file, just copy it to the directory where EPM is installed. If you already have a version of EPM which supports syntax highlighting, there will be other epmkwds files such as epmkwds.c present there. The file will be used automatically when you activate syntax highlighting for a file with a .nrx extension. The file highlights all Netrexx keywords, various special characters, comments, etc., although as with C, /*...*/ comments are not handled correctly unless they are only a single line. It also highlights the Rexx class name, and all of the methods for the Rexx class, and all of the classes in the 1.01 Java SDK distribution. The Java classes will be highlighted in both their fully qualified and partially qualified forms. Thus, both Frame and java.awt.Frame will be highlighted. The class names are highlighted in a different colour from keywords. This part of the file could easily be extracted and used for syntax highlighting the classnames when writing native Java code as well. -- Rob McDermid (