% This is the default list of commands for reLyX to read % It tells reLyX many arguments each command takes, and which of them % (if any) are optional. % It is taken from the list of commands written by John Weiss 970311 % plus the math commands from math_hash.C % Also had to add textrm etc. commands and many size commands (like \small) % I left in things like units of measure (\depth) because reLyX will think % that they're commands, and this way it will know they don't take any % arguments... % There are almost certainly commands in here we don't need -- but that % shouldn't matter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The first thing listed here is commands that are hard-coded into reLyX. % Redefining these commands in a new syntax file will probably not help% % and may break things. \hfill \LaTeX \LaTeXe \ldots \\*[] % \begin{}[] %reLyX will get confused if \begin is found in this file! %\begin{}[]{} % All of these show the different variations of \begin (jpw) %\begin{}{} % reLyX can only handle \begin{} %\begin{}{}{} %\begin{}[][][]{} %\begin{}(,) %\begin{}(,)(,) %\begin{}{}[]{} \bibitem[]{} \bibliography{} \bibliographystyle{} \cite[]{} \cline{ - } \documentclass[]{}[] \documentstyle[]{} \emph{} % \end{} %reLyX will get confused if \end is found in this file! \epsf{} \epsfbox{} \epsffile{} \epsfig{} \epsfxsize \epsfysize \footnote[]{} \footnotesize \hline \huge \Huge \include{} \includegraphics[,][,]{} % btw, LyX doesn't support graphicx, just graphics \input{} \item[] % Has two variants (jpw) Other variant is unsupported (adk) \label{} \large \Large \LARGE \marginpar[]{} \multicolumn{}{}{} \newline \noindent \normalsize \noun{} % LyX style for nouns (appears in lyx-generated files) \pageref{} \psfig{} \ref{} \t{ } \textmd{} % I had to add these (adk) \textbf{} % : \textrm{} % : \textsf{} % : \texttt{} % : \textup{} % : \textit{} % : \textsl{} % : \textsc{} % : \textbar \textbackslash \textgreater \textless \scriptsize \small \tiny \underbar{} % LyX generated files use underbar instead of underline \underline{} % Units of measure. These get used only within the arguments of % commands that take some length quantity. \depth \fill \height \totalheight \width % Length variables \abovedisplay \abovedisplayshortskip \arraycolsep \arrayrulewidth \arraystretch \baselineskip \baselinestretch \belowdisplayskip \belowdisplayshortskip \bigskipamount \columnsep \columnseprule \dblfloatsep \dbltextfloatsep \doublerulesep \evensidemargin \fboxrule \fboxsep \floatsep \footnotesep \footskip \headheight \headsep \hoffset \intextsep \itemindent \itemsep \labelsep \labelwidth \leftmargin \leftmargini \leftmarginii \leftmarginiii \leftmarginiv \leftmarginv \leftmarginvi \listparindent \marginpush \marginparsep \marginparwidth \mathindent \medskipamount \oddsidemargin \paperheight \paperwidth \parindent \parsep \parskip \partopsep \rightmargin \smallskipamount \tabbingsep \tabcolsep \textfloatsep \textheight \textwidth \topmargin \topsep \topskip \unitlength \voffset % Commands that act like single characters and insert something. This % excludes the commands that place accents on characters, since they % require arguments, whereas these don't. Also excluded are commands % that insert a specified amount of space [again, that requires % arguments] and those that insert lists, since a list isn't a single % object. % I had to remove things that TeX.pm doesn't recognize as a token, and hardcode % those into reLyX. This included !' ?' -- --- and maybe some other things \ % A "\" followed by a space. \bigskip \copyright \ddag \dotfill \dots \guillemotleft \guillemotright \guilsinglleft \guilsinglright \hrulefill \medskip \pounds \quad \qquad \quotedblbase \quotesinglebase \smallskip \textbullet \textemdash \textendash \textexclamdown \textperiodcenter \textquestiondown \textquotedblleft \textquotedblright \textquoteleft \textquoteright \textvisiblespace \textcompwordmark \textquotedbl \thechapter \theenumi \theenumii \theenumiii \theenumiv \theequation \thefigure \thefootnote \thempfootnote \thepage \theparagraph \thepart \thesection \thesubsection \thesubsubsection \thesubparagraph \thetable \vfill % The LaTeX commands. As per Alejandro's request, I've omitted all of % the math commands he appears to support in Mathed. I'm also % omitting commands used primarily for defining new class and style % files. (jpw) % For some reason, John didn't write {} after \" and some of the other % accent commands (adk) % He also didn't include the \textsc{} equivalent to {\sc} % Because any commands with arguments in parentheses (rather than braces or % brackets) appear in a picture environment, which reLyX doesn't support, % we can comment those out. % These are the commands you're mostly likely to want to redefine in your own % syntax files % Arguments whose text is "translate" will have regular LaTeX in them (as % opposed to commands with special syntax) which should be translated by % reLyX like regular LaTeX. \mbox{} is an obvious example. LyX doesn't % support it, but only the "\mbox{" and the "}" need to be in TeX mode. \abstractname \addcontentsline{}{}{translate} \address{} \addtime{} \addtocontents{}{translate} % one argument was missing here (JMarc) \addtocounter{}{} \addtolength{}{} \addvspace{} \Alph{} \alph{} \alsoname \appendix % had to add this -Ak \appendixname \arabic{} \author{} \backmatter %\bezier{}(,)(,)(,) % picture \bfdefault \bibname \botfigrule \bottomfraction \caption[]{} \cc{} \ccname \centering \centerline{translate} \chapter[]{} \chapter*{} \chaptername \check{} %\circle{} % picture environment (JMarc) %\circle*{} \cleardoublepage \clearpage \closing{} \color[]{,,} % Two variants of this command and the next (jpw) % \color{} % This variant doesn't matter to reLyX (adk) \colorspec[]{,,}{} %\colorspec{}{} % This variant doesn't matter to reLyX (adk) %\contentsline{}{\numberline{} }{} % Appears only in .toc file (JMarc) \contentsname % \dashbox{}(,)[]{} %picture \date{} \dblfigrule \dblfloatpagefraction \dbltopfraction \definecolor{}{}{,,} \discretionary{}{}{} \encl{} \enclname \enlargethispage{} \enlargethispage*{} \ensuremath{} \extracolsep{} \fbox{translate} \fcolorbox[]{,,}{,,}{} % Two variants of this command %\fcolorbox{}{}{} % This variant doesn't matter to reLyX (adk) \figurename \floatpagefraction \flushbottom \fnsymbol{} \fontfamily{} \fontseries{} \fontshape{} \fontsize{}{} \footnotemark[] \footnoterule \footnotetext[]{translate} \frame{translate} \framebox[][]{translate} % Two variants of this command %\framebox(,)[]{} % picture variant \frenchspacing \frontmatter \fussy \glossary{translate} \glossaryentry{}{} %only in .glo file (JMarc) % \graphpaper[](,)(,) %picture \headtoname \hspace{} \hspace*{} \hyphenation{} \iflanguage{}{}{} \ifthenelse \includegraphics*[,][,]{} % LyX 1.0 doesn't support clipping figures \indent \index{} \indexentry{}{} % only in .idx files (JMarc) \indexname \indexspace \invisible \itdefault % This variant of \item might break reLyX! % \item{} % Only appears in unsupported theindex environment \kill \labelnumi \labelnumii \labelnumiii \labelnumiv \labelitemi \labelitemii \labelitemiii \labelitemiv \language{} % \line(,){} %picture \linebreak[] \linethickness{} \listfigurename \listofalgorithms %AMStex? \listoffigures \listoftables \listtablename \location{} \mainmatter \makebox[][]{translate} % \makebox(,)[]{} %picture variant \makeglossary \makeindex \makelabel{translate} \makelabels \maketitle \markboth{}{translate} \markright{translate} \mathversion{} \mbox{translate} \mddefault % \multiput(,)(,){}{} %picture \name{} \newboolean{} \newcommand{}[][]{} \newcommand*{}[][]{} %\newcommand{}[]{} % reLyX doesn't care about missing optarg \newcounter{}[] \newenvironment{}[][]{}{} \newenvironment*{}[][]{}{} % \newenvironment{}[]{}{} % reLyX doesn't care about missing optarg \newfont{}{ scaled } \newlength{} \newpage \newsavebox{} \newtheorem{}[]{translate}[] \nocite{} \nocorr \nolinebreak[] \nonfrenchspacing \nopagebreak[] \normalcolor \normalfont \normalmarginpar \notesname \numberline{}{} \onecolumn \onlynotes{} \onlyslides{} \opening{} % \oval(,)[] %picture \pagebreak[] \pagecolor[]{,,} % \pagecolor{} % reLyX doesn't care about this version \pagename \pagenumbering{} \paragraph[]{} \paragraph*{} %\parbox[]{}{} % reLyX treats next line same as this one (adk) \parbox[][][]{}{translate} \part[]{} \part*{} \partname \poptabs \prefacename \printindex \protect \providecommand{}[][]{} \providecommand*{}[][]{} \pushtabs % \put(,){} %picture % \qbezier[](,)(,)(,) %picture \raggedbottom \raggedleft \raggedright \raisebox{}[][]{translate} \reflectbox{translate} \refname \refstepcounter{} \renewcommand{}[][]{} \renewcommand*{}[][]{} % \renewcommand{}[]{} %reLyX doesn't care about variants \renewenvironment{}[][]{}{} \renewenvironment*{}[][]{}{} % \renewenvironment{}[]{}{} \resizebox{}{}{translate} \resizebox*{}{}{translate} \reversemarginpar \rmdefault \Roman{} \roman{} \rotatebox{}{translate} \rule[]{}{} \samepage \savebox{}[][]{} % \savebox{}(,)[]{} %picture \sbox{}{} \scalebox{}[]{translate} \scdefault \section[]{} \section*{} \seename \selectfont \selectlanguage{} \setboolean{}{} \setcounter{}{} \setlength{}{} \settime{} \settodepth{}{} \settoheight{}{} \settowidth{}{} \sfdefault \shortstack[]{translate} \showhyphens{} \signature{} \sldefault \sloppy \stepcounter{} \stretch{} %\subitem{} % unsupported theindex environment \subjectname \subparagraph[]{} % These "sub" versions of the sectioning commands weren't \subparagraph*{} % in the original commandlist for some reason (adk) \subsection[]{} % \subsection*{} % \subsubsection[]{} % \subsubsection*{} % %\subsubitem{} % unsupported theindex environment \suppressfloats[] \symbol{} \tablename \tableofcontents \tabularnewline[] \telephone{translate} \textcircled{translate} \textcolor[]{,,}{translate} %\textcolor{}{} % reLyX doesn't care about this version \textnormal{translate} \textfraction \thanks{} \thicklines \thinlines \thispagestyle{} \title{} \today \topfigrule \topfraction \ttdefault \twocolumn[] \updefault \usebox{} \usecounter{} \usefont{}{}{}{} \usepackage[]{}[] \value{} % \vector(,){} %picture % \verb|| % reLyX needs \verb to be hardcoded % \verb*|| \visible \vline \vspace{} \vspace*{} \whiledo{}{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % MATH COMMANDS % This includes some AMSmath commands % characters (not in math_hash.C) % Math space (not in math_hash.C) % Greek letters \alpha \beta \gamma \delta \epsilon \varepsilon \zeta \theta \vartheta \iota \kappa \lambda \varpi % \varrho isn't supported \sigma \varsigma \upsilon \varphi \omega \Delta \Omega \Upsilon \Theta \Lambda \Sigma \Gamma % Other stuff %\setminus %\ldots % already in non-math \limits \stackrel{}{} %\label % already in non-math \lceil \aleph \sqrt[]{} \times \subset \supset \spadesuit \left % kind of takes an argument... \smile \exists \Vert \uplus \langle \arccos \sharp \sqcup \sqcap \approx \triangleleft \triangleright \tilde{} \emptyset \triangle \limsup \partial \parallel \infty \leftharpoonup \searrow \swarrow \Rightarrow % \underline % already in non-Math list \underbrace{} \acute{} \angle \leftarrow \prime \longleftarrow \leftrightarrow \longrightarrow \longleftrightarrow \widehat{} \asymp \nolimits \perp \wedge \widetilde{} \natural \uparrow \updownarrow \star \leftharpoondown \rceil \lfloor \rightleftharpoons \succ \cdots \forall \liminf \Uparrow \right \Updownarrow \nabla \arcsin \arctan \flat \check{} \rangle \cdot \clubsuit \Downarrow \sb{} % equivalent to _ \sp{} % equivalent to ^ \models \nearrow \nwarrow \rightharpoonup \prec \bigoplus \biguplus \bigotimes \rightarrow % \textrm % already in nonmath \simeq \succeq \notin \subseteq \supseteq \sqsubseteq \sqsupseteq \surd \ddots \bullet \bigodot \sinh \jmath \nonumber \breve{} \bigvee \bowtie \bigwedge \frown \rightharpoondown \dot{} \ddot{} \oplus \ominus \otimes \diamondsuit \rfloor % \end % already exist in non-Math part -Ak \hat{} \tanh \vdots \bigcap \bigcup \bigsqcup \heartsuit \longmapsto \bigtriangleup \preceq \odot \oint \grave{} \pmod{} \prod \frac{}{} \circ \overline{} \overbrace{} \amalg \equiv \downarrow \imath \propto % \begin % already in non-Math list \hookleftarrow \hookrightarrow \bigtriangledown \bar{} % \newcommand % already in non-Math list \overleftarrow \overrightarrow \Leftarrow \Longleftarrow \Leftrightarrow \Longrightarrow \bigcirc \Longleftrightarrow \dagger \ddagger \hbar \coprod \cosh \coth \cong \vec{} \bmod \quad \doteq \qquad \mapsto \backslash \diamond \dashv \oslash \vdash % Font changes \mathbf{} \mathsf{} \mathcal{} \boldmath % This command's actually given in text mode \unboldmath % This command's actually given in text mode \mathrm{} \mathtt{} \mathit{} \mathnormal{} %not in lamport, but it should be safe \scriptstyle \scriptscriptstyle \textstyle \displaystyle %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % There are some environments which reLyX doesn't have an equivalent for. % However, *within* that environment, simple translatable LaTeX appears. % (E.g., this doesn't include something like "picture" because the TeX % parser can't (yet?) understand the parentheses as being delimiters of % coordinates rather than plain text.) % The environment names are placed in a "reLyXre" environment. % There aren't very many of these; the idea is that the user can add % user-defined environments in personal syntax files \begin{reLyXre} % filecontents can only appear before \documentclass command, so not worth it fussypar sloppypar % slide only appears in the slides class, but if we don't put this in, then % the whole document will be copied in TeX mode! slide titlepage \end{reLyXre} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % There are some math commands which LyX doesn't support. If there's an % equivalent command that it *does* support, then we might as well % translate it. % While copying things in math mode, reLyX will replace anything of the % following commands with (exactly) whatever text is in braces, so, e.g., % $x\sb{a}$ will be converted to $x_{a}$ in the LyX file. % In most cases, this simply avoids "evil red text" in math mode, but % in a couple cases, it actually fixes things (e.g. '\ ') % Tokens to replace should be "normal" tokens, backslash followed by a % nonletter or one or more letters. (Token may also have * at the end.) \begin{reLyXmt} \sb {_} \sp {^} \| {\Vert} \vert {|} \ {\,\,} % That's '\ ', same length (6/18 quad) as two '\,' tokens \to {\rightarrow} \gets {\leftarrow} \le {\leq} \ge {\geq} \ensuremath {} % If it's in math mode, \ensuremath is unnec. \end{reLyXmt}