@File_List ); use Cwd; # getcwd etc. use Getopt::Std; # read in command-line options use File::Basename; # &basename and &dirname # Modules containing subroutines for reLyX # Note that @INC must include the directory that these modules are in. The # reLyX wrapper takes care of that. use Text::TeX; # TeX parser package use ReadCommands; # package to read LaTeX commands’ syntax from a file use MakePreamble; # package to split off LaTeX preamble & translate it to LyX use CleanTeX; # package to clean TeX file for Lyxifying use BasicLyX; # package to translate clean TeX to Basic LyX use LastLyX; # package to print out LyX file once all translation is done # Hack to allow running reLyX without the wrapper if (!defined($lyxdir)) {$lyxdir = "/usr/local/share/lyx" if (!defined($lyxname)) {$lyxname = "lyx" # there’s a use vars in the wrapper, so we only need these if running w/out it use vars qw($lyxdir $lyxname); # variables that a user might want to change my @Suffix_List = ’\.(ltx|latex|tex)’; # allowed suffixes for LaTeX file my $LyXFormat = "2.15"; #What to print in \lyxformat command in .lyx file my $syntaxname = "syntax.default"; # name of the default syntax file $dot_lyxdir = $ENV{’HOME’ . "/.$lyxname"; # personal .lyx directory # This variable tells us if the program died or exited happily BEGIN{$Success = 0 ############################################################################## # MAIN # Print welcome message including version info my $version_info = ’$Date: 1999/05/02 21:56:19 $’; # RCS puts checkin date here $version_info =~ s&.*?(\d+/\d+/\d+).*&$1&; # take out just the date info warn "reLyX, the LaTeX to LyX translator. Revision date $version_info\n\n"; # Usage information my $Usage_Short = <<"ENDSHORTUSAGE"; USAGE: $0 [ -c textclass ] [ -fd ] [ -o outputdir ] [ -r renv1[,renv2...]] [ -s sfile1[,sfile2...]] inputfile $0 -p -c textclass [ -fd ] [ -o outputdir ] [ -r renv1[,renv2...]] [ -s sfile1[,sfile2...]] inputfile(s) $0 -h (to get more usage information) ENDSHORTUSAGE my $Usage_Long = $Usage_Short . <<"ENDLONGUSAGE"; -c which textclass this file is (required with -p) Overrides \\documentclass command, if one exists -d print lots of debug information & save temporary files -f force destruction of existing lyx file or temporary files -h print this message and quit -n convert a noweb file to a literate document (requires -c) -o output all LyX files to directory "outputdir" Otherwise, LyX file is created in directory the LaTeX file is in -p translate LaTeX fragments or include files (requires -c) I.e., files without \documentclass commands -r give reLyX a (list of) regular environment(s) -s give reLyX a (list of) additional syntax file(s) to read man reLyX for lots of usage information ENDLONGUSAGE # Read command line # Get Options: set $opt_f etc. based on command line options getopts(’c:dfhno:pr:s:’) or die "Illegal option!$Usage_Short"; if ($opt_h) {print $Usage_Long; $Success=1; exit die "No LaTeX file was input on the command line$Usage_Short" unless @ARGV; # Make each file in the file list an absolute file name (e.g., staring with ’/’) @File_List = map {&abs_file_name($_) @ARGV; # If noweb files, then we need to pre-process each file if (defined $opt_n) { die "-n option requires -c!$Usage_Short" unless defined $opt_c; foreach (@File_List) { system("noweb2lyx", "-pre", "$_", "$_.pre$$"); $_ .= ".pre$$"; # -p option allows multiple input files if (defined $opt_p) { die "-p option requires -c!$Usage_Short" unless defined $opt_c; else { die "Only one input file allowed unless using -p option$Usage_Short" unless @ARGV == 1; # Make sure outputdir given with -o option is valid # Make it an absolute path, too! if (defined($opt_o)) { die "directory $opt_o doesn’t exist!\n$Usage_Short" unless defined(-d $opt_o); die "$opt_o isn’t a directory!\n$Usage_Short" unless -d $opt_o; $opt_o = &my_fast_abs_path($opt_o); # may not have trailing slash. $opt_o .= ’/’ unless $opt_o =~ /\/$/; # Read file(s) containing LaTeX commands and their syntax # Read personal syntax.default, or system-wide if there isn’t a personal one # Then read other syntax files, given by the -s option my $default_file = "$dot_lyxdir/reLyX/$syntaxname"; if (! -e $default_file) { $default_file = "$lyxdir/reLyX/$syntaxname"; die "cannot find default syntax file $default_file" unless -e $default_file; my @syntaxfiles = ($default_file); push (@syntaxfiles, (split(/,/,$opt_s))) if defined $opt_s; &ReadCommands::read_syntax_files(@syntaxfiles); ########### Main loop over files (include files will be added to @File_List) my $count=0; #number of files we’ve done my @deletelist = (); # files to delete when we’re done (if no ’-d’ flag) my $Doc_Class; # LaTeX documentclass my $LyX_Preamble = ""; # LyX Preamble not including Latex preamble part my $Latex_Preamble = ""; my $File; while ($File = shift(@File_List)) { # TODO we should always die (or something) if temp files exist & !opt_f my $OutFileName; my $filenum = 0; #numbering for temporary files # May need to add ".tex" to input file name. # PathBase is the output file name without ".lyx". It’s used for building # temporary files’ file names, too. # Finally, make sure the file is valid, directory is writable, etc. # Sub returns (undef, undef, undef) if something goes wrong. my ($InFileDir, $InFileName, $PathBase) = &test_file($File); # Change to the input file’s directory, so that if the input file has an # \include{../foo in it, we’ll find the included file. # Did something go wrong? unless (defined($InFileDir) && chdir($InFileDir)) { # main file must be ok; for included files or file fragments, just warn next if ($count || $opt_p); die "\n"; # printed error already # OK. Start parsing the file! print STDERR "In Directory $InFileDir\n" if $opt_d; print STDERR "($InFileName: "; # Read preamble and calculate document class if necessary # (It’s necessary when we’re doing the first file.) unless ($count) { if ($opt_p) { # it’s a partial file $Doc_Class = $opt_c; else { # Split the preamble off of the rest of the file my $PreambleName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum; $OutFileName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum; push @deletelist, $OutFileName, $PreambleName; &MakePreamble::split_preamble($InFileName, $PreambleName, $OutFileName); $InFileName = $OutFileName; # Now read and translate the LaTeX preamble into LyX # Return document’s class so we know which layout file(s) to read # Also return LyX preamble in a string, for later ($Doc_Class, $LyX_Preamble, $Latex_Preamble) = &MakePreamble::translate_preamble($PreambleName, $LyXFormat); # end partial file if # Read file(s) containing the valid LyX layouts for this documentclass # and their LaTeX command/environment equivalents &ReadCommands::read_layout_files($Doc_Class); # Clean the TeX file (not including its preamble) $OutFileName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum; push @deletelist, $OutFileName; &CleanTeX::call_parser($InFileName, $OutFileName); # Now convert basic constructs in the cleaned TeX file to LyX constructs $InFileName = $OutFileName; $OutFileName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum; push @deletelist, $OutFileName; &BasicLyX::call_parser($InFileName, $OutFileName); # Final cleanup step for noweb files if (defined $opt_n) { $InFileName = $OutFileName; $OutFileName = $PathBase . ".relyx" . ++$filenum; push @deletelist, $OutFileName; system("noweb2lyx", "-post", $InFileName, $OutFileName); # Finally, print out the actual LyX file including the preamble # For the *first* file, print out the LaTeX preamble too $InFileName = $OutFileName; if (defined $opt_n) { push @deletelist, $PathBase; $PathBase =~ s/.pre$$//; $OutFileName = $PathBase . ".lyx"; my $preamble = $count ? $LyX_Preamble : $LyX_Preamble . $Latex_Preamble; &LastLyX::last_lyx($InFileName, $OutFileName, $preamble); warn ")\n"; continue { $count++; # END MAIN WHILE LOOP # Cleanup unless ($opt_d) { warn "Deleting temp files\n"; unlink @deletelist; $Success = 1; exit; # If we "die", output a sad message if ($Success) { warn "Finished successfully!\n"; else { warn "Exited due to fatal Error!\n"; ##################### SUBROUTINES ########################################### # Input: File (including absolute path) # Output: input file directory (absolute path) # input file name (".tex" added if necessary) without path # PathBase, the output file name (including path) without ".lyx" ending # Returns (undef, undef, undef) if something breaks # Only allow certain suffixes # Test for things, like writability of output directory, existence of # .lyx file we would be creating... sub test_file { my $File = shift; my @return_error = (undef, undef, undef); # Get file names, set up for making different temporary files # fileparse_set_fstype("MSDOS") for DOS support! my ($in_basename, $in_path, $suffix) = fileparse($File, @Suffix_List); #$path .= ’/’ unless $path =~ /\/$/; # fix BUG in perl5.002 fileparse! # Try adding .tex to filename if you can’t find the file the user input unless (-e $File) { if (! $suffix) { # didn’t have a valid suffix. Try adding one if (-e "$File.tex") { $suffix = ".tex"; else { warn "\nCan’t find input file $File or $File.tex\n"; return @return_error; else { # it had a valid suffix, but the file doesn’t exist warn "\nCan’t find input file $File\n"; return @return_error; my $in_filename = $in_basename . $suffix; # Make sure directory is valid # Note that we chdir to an input file’s directory before translating it. # Therefore, unless the -o option is given, we want to output files in ’.’ # # TODO if file foo.tex includes a/bar.tex and b/bar.tex, then with the # -o option things will get ugly. We could test for that and create a name # (like relyx-1-12345-bar.tex) for the second (and later!) bar.tex file(s) my $out_path = defined $opt_o ? $opt_o : "./"; unless (-w $out_path) { # Note: "" isn’t writable! warn "\nDirectory $out_path isn’t writable!\n"; return @return_error; $out_path =~ s(^./)(); # "foo" is more readable than "./foo" # This will be used for creating LyX file as well as temp files my $PathBase = $out_path . $in_basename; # Check for files that already exist my $lname = $PathBase . ".lyx"; if (-e $lname) { if ($opt_f) { warn "Will overwrite file $lname\n" if $opt_d; else { warn "\nLyX file $lname already exists. Use -f to overwrite\n"; return @return_error; return ($in_path, $in_filename, $PathBase); # end sub test_file sub abs_file_name { my $File = shift; my ($basename, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($File, @Suffix_List); my $realpath = &my_fast_abs_path($path); # add / at end $realpath .= ’/’ unless $realpath =~ /\/$/; my $name = "$realpath$basename$suffix"; return $name; # Stole this from Cwd.pm. Can’t use the Cwd:: function cuz it’s not in 5.003 # I could test $] >5.004 or something, but why bother? sub my_fast_abs_path { my $cwd = fastcwd(); my $path = shift || ’.’; chdir($path) || die "Cannot chdir to $path:$!"; my $realpath = fastcwd(); chdir($cwd) || die "Cannot chdir back to $cwd:$!"; $realpath; 1; # return "true" to the wrapper

This document was generated on February 15, 2023 using texi2html 5.0.