
separation indent medskip _language english _times 2 1 1 default


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The Use of LyX in Astronomy Subtitle

Looking towards a bright future Author

P. Sⁿtterlin atex

inst efault 1 atex _float footnote Standard

medium on Present Address: default UniversitΣts-Sternwarte, Geismarlandstr. 11, D-37083 G÷ttingen float


and efault A.N. Coauthor atex

inst efault 2 atex Address

Kiepenheuer-Institut fⁿr Sonnenphysik, Sch÷neckstr. 6, D-79104 Freiburg atex

and efault Somewhere-in-the-Country Offprint

P. Sⁿtterlin Email

pit@uni-sw.gwdg.de Date

Received: maybe / Accepted: who knows Abstract

In this paper we show that LyX can be used to write papers for puplication in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.



keywords efault LaTeX - Wordprocessing - Publication atex Section

Intoduction Standard

In 1997, Springer Verlag decided to accept papers for publication in their journals on Astronomy and Astrophysics default and the acompanying on Supplement Series default only in form of LaTeX. At the same time, they switched the layout macros to LaTeX2 _inset Formula ε inset

(Lamport _inset LatexCommand [#!kopka!#]


). This made it easy to adapt a corresponding LyX style to produce the correct output for direct submission to A&A. Section

Discussion Standard

What is there to discuss about? The existence of LyX with this layout makes it as easy as one could wish to write scientific papers. Bibliography


L. Lamport, 1994: on LaTeX: A Document Preparation System default , Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2nd edition _end