*--------------------------------------------* * Kon language module * *--------------------------------------------* ******************************************************************************* CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Overview 2. Installation 3. Translation ******************************************************************************* OVERVIEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for using Kon! The language module consists of a DLL-file which contains the actual resources, such as dialogs, menues and text-strings. It also contains the help-file. ******************************************************************************* INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to use the language module you must have a complete base version of Kon ver. 1.15 or later installed on your system. Installing the language module simply consists of copying the dll (kon_??.dll) and the help file (kon_??.hlp) to the same directory in which you installed Kon. After this has been completed, start Kon and select your newly installed language under the language-tab in the settings notebook. You may at any time switch back and forth between different languages during the execution of Kon. If you wish to translate Kon, this will help you in the translation process. ******************************************************************************* TRANSLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are very welcome to help me translate Kon! The translation consists of translating the resource file (which contains all menues, dialogs and text-strings), and the help file. No programming skills are needed. If you want to translate Kon to a new language, or perhaps help me complete some unfinished translations, please contact me and I will provide you with the needed files and assist you in the translation process in every possible way. You may also if you like request the resource files in order to make a personalized version of Kon, or translate Kon without making the translation publically available, but them I might not be able to give you as much support as I would normally offer.