Using a mouse with Jed and XJed =============================== Jed provides native support for a mouse on the following systems: 1. A Linux console running the GPM server. This server is a replacement for the `selection' program. It is available from 2. MSDOS 3. XJed Later, OS/2 support will be added. In addition to ``native'' mouse support, JED is able to interact with a mouse using the `XTerm Event Protocol'. Support for this protocol is available when running JED in an XTerm as well as interacting with JED from an MSDOS terminal emulator, e.g., MS-Kermit, using the PCMOUSE TSR. This docuument is divided into two sections. The first section describes native mouse support (Linux, MSDOS, XJed) and the second section describes the support for the XTerm Event Protocol. ============================================================================== Native Mouse Support ============================================================================== The S-Lang file jed/lib/ provides a user interface to the mouse. It can only be loaded for systems which provide native support for the mouse. Currently this includes MSDOS, Linux console, and XJed. This file is automatically loaded from when JED is started up. (See for how this is accomplished). Once this file has been loaded, the mouse buttons behave as described below. This interface assumes the presence of a three button mouse. Unfortunately, in the MSDOS world, two button mice are are quite common. Nevertheless, JED is able to emulate a three button mouse by using the ALT key. Any button pressed in combination with the ALT key is considered to be the MIDDLE mouse button. For example, to get the effect of pressing Ctrl-Middle, hold down on the ALT and Ctrl key while pressing any mouse button. Clicking in a window -------------------- Left If a region is already marked, simply un-mark it. If one is not marked, move cursor to the mouse point crossing windows if necessary. If the button is held down and the mouse is dragged, a region will be highlighted and then copied to the cutbuffer when the button is released. Middle If a region is already marked, copy it to the mouse paste-buffer. Otherwise, paste text from the system cut buffer to current editing point. This MAY NOT BE the position of the mouse. Right If a region is already marked, delete it and place a copy into the mouse paste-buffer. Otherwise, simply position the editing point at the position of the mouse. If the button is held down and the mouse is dragged, a new region will be marked. Shift Middle Insert contents of the last JED mouse copy or kill. This function may be identical to simply clicking on the middle button without using the shift key on non-X systems. Simply clicking the middle mouse button will insert the contents of the current selection which may not be owned by JED. Other buttons combinations are undefined. Some modes may utilize the mouse in a slightly different manner. Clicking on a window status line -------------------------------- Left Switch to next buffer. Ctrl-Left Kill buffer described by status line. Shift-Left Scroll window back one page. Shift-Right Scroll window forward one page Middle Split the window. Right: Delete the window For example, one can quickly move from one buffer to the next by simply clicking on the status line with the left mouse button. Tips for using the mouse ------------------------- 1. To quicky move the cursor to another location, simply point the mouse at that spot and click the LEFT mouse button. 2. To copy a region for subsequent pasting, move the mouse to the beginning of the region and press the LEFT mouse button. While holding it down, ``drag'' the mouse to the end of the region and release it. 3. To cut a region and put it in the paste buffer, define a region by dragging with the RIGHT mouse button. Now release the RIGHT button and then press and immediately release it. ============================================================================== XTerm Event Support ============================================================================== Xterm event support is provided by not only Xterm but also the Linux console running the `selection' program. Only versions 1.6 and greater of selection provide this support. In addition, one must be using a recent Linux kernel (1.1.35 or newer.) Please note that the selection program is considered obsolete and should be replaced by the GPM mouse server. Installation ============= To enable JED to use this mouse support, the following steps must be performed: 1. Make sure you have the appropriate version of selection and the Linux kernel installed. 2. Put the following on your .jedrc file: () = evalfile ("mousex"); The file `' creates three hooks: `exit_hook', `suspend_hook', and `resume_hook'. If you have already defined these hooks for yourself, look at `' and modify your hooks appropriately. These hooks are necessary so that the `selection' state can be properly initialized and restored. Mouse Usage =========== Left Button: ------------ If the left button is clicked on the status line of a window, the window will switch to a different buffer. If the button is pressed anywhere else in the window, the cursor will be positioned at the location of the click. Middle Button: ------------- On status line: split the window Anywhere else: If the region is highlighted, the region will be copied to the pastebuffer. This does not delete the region. Otherwise, the contents in the pastebuffer will be pasted to the current editing point. Right Button: ------------- On status line: delete the window. Anywhere else: If a region is highlighted, the region will be extended to the position of the mouse. Otherwise, the mark is set and a region will be defined. Cut/Paste Tips: To mark and manipulate a region do: 1. Click the LEFT mouse button at the beginning of the region. 2. Move the mouse to the end of the region and click the RIGHT mouse button. The region should now be marked. 3. Click the MIDDLE button to copy the region to the pastebuffer. 4. To paste from the pastebuffer, move the cursor to where you want to paste and press the MIDDLE button.