Included in this distribution is the file ``''. This requires JED version 0.84 or greater to run. To use it, put () = evalfile (""); in your .jedrc (jed.rc) file. This document also includes some gold key settings kindly donated by (James Clifton). I have not installed these settings in but I encourage you to look at it. Note: will not work with jed386.exe. See question 12 of jed_faq.txt for a way around this restriction. Differences between EDT and Jed's EDT emulation Hopefully, you will not notice any difference if you use the keypad keys. I have done my best to ensure that the functionality of the Application keypad is preserved. By default, JED binds ^H (control-H) to help. Actually, it is a prefix character for ^HC (showkey), ^Hf (describe function), ^Hm (man page), etc... EDT (VMS) uses ^H to move to the beginning of the line. If you want this behavior instead of JED's, then put the line unsetkey ("^H"); setkey ("bol", "^H"); in your jed.rc (.jedrc) file AFTER the evalfile ("") statement. I tried to find out if there is a standard set of GOLD-X key definitions where X is and character A-Z. Apparantly there is not. Hence with the exceptions below, I have not defined any. However, this should not stop you from defining your own. (See what James Clifton does below) I have defined 2 GOLD key combinitions: GOLD-E and GOLD-Q. Both of these are bound to the exit command. If you would like to bind the GOLD-X key combinations, then it is very easy. For example, suppose you want GOLD-I to insert a file into the buffer, GOLD-W to write the buffer to a file, and GOLD-S to switch to a previous buffer. Then add the following to your .jedrc (jed.rc) file: setkey ("insert_file", "^[OPI"); setkey ("write_buffer", "^[OPW"); setkey ("switch_to_buffer", "^[OPS"); Note that the GOLD key actually returns 3 characters: escape (^[) O, and P. The escape key on DEC keyboards as well as many others is equivalent to pressing Control-[. When JED see's the caret `^', it interprets it as CONTROL. In addition to the standard keypad, newer DEC terminals (vt220 etc) have a smaller keypad (Find, Insert here, Prev SCreen, etc....). These have also been bound. Finally, JED does not support any EDT line editing commands, nor will it.