═══ 1. IPF Review Overview ═══ IPF Review allows you to comment on IPF helps and books without printing them first. Reviews are done on line. The author as well as the reviewer will want to have a copy of IPF Review for thorough and ongoing communications. The author prepares the IPF document by pointing to IPF Review (you'll learn how on the next panel). The author then compiles with IBM's IPFC or IBM's Hyperwise (TM). Note: Whether authoring of the IPF file was done with Hyperwise or an ASCII editor and IPFC, the compiled results are the same and both can be used with IPF Review. The reviewer opens the prepared document and, panel by panel, comments with IPF Review. Once review comments are complete and saved, IPF Review prints the current, open comment file or, like a report, combines any number of comment files and prints them. To respond to comments, the author can uses IPF Review and edits the same comment file. Go on to "Preparing IPF or WF Files". ═══ 2. Preparing IPF or WF Files ═══ Before reviewing an IPF file, you must "prepare" it, by adding two statements. Following are instructions for both IPFC and Hyperwise. Preparing a document for IPF Review with Hyperwise: Open your .WF document. Click on Document. Click on Properties... In the DLL name field, type COMMENT. In the Object name field, type INITCOMMENT. Add a document title if it's not already there. Save the document. Click on Document. Click on Export and INF. Click on INF. (Even if it is going to finally be a help file, for review purposes, you need to compile it as a "book" file.) Export and copy into the review directory. Preparing a document for IPF Review with IPFC: Open your IPF source (tagged) document. Add the following statement after docprof= Save the document. Compile to INF. (Even if it is going to be a help or HLP file when complete, for review purposes, you'll need to compile it as a "book" or INF file.) Copy your "prepared" INF file to the directory that contains the IPF Review program. If you used the default, it is in C:\REVIEW Go on to "Learning IPF Review". ═══ 3. Learning IPF Review -- The Fast Path ═══ After your INF file is "prepared", 1. Open an OS/2 window, change to the directory you installed IPF Review (C:\REVIEW\ if you took the default) and type: VIEW filename.INF The INF table of contents and a comment file dialog appear. 2. Fill in the name of a new comment file or select one that already exists. Another table of contents window appears at the top right of the screen. The table of contents on the right mirrors that of the active INF file on the left except that it has all of the "hidden" panel titles displayed in gray so you can comment on those too. When you start any new comment file, it's important to complete the Reviewer Information. 3. Click on File and Reviewer Information. 4. Fill out the Reviewer data and click on the OK button. 5. Doubleclick on a panel title from the right table of contents window. The panel opens and its contents displays in the top left window while an empty comment window appears on the bottom. 6. With the focus on that bottom window, click on Ctrl+C and the word COMMENT appears automatically. Type your comments. 7. Open another panel and note that an icon appears in front of the topic you already commented. If you cut or delete all comments on a single panel, the icon disappears. 8. To copy lines from your INF file to the comment window, doubleclick with mouse button 2 on the line to be copied. It appears automatically in the comment window with quotes around it. You can copy an entire panel of text into the IPF Review comment window by clicking on Services and Copy in the INF file window (upper left). Graphics and other objects cannot be copied. Only text will import. 9. Save your comment file and print the current open file. To print a combined file (that is a file of all the comments sorted by panel title and integrated into one report) , you need to open an OS/2 window, move to your review directory and type Report. 10. As the author, you can answer comments by bringing up a .REV file using the same steps. Click on Ctrl+A automatically displaying Answer: and type a response. ═══ 4. Open Comment File ═══ Make your selection from this window if you're updating an existing comment file or type a new filename with a .REV extension if you're commenting on the document for the first time. Open filename Type the name of an existing or new file. Use an 8 or fewer character filename and the extension .REV. Type of files Keep it as is. Display . Drive Select the drive your .REV files are kept. File Highlight the filename to open. It will appear automatically in the Open filename field. Directory Select the directory. ═══ 5. File ═══ File contains the following options: Open panel Click on this to open the panel that is currently highlighted. Another way to open a panel is to doubleclick on the panel title. Save Click on Save to save your comment file. Save as... Click on Save as... and a dialog appears requesting the name of the file. Type an 8 character or less name and .REV as the extension. Reviewer Information Click on this option to add or update information about yourself as the reviewer or to look up information about the person who reviewed your document. Print Click on this to print the existing open comment file. ═══ 5.1. Open Panel ═══ Open panel Click on this to display the contents of the panel title currently highlighted. Another way to open a panel is to doubleclick directly on the panel title. ═══ 5.2. Save ═══ Save Click on this option to save your comment file. ═══ 5.3. Save As ═══ Save as... Click on Save as... and a dialog appears requesting the name of the file. Type an 8 character or less name and .REV as the extension. ═══ 5.3.1. Save as... Dialog ═══ To have two copies of your file, you can save one with a different name. Save as filename Type an 8 character or less filename and .REV as the extension. Save file as type Leave the selection . Drive Highlight the appropriate drive letter. This is the drive where your new file will be saved. File When saving, not selecting, filenames are grayed. Directory Select the directory you want to save your .REV file. ═══ 5.4. Reviewer Information ═══ Reviewer Information keeps track of important comment file data. The author wants to know who reviewed, when the review took place and how to contact that person. Click on this option to bring up the Reviewer Information Dialog. ═══ 5.4.1. Reviewer Information...Dialog ═══ Reviewer information contains important contact information such as name, Id and phone number. Comment filename The filename created or selected and its location is displayed. The computer date of the comment file is also displayed. These cannot be changed from this dialog. Review file All of the information available about the .INF document is placed here. This information cannot be changed from this dialog. Reviewer name Type your own name into this field. This field has a 40 character limit. Phone Type the phone number you can be reached during business hours. This field has a 40 character limit. FAX Type the FAX number you can be reached during business hours. This field has a 40 character limit. Network Id Identify your Id and the network you access for business use. This field has a 40 character limit. General Comment In the general comment window, type any general comments you have about the book or helps you are reviewing. ═══ 5.5. Printing ═══ With IPF Review, you can save to file and print individual comment files. Choose this option to print the current open comment file. You can also save in a file and print a combined list of all comments on each panel. To print a combined report, you will use another program named Report. It was shipped and installed with your IPF Review program. From a command window, change to the directory you installed IPF Review and type Report. A dialog appears. Give the report a name, check the print checkbox if you want to print your report and click on the Find.... button. Another dialog appears named the Select Comment Files Dialog. Click with mousebutton 1 on the filename(s). Click on the OK button and the report generator dialog reappears with the selected filename(s) listed. If that list is the one you really want to save to file and/or print, click on the Report button. The saved file is titled the name you gave it and TXT. ═══ 5.6. Exit ═══ File Exit allows you to close IPF Review. Be sure to save your work before you exit. ═══ 6. Help ═══ Under Help, you can access the index and general help. General help gives you an overview of IPF Review and leads you to other panels with getting started and using information. ═══ 7. Help Index ═══ Click on Help index to see the index associated with IPF Review's online information. ═══ 8. Edit ═══ Edit's Copy, Cut and Paste help you delete, move and copy. Copy Copies the marked text (leaving the original intact) and saves it to the OS/2 system clipboard. Cut Cuts the marked text (deletes it from the marked area) and saves it to the OS/2 system clipboard. Paste Places information you have copied or cut. ═══ 9. Review - Insert Words ═══ COMMENT Click on COMMENT or type Ctrl+C to insert the word before your comment. ANSWER Click on ANSWER or type Ctrl+A to insert the word Answer before typing your response to the comment.