═══ 1. Document ═══ IPF Binder's Document features include: New Click on New and an empty window appears to the right titled "New Table of Contents". Open Click on Open and a file dialog appears where you can select an existing "work in progress" document. It is noted by a .BND extension. You will use the "real" name (.INF or .HLP) when you do your final binding. Save... Click on Save... to save your new table of contents. A dialog appears where you enter the filename. Use .BND as your extension as this file is treated like a "work in progress" document. You will use the "real" name (.INF or .HLP) when you do your final binding. Save as.... Click on Save as...to save a second copy of the "work in progress" file. A dialog appears where you enter the filename. Use .BND as your extension as this file is treated like a "work in progress" document. You will use the "real" name extension,.INF or .HLP, when you do your final binding. Close Click on Close to close the current "work in progress" document. Open INF files Click on Open INF files and a dialog appears. The selection for each INF and HLP file is available. Close INF/HLP file Click on Close INF/HLP file to close the online help or book which has the focus. Closing with a double-click on the system icon, closes the whole application. Bind Click on Bind to create (compile) your document into its final form. Exit Click on Exit to close IPF Binder. ═══ 1.1. Document New ═══ To create a new document, click on this option. An empty window appears to the right of the screen titled "New Table of Contents". The next step is to click on Document and Set title. ═══ 1.2. Document Open... ═══ Document Open brings up a dialog: Open filename Select an existing "BND" document to continue your work. Type of file Leave the choice as Drive Select the drive the "BND" document file exists or you want it saved to. File This window lists the filenames. Select the appropriate file. Directory The directory window lists the directories available in the drive previously selected. ═══ 1.2.1. Open Document BND... Dialog ═══ Open filename Select an existing BND document. Type of file Leave the choice as . Drive Select the drive the BND document exists. File This window lists the filenames. Select the appropriate file. Directory This window lists the directories available in the drive previously selected. ═══ 1.3. Document Save ═══ Use Document Save to save the new document you have created. Save it to a .BND extension if you want to add to it again later. Binding it to an INF or HLP filename before you're ready to call your document final can cause you problems. since there is no way to tell a truly compiled document from a "work in progress" document when they both have the same extensions. ═══ 1.4. Document Save as... ═══ Use Document Save as... to create a second (or third, etc) copy of the new document you're creating. Save as... filename Select an existing "bound (BND)" document to continue your work or create a new one. Save as...Type of file Leave the choice as Drive Select the drive the "bound (BND)" document file exists or you want it saved to. File This window lists the filenames. Select the appropriate file. Directory The directory window lists the directories available in the drive previously selected. ═══ 1.4.1. Document Save as...Dialog ═══ Save as... filename Select an existing "BND" document to continue your work. Save as...Type of file Leave the choice as Drive Select the drive the "BND" document file exists or you want it saved to. File This window lists the filenames. Select the appropriate file. Directory The directory window lists the directories available in the drive previously selected. ═══ 1.5. Document Close ═══ This option closes the new document. Save it as a .BND document if you expect to work on it later. Using the intermediate .BND format circumvents any "possible" conflicts with .INF. Select Bind if you want a final save of it. ═══ 1.5.1. Update Topic and Head Level Dialog ═══ Doubleclick on the panel title to bring up the update dialog. From here you can change the panel title, head level and id. To change the topic heading, type over the title text. To change the head level, (head 1 through head 6) use the up or down arrows. If you are going to finally use this file as a help file for your application, number the panel id's to support your application's IPF table. ═══ 1.6. Document Set Title... ═══ Select this option to create the document name. Note: This is the same as title= in your IPF docprof statement or the Document title in Hyperwise. ═══ 1.7. Document Open INF or HLP files... ═══ Open INF or HLP files Click on Open INF or Open HLP files and a dialog appears. The picture below shows the INF dialog. HLP files are available from the HLP dialog. Open filename Select an existing INF or HLP document. Type of file Leave the choice as Drive Select the drive the INF or HLP document resides. File This window lists the filenames. Select the appropriate file. Directory The directory window lists the directories available in the drive previously selected. ═══ 1.7.1. Open INF files...Dialog ═══ Open filename Select an existing INF or HLP document. Type of file Leave the choice as Drive Select the drive the INF or HLP document exists. File This window lists the filenames. Select the appropriate file. Directory The directory window lists the directories available in the drive previously selected. ═══ 1.8. Close INF/HLP file ═══ Close INF/HLP file Click on this option to close the document that has the focus. ═══ 1.9. Document Bind ═══ Bind Click on Bind to build (compile) your new document. To be sure it is built correctly, click on Open INF file or HLP file and select the "newly bound INF or HLP" document. Check each panel. Note: If any problems occur in the "newly bound" document, check the documents you took the panels from initially. View the inf files and/or help files. If there are any problems in those documents the problems will be carried over to this new one. ═══ 1.9.1. Document Bind...Dialog ═══ Binding the document means to turn it into an INF or HLP file. Type the filename and .INF if you want it to be an online book and .HLP if you want it to be an online help file. ═══ 1.10. Document Exit ═══ Use Exit to close the Binder program. ═══ 2. Utilities ═══ IPF Binder's Utilities help you copy, delete and set the level of linking you want to go with your document. It also shows you target links in an existing panel. Copy highlighted topic The topic highlighted in an existing INF or HLP file appears in your new table of contents window. Copy all If you want to copy every topic from the INF or HLP file, click on this option. Delete The topic highlighted in your new table of contents is deleted. Set target link level The target link level means that IPF Binder will bring with the selected or dragged panel title, the link information and the target or "linked to" panel. You can set this to any level. The default is 1. Show target links Selecting this option gives a text view of what is linked to the highlighted panel title. ═══ 2.1. Utilities Copy Highlighted Topic ═══ Copy highlighted topic The topic highlighted in an existing INF or HLP file appears in your new table of contents window. ═══ 2.2. Utilities Copy All ═══ Copy all If you want to copy every topic from the INF or HLP file, click on this option. ═══ 2.3. Utilities Delete ═══ Delete Highlight a topic in your new table of contents to delete, and click on this delete option. ═══ 2.4. Set Target Link Level... ═══ Set target link level The default target link level is one which means that IPF Binder will bring with it, the link information and the target panel. ═══ 2.4.1. Set Target Link Level... Dialog ═══ Click on the up or down arrow to select the level you want to copy into your new document. If you want to copy the first level of links, which is the default, it means that all the panels that are linked to from the panel you are selecting will be carried also. If you selected two as the level, the panels associated with the second set of panels will be included. ═══ 2.5. Show Target Links ═══ Show target links Selecting this option gives a text view of what is linked to the highlighted panel title. From this, you can decide if you want to change the target link level. ═══ 3. Help ═══ Information is available to you in the form of online help. If you click on General help, you will get information about IPF Binder's capabilities, functions and how to get started. Index help will give you a list of index entries to the help information. About IPF Binder will tell who created the product and when. ═══ 3.1. General Help ═══ IPF Binder is a tool that lets you "tear out pages" from an existing online OS/2 book or help and make up your own. Almost all OS/2 applications use IPF to view their online information. There are many help and book panels that are candidates for your new document. (See the important note at the end of this panel.) IPF Binder is very useful for application training or for bringing into one place all the information used for one specific job. If you have been confused by all the different places you have to look to get the information you need to do your job, this is the tool for you. When you installed and rebooted, your config.sys PATH=, LIBPATH= and HELP= statements were updated to reflect a directory path for IPF Binder. After IPF Binder is started up, begin by clicking on Document and New. An empty window appears with the title New Table of contents. IPF Binder has a "working format" that is .BND when saved. It is not until you are finished that you will want to create the .INF or .HLP file. Click on Document, Open INF file... and a dialog appears. Locate the INF or HLP file you want to use as your source and open it. (INF file and HLP files are often in the drive: OS2\HELP\ or drive: OS2\BOOKSHELF\ directories. ) Once the desired INF or HLP file is open, drag and drop the topics of choice to the new table of contents with mousebutton 2. If you are not sure of the content, just open the panel with a doubleclick of mousebutton 1. Change the order of your book by dragging and dropping with mousebutton 2 on the table of contents list. You have the option to carry links with the topics or not. The default is to carry the first level of target links. To change that, click on Utilities and Set target link level. Change the number to your desired choice by clicking on the arrows. Once your new book is created, click on Document and Bind. That puts it into a viewable form. To see your new book, type VIEW filename from an OS/2 window or while still in IPF Binder, click on Document and Open. You cannot edit any existing panels, however, you can add to them easily by creating another online book or help with IPFC or Hyperwise and then dragging and dropping the contents of it into your book. Important: An often asked question is "Can we package and ship to others in my company, this online book or help file created with IPF Binder?" IPF Binder works on compiled and viewable online information. Online information is considered licensed software by most companies and, just like software, you must adhere to the license and copyright agreements of the products you're using. ═══ 3.2. Help Index ═══ Click on Help Index to see the index list for IPF Binder helps.