═══ 1. Notices ═══ The following terms, denoted by a single asterisk (*) in this publication, are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States and/or other countries: ┌───────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────┐ │ AIX │ IBM │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤ │ OS/2 │ Operating System/2 │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤ │ Presentation Manager │ SAA │ ├───────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤ │ Systems Application Architecture │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────┴────────────────────────┘ The following terms, denoted by a double asterisk (**) are trademarks of other companies: ┌─────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ AST │ AST Research, Incorporated │ ├─────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Intel │ Intel Corporation │ ├─────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Intel386 │ Intel Corporation │ ├─────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Intel486 │ Intel Corporation │ ├─────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Lotus │ Lotus Corporation │ ├─────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Microsoft │ Microsoft Corporation │ ├─────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ Windows │ Microsoft Corporation │ └─────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 2. About This Book ═══ This book introduces you to Hyperwrite/E. Use it as a reference book for Hyperwrite/E's most common functions, a reference to tasks unique to online information and a reference for the most advanced functions. The material in this guide assumes that you are familiar with OS/2 or another windowing operating system. It also assumes that you are aware of Information Presentation Facility (IPF), OS/2's online help manager, If not, be sure to go through Hyperwrite/E's tutorial. ═══ 2.1. How This Book is Organized ═══ Chapter 1 describes the features, concepts and purpose behind development of Hyperwrite/E. Chapter 2 describes how to start and install Hyperwrite/E. It also explains how to get online help and an online tutorial. Chapter 3 is a chapter of lessons. It gives the steps for completing the most common tasks using the quickest steps. ═══ 2.2. Related Information ═══ The OS/2 User's Guide and Quick Reference will have information you may need. ═══ 3. Introducing Hyperwrite/E ═══ Your online helps and documents can now come alive with color and animation. You can make information much more interesting to read by linking colorful pictures to your words. Your help panels can automatically bring up other help panels, online books or other OS/2 programs. All of this is possible with Hyperwrite/E, and it's all so easy to do. Hyperwrite/E features a graphical toolbar, pulldown menus, and lists you build as you edit. These easy-to-use features are further enhanced by drag, drop, and swipe methods that OS/2 introduced to the world. Creating text links, graphics links, and program links are really fast! Creating tables and split screen panels, once very complex tasks, are simple! There are many other features that make Hyperwrite/E a powerful tool. Animation: Lets you create action sequences for IPF helps or IPF online books They are fun to use in online presentations also. Application Controlled Viewports: Allows you to associate a program with a panel, giving the program control. It's common to have IPF panels display animation or video through the use of application controlled viewports. Hyperwrite/E just makes it easy to author. Dynamic Data Formatting (DDF): Lets you have information passed to IPF to display while IPF is running. It's information that IPF doesn't have to know anything about. For example, if online help depends on the windows present when the user presses F1, you would use dynamic data formatting to display that conditional help. If the user needs the most current information from an inventory program, DDF in help is a useful feature. Version Control: For IPF or presentations, the same information can have several versions and each can be displayable as if it's a separate document. User Preference: Lets you move from user to advanced mode and set up your editing environment (make your screen display just those things you want). Indexing: Enables you to create index entries using the mark, drag and drop technique. Style Files: Hyperwrite/E comes with a style called PANEL.STY. PANEL.STY has elements and panel definitions that are appropriate for IPF help or online book development. You can add to the list of panel styles in PANEL.STY and you can create your own styles. Your own styles are good to create if you want to use Hyperwrite/E for presentations (online, using Hyperwrite/E or hardcopy, using a PostScript plotter). The create style filefeature allows you to invent as many styles as you want. Grouped Elements: You can define a customized page or panel layout that can be used over and over. Color: You can change the text and background colors. ═══ 3.1. The Basics of IPF and Hyperwrite/E ═══ Hyperwrite/E was developed to improve productivity of the information developer or programmer that uses IPF (Information Presentation Facility). IPF is a very powerful reader shipped with OS/2 that displays online books or helps. What makes IPF so powerful is all the hyperlinking function and the application interaction it gives you. For example, you can link text with other panels of text, link text with graphics, link graphics with text and graphics, link parts of graphics with text or other graphics parts, link panels, and text or graphics to other OS/2 applications. Its powerful application interaction is available through a help application programming interface and dynamic data formatting, where the application can "talk to" IPF. IPF can "talk to" the application also. It does that through the Inform link. You can even make IPF "talk" to itself by using the autolinking features. Each of these features will be detailed in the "Linking with IPF" section of this book. Hyperwrite/E offers all of the features of IPF that runs on OS/2 2.0. However, instead of having to go through all of the labor intensive tagging that was previously required, Hyperwrite/E automatically formats the text for you as you select IPF elements from an element list. You can create tables using a dialog box that asks you how many rows and columns you want for your table and then automatically displays it for you. You can also create links using the marking, dragging, and dropping techniques. You can also use Hyperwrite/E as a presentation tool using functions that are really unrelated to IPF development. Hyperwrite/E can format and print your Hyperwrite/E panels on a PostScript plotter or printer. Or, you can create your own styles and use Hyperwrite/E to display your presentations. ═══ 3.1.1. What You Need to Run Hyperwrite/E ═══ Hyperwrite/E runs on OS/2 1.3 or higher. You need an IBM Personal System/2 with a color display and a mouse. ═══ 4. Getting Started ═══ This chapter describes how to install and start Hyperwrite/E and its tutorial. We recommend that you work through the tutorial to get familiar with the features of IPF and Hyperwrite/E ═══ 4.1. Installing Hyperwrite/E ═══ You must have OS/2 1.3 or higher before installing Hyperwrite/E. 1. Create a subdirectory for Hyperwrite/E and make it your current directory: md hyperwrt 2. Change the LIBPATH in the CONFIG.SYS file so that the correct DLL files can be found when Hyperwrite/E needs them. Add a period (.) to the beginning of the LIBPATH statement: LIBPATH =.; 3. Make HYPERWRT your current directory. cd hyperwrt ═══ 4.2. Starting Hyperwrite/E ═══ If you're still in the OS/2 window and the HYPERWRT subdirectory, simply enter: hyperwrt If you've closed that OS/2 window, or performed some other tasks since installing, you'll have to get back into an OS/2 window and have the HYPERWRT subdirectory as your current directory, or specify the HYPERWRT subdirectory in your PATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. When you start Hyperwrite/E, the logo is displayed: The logo is then replaced with Hyperwrite/E's main screen. ═══ 4.2.1. Learning Hyperwrite/E ═══ We recommend that you take the tutorial to learn about Hyperwrite/E. 1. Click on the Help option on the Menu bar. 2. Click on the Tutorial option. Accessing the Tutorial 3. We have set a path for you. Read and scroll the panel to the right of the main menu. 4. If you do not want to take the path we have set for you, double click on any topic from the main menu. ═══ 4.3. Getting Help ═══ There is online help for each option. To get help on an option in a menu, highlight the item and press F1. Hyperwrite/E's Help Menu To get help with options in the Menu bar: 1. Press F10 to focus on the Menu bar. 2. Use the left and right arrow keys to highlight the option you want help with. 3. Press F1 for help with the highlighted option. Another way is to press ESC when you're under the option you're interested in. This removes the menu, leaving only the menu bar item highlighted. Then press F1. The helps for the menu bar items tell what functions are available under each option. Other helps provided with each option are more detailed "how to" helps. ═══ 4.3.1. Terms and Definitions ═══ Panel Panel is the basic unit of organization within a document. The "Main Menu" panel in the figure above is an example. Note that not all of the panel is visible. Scrolling down with the vertical scroll bar reveals more information in the same panel. The maximum amount of information in a panel is about 40 hard copy pages. Element Elements are those smaller units of a document or online information file like paragraphs, lists, and headings. Style File Style files control how Hyperwrite/E displays elements and panels. Hyperwrite/E comes with a style file: PANEL.STY. However, you can create your own style files. If you want to create presentations, and want to define headings with much larger ..... ═══ 4.3.2. Hyperwrite/E Key Definitions ═══ ┌─────────────┬──────────────┬───────────────────────────────────┐ │ TASK │ KEYS │ MOUSE │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Get Help. │ F1 │ Move the mouse pointer to the │ │ │ │ word "Help"; then press mouse │ │ │ │ button 1 once. │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Switch to │ F10 │ Move the cursor to the Menu bar │ │ Action bar. │ │ and click on mouse button 1. │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Move cursor │ Home │ Move the mouse pointer to the │ │ to begin- │ │ beginning of line; then press │ │ ning of │ │ mouse button 1 once. │ │ line. │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Move cursor │ End │ Move the mouse pointer to the end │ │ to end of │ │ of line; then press mouse button │ │ line. │ │ 1 once. │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Remove a │ ESC │ Move the cursor to the title bar │ │ Window. │ │ icon and double-click on mouse │ │ │ │ button 1. │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Move the │ Ctrl+end │ Move the cursor to the bottom of │ │ cursor to │ │ the window and click on mouse │ │ the bottom │ │ button 1. │ │ of the │ │ │ │ window. │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Move the │ Ctrl+home │ Move the cursor to the top of the │ │ cursor to │ │ window and click on mouse button │ │ the top of │ │ 1. │ │ the window. │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Split the │ Ctrl+S │ │ │ line at the │ │ │ │ cursor. │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Delete from │ Ctrl+E │ │ │ cursor to │ │ │ │ end-of- │ │ │ │ line. │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Delete the │ Backspace │ │ │ character │ │ │ │ to the left │ │ │ │ of the │ │ │ │ cursor │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Scroll up │ Page Up │ Move the cursor to the upper │ │ one screen. │ │ portion of the vertical slider │ │ │ │ bar and click on mouse button 1. │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Scroll down │ Page Down │ Move the cursor to the bottom │ │ one screen. │ │ portion of the vertical slider │ │ │ │ bar and click on mouse button 1. │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Move the │ Left, Right, │ │ │ cursor one │ Up, Down │ │ │ space or │ Arrows │ │ │ line. │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Toggle │ Insert │ │ │ insert/repla│e │ │ │ mode. │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Delete the │ Delete │ │ │ character │ │ │ │ above the │ │ │ │ cursor. │ │ │ ├─────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Move from │ Ctrl+Left, │ Move the cursor to appropriate │ │ cell to │ Right, Up, │ cell and click on mouse button 1. │ │ cell in a │ Down Arrows. │ │ │ table. │ │ │ └─────────────┴──────────────┴───────────────────────────────────┘ ═══ 4.4. Exiting Hyperwrite/E ═══ To exit Hyperwrite/E, select Document from the Menu bar (be sure to save your work) and then select Exit or just press F3. You can also exit by clicking twice on the Title-bar icon (upper left corner) of Hyperwrite/E. If you've changed the document and then attempt to exit, Hyperwrite/E will ask you if you want to save the file. ═══ 5. Hyperwrite/E Quick Steps to Common Tasks ═══ We have chosen tasks we believe to be the most common to using Hyperwrite/E and have given you the quickest steps to completing them. They are divided into three sections: basic editing functions, special functions (creating tables, animation and linking any number of ways) and advanced functions (creating your own styles). The names of each icon in the Toolbar appear in the command line area. Move your mouse across each icon and look at the command area. Use this to identify each toolbar icon until you learn them. ═══ 5.1. Performing Basic Editing Functions ═══ Basic editing functions are the opening of new or existing documents, or panels and then naming them. Entering text, creating indexes and synonym lists are included. ═══ 5.1.1. Opening Documents and Panels or Pages ═══ ═══ Opening (Creating) a New Document ═══ 1. Double-click on "Create New Document" Icon A dialog appears. 2. Type the name of the document 3. Type panel.sty. Don't worry about the other fields. 4. Press Enter A blank panel and an Element list appear. You now need to title the panel. ═══ 5.1.2. Titling and Changing the Titles of Panels ═══ A panel or page can contain the equivalent of forty pages of text. However, the title should be the same as the one you want to appear in the table of contents, so each panel ideally contains only the text under a given heading. ═══ Titling a Panel or Page ═══ 1. Type the heading name 2. Press Enter If you pressed Enter before naming the panel (it will say unnamed panel), follow the steps for changing the name of a panel that follow. ═══ Changing the Title of a Panel ═══ 1. Place the cursor in the title bar 2. Press and hold the Alt key while pressing mouse button 1 3. Type the heading name 4. Press Enter ═══ 5.1.3. Changing Order of a Table of Contents ═══ 1. Make the Table of Contents visible by clicking on the table of contents icon in the toolbar. 2. With mouse button 2 drag and drop the heading or title to the place you want it to finally end up. The ═══ Opening an Existing Document ═══ All documents with a .wf extension are shown as icons on the bottom of the screen. To open an existing document, 1. Double-click on the document icon. A panel list and an element list appear. All documents without a .wf extension are opened through the action bar. 1. Select Document 2. Select Open 3. Double-click on the document name. A panel list and an element list appear. ═══ Opening an Existing Panel ═══ All panel titles are listed in panel list. 1. Double-click on the panel The panel or page appears to the left of the screen. ═══ Opening (Creating) a New Panel ═══ For PANEL.STY, there is a default (the size and style of an IPF help panel) and some additional styles that are often used in IPF panels. To open or create a default panel, 1. Double-click on the New Page Icon A new panel appears. To open or create a non-default style when using PANEL.STY, 1. Select View 2. Select Panel Style 3. Double-click on the panel style name. A new panel appears. ═══ 5.1.4. Creating and Updating Paragraphs ═══ ═══ Creating a Paragraph ═══ Make your element list visible for the next few tasks. Click on the element list icon and move it to the right side of the screen. To create a paragraph: 1. Locate the paragraph element 2. Double-click 3. Type ═══ Creating Another Paragraph ═══ 1. Press Enter 2. Type Note that the Enter key means "give me another one of these". Every time you want to repeat the element you've just used, press the Enter key. ═══ Updating an Existing Paragraph ═══ The text will take on the properties of the text to the immediate right or left of the cursor. 1. Place your cursor 2. If replacing, press INS to toggle to replace mode 3. Type ═══ 5.1.5. Creating and Updating an Ordered List ═══ ═══ Creating an Ordered List ═══ Lists have red structure symbols around them to give you the choice to make the selected element part of the list or not. 1. Make the element list visible 2. Locate the ordered list 3. Double-click 4. Type 5. Press Enter for another list item ═══ Nesting an Ordered List ═══ 1. Press Ctrl + N 2. Type ═══ Updating an Ordered List ═══ If the cursor is placed to the right of the structure symbol end, another list item from the previous level is created. If no nesting has occurred, another ordered list will be created. 1. Press Enter 2. If replacing text, press Ins key 3. Type Now that you have learned to use the element list, you have no doubt noticed that the list has keys noted next to each element. If you are a keyboard user, you may want to use keys for each structure. ═══ 5.1.6. Creating and Updating Definition Lists ═══ ═══ Creating a Definition List ═══ Lists have red structure symbols around them to give you the choice to make the selected element part of the list or not. 1. Make the element list visible 2. Locate the definition list 3. Double-click 4. Type 5. Press the tab key 6. Press Enter for another list item ═══ Nesting a Definition List ═══ 1. Press Ctrl + N 2. Type ═══ Updating a Definition List ═══ 1. Place the cursor 2. If replacing text, press Ins key 3. Type 4. To place the cursor in the definition term,use the mouse or the cursor 5. Type ═══ 5.1.7. Creating and Updating Lines ═══ ═══ Creating Lines ═══ The lines element is typically used within a paragraph. It can be aligned with the left margin, the right margin, or centered. The default is to align with the left margin. Lines keeps the same font as the paragraph. 1. Place the cursor 2. Make the element list visible 3. Locate lines 4. Double-click on lines 5. Type ═══ Updating the Lines' Position ═══ 1. Make the element list visible 2. Highlight the lines element 3. Double-click with mouse button 2 4. Change the radio button to center or right ═══ Updating the Lines' Text ═══ 1. Press Enter 2. If replacing text, press Ins key 3. Type ═══ 5.1.8. Creating and Updating Notes ═══ ═══ Creating a Warning Note ═══ All notes (warning, danger and caution), have prefix strings that "lead" the note. 1. Make the element list visible 2. Locate the warning element 3. Double-click with mouse button 1 4. Type ═══ Updating the Warning Note Text ═══ 1. Place your cursor 2. If replacing text, press Ins key 3. Type ═══ 5.2. Highlighting Text and Updating ═══ ═══ 5.2.1. Highlighting Text ═══ 1. Click on the font list icon 2. Mark text with mouse button 1 3. Double-click on the font name ═══ 5.2.2. Updating Highlighted Text ═══ 1. Place your cursor on the text you want to modify 2. Type ═══ 5.2.3. Using the Same Highlighting Elsewhere ═══ 1. Place your cursor on the highlighted text 2. Select Create 3. Select Lock Cursor 4. Move the cursor to the place you want the highlighted text to appear again. 5. Type ═══ 5.2.4. Customizing the Element List ═══ ═══ Removing Items From the Element List ═══ 1. Make the element list visible 2. Highlight the element to be deleted 3. Press the space bar ═══ Viewing the Full Element List ═══ 1. Click on the user preference icon 2. Check the Full Element box 3. Press Enter 4. Highlight item 5. Press the space bar 6. Repeat the steps ═══ 5.2.5. Saving Your Work ═══ ═══ Saving Your Work with Another Name ═══ 1. Select document 2. Select Save as... 3. Type name 4. Press Enter ═══ 5.2.6. Creating a Grouped Element ═══ ═══ Creating a Grouped Element ═══ A grouped element can serve as panel layout that helps to save time when creating many panels that contain the same structures. however, they can be part of a grouped element. 1. Select Create 2. Select grouped element 3. Select Create 4. Title the grouped element 5. Press Enter 6. Make the element list visible 7. Double-click on each element 8. Leave markers as placeholders Select Create Select Marker 9. Double-click on the system menu icon with mouse button 1 10. Select Yes 11. Open a new panel 12. Locate your new grouped element name on the element list 13. Double-click with mouse button 1 ═══ 5.2.7. Creating and Updating a Simple Table ═══ ═══ 5.2.8. Creating a Simple Table ═══ 1. Click on the table icon 2. Delete the default number of rows by pressing backspace 3. Type the number of rows 4. Press the tab key 5. Delete the default number of columns by pressing the backspace key 6. Type the number of columns 7. Press Enter A table appears 8. Type Leave spaces between words and watch the cells grow in height ═══ Updating a Simple Table ═══ 1. Select Create 2. Select Table 3. Select Update 4. Change the appropriate field To change the column widths, replace the asterisk which represents a default width with the absolute number of characters. 5. Press Enter ═══ 5.2.9. Creating and Updating Index Entries ═══ ═══ Creating an Index ═══ 1. Select Create 2. Select Index 3. Select Add 4. Type the main index item 5. Press the tab key 6. Type the sub index items 7. Press Enter An index list appears. ═══ Associating an Index Entry with a Panel(Heading) ═══ 1. Make your panel list visible 2. Press mouse button 2 on the panel list name 3. Drag and drop the icon onto the index entry ═══ Changing an Index Entry ═══ 1. Select Create 2. Select Index 3. Select Update 4. Edit text 5. Press Enter ═══ Adding Words from the Panel to the Index ═══ 1. Click on the index icon 2. Mark the word(s) with mouse button 1 3. Press and hold mouse button 2 4. Drag and drop icon onto the index list The list will alphabetize automatically ═══ 5.2.10. Indexing Many Panels and Checking the Associations ═══ ═══ Indexing Many Panels ═══ 1. Select Create 2. Select Index 3. Select Update 4. Select Index Item pushbutton 5. Press Enter All the panels that the index item is found will be associated. ═══ Checking the Index Associations ═══ 1. Select Index 2. Highlight the index item and double-click with mouse button 1 The panel names appear. 3. Double-click on each panel to see if you really want that association 4. If you don't want the index item associated with the panel, press and hold mouse button 2 5. Drag and drop the icon into the shredder ═══ 5.2.11. Copying, Cutting, and Moving Information ═══ ═══ Copying, Cutting, and Pasting ═══ 1. Mark the text to be copied or cut 2. Click on the copy or cut icon 3. Place cursor 4. Click on the paste icon Note You cannot paste anything immediately before or after a structure symbol. ═══ 5.2.12. Synonyms ═══ Synonym lets you define terms/phrases that can be associated with another term. When you search for any of the defined group, all occurrences and associated terms are found. To add synonym entries for a panel: 1. Select Create from the Action bar. 2. Select Synonym from the Create menu. 3. Select Add. The Synonym Words dialog box is displayed. 4. Enter the text for the root word in the Synonym root field. 5. Enter any synonyms in the Synonym words field. 6. Select OK 7. The synonym is added to the synonym list. ═══ Updating Synonyms ═══ To change existing synonyms, display the synonym list and select the synonym you want to change. Double-click on the synonym with mouse button 2. The Synonym Words dialog box is displayed. Make the changes as needed. Another way to change synonym entries for a panel: 1. Select Create from the Action bar. 2. Select Synonym from the Options menu. 3. Select Update. 4. The Synonym Words dialog box is displayed. 5. The root word you high-lighted in the Synonym List is shown in the Synonym root field. The root word is the word you want all the other synonyms associated with. 6. The existing synonyms are displayed in the Synonym words field. Change them to suit your needs. 7. Select OK. 8. The synonyms are changed. ═══ Deleting Synonyms ═══ To delete a synonym: 1. High-light the entry to be deleted. 2. select Create from the menu bar. 3. select Synonym from the Options menu. 4. select Delete The synonym is removed from the list. ═══ 5.2.13. Coloring Text and Updating ═══ ═══ Coloring Text ═══ 1. Double-click on the foreground or background icon 2. Mark text 3. Double-click on the color 4. Bring focus back to the panel ═══ Updating Colored Text ═══ 1. Place your cursor 2. If replacing text, press Ins key 3. Type ═══ Using the Same Color and Font Elsewhere ═══ 1. Place your cursor on the highlighted text 2. Select Create 3. Select Lock Cursor 4. Type ═══ 5.3. Special Functions ═══ ═══ 5.3.1. Inserting and Deleting Graphics ═══ ═══ Inserting Graphics ═══ 1. Click on the graphics icon 2. Select runin 3. Select View 4. Drag and drop the graphic onto your panel. The graphic will appear immediately next to the cursor. If you want to have your graphic appear left of center or right of center use the cursor to position it. Otherwise, use left, center or right choices on the graphics dialog. Note that runin will change position as the window is sized. ═══ Deleting Graphics ═══ "Fit " graphics must be replaced by another "fit" graphic or the entire panel must be deleted. 1. Place your cursor after the bitmap The cursor is as tall as the object to its left 2. Press the backspace key ═══ 5.3.2. Creating and Deleting Text Links ═══ ═══ Creating a Text Link ═══ 1. Make the panel list visible 2. Bring focus to the panel you want to link from 3. Mark text in the panel 4. Press and hold mouse button 2 5. Drag and drop the icon onto the target panel title 6. Bring focus back to the source panel 7. Double-click on the green text to test your link ═══ Deleting a Text Link ═══ 1. Place your cursor on the green text 2. Select Create 3. Select Link 4. Select Delete ═══ 5.3.3. Creating and Deleting Graphics Links ═══ ═══ Linking Graphics to Other Graphics or Text Panels ═══ 1. Make the panel list visible 2. Bring focus to the panel that contains the graphic 3. With mouse button 1, draw a box around the entire graphic or part of it 4. Press and hold mouse button 2 5. Drag and drop the icon onto the target panel title 6. Bring focus back to the graphic panel 7. Double-click with mouse button 1 to test your link ═══ Deleting Graphics Links ═══ 1. Bring focus to the graphic link 2. Select Panel 3. Select Link 4. Select Delete ═══ 5.3.4. Linking to External Programs ═══ ═══ Linking Text or Graphics to External Programs ═══ 1. Mark the text or graphic With mouse button 1, mark text by swiping or draw a box around the graphic or graphic "part" 2. Select Create 3. Select Link 4. Select Program 5. Type the path and name of the program (.exe) 6. Press Enter ═══ 5.3.5. Creating Animation Sequences ═══ ═══ Creating Animation ═══ 1. Select Create 2. Select Animation 3. Select Create 4. Type the name of the animation 5. Press the tab key 6. Type the number of bitmaps 7. Press the tab key 8. Type the number of milliseconds each is to be displayed 150 is normal speed. 600 is slow. 9. Press the tab key 10. Type the number of iterations Nothing in that field means an endless loop. A filmstrip appears 11. Click on the graphics icon 12. View selected bitmaps by narrowing number at the field input and selecting View pushbutton 13. Press and hold mouse button 2 14. Drag and drop each bitmap into individual frames 15. Bring focus to the filmstrip 16. Select Create 17. Select Animation 18. Select Play To get your animation to play in an INF or HLP file: 1. Disable AC Viewports via User Preference 2. Create an AC Viewport by selecting PANEL, ACVIEWPORT, and CREATE. In the associated panel style use any panel style except footnote (that panel style has special meaning to Hyperwrite/E). 3. Type C:\os2\dll\anmt.dll in the first field. 4. Type ANMTACVP in the second field. 5. Type in animat.amt fn in the third field, where fn is the file name of your animation file. 6. Type 1 in the last field. ═══ 5.3.6. Searching and Changing Text ═══ ═══ Searching for Text and Changing It ═══ 1. Click on the search icon 2. Type the search string you want to locate and the text you want to change it to 3. Mark the appropriate boxes for case sensitivity and wrapping 4. Select the appropriate pushbutton ═══ 5.3.7. Creating and Updating Split Screens ═══ ═══ Creating Split Screens ═══ 1. Select View 2. Select Panel Styles 3. Double-click on the parent style The parent panel cannot contain text 4. Title the parent panel 5. Double-click on the child panel 6. Title the child panel 7. Repeat last two steps for all child windows 8. Press and hold mouse button 2 over child panel 9. Drag child into parent panel 10. Repeat last two steps for all children ═══ Updating Split Screens ═══ To replace one child or parent with another, 1. Delete the original child or parent by selecting panel 2. Select Delete 3. Select Main or Inside panel 4. Press Enter ═══ 5.3.8. Creating and Updating Pushbuttons ═══ ═══ Creating New Panel or "Cover page" Pushbuttons ═══ IPF gives you pushbuttons for panels and "cover pages" by default. For online books, the pushbuttons are Previous, Search, Print, Index, Contents, Back , Forward and Tutorial if one is available. For help panels, the default pushbuttons are Previous, Search, Print, Index and Tutorial if it is available. 1. Select Create 2. Select Pushbutton 3. Select Add 4. Type the word(s) to be seen by the customer 5. Press Tab 6. Enter any number from 256 to 64,000 7. Press Enter ═══ Creating a Group of Pushbuttons ═══ 1. Select Create 2. Select Pushbutton 3. Select Group 4. Select the pushbuttons by highlighting and pressing the space bar 5. Repeat the last step to deselect the pushbutton ═══ Determining the Active Group of Pushbuttons for a Panel ═══ 1. Bring focus to a panel 2. Select Create 3. Select Pushbutton 4. Select Group 5. View the list of pushbuttons active for a panel ═══ Determining the Active Group of Pushbuttons for a "Cover page" ═══ 1. Deactivate focus of a panel 2. Select Create 3. Select Pushbutton 4. Select Group 5. View the list of pushbuttons active for a "cover page" ═══ Setting the Group of Pushbuttons on a Panel ═══ 1. Bring focus to a panel 2. Select Create 3. Select Pushbutton 4. Select Group 5. Select the appropriate group 6. Select Set ═══ 5.3.9. Deleting Panels or Documents ═══ ═══ Deleting Panels ═══ 1. Make the shredder icon visible 2. Bring up the panel list 3. Highlight the panel to delete 4. Press and hold mouse button 2 5. Drag and drop the icon onto the shredder ═══ Deleting Documents ═══ Use this to "clean up" the Hyperwrite/E screen and your storage. 1. Make the shredder icon visible 2. Press and hold mouse button 2 over the document icon (.wf file) you want to delete 3. Drag and drop the icon onto the shredder ═══ 5.3.10. Creating and Updating Symbols ═══ ═══ Creating a Symbol ═══ 1. Select Styles 2. Select Symbol 3. Select Add 4. Type the name of the symbol 5. Press the tab key 6. Type (or create an ASCII symbol with Alt + number) the string to be displayed ═══ Updating a Symbol ═══ 1. Select Styles 2. Select Symbol 3. Select Update 4. Change cursor to replace mode and type over the existing name or 5. Press the tab key 6. Type (or create an ASCII symbol with Alt + number) the string to be displayed ═══ 5.3.11. Creating a Compact List ═══ Lists can be modified to be compact. Hyperwrite/E works on each level. Instead of typing the attributes TSIZE and COMPACT each time, 1. Place the cursor on an item in the list 2. Double-click with mouse button two 3. Press the Advanced Options button 4. Delete the number 1 in the field "Within Structure" 5. Press Enter twice ═══ 5.4. Changing Things Locally or Globally ═══ To change things locally means that you have a panel open and you want to change things (text or elements) in that panel or things that make up the panel (title bars, scroll bars, sizing borders, and so on). Refer to appropriate tasks described for instruction on local updates. For example, if you want to change the font of a given word, see Highlighting Text and Updating ═══ 5.4.1. Changing Panel Properties ═══ Panels have properties like scroll bars, title bars, size and screen location. All of those can be changed. Panel properties can be changed locally (the panel that has the focus) or globally (all the panels that have been created and will be created with a given style). ═══ Changing the Panel Properties Locally ═══ 1. Select Panel 2. Select Properties 3. Change the appropriate fields 4. Press Enter ═══ Changing the Panel Properties Globally ═══ 1. Select View 2. Select Panel Styles 3. Highlight the panel style you want to change 4. Double-click with mouse button 2 5. Change the appropriate fields 6. Press Enter ═══ Changing Text, Styles, and Elements Globally ═══ To change things globally means that you want everything you created with the default element properties to be changed and anything that you will create to have the same new properties. For example, the properties of the Example Highlight Phrase 2 on the font list is Courier, 12 point and bold. If you want to change that to be reflected in all past and future uses of the XmpHP2, double-click with mouse button 2 on the name, change the properties you want and then press Enter. There are two things that cannot be changed globally: tables and grouped elements. ═══ 5.5. Performing Advanced User Tasks ═══ 1. Select the user preference icon and check Enable Advanced Mode ═══ 5.5.1. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Font Styles ═══ ═══ Creating Font Styles ═══ 1. Select Styles-Font-Add 2. Select the font, size, type style, and font identifier 3. Click on Set 4. Select the font icon Your font is added to the list ═══ Updating Font Styles ═══ 1. Highlight the font that you want to update in the font style list 2. Select Styles-Font-Update 3. Modify the font, size, type style, or font identifier 4. Click on Set ═══ Deleting Font Styles ═══ 1. Highlight the font that you want to delete in the font style list 2. Select Styles-Font-Delete 3. Click on the font icon The font is deleted from the list ═══ 5.5.2. Creating, Updating, and Deleting a Prefix ═══ ═══ Creating a Prefix ═══ 1. Select Styles-Prefix-Add 2. Provide name 3. Select font 4. Select color 5. Indicate total number of levels 6. Select level 7. Indicate the symbol type - numeric or alphabetic 8. Provide a prefix string or suffix string 9. Provide the indent, start value, and maximum increment if desired 10. Click on Set Level 11. Select the tab characteristics 12. Check auto tab if desired 13. Click on Set ═══ Updating a Prefix ═══ 1. Select View-Prefix list 2. Highlight the prefix that you want to modify 3. Select Styles-Prefix-Update 4. Modify the prefix characteristics 5. Click on Set ═══ Deleting a Prefix ═══ 1. Select View-Prefix list 2. Highlight the prefix that you want to delete 3. Select Styles-Prefix-Delete ═══ 5.5.3. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Elements ═══ 1. Click on the user preference icon and check Enable Advanced Mode ═══ Creating Elements ═══ 1. Create the fonts the you'll need 2. Create any prefix strings you'll need 3. Select Styles-Element-Add 4. Select the options, advanced options, information properties, and printer options ═══ Selecting Options for Elements ═══ 1. Select Styles-Elements-Add 2. Provide the name of the element 3. Indicate the amount of indent a. Indent is based on the left margin and only applies to the first line of the element b. Indent may be positive or negative 4. Indicate the tab position a. Tab sets the position for the tab key b. If the cursor is before the left margin and tab is pressed, the cursor goes to the left margin c. If the cursor is after the left margin and tab is pressed, the cursor moves one space d. Most often tab is set to the same number as the left margin 5. Provide the element key a. The element key is used in combination with the control key as an accelerator key. Function keys are used with the shift key b. Note that all key combinations with Alt are reserved for OS/2 c. Control and end, home, S, L, and the arrows are reserved for Hyperwrite/E 6. Select the font from the list of fonts in the list box. 7. Select the prefix from the list of prefix strings in the list box. 8. Select the foreground and background colors from the list boxes 9. Set the top, bottom, left, and right margins 10. Mark the alignment as left, center, right, or spread 11. Mark the type of structure: none, list, or group a. Use list for structures with other elements inside them, such as ordered list, definition lists, etc. b. Use group for collections of lines of text, such as example (xmp), lines, etc. 12. Check word wrap to have the text flow; if unchecked, text will not wrap to the next line 13. Click on Ok ═══ Selecting Advanced Options for Elements ═══ 1. Click on Advanced options in the element properties dialog 2. Check the type of rule: top, bottom, or frame. Varying may be checked with any of these. 3. Indicate the type of spacing a. Line or word are used for structures set to none b. Before, within, and after structure are used for lists and groups 4. Click on Ok ═══ Selecting Information Properties for Elements ═══ 1. Click on More advanced options in the Advanced elements properties dialog 2. Mark the appropriate properties a. Display b. Visual c. Print d. Copy e. Search f. Edit g. Color h. Cursor i. Link j. Move k. Reference l. Save Note: You can override display, visual, edit, and cursor in user preference 3. Click on Ok ═══ Selecting Printer Options for Elements ═══ 1. Click on Printer options in the Update Element Properties dialogue 2. Select from the following a. None b. Flowing - lets floating elements, such as figures, to change sequence c. New page - opens a new page when editing and puts the text of the element in the title bar and table of contents (headings) d. Eject page - Start a new hardcopy page when printing on a PostScript printer e. No break - don't break an element; if it can't fit on a page, start a new one 3. Click on Ok ═══ Updating Elements ═══ 1. Highlight the element in the element style list 2. Double-click on mouse button two or select Styles-Element-Update 3. Update the options, advanced options, information properties, and printer options 4. Click on Ok ═══ Deleting Elements ═══ 1. Highlight the element in the Element style list 2. Select Styles-Element-Delete ═══ 5.5.4. Creating, Updating, and Deleting Panel Styles ═══ ═══ Creating a Panel Styles ═══ 1. Select Styles 2. Select Panel 3. Select Add 4. The Add panel property dialog box is displayed. Fill in the appropriate fields. a. Panel name b. Window size x origin Horizontal placement on the screen: left, right, center. y origin Vertical placement the screen: top, bottom, center. Width Percentage of the screen the panel is to use for the width of the panel Height Percentage of the screen the panel is to use for the height of the panel. c. Margins d. Window appearance 1. Rules 2. Scroll bar 3. System menu 4. Title bar 5. Minmax menu e. Hide f. Viewport g. No search h. Clear i. Viewport j. No print k. Group number ═══ Updating a Panel Style ═══ 1. Select Styles 2. Select Panel 3. Select Update The Add panel property dialog box is displayed. 4. Change the appropriate fields. 5. Click on Ok ═══ Deleting a Panel or Book Part Style ═══ 1. Select Styles 2. Select Panel 3. Select Delete The Panel style is deleted. ═══ 5.5.5. Saving and Loading a Style File ═══ ═══ Saving a Style File ═══ 1. Select Styles 2. Select Save The Save Style File dialog box is displayed. 3. Enter the name you want the style file saved as. 4. The Optional Menu File box has two additional fields you can use to specify the names of the menu files for User and Advanced modes. ═══ Loading a Style File ═══ 1. Select Styles 2. Select Load The Open Style File dialog box is displayed. 3. Enter the name of the style file you want loaded. The style file is merged with the existing style file. ═══ 5.6. Importing and Exporting ═══ Importing and exporting are currently done from the command line. 1. Import IPF tagged files 2. Export .INF and .HLP binary formats and IPF tagged files ═══ 5.6.1. Importing IPF Files ═══ 1. To create a .WF file from IPF-tagged source, enter ipfcin filename.ipf IPFCIN processes the file including any imbedded files and artwork associated with the file. ═══ 5.6.2. Exporting IPF Files ═══ 1. To create an IPF help file (.HLP), enter hlpoutfilename.wf 2. To create an IPF online book (.INF), enter hlpoutfilename.wf /inf 3. To create an IPF-tagged source file, enter ipfcout input_filename.wf output_filename.ipf If output-filename.ipf is not specified, the conversion is displayed on the screen . ═══ ═══ Trademark of the IBM Corporation