
Place htmlactn.ex and all the bitmap files in the same directory in which you have EPM.EXE and HTML.BAR anywhere you want. Add the line htmlactn to your ACTIONS.LST file. Open the settings notebook and choose the Toolbars tab. Click on the import button and choose HTML.BAR. Give it a name when prompted and them click the Make Current button.

The pictures on the buttons seldomly have anything to do with what the button does. I'm not artist enough to make appropriate designs, as small as they are. The pictures are from playig cards, random thoughts of mine and a certian kiddie cereal (they're magicaly delicious). If anyone out there wants to contribute some bitmaps, please send them to me. They are 16X16.

I included buttons for everything. This is obviously too many for anyone with a normal sized monitor. I figured I'd leave it up to you to decide which ones to delete.

What the buttons do is on the HTML Keys Cheat Sheet