û ----------------------------------------------------------------- û Sample of keywords file for the keywords highlighting feature of EPM û ----------------------------------------------------------------- û This file is used by EPM to figure out which keywords to highlight û It contains all the ANSI C keywords, plus all the #defines, û typedefs and function prototypes of the 2.1 toolkit. û Since it is huge, it takes a long time to load (8 sec on my 486-33 machine). û Update: The size has been cut in half by converting spaces to tabs. û If you don't use a monospaced font, things will appear misaligned. û The Extended Attribute EPM.TABS was used to ensure that tab stops û are set at every 8 columns. û EPM looks for this file along the EPMPATH. û The loading time can be reduced by removing some keywords from the list. û The format to follow is described below. û û ------------------------------------------------------------------ û Format of the file û ------------------------------------------------------------------ û The first character of the first line is the "special" character. û If it appears at the beginning of a line after, it is û either followed by a space and marks then a comment, or û by any other character and is then a topic name. û Currently the only topics are : û DELIM û "start string" "end string" "bg color" "fg color" "escape character" "column" û What's between the 'start' and 'end' delimiters is set to the 'color' color. û If no 'end' is specified, the whole line after any 'start' string is colored. û If an 'Escape' character appears just before a 'end' string, it won't be considered an end delimiter. û If an 'Escape' character appears just before a 'start' string, it won't be considered a start delimiter. û An 'Escape' character can be escaped by another 'Escape' character û If the column field is present, a start delimiter will be valid only if it starts on this column û If the end delimiter is not on the same line as the start, no color changes will be done. û The special character can be used as a placeholder, eg if you want a column but no escape character û DELIMI û Like DELIM, but case insensitive. û KEYWORDS û "name" "fg color" "bg color" û They must include only characters specified in the CHARSET section, case sensitive. û INSENSITIVE û "name" "fg color" "bg color" û Same as KEYWORDS except case insensitive. û CHARSET û "string including all the characters" û List of characters allowed in the names of the KEYWORDS and INSENSITIVE sections. û SPECIAL û "name" "fg color" "bg color" û Any occurrence of these strings will be changed to the specified color. û They can include any character. û SPECIALI û Like SPECIAL, but case insensitive. û BREAKCHAR û "character" "fg color" "bg color" û This character is considered as a space when keywords in ûKEYWORDS û or ûINSENSITIVE are looked for. If colors are specified, a break û at the beginning of a keyword will have its own color, else it will û have the same color as the keyword. û ENDCHAR û "character" "fg color" "bg color"û û The character after this one is considered as a space when keywords û in ûKEYWORDS or ûINSENSITIVE are looked for. If colors are û specified, an end char at the end of a keyword will have its own û color, else it will have the same color as the keyword. û û An end character at the end of a keyword in ûKEYWORDS or û ûINSENSITIVE is hilited with its own color. û û The background and foreground colors are values between 0 and 15 û (see the EPM doc). If a value of -1 is given then the default û foreground or background color is used. û û ----------------------------------------------------------------- û Actual description of the keywords û ----------------------------------------------------------------- û û û ûCHARSET û abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-="<>/#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 û û ûDELIMI û Start Color Color End Escape û string bg fg string character " -1 5 " û û ûENDCHAR = > < û ûBREAKCHAR > -1 3 < -1 3 / -1 3 ûSPECIALI > -1 3 < -1 3 -1 3 /ADDRESS> -1 3 /APPLET> -1 3 /AREA> -1 3 /B> -1 3 /BASE> -1 3 /BASEFONT> -1 3 /BIG> -1 3 /BLOCKQUOTE> -1 3 /BODY> -1 3 /BR> -1 3 /CAPTION> -1 3 /CENTER> -1 3 /CITE> -1 3 /CODE> -1 3 /DD> -1 3 /DFN> -1 3 /DIR> -1 3 /DIV> -1 3 /DL> -1 3 /DT> -1 3 /EM> -1 3 /FONT> -1 3 /FORM> -1 3 /FRAME> -1 3 /FRAMESET> -1 3 /H1> -1 3 /H2> -1 3 /H3> -1 3 /H4> -1 3 /H5> -1 3 /H6> -1 3 /HEAD> -1 3 /HR> -1 3 /HTML> -1 3 /I> -1 3 /IMG> -1 3 /INPUT> -1 3 /ISINDEX> -1 3 /ISMAP> -1 3 /KBD> -1 3 /LI> -1 3 /LINK> -1 3 /MAP> -1 3 /MENU> -1 3 /META> -1 3 /OL> -1 3 /OPTION> -1 3 /P> -1 3 /PARAM> -1 3 /PRE> -1 3 /SAMP> -1 3 /SCRIPT> -1 3 /SELECT> -1 3 /SMALL> -1 3 /STRIKE> -1 3 /STRONG> -1 3 /STYLE> -1 3 /SUB> -1 3 /SUP> -1 3 /TABLE> -1 3 /TD> -1 3 /TEXTAREA> -1 3 /TH> -1 3 /TH> -1 3 /TITLE> -1 3 /TR> -1 3 /TT> -1 3 /U> -1 3 /UL> -1 3 /VAR> -1 3 ACTION= -1 3 ALIGN= -1 3 ALINK= -1 3 ALT= -1 3 BACKGROUND= -1 3 BGCOLOR= -1 3 BORDER= -1 3 CELLPADING= -1 3 CELLSPACING= -1 3 CLASS= -1 3 CLEAR= -1 3 CODE= -1 3 CODEBASE= -1 3 COLOR= -1 3 COLS= -1 3 COLSPAN= -1 3 COMPACT -1 3 CONTENT= -1 3 COORDS= -1 3 HEIGHT= -1 3 HREF= -1 3 HSPACE= -1 3 HTTP-EQUIV= -1 3 LINK= -1 3 LOWSRC= -1 3 MARGINHEIGHT= -1 3 MARGINWIDTH= -1 3 MAXLENGTH= -1 3 METHOD= -1 3 NAME= -1 3 PROMPT= -1 3 REL= -1 3 REV= -1 3 ROWS= -1 3 ROWSPAN= -1 3 SCROLLING= -1 3 SHAPE= -1 3 SIZE= -1 3 SMALL= -1 3 SRC= -1 3 START= -1 3 TEXT= -1 3 TITLE= -1 3 TYPE= -1 3 USEMAP= -1 3 VALIGN= -1 3 VALUE= -1 3 VERSION= -1 3 VLINK= -1 3 VSPACE= -1 3 WIDTH= -1 3 NOHREF -1 3 NOWRAP -1 3 CHECKED -1 3 ¡ -1 4 ¢ -1 4 £ -1 4 ¤ -1 4 ¥ -1 4 ¦ -1 4 § -1 4 ¨ -1 4 © -1 4 ª -1 4 « -1 4 ¬ -1 4 ­ -1 4 ® -1 4 ¯ -1 4 ° -1 4 ± -1 4 ² -1 4 ³ -1 4 ´ -1 4 µ -1 4 ¶ -1 4 · -1 4 ¸ -1 4 ¹ -1 4 º -1 4 » -1 4 ¼ -1 4 ½ -1 4 ¾ -1 4 ¿ -1 4 À -1 4 Á -1 4 Â -1 4 Ã -1 4 Ä -1 4 Å -1 4 Æ -1 4 Ç -1 4 È -1 4 É -1 4 Ê -1 4 Ë -1 4 Ì -1 4 Í -1 4 Î -1 4 Ï -1 4 Ð -1 4 Ñ -1 4 Ò -1 4 Ó -1 4 Ô -1 4 Õ -1 4 Ö -1 4 × -1 4 Ø -1 4 Ù -1 4 Ú -1 4 Û -1 4 Ü -1 4 Ý -1 4 Þ -1 4 ß -1 4 à -1 4 á -1 4 â -1 4 ã -1 4 ä -1 4 å -1 4 æ -1 4 ç -1 4 è -1 4 é -1 4 ê -1 4 ë -1 4 ì -1 4 í -1 4 î -1 4 ï -1 4 ð -1 4 ñ -1 4 ò -1 4 ó -1 4 ô -1 4 õ -1 4 ö -1 4 ÷ -1 4 ø -1 4 ù -1 4 ú -1 4 û -1 4 ü -1 4 ý -1 4 þ -1 4 ÿ -1 4 Æ -1 4 Á -1 4 Â -1 4 À -1 4 Å -1 4 Ã -1 4 Ä -1 4 Ç -1 4 É -1 4 Ê -1 4 È -1 4 Ë -1 4 Í -1 4 Î -1 4 Ì -1 4 Ï -1 4 Ñ -1 4 Ó -1 4 Ô -1 4 Ò -1 4 Ø -1 4 Õ -1 4 Ö -1 4 Þ -1 4 Ú -1 4 Û -1 4 Ù -1 4 Ü -1 4 Ý -1 4 á -1 4 â -1 4 æ -1 4 à -1 4 å -1 4 ã -1 4 ä -1 4 ç -1 4 é -1 4 ê -1 4 è -1 4 ð -1 4 ë -1 4 í -1 4 î -1 4 ì -1 4 ï -1 4 ñ -1 4 ó -1 4 ô -1 4 ò -1 4 ø -1 4 õ -1 4 ö -1 4 ß -1 4 þ -1 4 ú -1 4 û -1 4 ù -1 4 ü -1 4 ý -1 4 ÿ -1 4