HTMIPF. DATE : 6-may-1999 VERSION: 1.3. HTMIPF is a freeware html to ipf compiler for OS/2. The program is written by: J. de Keijzer. For suggestions or questions email: The program may be distributed, but only when this readme is included! Improvements: - Multiple heading levels supported in the map file. - Filename read from the html doc are normalized which prevents multiple loads of the same file. c:\test\contents.htm is the same as contents.htm when c:\test is the working directory. - Duplication of res numbers solved. Command line. htmipf { | /MAP: } { /OUT: } infile : the file to be compiled. example: HTMIPF hello.html. The compiler will parse the hello.htm file and all the files which are referenced in this file and create hello.ipf. All GIF,TIF,PCX,Win BMP images are automatically converted to OS/2 bitmap files and put in the current working directory, with the same name as the image found in the HTML file. UNI0X1.GIF will be translated to UNI0X1.BMP. The initial file gets an ipf panel with the name "doc" all referenced files get a panel name with the reference name. The compiler can create named panels, see the /MAP: option. The compiler will not generate an index. The final ipf file must be compiled with the IPFC compiler to get the final document. The IPF source can be used for .HLP and .INF files. /MAP: When this option is used the /OUT: becomes mandatory. This option is used to compile unrelated html file into one ipf file. Map file format: #uuapex20 hello.htm [] level : 'h' | 'H' number : 1...9. (1 is default) The hash is the helptopic. example of a map file: #MyPanelName hello.htm h2 #ThisPanel manual.htm The compiler starts with reading the hello.htm and gives it the panel name "MyPanelName". When the file manual.htm is not already compiled and thus not referenced in hello.htm, the compiler will compile manual.htm and give it the panel name "ThisPanel". The panel names can be used in 3GL and 4GL programs to access the online help. The hello.htm gets a heading level of 2. /OUT: With this option the filename of the compiled source can be defined. When not defined, the compiler will create an IPF file with the same name as the HTML file. This option is mandatory when the /MAP: option is used. Syntax checking: Most HTML files are not strict. Open tags are sometimes not closed or implicitly closed with non related tags. The compiler will give a warning on this and fix it for ipf. Although the compiler can fix a lot, it is recommended to create strict HTML files to avoid unpredicted compiler output. Some restrictions and limitations: - IPF tables cannot contain images. When the HTML table contains two columns the compiler transtales the table into a definition list which is less strict as the IPF table. Hence, HTML tables with two columns may contain images and other mark up tags. The maximum column with in the compiled source is 40 characters. - Only the courier font can be set. Other fontnames are ignored. Known problems: Compiling large documents can sometime result in duplicate panel id's. This problem was found when the HTML reference manual was compiled. Jasper de Keijzer. Also writer of DrawIt for OS/2. (See BMT-MICRO).