═══ 1. Disclaimer ═══ This package is provided as is, without any guarantees or warrantees whatsoever. The author is not liable or responsible for any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, losses of a financial, physical, emotional, marital, social, or mental nature that may result from the use or the purported use of anything in this package, for any purpose whatsoever. Thanks to Michael Schillingford for this wording. ═══ 2. Introduction ═══ PM Browse is yet another small OS/2 file viewer. With this program you can view the files both with CR/LF as the line delimiter or with fixed record length. The fixed record length allows you to view binary files with non-printable characters. Copyright Thanks Motto ═══ 3. CR/LF ═══ The state ON of the Check Box CR/LF sets the view modus to that of an editor - the CR and LF characters are record delimiters. The NULL-character is the string end. You should choose this way of viewing when you have a text file to view without special characters. ═══ 4. Fixed length ═══ If you set the state of the Check Box CR/LF to OFF, you can view the binary contents of a file. The record length is fixed and its default value is 67 characters. ═══ 5. Hexadecimal ═══ The Check Box Hex allows you to switch the view of a file in both ASCII and Hexadecimal modes. The ASCII lines are selected (highlighted) and followed by 2 lines, which are the hexadecimal representation of the hex values of the ASCII line. The first hex line shows the zone values and the second hex line - the numeric values of the character. Note: Zone is the first half-byte (first hex digit), numeric is the second half-byte (second hex digit) of the ASCII code i.e.: for the hex representation of the byte E2, E is the zone and 2 the numeric value. ═══ 6. Settings ═══ You have following pssibilities to set options:  Display  General  Attributes All these options are stored in the Greed initialisation profile and are used at the next start of File Browser. ═══ 7. Set display options ═══ The Display page of the Settings Notebook give you the pssibility to set options as follow:  In the group Editor you can enter the filename of the editor of your choice. If it isn't to find in the Program path you must enter the full pathname.  In the group Display you can set the standard values for the browse output: - Record format (string if CR/LF is set on or constant for the binary files). - The output should be shown in the hexadecimal format (Hex on).  Output Line format allows you to set the line lengh if you use the constant record format and the length of the line number. ═══ 8. Set general options ═══ The General page of the Settings Notebook give you the pssibility to set options as follow:  You can suppress the query before you end the program.  You can browse the file directly after openning. ═══ 9. Set Attributes ═══ The Attributes page of the Settings Notebook give you the pssibility to change the font and colors of the output window. ═══ 10. Thanks ═══ Especially great thanks to Heribert Josef Gruenbauer (76155.3335@compuserve.com), for many new ideas, improvement suggestions (some of these you can see already in this release) and encouragement to further developement of Greed. Moreover, he is the author of the new Greed Icons, all Bitmaps and the main co-author of this information file. David L. White for his help in testing this product. He had new ideas and did some improvement suggestions and the correction of many texts. Moreover, he is the author of the HTML Code templates. That is a part of this packaging (html.fnc). Peter MacCarthy-Morrogh for correction of this help and info files and for his help in testing this product. Uwe Aust for his help in testing this product. To all the following GREED users thanks for draw my attention to some bugs and problems, for some im provement suggestions and requests and for praising of my job. I hope, with this version, to fulfil the most of these requests. - Tobias Herp 100073.3563@compuserve.com - Peter Adeberg 101456.3332@compuserve.com - Gerald Goertzel 70740.503@compuserve.com - Gottfried Enderer Gottfried.Enderer@lessons.sesom.de рwA ═══ 11. Motto ═══ No windows, No gates, No bill! ═══ 12. Author ═══ Janosch R. Kowalczyk Oberwaldstrasse 42 D-63538 Grosskrotzenburg GERMANY Telephone: 0049 6186 201676 CompuServe: Janosch Internet: Janosch@compuserve.com Please send your improvement suggestions and your bug reports via email. ═══ 13. Copyright ═══ (C) Copyright 1995, 1997 by Janosch R. Kowalczyk. All rights reserved Template Controller (GreedX) is a universal source code controller from Janosch R. Kowalczyk. This version of Templates Controller is free of charge -> but it isn't FREEWARE. You are allowed to use this program as an "evaluation copy" for private puposes only. With this present version you are not able to change any of the contents except the contents of the *.FNC files. If you like to use this application for education or commercial purposes, contact the Author for license agreement and pricing. Please send all bug reports and improvement suggestions to the author . See Author for details. Disclaimer