═══ 1. About ═══ fte Version 0.37b (c) Copyright 1995 Marko Macek fte is an OS/2 text mode editor, with a lot of features: o Powerful Color Syntax Highlighting for: - C/C++ - REXX - HTML - IPF - Perl - Ada - Pascal - Java - and various other files... o Smart Indentation for C/C++ and REXX o Multiple files/windows o File limited only by virtual memory o Configurable keyboard/menus/colors o Undo/Redo of any number of commands o Stream/Line/Column blocks o Ability to edit binary files o Regular expression search and replace o Background compilation and compiler error parsing support o Mouse support o Automatic word wrap. o Incremental search. o Folding The latest version can be always downloaded from: http://ixtas.fer.uni-lj.si/~markom/fte Please send comments/suggestions/bug reports to: Marko.Macek@snet.fer.uni-lj.si or mark@hermes.si ═══ 2. Configuration ═══ This section covers installation and configuration of editor. ═══ 2.1. Installation ═══ The following files are included in the archive: README Release notes, read first fte.exe Main executable fte.cfg Main configuration file fte.inf This file. config\*.fte Configuration files clipserv.exe Clipboard server (required for PM clipboard support). cliputil.exe Utility to copy/paste to/from clipboard from command line. file_id.diz Program description for BBS upload. To install, copy FTE.EXE, CLIPSERV.EXE, CLIPUTIL.EXE, FTE.CFG, FTE.INF into one directory and and *.FTE files into the other. Then change FTE.CFG to point to the MAIN.FTE file. Then, make sure that PATH environment variable points to the directory containing the executable. fte.exe ═══ 2.2. Command line options ═══ The command syntax is: fte [[options] [files] ...] Options: -! Ignore any external configuration file. -c Use specified configuration file. -#[,] Go to line (and column) in next file on command line -m Set mode for next files to -m Reset to default mode -- The rest of the arguments are not options -+ The next argument is not an option even if starting with a '-'. Examples: fte -mBIN fte.exe load fte.exe in BIN mode fte -#100,30 win.c go to (100,30) in win.c fte window.cpp load file window.cpp fte -mBIN fte.exe -m fte.cpp load fte.exe in binary mode, window.cpp in default mode (C/C++) fte -mBIN -+ -bla- load file -bla- in BIN mode fte -- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 .load files -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6 ═══ 2.3. Configuration file ═══ If the command line option -! is used, editor will not attemp to load a configuration file and will use default settings built into the editor executable. All configuration is done in fte.cfg. file which must reside in the same directory as the fte.Exe executable. Most of the settings in configuration file are CASE SENSITIVE. '#'. is used to start a comment to the end of line. ═══ 2.4. Global Settings ═══ The following settings can be used in the GLOBAL section of the configuration file. ScreenSizeX Number of columns visible on screen or window ScreenSizeY Number of lines visible on screen or window CursorInsertStart Starting percentage of cursor size (from top) when in insert mode. CursorInsertEnd Ending percentage of cursor size when in insert mode. CursorOverStart Starting percentage of cursor size when in overstrike mode CursorOverEnd Ending percentage of cursor size when in overstrike mode. SysClipboard When set to 1, editor will use external (PM) clipboard instead of internal one. SelectPathname If set to 1, pathname will be selected by default when prompting for a file. LoadAfterQuit If set to 1, editor will prompt for another file when all are closed. ShowMenuBar If set to 1, main menu bar will be visible by default. ShowScrollBar If set to 1, scroll bar will be visible by default. ScrollBarWidth Scroll bar width in characters DefaultModeName Default mode name for loading files. If not set or invalid, first mode in the configuration file will be used instead. CompletionFilter Files matching this regexp are ignored when doing filename completion. WSStyleSearch If set to 1, editor will use WordStar style prompts with separate prompts for search, replace string and options instead of the default search/replace/options style. CompileRx Defines regexp and subpatterns to match when searching for errors/warnings in compilation output. First number is a number of the subpattern that matches filename. The second must match the line number, the third parameter is the regular expression to match to each line of the compiler output. C_* Define the C mode smart indentation parameters REXX_Indent Defines the REXX basic indentation level ═══ 2.5. Editing Modes ═══ fte allows each file extension to have a different editing mode. Mode is a collection of editor settings such as keybindings, tab settings, autoindent settings, syntax highlighting,... Syntax of mode command is mode NAME { mode settings } mode NAME: PARENT { mode settings } mode NAME: PARENT, "filename regexp" { mode settings } mode NAME: PARENT, "filename regexp", "first line regexp" { mode settings } Mode with name NAMEinherits settings from mode PARENT if parent mode is specified at mode declaration. When editor is searching for a mode to use for a file it will first check if the mode has been overriden by a FileLoadInMode command or a command line option (-m). Then it will check if the file name matches any of the "filename regexps" listed with mode declarations. If the mode has still not been found, it will read the first line (max 80 chars) of the file, and attempt to match the "first line regexp" with the first line. If this fails, editor will use mode specified by DefaultModeName setting to load a file. If that mode does not exist, first mode defined in the configuration file will be used. ═══ 2.6. Mode Settings ═══ The following settings can be specified for each mode: ExpandTabs {0,1} Should be set to 1 if tabs are to be expanded when displayed. TabSize {1-32} Tab size when tabs are shown expanded on display. AutoIndent {0,1} Should be set to 1 if autoindent is to be used. Insert {0,1} If set to 1, Insert mode is active by default. If set to 0, Overwrite mode is activated. StripChar {ASCII code} This characted will be stripped if at the end of line when the file is being loaded. If it is set to -1, no characted will be stripped. LineChar {ASCII code} This character is used as a line separator when loading a file. If set to -1, there is no line separator. (WARNING: File will be loaded as one line if LineChar is set to -1). AddCR {0,1} If set to 1, CR (13, \r) character will be added to end of line when saving. AddLF {0,1} If set to 1, LF (10, \n) characted will be added to end if line when saving. ForceNewLine {0,1} Normally, when saving, the last line is saved without any CR/LF characters. This setting will override that behaviour. Hilit {0,1} If set to 1, syntax highliting will be active ShowTab {0,1} If set to 1, tabs will be visible as circles (EPM-like). IndentMode {PLAIN,C,REXX} Activates the specified smart indent mode. (PLAIN is not really smart :)) HilitMode {PLAIN,C,HTML,MAKE,REXX,DIFF,IPF,PERL,MERGE,Ada} Activates the specified coloring mode. PLAIN specifies no coloring. UndoLimit {Number} Limit undo to this many recent commands (-1 = unlimited) KeepBackups {0,1} If set to 0, backup files will be deleted after a successful save operation. MatchCase {0,1} If set to 0, searches will be case insensitive. This can be toggled via ToggleMatchCase(C-O_C-C) command when editor is running. BackSpKillTab {0,1} If set to 1, BackSpace will kill entire tabs instead of converting them to spaces. DeleteKillTab {0,1} If set to 1, Delete will kill entire tabs instead of converting them to spaces. BackSpUnindents {0,1} If set to 1, BackSpace will inindent to previous indentation level if issued on beginning of line. SpaceTabs {0,1} If set to 1, InsertTab command will insert spaces instead of tabs. IndentWithTabs {0,1} If set to 1, indentation will be done using tabs instead of spaces. WordWrap {0,1,2} If set to 1, editor wrap current line when right margin is reached. If set to 2, editor will wrap current paragraph continously. LeftMargin {1-xx} Left margin for word wrap. RightMargin {1-xx} Right margin for word wrap. Trim {0,1} If set to 1, spaces on the end of line will be trimmed when editing. ShowMarkers {0,1} If set to 1, end of line and end of file markers will be shown. CursorTroughTabs {0,1} If set to 1, editor will allow cursor position inside tabs. DefFindOpt 'options' Default search options for Find command. DefFindReplaceOpt 'options' Default search/replace options for FindReplace command. MainMenu "menu" Main menu displayed when editing in this mode. LocalMenu "menu" Local menu used when editing in this mode. SaveFolds {0,1,2} If 0, folds are not saved. If 1, folds are saved at BOL, if 2 folds are saved at EOL. CommentStart "comment-start-string" String that starts comments (for saving folds) CommentEnd "comment-ent-string" String that ends comments ═══ 2.6.1. Loading files in various formats ═══ Here are settings for loading files in various formats: DOS/Win/OS2/NT text files (CR/LF delimited): StripChar 13 LineChar 10 AddCR 1 AddLF 1 UNIX text files (LF delimited): StripChar -1 LineChar 10 AddCR 0 AddLF 1 MAC text files (CR delimited): StripChar -1 LineChar 13 AddCR 1 AddLF 0 Binary files (fixed record length): StripChar -1 LineChar -1 AddCR 0 AddLF 0 LoadMargin 64 ForceNewLine 0 ═══ 2.7. Mode Keyboard Mappings ═══ Keybindings are inherited from parent modes unless overriden. Here are some examples of key specifiactions: [A] Uppercase a [a] Lowercase a [;] Semicolon [A+A] Alt+A [C+B] Ctrl+B [A+C+F1] Alt+Ctrl+F1 [A+C+S+F1] Alt+Ctrl+Shift+F1 [A+Space] Alt+Space [C+K_C+B] Ctrl+K and then Ctrl+B (two keys) [C+A_C+B_C+C] Ctrl+A Ctrl+B Ctrl+C must be pressed in sequence. [G+-] Gray - [G++] Gray + [C-S-X] X, ignore the state of Ctrl and Shift keys. [C+\\] Ctrl+Backslash [C+\[] Ctrl+[ [C+G-Left] Ctrl+Left, no difference between two Left keys. [C+A-A] Ctrl+A, ignore the state of Alt key. The following special keys are available (case sensitive): F1-F12 Home End PgUp PgDn Insert Delete Up Down Left Right Enter Esc BackSp Space Tab Center Keyname can be preceeded by modifiers (A, C, G, S). If modifier is followed by a + (plus), the modifier key must be pressed to match the key specification. If the modifier key is followed by - (minus), the state of the modifier key is ignored. Multiple-key combinations can be specified by separating them with _ (underline) Keys are bound using the key command: key [keyspec] { editor commands } ASCII characters >= 32 are bound to SelfInsert by default. See fte.Cfg for examples and default configuration. ═══ 2.8. Colors ═══ Colors are configured in COLOR.FTE file. Syntax for color settings is: color { { 'name', 'value' } ... } Value is the PC character attribute first char is background color, the second is foreground color. Colors are as follows: 0 Black 1 Dark Blue 2 Dark Green 3 Dark Cyan 4 Dark Red 5 Dark Magenta 6 Orange 7 Pale Gray 8 Dark Gray 9 Blue A Green B Cyan C Red D Magenta E Yellow F White ═══ 3. Status Line ═══ Status line displays the following status information: position|flags|mode|curchar|mod? filename|winno position = line:column flags I Insert A Autoindent C Matches are case sensitive SLC Stream, Line, Column block-mode wW Automatic word wrap active (w = line, W = paragraph). mode = Mode name as specified in configuration file curchar = Decimal ASCII code of character under cursor, or EOL/EOF mod? = * if file was modified, % if file is read-only ═══ 4. Editor Commands ═══ These commands can be bound to keys in configuration file: ═══ 4.1. Cursor Movement ═══ MoveLeft Move cursor left one character MoveRight Move cursor right one character MoveUp Move cursor up one line MoveDown Move cursor down one line MovePrev Move cursor to previous character MoveNext Move cursor to next character MoveWordLeft Move cursor one word left MoveWordRight Move cursor one word right MoveWordPrev Move cursor to start of previous word MoveWordNext Move cursor to start of next word MoveLineStart Move cursor to beginning of line MoveLineEnd Move cursor to end of line MovePageUp Move cursor to previous page MovePageDown Move cursor to next page MovePageLeft Move cursor one page left MovePageRight Move cursor one page right MovePageStart Move cursor to top of page MovePageEnd Move cursor top bottom of page MoveFileStart Move cursor to start of buffer MoveFileEnd Move cursor to end of buffer MoveBlockStart Move cursor to beginning of block MoveBlockEnd Move cursor to end of block ScrollLeft Scroll screen left 8 characters ScrollRight Scroll screen right 8 characters ScrollDown Scroll screen down 1 line ScrollUp Scroll screen up 1 line MoveFirstNonWhite Move to first non whitespace character on line MoveLastNonWhite Move after last non whitespace character on line MovePrevEqualIndent Move to previous line with indentation equal to current. MoveNextEqualIndent Move to next line with indentation equal to current. MovePrevTab Move cursor to previous tab stop. MoveNextTab Move cursor to next tab stop. MovePrevPos Move to previous position SavePos Save current position MoveSavedPos Restore saved position MoveSavedPosCol Restore saved position column MoveSavedPosRow Restore saved position row MoveLineTop Move current line to top of window MoveLineCenter Move current line to center of window MoveLineBottom Move current line to bottom of window ═══ 4.2. Text deleting ═══ KillLine Delete current line KillChar Delete character under cursor KillCharPrev Delete character before cursor KillWord Delete next word KillWordPrev Delete previous word KillToLineStart Delete text to line start KillToLineEnd Delete text to line end KillBlock Kill text in block BackSpace Delete character before cursor (configurable) Delete Delete character under cursor (configurable) ═══ 4.3. Line commands ═══ LineInsert Insert empty line before current line LineAdd Add line after current LineSplit Split line at current cursor position LineJoin Join line with next one LineNew Add new line after current one, move to next line and autoindent LineIndent Reindent current line LineTrim Trim spaces at the end of current line ═══ 4.4. Text insertion ═══ InsertTab Insert Tab character SelfInsert Insert character defined by last key WrapPara Word wrap paragraph (to next blank line). LineDuplicate Duplicate current line. InsPrevLineChar Insert character above current character. InsPrevLineToEol Insert previous line from current char to eol. CompleteWord Complete word to previous word starting with text before cursor. ═══ 4.5. Blocks ═══ BlockBegin Set block beginning to current position BlockEnd Set block end to current position BlockUnmark Unmark selected block BlockCut Cut selected block to clipboard BlockCopy Copy selected block to clipboard BlockPaste Paste clipboard to current position BlockPasteStream Paste clipboard to current position as stream block. BlockPasteLine Paste clipboard to current position as line block. BlockPasteColumn Paste clipboard to current position as column block. BlockKill Delete selected text BlockIndent Indent block by 1 character BlockUnindent Unindent block by 1 character BlockMarkStream Begin/end marking stream block BlockMarkLine Begin/end marking line block BlockMarkColumn Begin/end marking column block BlockExtendBegin Begin extending selected block BlockExtendEnd End extending selected block BlockReIndent Reindent entire block (C/REXX mode) BlockRead Read block from file BlockWrite Write marked block to file ═══ 4.6. File commands ═══ FileSave Save current file FileSaveAll Save all loaded files FileSaveAs Save current file under a new name, changing the name of loaded file FileWriteTo Save current file under a new name, without changing name of loaded file FileQuit Close current file FileQuitAll Close all files FileLoad Load a file FileLoadInMode Load a file in a specified mode. FileReload Reload current file FileNext Select next file in buffer ring FilePrev Select previous file in buffer ring ═══ 4.7. Window commands ═══ WinHSplit Split window horizontally WinNext Activate next window WinPrev Activate previous window WinZoom Make current window the only one (close all others) WinRefresh Repaint entire screen. WinResize Resize window (takes integer argument, -x = smaller, +x = bigger) WinClose Close current window. ═══ 4.8. Undo/Redo ═══ Undo Undo last operation Redo Redo last undone operation ═══ 4.9. Case conversion ═══ CharCaseUp Convert current character to uppercase CharCaseDown Convert current character to lowercase CharCaseToggle Toggle case of current characters LineCaseUp Convert characters on current line to uppercase LineCaseDown Convert characters on current line to lowercase LineCaseToggle Toggle case of characters on current line BlockCaseUp Convert characters in selected block to uppercase BlockCaseDown Convert characters in selected block to lowercase BlockCaseToggle Toggle case of characters in selected block ═══ 4.10. Searching ═══ Find Search for text, w/options FindReplace Search and replace text w/options. FindRepeat Repeat last search/replace operation FindRepeatReverse Repeat last search/replace operation in opposite direction FindRepeatOnce Repeat last search/replace operation only once. MatchBracket Search for matching bracket IncrementalSearch Search incrementally for text. Search Search for text SearchB Search for text backwards SearchRx Search for regexp SearchReplaceRx Search and replace using regexp SearchAgain Search for text again SearchAgainB Search for text again backwards SearchReplace Search for text and replace SearchReplaceB Search and replace backwards ═══ 4.11. Folding ═══ FoldCreate Create fold FoldCreateByRegexp Create folds at lines matching regexp FoldDestroy Destroy fold at current line FoldDestroyAll Destroy all folds in file FoldOpen Open fold at current line FoldOpenAll Open all folds in file FoldOpenNested Open current fold and all nested folds FoldClose Close current fold FoldCloseAll Close all folds in file FoldToggleOpenClose Toggle open/close fold. FoldPromote Make fold a higher level fold FoldDemote Make fold a lower level fold ═══ 4.12. Compile commands ═══ Compile Run compile command in background CompileViewErrors View compiler output CompilePrevError Jump to previous compiler error CompileNextError Jump to next compiler error ═══ 4.13. Settings ═══ ToggleAutoIndent Toggle automatic indentation ToggleInsert Toggle insert/overwrite mode ToggleExpandTabs Toggle tab expansion on display ToggleShowTabs Toggle tab visibility (as circles). ToggleUndo Toggle undo/redo information saving. ToggleReadOnly Toggle read only file. ToggleKeepBackups Toggle backup files. ToggleMatchCase Toggle case sensitivity for searches ToggleBackSpKillTab Enable/disable BackSp killing entire tabs. ToggleDeleteKillTab Enable/disable Delete killing entire tabs. ToggleSpaceTabs Toggle insertion of spaces instead of tabs on Tab key. ToggleIndentWithTabs Toggle indentation with tabs. ToggleBackSpUnindents Toggle unindentation on previous indent level on BackSp. ToggleWordWrap Toggle automatic word wrap. ToggleTrim Toggle trimming of spaces at end of line. ToggleShowMarkers Toggle EOL/EOF marker visibility. ToggleSysClipboard Toggle usage of system clipboard. SetLeftMargin Set left margin to current cursor column. SetRightMargin Set right margin to current cursor column. ChangeTabSize Prompt for tab size. ChangeCIndent Prompt for indentation level for CMode smart indentation. ChangeCBraceOfs Change brace offset for CMode smart indentation. ChangeREXXIndent Prompt for indentation level for REXX smart indentation ChangeLeftMargin Prompt for left margin for word wrap. ChangeRightMargin Prompt for right margin for word wrap. ═══ 4.14. Other ═══ ExitEditor Close all files and exit editor RunCommand Run command in foreground. ViewBuffers View buffer list ViewModeMap View keyboard mappings for current mode ChangeMode Activate another mode GetPMClip Copy PM clipboard to editor clipboard PutPMClip Copy editor clipboard to PM clipboard ShowEntryScreen Show saved shell screen. SwitchTo Switch to buffer with a number. ChangeKeys Change current keymap to keymap of another mode. ChangeFlags Change current flags to flags of another mode. ShowMenu Show and select from menu. MainMenu Activate menu bar. LocalMenu Activate local popup menu. ASCIITable Show a popup ASCII table. PlaceBookmark Place a named bookmark at current buffer position GotoBookmark Goto a named bookmark in current buffer RemoveBookmark Remove a named bookmark from current buffer ═══ 5. Regular Expressions ═══ Regular expressions are a way to specify text patterns when searching for a text in a buffer. Regular expressions consist of normal characters and special operator characters with a special meanings. Operators allow you to anchor matches, match classes of characters, match given pattern several times or match alternate patterns. Operators can be also used to group patterns. Search Operators \ Quotes next character. Character will lose it's special meaning. Can also be used to match special characters. \n Matches a 0x0A (LF) character. \r Matches a 0x0D (CR) character. \t Matches a 0x09 (TAB) character. \e Matches an escape character (0x1B) \s Matches whitespace (CR, LF, TAB, SPACE) characters. \S Matches non-whitespace (the reverse of \s) \w Matches word character [a-zA-Z0-9] \W Matches non-word character \d Matches a digit [0-9]. \D Matches a non-digit. \U Matches uppercase characters (A-Z) \L Matches lowercase characters (a-z) \x## Matches specified hex value (\x0A, \x0D, \x09, etc.) \o### Matches specified octal value (\o000, \o015, etc.) \N### Matches specified decimal value (\N000, \N013, \N009, etc.) \C Starts case sensitive matching. \c Starts case insensitive matching. ^ Match a beginning of line. $ Match an end of line. . Match any character. < Match beginning of word (word consists of [A-Za-z0-9]). > Match end of word. [ ] Specifies a class of characters ([abc123], [\]\x10], etc). [ - ] Specified a range of characters ([0-9a-zA-Z_], [0-9], etc) [^ ] Specifies complement class ([^a-z], [^\-], etc) ? Matches preceeding pattern optionally (a?bc, filename\.?, $?, etc) | Matches preceeding or next pattern (a|b, c|d, abc|d). Only one character will be used as pattern unless grouped together using {} or (). * Match zero or more occurances of preceeding pattern. Matching is greedy and will match as much as possible. + Match one or more occurances of preceeding pattern. Match is greedy. @ Match zero or more occurances of preceeding pattern. Matching is non-greedy and will match as little as possible without causing the rest of the pattern match to fail. # Match one or more occurances of preceeding pattern. Matching is non-greedy. { } Group patterns together to form complex pattern. ( {abc}, {abc}|{cde}, {abc}?, {word}?) ( ) Group patterns together to form complex pattern. Also used to remember the matched substring which can be used for substitution operation. Up to 9 can be used. Replace Operators: \ Causes the next character to lose it's special meaning. \n Inserts a 0x0A (LF) character. \r Inserts a 0x0D (CR) character. \t Inserts a 0x09 (TAB) character. \# Recalls stored substring from matched pattern ()'s. (\1, \2, \3, to \9) \0 Recalls entire matched pattern. \u Convert next character to uppercase \l Convert next character to lowercase \U Convert to uppercase till \E or \e \L Convert to lowercase till \E or \e ═══ 6. Search and Replace ═══ Search and Replace Commands: Find Search for text w/options. FindReplace Search and replace text w/options. FindRepeat Repeat last search/replace operation FindRepeatReverse Repeat last search/replace operation in opposite direction FindRepeatOnce Repeat last search/replace operation only once. MatchBracket Search for matching bracket IncrementalSearch Search incrementally for text. Search Search for text SearchB Search for text backwards SearchRx Search for regexp SearchReplaceRx Search and replace using regexp SearchAgain Search for text again SearchAgainB Search for text again backwards SearchReplace Search for text and replace SearchReplaceB Search and replace backwards If WSStyleSearch is set to 1, search/replace string and options are entered at separate prompts. Otherwise they must be separated by a '/' (slash) and any slash or backslash in search/replace string must be escaped by '\' (backslash), except when using regular expressions (double escaping is not necessary). For example (when WSStyleSearch is off): foo/bar/agn replace all foo with bar globally without prompting Search and Replace Options a Search for all occurances b Search in block only g Search through entire file/block (globally). i Ignore case r Reverse search x Use regular expression matching d Delete found line j Join found line n No prompting Commands affected by DefFindOpt mode setting: o Find Commands affected by DefFindReplaceOpt mode setting: o FindReplace Commands affected by MatchCase mode setting: o IncrementalSearch o Search o SearchB o SearchRx o SearchReplaceRx o SearchReplace o SearchReplaceB Commands affected by WSStyleSearch mode setting: o Find o FindReplace o FindRepeat o FindRepeatReverse o FindRepeatOnce ═══ 7. CMode Smart Indentation ═══ Settings for CMode smart indentation C_Indent Basic C indentation level C_BraceOfs Brace '{' offset C_CaseOfs Offset of case and default statements C_CaseDelta Offsets of statements following case/default. C_ClassOfs Offset of public, private and protected C_ClassDelta Offset of statements following public, private, protected C_ColonOfs Offset of labels C_CommentOfs Offset of comments C_CommentDelta Offset of second line of comments Example 1: class line { public: // C_ClassOfs = 0 line(); // C_ClassDelta = 4 ~line(); }; int main() { int x = 1; /* // C_CommentOfs = 0 * check value // C_CommentDelta = 1 */ puts("main"); // C_Indent = 4 if (x) { // C_BraceOfs = 0 switch (x) { case 1: // C_CaseOfs = 0 puts("ok"); // C_CaseDelta = 4 break; } } end: return 0; } Example 2: class line { public: // C_ClassOfs = 2 line(); // C_ClassDelta = 2 ~line(); }; int main() { int x = 1; /* // C_CommentOfs = 2 ** check value // C_CommentDelta = 0 */ puts("main"); // C_Indent = 4 if (x) { // C_BraceOfs = 0 switch (x) { case 1: // C_CaseOfs = 4 puts("ok"); // C_CaseDelta = 4 break; } } end: return 0; } ═══ 8. Performance Tips ═══ If you want to achieve top performance (necessary for some text editing tasks), here are some tips: o Disable Tab Expansion o Disable ShowMarkers o Disable Undo o Use PLAIN hilit mode ═══ 9. History of Changes ═══ o 0.37 - Status line can now be hidden. Also changed it's look. - Changed the syntax of keyboard bindings. Now it is possible to better emulate the wordstar two-key behavior. See documentation for details. It is also possible to define different commands for gray/white keys. - MENU shortcuts now work. - New command: FileWriteTo - Fixed crash when trying to center nonexistant line in file. - Changing folds now modifies the file. - When CursorTroughTabs was set to 0, certain movement commands would behave incorrectly. - S-Ins will perform Paste operation in prompts. - New Command: WinResize and WinClose. Windows can be also resized by a mouse. o 0.36 - Fixed when editor would crash when saving a folded file, but no folds are configured for active mode. - Fixed minor bug in C mode indentation. - New command: InsertSpacesToTab (takes optional tabsize argument). o 0.35 - o KillWordPrev now works correctly. o FindReplace command works correctly if WSStyleSearch == 1. o 0.34 - 1995/10/15 o Minor fixes & docs updates... o 0.33 - 1995/10/01 o SIGBREAK handler now works again. o Fixes in C/C++ smart indentation (if in switch, ...) o Pascal highlighting mode. o Printing. o Rewritten folding. Now supports nested folds, opening closing folds, and persistent folds. o New folding commands: FoldCreate, FoldDestroy, FoldOpen, FoldClose, FoldPromote, FoldDemote, FoldCreateByRegexp, FoldOpenAll, FoldOpenNested, FoldCloseAll, FoldDestroyAll, FoldToggleOpenClose, MoveFoldPrev, MoveFoldNext. o New settings: SaveFolds, CommentStart, CommentEnd. o Word characters can be configured using WordChars setting. o 0.32 - 1995/08/15 o New search routines. (Find, FindReplace, FindRepeat, FindRepeatReverse, FindRepeatOnce, ...) o Block-local searches. o In buffer-list, most recently used files will now be listed first. o Main menu bar can now be hidden. o Performance improvements. o Bookmarks! New commands: PlaceBookmark, GotoBookmark, RemoveBookmark o Files can now be saved and closed from window list. o Optimized CMode indentation. Also more configurable. o 0.31 - 1995/07/31 o Bug fixed in undo/redo when UndoLimit reached. o 0.30 - 1995/07/30 o Folding support. o New commands: FoldLine, UnfoldLine, UnfoldNextLine, UnfoldAll, ClearFolds, FoldIndent, FoldRegexp, FoldBlock, UnfoldBlock, FoldBlockRegexp o BackSpace at eof when TrimLine is enabled will not abort. o Incremental search (IncrementalSearch). o PgUp/PgDn on a file prompt will show a list of files. o New command: CompleteWord o 0.29 - 1995/07/20 o Regexps can now be case insensitive (\C,\c). o BlockRead/BlockReadColumn/BlockWrite commands. o Block marking can now be undone. o Commands that prompt for string/int values can now take string/int arguments. o Multiple compile-regex statements can be specified simultaneously o Minor bug-fixes in regexps ([\x00-\xFF] now works). o Filter for filename completion. o New commands: SwitchTo ChangeKeys ChangeFlags ShowMenu o New options: CompletionFilter DefaultModeName o 0.28 - 1995/07/08 o - Needs to have documentation updated. o Mostly rewritten PERL highlighting. Works much better now. o Completely new config file syntax. o New commands: ASCIITable, LoadFileInMode o CMode indentation should now work for Perl (close enough). o Highlighting for ADA and Email messages. o 0.27 - 1995/06/19 o Minor bug fixes. o 0.26 - 1995/06/18 o New commands: {Char,Line,Block}Case{Up,Down,Toggle} o New setting: LoadAfterQuit -- if set to 1, editor will prompt to load another file before exiting. o New setting: ShowScrollBar {0,1}. o 0.25 - 1995/06/12 o Minor bug fix in REXX highlighting ("\"", ...) o Bug fixes in word wrap. o BlockCut now doesn't move the cursor to the block beginning. o New commands: MoveLineTop, MoveLineCenter, MoveLineBottom. o Editor will now check if the file has changed before the first modification. o Found text is now highlighted. o New CMode setting: C.BraceOfs and command: ChangeCBraceOfs o New commands: MovePrevPos, SavePos, MoveSavedPos, MoveSavedPosCol, MoveSavedPosRow o 0.24 - 1995/06/06 o When checking for file modification time of last change is now used instead of the time of last access. o Wildcard support for file loading. o 0.23 - 1995/06/04 o Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Break are now disabled. o Ctrl+S and Ctrl+C keys are now again recognised in Windowed mode. o Fixed problem when spawning a subprocess in Windowed mode. o New command: ShowEntryScreen o ListRoutines in CMode only shows functions not their prototypes. o New setting: SysClipboard - if set to 1, editor will automatically use system clipboard. o New command: ToggleSysClipboard. o Minor bug fix in PM clipboard support. o New commands: BlockPasteStream, BlockPasteColumn and BlockPasteLine. BlockPaste command will now always paste in current block mode, not in the last Copy/Cut mode. o More than 4 commands can be bound to a key (actually this worked since 0.18, but was not documented). o New command: FileReload. o Editor will now check if file has changed on disk before saving it. o 0.22 - 1995/05/28 o But fix in regular expressions (nested +#*@). o Changes in regular expression syntax. o New function: ListRoutines. Shows functions in current buffer. o New setting: RoutineRx o 0.21 - 1995/05/21 o REXX mode smart indentation. o KillWord & KillWordPrev commands now actually work. o Pressing Ctrl+Enter to begin Search will toggle case sensitivity of search. o New option 'Trim' and commands 'ToggleTrim', 'LineTrim'. Removes whitespace from end of lines. o New option 'ShowMarkers' and command 'ToggleShowMarkers'. Shows end of line and end of file markers. o Bug fix in PERL highlighting (caused lockups) o Bug fixes and improvements in regular expressions. o 0.20 - 1995/05/18 o Major bug fixes in word wrap. o New commands: MovePrevTab, MoveNextTab. o Bug fixes in BlockIndent and BlockUnindent (stream/line mode) o 0.19 - 1995/05/16 o Function names in REXX are now highlighted. o WordWrap can be set to 0 - disabled, 1 - wrap line at right margin and 2 - wrap paragraph continously. Function ToggleAutoWrap renamed to ToggleWordWrap. o New way to set left/right margin (SetLeftMargin, SetLeftMargin) o Minor fix in PERL highlighting. o 0.18 - 1995/05/13 o PERL Syntax Higlighting. o Memory allocation problem in tab expansion. o Wordwrap now strips all spaces on beginning of line (except on the first line of the paragraph). o Tabs can be set to any number between 1 and 32. o Changed names of buffer flags (WrapOn -> AutoWrap, UndoRedo -> Undo, ShowTab -> ShowTabs) o New commands: ToggleAutoIndent, ToggleExpandTabs, ToggleShowTabs, ToggleUndo, ToggleReadOnly, ToggleKeepBackups, ToggleMatchCase, ToggleBackSpKillTab, ToggleDeleteKillTab, ToggleSpaceTabs, ToggleIndentWithTabs, ToggleBackSpUnindents, ToggleAutoWrap. o New commands: WinRefresh, ChangeTabSize, ChangeCIndent, ChangeLeftMargin, ChangeRightMargin. o 0.17 - 1995/05/10 o Minor fix in word-wrap. o Screen repaint problems when shelling out fixed. o Blinking disabled for full-screen, high-intensity background colors can now be used. o 0.16 - 1995/05/06 o Minor speedups in screen handling and highlighting. o Regular expressions can now match start and end of words using . o Regexp replace can paste entire matched string using & o Regexp search/replace could match part of just replaced string. o New commands: MoveLastNonWhite, MovePrevEqualIndent and MoveNextEqualIndent, LineDuplicate, InsPrevLineChar, InsPrevLineToEol. o New color config. 'C.Function' for functions in C highlighting mode. o Improved CMode hilit, preprocessor hiliting improved (strings, comments, numbers) o 0.15 - 1995/04/29 o Speed improvement in CMode auto indent. o Delete command can now delete full tabs instead of converting them to spaces. o When closing a modified file, editor prompts you to save it. o Automatic indentation can now use tabs. o Manual and automatic wordwrap. - 1995/04/24 o Backspace can now delete full tabs instead of converting them to spaces ( See BackSpace and KillBackTab). o Backspace can unindent to previous indentation level. - 1995/04/20 o Basic mouse support. - 1995/04/12 o Configurable colors/keywords in C/REXX mode. o 0.14 - 1995/04/07 o Characters could not be entered using AltGr on international keyboards. o Immediatelly doing an undo on a newly loaded file deleted the first line. o Ascii characters >= 128 can be now entered without quote command (C-Q). o IPF Syntax highlighting. o 0.13 - 1995/04/03 o Bug fix in regular expressions. o Bug fixes in compiler support o Editor clipboard can now be copied to/from PM clipboard. o 0.12 - 1995/03/30 o Compiler support + error message parsing - 1995/03/25 o Paren matching (Command: MatchBracket). o Bug fixes in CMode smart indentation. o 0.11 - 1995/03/11 o Unlimited undo now works again. - 1995/03/18 o Entire blocks of C code can now be reindented (BlockReIndent) o Search can now be case insensitive (SearchMatchCase - toggle). Option: MatchCase, Command: SearchMatchCase o Regular expression find/replace works (case sensitive only) - 1995/03/19 o Fixed a bug in redo (last command could not be undone) o New option: KeepBackups -- if set to 0, backup files will be deleted after a succesful save. o 0.10 - 1995/03/06 o Fixed CMode indent when tabs are present in the file. o Prompts now retain previous text only if you try to edit it. - 1995/03/04 o 4DOS/4OS2 style filename completion (FileOpen, ...). - 1995/02/25 o New load routine, much faster in some cases. o Undo/Redo can now be limited (if you hate to waste memory). - 1995/02/19 o C Mode indentation level can now be specified (C.Indent) o Bug fixes in screen redraw. o Editor will now scroll text instead of always redisplaying the screen. o Regular expressions (Search only). o 0.09 - 1995/02/08 o First public release (Version 0.09b) ═══ 10. Things To Do ═══ Short term: o Improve documentation o DrawMode o Block sort/detab/entab, copy-w/append, cut-w/append o Piping block to program redirection of program output to buffer o HexMode o REXX macros support. o Menus should determine keybindings automatically. Future: o PM Version. o Script language (C like, also REXX support). o CVS/RCS support. o Save/Restore desktop. o Regexp optimizer & improved regexps. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.