═══ 1. Introduction ═══ This program provides a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) word processor for the OS/2 Presentation Manager interface. It does not attempt to go head-to-head with the large professional word processors available for OS/2 PM or Windows, but rather tries to provide a more modest set of functions. Normal text formatting is provided for, plus the program has the ability to handle embedded graphics. All installed ATM fonts are supported, in all the native formats and in a wide range of sizes. Printer support is strictly through the OS/2 PM interface, providing output on any printer supported by that interface, including FAX devices and plotters. On Oriental versions of OS/2, double-byte character set input and output is supported, as are True-Type fonts installed via the Font Palette. ■Startup and Shutdown ■Loading and Saving Documents ■Editing Documents ■Printing Documents ■Window Management ■A Few Cautions ■Registration ═══ 1.1. Startup and Shutdown ═══ Startup Once Escriba has been installed, there are three ways to start it up. The first method is to simply double-click on the program object that was created during installation. In this case, the word processor will start up and create an empty document window for immediate use. The second method is to drag a document file over to the program object and drop it there. The document file will be opened and displayed in the work area, ready for editing. The third method is with the START command. Normally, this will only work if your current directory is the directory to which you installed Escriba. If you include that directory in the PATH, HELP and LIBPATH statements of your CONFIG.SYS file, then you can use the START command from anywhere on your system. There is an indirect way to start Escriba. When Escriba saves a file in its native format, it marks the file as being of type 'Escriba'. This type is associated through the file system with the Escriba word processor, and when the file's object is opened, the default action becomes to start Escriba to display and edit the file. The Escriba word processor is also associated with Plain Text and Pluma files, and appears in the Open menu of such file's context menus. Shutdown To exit Escriba, you can double-click on the program's system menu (the mini-icon to the extreme upper-left of the program window), or you can press the F3 key. If you have any documents open that have been changed but have not yet been saved, you will be asked if you wish to save them first before exiting. The exit process can be aborted at any of these confirmation messages. ═══ 1.2. Loading and Saving Documents ═══ Loading Documents can be loaded into the word processor at startup or later. By dropping one or more document file objects on the word processor object you start a copy of the word processor which will hold all of the requested documents in separate windows. Also, you may execute the word processor directly from the command line, giving the names of the document files on the command-line. If you attempt to do either of these operations after a copy of the word processor has been loaded, that copy will be directed to open and display the new documents as well. Only one copy of the word processor is kept in system memory at a time. Once the word processor has been started, it is now possible to select files for loading with the Open menu option. You are presented with the system's standard file selection dialog. It is preset to display all recognizable document files, based on the file types and extensions, but you may select 'All Files' and have all files displayed. You may select as many files as you like for loading, and after you finish the list, all will be loaded in the background. At the start of the load, all the currently open document windows are iconized, and the first document to complete loading becomes the current document. All the others will be automatically iconized as they complete loading. After you submit the file list for opening, the word processor will determine each file's type. If a file's contents appear valid for more than one file type, you will be asked to select which type it is. If the file contents cannot be validated for any file type, you will be informed of this and the rejected document's load will be aborted. Saving There are three ways to save a document to disk: Save, Save As... and Save and Close. The Save command attempts to save the file with its current name and type. If it cannot, you will be directed to change the name and/or the file type in order to save the file. The Save As command assumes you want to change the file name or type and allows you to enter the new name and select the new type. The Save and Close command works the same as the Save command, except that the document window is closed after the save completes. If you try to close a document window that has been changed and not saved, you will be asked if you want to save the document first. Likewise, if you try to exit the word processor while you still have open, changed documents, you will be asked if you want to save the documents before exiting. You will be asked about each open and changed document. ═══ 1.3. Editing Documents ═══ Navigation For movement within the document window, the following keys have been defined: ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Left Arrow │Move to previous character/token. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Right Arrow │Move to next character/token. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Up Arrow │Move to previous line. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Down Arrow │Move to next line. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Page Up │Move to previous page. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Page Down │Move to next page. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Home │Move to start of line. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │End │Move to end of line. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + LeftArrow │Move to previous word. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + RightArrow │Move to next word. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + Page Up │Move to top of current page. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + Page Down │Move to bottom of current page. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + Home │Move to start of document. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + End │Move to end of document. │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ In addition, you may use the mouse to directly position the cursor anywhere in the visible document. You may use the mouse with the scroll-bars, providing you have them set visible, to reposition the page view horizontally or vertically. Also, four special mouse buttons have been provided at the lower-right of the document window. These buttons provide the Top, Page Up, Page Down and Bottom functions, the same as those provided by the Ctrl+Home, PageUp, PageDown and Ctrl+End keys. As you move about the document, remember that function codes to set margins, fonts, sizes, etc. are considered as full tokens in the data stream and the cursor will stop at each of them as you use the left/right arrows to go back and forth through the document. Note: There is a special difference in how the Home and End keys operate when compared to industry standards. If you press the Home key when you are already at the start of the current line, you will be moved to the start of the previous line. Likewise, when you press the End key when you are already at the end of the current line, you will be moved to the end of the next line. Text Text may be entered into the document by simply typing it in. As you enter text, the text is formatted in place. If a word grows too long for the current line to hold it, it is moved down to the next line. If you type too fast, your keystrokes are accumulated and inserted as groups to catch up with you. Once you have entered text into the document, you may move the cursor back into the text to change it. Normally, your cursor is set for insertion, and has a vertical bar as the cursor. When you start typing into the middle of already existing text, the new text is inserted into the old, and the document is reformatted to suit. If you wish to replace text instead, then press the INSERT key. Your cursor will change to a block covering the current character/token, and whatever you type will replace what is under the cursor. Be careful with this. If the cursor is placed over a font or size change code, or other type of special function code, whatever you type will replace it, just as regular text would be replaced. Text can be selected by positioning the cursor to the start of the block you wish to select, then pressing down the SHIFT key and holding it down, and then repositioning the cursor to the end of the block. Another way is to position the cursor with the mouse, then, holding the left mouse button down, moving to the end of the block to be selected. A single word or graphic object may be selected by double-clicking the left mouse button over it, and the entire document can be selected by double-clicking on the blank upper-left corner of the document window, between the horizontal and vertical text rulers. Once you have selected a block of text, that block can be moved or copied, cut from the document, copied to the system clipboard, or replaced with whatever is on the system clipboard. Also, if you have text selected, and you start typing, the selected block is deleted and replaced with the new input. Selected text can be moved or copied with the mouse. You must click the right mouse button on the selected area, then drag the mouse until the cursor is positioned at the text block's new position. When you release the mouse button, the move will take place. If you want to copy instead of move, hold down the Control key as you release the mouse button. If you do not move the mouse, but simply release the mouse button, then a context menu will appear containing all the available commands which can be used on a selected block of text. Text Attributes At any point in the document, there is a specific set of text style and formatting attributes in effect. The margins are set to a particular position, the tabs are at a certain location, the font is set a certain way. Any of these attributes can be changed from the current location onwards, or over a selected area. If you set the font to Times Roman, and no text was selected at the time, then the new font will take effect from the cursor location onwards, until another font command is encountered in the text. If text was selected, however, all other font commands will be removed from the selected area and Times Roman will take effect over the entire selected area. The font that was in effect after the selected area remains in effect there. All text attributes are handled in this way, be they margins, tabs, indentation, font, font size, font style, colors . . . all of them. Graphic Images Graphics images may be placed into a document from the system clipboard, from any portion of the visible desktop, or from graphics files. Use the Paste From menu to do this. Once the graphic is placed into the document, you can move it, copy it or resize it at any time. To move the graphic, click the right mouse button on the body of the graphic and drag the graphic to its new position. To copy it, do the same, except that while you release the right mouse button, hold down the Control key. To resize a graphic, click the right mouse button on the white space immediately next to the graphic. A sizing border will appear and guide you as you adjust the graphic's size. ═══ 1.4. Printing Documents ═══ There are two document printing options currently available: Print All and Print Page. Print All causes the currently active document to be printed entirely. You can also do this by pressing the Control key and the 'P' key. Print Page prints the current page of the currently active document. This can also be done by press the Alt key and the 'P' key together. ═══ 1.5. Window Management ═══ You can have many document windows open at a time. Each time you open a new document window, all the currently open document windows are iconized and arranged across the bottom of the work area. The new document window will then occupy as much space as it can, leaving enough space so that the iconized documents are all visible. To restore a document window to normal, simply double-click on it as you would any system icon. The window will return to whatever size and location it had before it was iconized. If you restore a number of documents to normal, they will doubtlessly obscure parts of each other. There are two menu commands available to straighten things out: Tile and Cascade. Tiling the windows will arrange all the document windows not currently iconized so that none obscures any other. The effect is the same as when the system tiles windows on the desktop. Cascading the windows will arrange all the document windows not currently iconized so that they form a stack, like a deck of cards. They are arranged so that their title-bars are all visible. The currently active document window gets placed on top of the stack. One additional window arrangement tool is provided: Arrange Icons This menu command will neatly arrange all the iconized document windows across the bottom of the work area. Just in case a document window is completely obscured, the Windows menu contains a list of all the currently open documents. You may select any of the windows there and make it the active window. If necessary, the document window will be restored from the minimized state. ═══ 1.6. A Few Cautions ═══ ■Having a lot of fonts on the Font menu looks neat, but OS/2 does not release the fonts from memory until you shut down and reboot the system. This can cause your swap file to grow by several megabytes. ■Some ATM fonts available on electronic bulletin boards are not completely verified and can cause your system to hang. Be careful with newly installed third-party ATM fonts, though you shouldn't have to worry about fonts purchased from IBM or Adobe. ■Graphics embedded into documents can be quite large. When you imbed a large graphic into the document, but shrink it on the document page, do not be fooled into thinking that the graphic takes any less space. It is still the same graphic as before. ═══ 1.7. Registration ═══ This program is shareware. Feel free to distribute unmodified copies of the program to anyone interested. If you find the program useful, and decide to keep the program for use, then you must pay for it. The price is US$30.00, and there are several ways to pay it: Check or Money Order: If you wish to pay with a personal check or money order, please send your payment, together with your name, your mailing address, the revision number and date of your current copy of Escriba, to: Escriba Registrations c/o Rick Papo 38290 Avondale Westland, MI 48186-3830 USA VISA/MasterCard/Discover: If you wish to use a credit-card to pay for your registration, the company BMT Micro is providing this service for Escriba. They may be reached by telephone at (800) 414-4268 (USA only) or at (910) 791-7052, by FAX at (910) 350-2937, or through their BBS at (910) 350-8061. The voice lines are open from 8am to 8pm (EST,-5 GMT). The other numbers function 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. In addition, their mailing address is: BMT Micro 452 Horn Rd Wilmington, NC 28412-2411 USA Note: If you reside in any of the republics which were formerly of the Soviet Union or of the Warsaw Pact, you may register for $5 (no credit cards, please). Upon receiving your registration, you will be sent a receipt and the latest revision of the word processor on diskette. You will be sent one more copy on diskette later, when the next major revision is released. Printed documentation is not yet available, but once it is, all registered users of the word processor will receive a copy. If you would like later upgrades on diskette, they will cost $5 U.S. dollars. ═══ 1.8. Questions and Bug Reporting ═══ Should you have problems with this program, the author Rick Papo can be reached by one of the following means: ┌───────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Internet │rpapo@msen.com │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Mail │Rick Papo, 38290 Avondale, Westland, MI 48186-3830, USA │ ├───────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Telephone │USA (313) 326-8547 │ └───────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ First priority is given to queries and problems of registered users (see Registration), but an attempt is made to deal with all messages that arrive. Electronic mail is checked every day. In all correspondence, please provide the revision number of Escriba that you are using and referring to. ═══ 2. File Menu ═══ From the File Menu the following commands are available: ■New ■Open... ■Recall ■Merge... ■Save ■Save As... ■Save and Close ■Close ■Print Menu ■General Preferences... ■Document Defaults... ■Configure Extensions... ■Language ■Exit ═══ 2.1. New (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option creates a new document window with nothing in it. The document margins, font and other attributes are those that were set the last time the Document Preferences dialog was used without any active document windows present. Any previously open windows are minimized to the bottom of the workspace and the new window occupies as much of workspace as it can. ═══ 2.2. Open... (Menu Option) ═══ When this menu option is selected, the system standard File dialog is presented. You may select one or more documents to be opened. After you press ENTER, or click on the OK button, all the files you selected will be opened. A red loading status indicator will be shown in the right portion of the main program title bar. Each load, once complete, will result in a separate document window being created. The first to complete will become the active document, and will be maximized within the program's client area. All further documents will be iconized. They can be called forward from the Windows menu, or by double-clicking on their icons with the mouse. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+O. See Open/Merge/SaveAs... (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 2.2.1. Open/Merge/SaveAs... (Dialog) ═══ You have selected the Open, Merge or SaveAs menu option, and as a result you now have this dialog before you. It is the standard File dialog provided by the operating system, and follows the rules given in the system documentation. These special notes apply: When the dialog is initially displayed for Open or Merge, the 'Type of File' field is set to 'All Document Files'. All files that appear to be valid document files for Escriba's native format or for any of the extended formats (Plain Text, BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TIF, etc) are displayed in the list-box. You can change this setting to '' or to any of the specific file types listed. When the dialog is displayed for Save or Save As, the current type of the document being saved is selected. If you wish to change the file's type, select the type you wish to save it with.  When selecting files to open, you may select as many files from the file list as you wish.  When selecting a file to merge, you may only select one file.  When doing a Save As, you are not allowed to select a file name from the file list. The list serves for reference only. You must enter the name of the file you wish to save into the entry field.  The directory selected from this dialog becomes the new current directory for the program. The next time you call up the Open, Merge or SaveAs dialogs, they will start in this directory. Note: Files are marked as Escriba documents as they are saved to the disk. This marking is done via Extended Attributes, and as such the marking is lost when you save the document to diskette or archive the document with a program (like PKZIP) which does not handle EAs. There are newer archiving programs available which preserve this information. ═══ Select File Type (Dialog) ═══ This dialog is presented when you request the load of a file and that file is found to be acceptable as more than one file type. You are told the file's name and the acceptable types, and you must select the correct type from the list. Once you have selected the correct file type, click on the OK button or press ENTER. To abort the file load, click on the Escape button or press the Escape key. ═══ 2.3. Recall Menu ═══ This menu option calls up a submenu wherein the ten most recently saved documents are listed. See Recall Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 2.3.1. Recall Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry lists one of the ten most recently saved documents. To reopen one of these documents as a new window, select it with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on one of them with the mouse. ═══ 2.4. Merge... (Menu Option) ═══ When this menu option is selected, the system standard File dialog is presented. From this dialog you may select a single file to be merged into the currently active document at the cursor position. See Open/Merge/SaveAs... (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 2.5. Save (Menu Option) ═══ This command causes the currently active document to be saved to its current file name. If no changes have been made to the document, this menu option is disabled. The short-cut key for this function is F2. ═══ 2.6. Save As... (Menu Option) ═══ When this menu option is selected, the system standard File dialog is presented. Using this dialog, you may enter the name the currently active document will be saved under, and you may select the directory to which it will be saved. See Open/Merge/SaveAs... (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 2.7. Save and Close (Menu Option) ═══ This option provides a quick means to save and close the current document. The short-cut key for this function is F4. ═══ 2.8. Close (Menu Option) ═══ This command causes the currently active document to be closed. If there are unsaved changes in the document, you will be asked if you wish to save it. If you click on the YES button, or press Y, the document will be saved to its current file name. If you click on the NO button, or press N, the document window will close without having saved any changes. If you click on the CANCEL button, or press the ESCAPE key, the close command will be aborted and the document window will remain active. ═══ 2.9. Print Menu ═══ This submenu gives access to the various print commands. The following commands are available: ■Print All Menu ■Print Page ═══ 2.9.1. Print All Menu ═══ This submenu gives access to the possible ways to print an entire document. The following commands are available: ■Print All Normal ■Print All Reverse ═══ Print All Normal (Menu Option) ═══ The currently active document is printed after you select this menu option. A red status window is displayed while the document is being sent to the system spooler, but that is for your information only. You may return to working on the document immediately after submitting the print command. The document will be printed as it was the instant you requested it printed. The short-cut key for this command is Ctrl+P. ═══ Print All Reverse (Menu Option) ═══ The currently active document is printed after you select this menu option, just as in Print All Normal, except that the pages are printed in reverse order. ═══ 2.9.2. Print Page (Menu Option) ═══ The current page of the currently active document is printed after you select this menu option. A red status window is displayed while the document is being sent to the system spooler, but that is for your information only. You may return to working on the document immediately after submitting the print command. The document will be printed as it was the instant you requested it printed. The short-cut key for this command is Alt+P. ═══ 2.10. General Preferences... (Menu Option) ═══ See General Preferences (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 2.10.1. General Preferences (Dialog) ═══ This dialog allows you to configure the appearance and behavior of Escriba in ways which apply to the word processor itself, and not to the documents it processes. The options currently available are: Animate This option, if set, causes the word processor to animate its main window open and close process, just as the system folders do. As with the system folders, however, animation must be enabled from the System object in the System Setup folder. Show Rulers If this item is checked, then all document windows will have horizontal and vertical rulers provided next to the document window. Show Scroll Bars If this item is checked, then all document windows will include horizontal and vertical scroll bars for use in scrolling the document text with the mouse. Show Status Line If this item is checked, then all document windows will include a status line at the bottom, where the current cursor position and an interpretation of the token at the cursor are given. Show Complete Filenames If this item is checked, then the complete file name of each document will show in the document window's title-bar. Otherwise, the drive and directory portion of the document file name will not be shown. Spool Pages Separately If this item is checked, then upon printing a multi-page document the pages will be sent to the system spooler as separate jobs. Since print jobs do not start printing until they are fully spooled, this option allows multipage documents to start printing quicker. On the other hand, if your printer is shared over a network, the document pages could be printed out of order or mixed in amongst other user's output. Print Pages in Reverse If this item is checked, then the normal method of printing multiple pages will be to print the last page first. This option is provided for the convenience of users with printers such as the DeskJet, where pages are stacked face up, and therefore in reverse order. Reload Document at Start If this item is checked, then the last document recorded in the Recall list will be reloaded automatically at the time Escriba is started. Initial Zoom From this group of buttons you may select the initial document window zoom. When you open new document windows or load documents from disk, the chosen zoom method will be used to display the window when it is first displayed. You may choose from any of the following zoom types: ■Zoom 100% ■Zoom Full Width ■Zoom Full Height ■Zoom Margins ■Zoom All Once the settings are satisfactorily adjusted, press the ENTER key or click on the OK button for the program to continue. The changes will take effect on all new documents created. If you wish to abort the dialog and leave the current defaults as they are, press the ESC key or click on the escape button. ═══ 2.11. Document Defaults... (Menu Option) ═══ This command invokes a dialog from which it is possible to alter the initial printer, form, font, point size, color, font attributes and text justification (horizontal and vertical) for the document. See Document Defaults (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 2.11.1. Document Defaults (Dialog) ═══ This dialog allows you to change the initial attributes of documents. The attributes apply to the currently active document, or, if you have no documents open at the moment, the new attributes are saved for use in creating new documents. The configuration options are grouped by category on the following pages: Author Printer Font Layout (1) Layout (2) National Once the settings are satisfactorily adjusted, click on the OK button for the program to continue. If no documents are currently open, or you have checked the Global Save box, then the new settings will take effect for all new documents created from this point on. If there is a document window currently open, the new defaults will take effect for that document as well. No other documents are affected. If you click on the APPLY button, the new defaults settings are applied to the currently active document at once, and become the new defaults. If you wish to abort the dialog and leave the current defaults as they are, click on the escape button. Changes made by the APPLY button are not discarded. ═══ Author Settings Page ═══ Author This entryfield allows you to view and/or alter the author name and title saved in the document header. You are also shown the document creation date. ═══ Printer Settings Page ═══ Printer This item allows you to select which printer (if you have several) the document will be printed to. You may choose any printer currently defined in the system. Printer Settings Clicking on this button will call up the current printer's job settings dialog. This dialog varies according to which type of printer you have selected, and cannot be documented here. Refer to the help information provided by the dialog. After you return from the dialog, the currently selected form and that form's size are updated in the area immediately below the pushbutton. ═══ Font Settings Page ═══ Font This will be the initial font for the document. You may choose from any outline font currently installed on your system. Size This will be the initial size used for the font. You may choose any of the sizes in the list provided. Color This will be the initial color used for the text in the document. You may choose any of the colors in the list provided. Bold If this box is checked, the initial text will be made bold. If the selected font has a special bold font available, it will be used. Otherwise, the system will construct a bold font for use. Italic If this box is checked, the initial text will be made italic. If the selected font has a special italic font available, it will be used. Otherwise, the system will construct an italic font for use. Underscore If this box is checked, the initial text will be underscored. Strikeout If this box is checked, the initial text will be struck out. Outline If this box is checked, the initial text will be outlined, but not filled in. Caps If this box is checked, the initial text will be capitalized. ═══ Layout Settings Page 1 ═══ Justification This defines the type of horizontal justification to be used. The available types are Left, Center, Right and Full. Left justification aligns all text to the left margin of the page. Center justification centers all text between the left and right margins, but does not attempt to alter the default spacing between words. Right justification aligns all text to the right margin of the page. Full justification aligns text to both the left and right margins of the page, altering the spacing between words appropriately. Center Page If this box is checked, the document will start out with vertical centering of all pages. Margins These four entry fields are used to set the initial page margins, inches or centimeters, according to your current setting. The margins cannot be set wider than the currently selected form's clipped size. ═══ Layout Settings Page 2 ═══ Tab Spacing This entry field allows you to set the default tab spacing to be used at the start of the document. If you enter 0.500 here, then you will initially have tabs placed every half inch or centimeter, starting at the left margin and continuing to the right margin. Indent This entry field allows you to set the default paragraph indent to be used from the start of the document. If you were to enter 0.500 here, then you will find the text of the first line of the document, and the text following each end-of-line code in the document will be indented one half-inch or centimeter from the left margin. Line Spacing This box contains the available default line spacing options. Option Single sets normal 100% vertical spacing. Option 1 1/2 sets 150% vertical spacing, and option Double sets 200%. ═══ National Settings Page ═══ Code Page With this control it is possible to set which code page, or national language character mapping, is to be used for the document. See Code Pages for more information. Metric If this box is checked, the document will use metric units for all measurements. The horizontal and vertical rulers will use centimeters as their units of measurement. Date Format This field shows the current default date format to be used with the Current Date and Today's Date functions. See Date Format for more information. ═══ 2.12. Configure Extensions... (Menu Option) ═══ This command invokes a dialog from which it is possible to alter the settings for any of the add-on extensions currently installed. See Configure Extensions (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 2.12.1. Configure Extensions (Dialog) ═══ This dialog allows you to change the settings for any of the currently installed add-on extensions. ═══ 2.12.2. Language (Submenu) ═══ This submenu allows you to select a new current language for all the application menus and dialogs. See Language Menu Entry for more information. ═══ Language Menu Entry (Menu Option) ═══ Any of the entries in the Language submenu may be used to select a new language for the application menus and dialogs. The language names are in their native form (Spanish =Espaдol,for example). After you select the new language, the entire application will be reformatted to suit the new language. Certain aspects of documents (like date formats) are changed also. ═══ 2.13. Exit (Menu Option) ═══ Selecting this menu option will terminate the program. ═══ 3. Edit Menu ═══ From the Edit Menu the following commands are available: ■Undo ■Redo ■Cut ■Copy ■Paste ■Clear ■Clear Clipboard ■Select All ■Paste From Menu ■Insert Function Menu ■Search... ■Find Next ■Go To Page ■Spell Check... ■Zoom ═══ 3.1. Undo (Menu Option) ═══ This function undoes the most recent change applied to the document. If you continue to use this function, the next most recent change gets undone as well, and so on until all changes made to the document have been undone, and the document is as it was when it was loaded from the disk. On a new document, of course, the final state of all this undoing will be the initial empty state. The short-cut key is defined to be Alt+Backspace. ═══ 3.2. Redo (Menu Option) ═══ If you have not altered the document since the last time you undid a change, this function will reinstate the change. It is possible to undo every change made to the document, the reinstate them all. If, however, you alter the document in any way after an Undo, all further change levels are discarded, and it is no longer possible to redo them. The short-cut key is defined to be Shift+Alt+Backspace. ═══ 3.3. Cut (Menu Option) ═══ This command causes the currently selected text to be removed from the document and placed into the system clipboard. The short-cut key is defined to be Shift+Delete. ═══ 3.4. Copy (Menu Option) ═══ This command causes the currently selected text to be copied from the document and placed into the system clipboard. The short-cut key is defined to be Ctrl+Insert. ═══ 3.5. Paste (Menu Option) ═══ This command causes the contents of the system clipboard to either replace the currently selected text (in replace mode) or to be inserted following the cursor (in insert mode). ═══ 3.6. Clear (Menu Option) ═══ This command causes the currently selected text to be cleared from the document without altering the system clipboard. This command is equivalent in every way to pressing the Delete key. ═══ 3.7. Clear Clipboard (Menu Option) ═══ This command clears the system clipboard, releasing all items stored there. ═══ 3.8. Select All (Menu Option) ═══ This command selects all the text of the current document, from start to finish. This command may also be invoked by double-clicking with mouse button one on the upper-left corner area between the horizontal and vertical rulers. The short-cut key is defined to be Ctrl+A. ═══ 3.9. Paste From Menu ═══ From this menu it is possible to select the general source of image data to be pasted into the document. The following options are available: ■Paste from System Clipboard ■Paste from Display Screen ■Paste from Graphic File ═══ 3.9.1. Paste From Clipboard Menu ═══ From this menu it is possible to select a Paste option which takes graphic image data from the system clipboard. The following options are available: ■Paste Bitmap from Clipboard ■Paste Metafile from Clipboard ═══ Paste Bitmap from Clipboard (Menu Option) ═══ If a bitmapped image has been placed on the system clipboard, this menu option enables you to paste that image into your document. After you have selected this option, you must point to one of the corners of the area where you want the image pasted. Select that corner by moving the mouse pointer there, then pressing the left mouse button. Keeping the mouse button pressed, move to the opposite corner of the area where the image will be placed. A rectangle will form as you move the mouse. Once you are satisfied with the size and position of the rectangle, release the mouse button. The image will be pasted into the rectangle, and will be stretched or compressed as necessary in both height and width. ═══ Paste Metafile from Clipboard (Menu Option) ═══ If a metafile graphic has been placed on the system clipboard, this menu option enables you to paste that graphic into your document. After you have selected this option, you are prompted to position the graphic on the current document page, just as was done for the Paste Bitmap from Clipboard menu option. ═══ 3.9.2. Paste From Screen Menu ═══ From this menu it is possible to select a Paste option which takes graphic image data from somewhere on the current screen display. The following options are available: ■Paste Entire Desktop from Screen ■Paste Frame Window from Screen ■Paste Window from Screen ■Paste Rectangle from Screen ■Hide ═══ Paste Entire Desktop from Screen (Menu Option) ═══ When you select this menu option, a bitmap copy of the entire OS/2 Desktop, in its current state, is made and you are prompted to position the graphic on the current document page, just as was done for the Paste Bitmap from Clipboard menu option. Note: Be careful with this kind of graphic paste, as the graphic data can be quite large with this kind of copy. No matter what size you scale the graphic to on the document page, the graphic's size in memory remains the same, and a an image of the entire desktop can range anywhere from 100K to 800K bytes, depending on your selected video resolution and color depth. ═══ Paste Frame Window from Screen (Menu Option) ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ Paste Window from Screen (Menu Option) ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ Paste Rectangle from Screen (Menu Option) ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ Hide (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when checked, causes the application to be hidden when any one of the Paste From Screen Menu options is requested. The application is hidden, the Paste From command is executed, and then the application is restored to its original state on the system desktop. ═══ 3.9.3. Paste Graphic from File (Menu Option) ═══ When you select this option, the normal system file selection dialog is displayed, from which you need to select the graphic image file to be pasted into your document. The currently supported file types are: ■IBM OS/2 Bitmap (.BMP) ■IBM OS/2 MetaFile (.MET) ■Microsoft Windows Bitmap (.BMP) ■Graphic Interchange Format (.GIF) ■Joint Photographic Experts Group File Interchange Format (.JPG,.JPEG,.JFIF) ■PC Paintbrush File Format (.PCX or .PCC) ■Tag Image File Format (.TIF or .TIFF) Once you have selected a file, you are prompted to position the graphic on the current document page, just as was done for the Paste Bitmap from Clipboard menu option. ═══ 3.10. Insert Function Menu ═══ This submenu enables you to insert a number of special function codes into the document. The following options are currently available: ■Date ■Current Page Number ■Total Page Count ■Separator ■Barcode... Note: This submenu is not a part of the Selected Text menu. ═══ 3.10.1. Date Menu ═══ This sub-menu gives you access to the date insertion functions. Currently, there are four options: ■Today's Date ■Current Date ■Document Date ■Date Format... Note: This submenu is not a part of the Selected Text menu. ═══ Today's Date (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when selected, inserts a special object into the document which shows the date when the object was inserted, always. This date never changes. As an object, it cannot be edited. When you move past it with the cursor, it will behave as a single character or token. The format with which the date is shown can be altered from the Date Format... dialog, though you must alter the format upstream from the object, since the object uses the format in effect at its location in the document. Note: This option is not a part of the Selected Text menu. ═══ Current Date (Menu Option) ═══ This function inserts a special object into the document which shows the current date, always. It is always the current date when the document is displayed or printed, not the date when the object was inserted into the document. As an object, it cannot be edited. When you move past it with the cursor, it will behave as a single character or token. The format with which the date is shown can be altered from the Date Format... dialog, though you must alter the format upstream from the object, since the object uses the format in effect at its location in the document. Note: This option is not a part of the Selected Text menu. ═══ Document Date (Menu Option) ═══ This function inserts a special object into the document which shows the date when the document was last changed, always. This date will change when the documented is updated. As an object, it cannot be edited. When you move past it with the cursor, it will behave as a single character or token. The format with which the date is shown can be altered from the Date Format... dialog, though you must alter the format upstream from the object, since the object uses the format in effect at its location in the document. Note: This option is not a part of the Selected Text menu. ═══ Date Format... (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when selected, calls up the Date Format... dialog, which is used to alter the format used for generation of dates. ═══ Date Format... (Dialog) ═══ From this dialog it is possible to alter the format used in the generation of dates. The date format is whatever you type in the entry field, except that certain characters preceded by the '%' character have special meaning. These special codes are the following: %w - This code becomes the day of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc.). %x - This code becomes the abbreviated day of the week (Sun, Mon, etc.). %d - This code becomes the day of the month, in numeric form. %m - This becomes the month of the year, in numeric form. %M - This is the month of the year (January, February, etc.). %n - This is the abbreviated month of the year (Jan, Feb, etc.). %y - This is the full year (4 digits). %z - This is the abbreviated year (2 digits). Any other text entered in the field is copied directly to the generated date. For instance, the format string "%w, %M %d, %y" could become "Wednesday, March 16, 1994". You may enter the new date format, then click the OK button to save the new value. The currently active document will be reformatted appropriately. If you press the APPLY button, the new date format is applied to the currently active document at once, and becomes the new value. To escape the dialog without saving any more changes, then click the ESCAPE button. Changes made with the APPLY button are not discarded. ═══ 3.10.2. Current Page Number (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option inserts a special object into the document which displays the current page number at the object's location within the document. ═══ 3.10.3. Total Page Count (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option inserts a special object into the document which displays the document's total page count at the object's location within the document. ═══ 3.10.4. Separator (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option inserts a special horizontal separator function into the document. The separator ends the current line, draws a separator on the next line, and moves to the next line, ready for more text. ═══ 3.10.5. Barcode (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option summons a dialog from which you can prepare to insert a barcode graphic into the document. For more information, see Insert Barcode (Dialog) ═══ Insert Barcode (Dialog) ═══ This dialog allows you to specify the type and text of a barcode graphic to be inserted into the document. You need to select the type of the barcode from the list provided, and then enter the text to be barcoded in the entry field. When you are ready, press ENTER or click on the OK button, at which point you are prompted to position the graphic on the current document page, just as was done for the Paste Bitmap from Clipboard menu option. ═══ 3.11. Search... (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option calls up a dialog from which you can set a text string to be searched for and another text string with which the original can be replaced if so requested. See Search... (Dialog) for more information. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+S. ═══ 3.11.1. Search... (Dialog) ═══ From this dialog it is possible to set the text to be searched for with the Search and Find Next commands. It is also possible to set a replacement text and to cause that replacement to occur. To search for a particular text, enter the text itself in the first entry field and press or click on the Find button. The text will be searched for and highlighted. The dialog remains present for you to change the search pattern if you wish. To replace a text with another, enter the original text in the first entry field and the replacement text in the second entry field, and then either press to find the text to be replaced, or click on the Change button to search for the text and replace it at once. You may repeat the Change operation for each matching text in the document if you wish, and the next match for the original text will be replaced each time. To replace a text with another, and then proceed to find the next occurence of the original text, use the Change & Find button. To replace all occurences of the original text with the new text, use the Change All button. If you wish your searches to be sensitive to letter case, or not sensitive, you may click on the Case Sensitive check-button to change the current setting. If you wish your searches to obey the rules of UNIX Regular Expressions, you may check the Regular Expression button. To dismiss the dialog, press the key or click on the Escape button. Whatever the search and replacement texts were at the time are saved for the next time you summon this dialog. ═══ 3.12. Find Next (Menu Option) ═══ If you have defined a text string to be search for from the Search... (Dialog) dialog panel, then this menu function will search forward to the next occurance of the specified string and will select that string. See Search... (Dialog) for more information. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+F. ═══ 3.13. Go To Page (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option summons a dialog from which you can specify the number of the page you wish to have displayed for editing. See the Go To Page dialog help for more information. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+G. ═══ 3.13.1. Go To Page (Dialog) ═══ This dialog allows you to specify the number of the document page that which you wish to display and edit. Enter the page number in the field provided and press the ENTER key, or press the ESC key to abort this function. ═══ 3.14. Spell Check (Menu Option) ═══ If the optional spell checker module is installed on your system, and it was able to open its dictionary file, then this menu option will be enabled. When you click on this menu option, the spell checker will review the document from the current position onwards, looking for possibly misspelled words. When it finds one, the word is highlighted and the Spell Check dialog will be displayed, allowing you to tell the checker what to do about the word. The short-cut key for this function is F5. ═══ 3.14.1. Spell Check (Dialog) ═══ This dialog is displayed when the spell checker finds a possibly misspelled word. The word is displayed, along with a list of potential replacements taken from the spell checker's dictionary. If you wish to skip the word this one time, press ENTER or click on the Skip button with the mouse. This is the default action. If you wish the spell checker to ignore the word for the rest of this session, click on the Accept button with the mouse. To add the word to your private dictionary, with its capitalization intact, click on the Insert button with the mouse. If the word is capitalized, then the dictionary entry will only match capitalized words. To add the word to your private dictionary, forced to lower case, click on the Insert Lowercase button with the mouse. Such words can match capitalized and non-capitalized versions of themselves. If you wish to use one of the suggested replacement words, select the word from the list and press ENTER, or double-click on the word. The original word in the text will be replaced with the selected replacement. If you wish to enter a new spelling that is not in the list of suggested replacements, type the new spelling in the entry field at the head of the list of replacements, and click on the Replace button. The original word in the text will be replaced with the new spelling. To exit the spell checker without taking any further action, press the ESC key, or click on the Escape button with the mouse. Any changes already done are retained, though they may be removed with the Undo command. ═══ 3.15. Zoom Menu ═══ This menu option calls up a submenu of the different document viewing zoom commands. The following commands are available for use: ■Zoom 100% ■Zoom Full Width ■Zoom Full Height ■Zoom Margins ■Zoom All ■Zoom Window ■Zoom Set... ═══ 3.15.1. Zoom 100% (Menu Option) ═══ This command sets the current display scale to 100%. What you see displayed should print at exactly the same size, providing the system scaling factors (out of my control) are set properly. ═══ 3.15.2. Zoom Full Width (Menu Option) ═══ This command sets the current display scale so that the page will occupy the full width of its display window. This may reduce or enlarge the document scale, depending on how large you've got the display window set up to be. ═══ 3.15.3. Zoom Full Height (Menu Option) ═══ This command sets the current display scale so that the page will occupy the full height of its display window. This will normally reduce the document scale, causing it to display smaller than it will really print out as. ═══ 3.15.4. Zoom Margins (Menu Option) ═══ This command sets the current display scale so that the portion of the document within the horizontal margins will occupy the full width of its display window. This will normally enlarge the document scale, depending on how large you have set the display window to be. ═══ 3.15.5. Zoom All (Menu Option) ═══ This command sets the current display scale to the smaller of the Zoom Full Height and the Zoom Full Width scales. This is done so the entire document will appear in the window, no matter how small or misshapen the document window is. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+Z, and when used this way the function toggles between Zoom All and whatever preferred Zoom is specified in the General Preferences dialog. ═══ 3.15.6. Zoom Window (Menu Option) ═══ This command allows you to select a rectangular portion of the currently active document and zoom in on it. Once the portion has been selected, the current document will be have a new zoom factor applied to it and it will be repositioned so that the portion you have selected is visible at the largest possible magnification. ═══ 3.15.7. Zoom Set... (Menu Option) ═══ This command invokes a dialog from which it is possible to change the current window zoom factor. See Zoom Set... (Dialog) for more information. ═══ Zoom Set... (Dialog) ═══ This dialog allows the user to set the viewing zoom factor to any value desired. Use the up and down arrows to change the zoom factor, or enter the value directly, then press the ENTER key or click on the OK button to make the new zoom factor take effect. To apply the zoom factor without dismissing the dialog, click on the APPLY button. Zooms applied in this manner remain in effect after the dialog is dismissed, even if the ESCAPE key is used. To escape from the dialog without effecting any further change, press the ESCAPE key or click on the ESCAPE button. Changes made by the APPLY button are not discarded. ═══ 4. Layout Menu ═══ From the Layout Menu the following commands are available: ■Margins... ■Tabs... ■Indent... ■Line Spacing Menu ■Justification Menu ■Page Center ■Page Break ■Header... ■Footer... ═══ 4.1. Margins... (Menu Option) ═══ This command invokes a dialog from which it is possible to set all four printing margins (top, bottom, left, right). See Margins (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 4.1.1. Margins (Dialog) ═══ Through this dialog you can set the left, right, top and bottom printing margins. These margins are specified in the currently selected measurement system (english, metric), and are the distances from the sides of the current form type. As you enter new values for the margins, the horizontal and vertical rulers for the currently active document are adjusted accordingly, though the document itself is not reformatted. Enter the distances and press the ENTER key or click on the OK button. If the margins will not work with the currently selected form, you will get an error message and be allowed to try again. If you press the APPLY button, the new margin settings are applied to the currently active document at once, and become the new margins. To abort the dialog and discard the changes entered, press the ESC key or click on the 'Escape' button. Changes made by the APPLY button are not discarded. Note: The new left and right margins will take effect with the next line, unless the margin command was inserted into the document at the very beginning of a new line. The new top and bottom margins will take effect with the next page, unless the margin command was inserted into the document at the very beginning of a new page. ═══ 4.2. Tabs... (Menu Option) ═══ This command invokes a dialog from which it is possible to alter the document's tab settings. The new settings will take effect from the cursor location onwards. See Tabs (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 4.2.1. Tabs (Dialog) ═══ This dialog permits you to enter the position of a tab and either set the tab, or clear it. Your changes are immediately visible on the active window's horizontal ruler. To set a tab, enter the tab position in the entry field, then push the 'Set' pushbutton. To clear a tab, enter the tab position in the entry field, then push the 'Clear' pushbutton. Once you have entered all the changes you wish to make to your document's tab settings, you must select the OK button and press ENTER, or you can click the OK button with the mouse. The changes you have entered take effect from the current cursor position onwards. If you press the APPLY button, the new tab settings are applied to the currently active document at once, and become the new tabs. To abort the dialog and discard the changes entered, press the ESC key or click on the 'Escape' button. Changes made by the APPLY button are not discarded. ═══ 4.3. Indent... (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option calls forth a dialog from which you can specify the indent distance to be used in starting each new paragraph. See Paragraph Indent (Dialog) for more information. ═══ 4.3.1. Paragraph Indent (Dialog) ═══ From this dialog it is possible to set the paragraph indention distance to be used from the document's current position onwards. You may enter the new indention distance, then click the OK button to save the new value. The currently active document will be reformatted appropriately. If you press the APPLY button, the new indention distance is applied to the currently active document at once, and becomes the new indention. To escape the dialog without saving any more changes, then click the ESCAPE button. Changes made by the APPLY button are not discarded. ═══ 4.4. Line Spacing Menu ═══ This submenu presents the different vertical line spacing options that are available. The entry for the currently selected line spacing is check-marked. See Line Spacing Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 4.4.1. Line Spacing Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry represents one of the currently available line spacing options. Line spacings are defined as percentages of the normal line spacing for the current font and point size. When one of these line spacing options is selected, then the selected line spacing percentage of normal is establish over the currently selected text block, or from the cursor onwards if no text is selected. ═══ 4.4.2. Line Spacing Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 4.5. Justification (Menu Option) ═══ This submenu presents the different horizontal text justification options that are available. They include the following: ■Left Justify ■Center Justify ■Right Justify ■Full Justify ═══ 4.5.1. Left Justify (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option inserts a command into the document to left justify the document text, starting with the next line, unless the command was inserted at the very beginning of a new line, in which case it will take effect immediately. ═══ 4.5.2. Center Justify (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option inserts a command into the document to center justify the document text, starting with the next line, unless the command was inserted at the very beginning of a new line, in which case it will take effect at once. ═══ 4.5.3. Right Justify (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option inserts a command into the document to right justify the document text, starting with the next line, unless the command was inserted at the very beginning of a new line, in which case it takes effect immediately. ═══ 4.5.4. Full Justify (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option inserts a command into the document to full justify the document text, starting with the next line, unless the command was inserted at the very beginning of a new line, in which case it takes effect at once. The sizes of spaces in fully justified text are adjusted to make the left and right margins of the text turn out even. Lines terminated with a carriage return or page break are treated as left justified. ═══ 4.6. Page Center (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option inserts a command into the document to center pages vertically, starting with the next page, unless the command was inserted at the very beginning of a new page, in which case it takes effect at once. Note: This function cannot be used together with graphics, and is disabled by the presence of graphics on the page. ═══ 4.7. Page Break (Menu Option) ═══ This command, when selected, inserts a page break into the document at the cursor location. The cursor will advance to the start of the new page. The short-cut key for this function is CTRL+ENTER. Note: This option is not a part of the Selected Text menu. ═══ 4.8. Header... (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option summons a dialog from which you may define the appearance of the page header from the location of the cursor onwards. ═══ 4.8.1. Header (Dialog) ═══ This dialog allow the specification of the new page header. At this time, the header must be specified in native Escriba text format. Later, the definition will become WYSIWYG. Most function codes (like PageNumber, PageCount, LeftJustify, etc) are valid for the header format, but not all (like PrinterSettings). ═══ 4.9. Footer... (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option summons a dialog from which you may define the appearance of the page footer from the location of the cursor onwards. ═══ 4.9.1. Footer (Dialog) ═══ This dialog allow the specification of the new page footer. At this time, the header must be specified in native Escriba text format. Later, the definition will become WYSIWYG. Most function codes (like PageNumber, PageCount, LeftJustify, etc) are valid for the header format, but not all (like PrinterSettings). ═══ 5. Font Menu ═══ This menu displays a list of all the currently available fonts. The font currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Font Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 5.1. Font Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry represents one of the currently available fonts, displayed as it would appear in the document, at 18 points. If you wish to set this font from the cursor location onwards, or over the currently selected block of text, select the font entry with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the font entry with the mouse. ═══ 5.2. Font Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire font menu cannot be displayed, and there are more font menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the font menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 5.3. Font Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire font menu cannot be displayed, and there are more font menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the font menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 5.4. Font Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 6. Size Menu ═══ This menu displays a list of all the currently available font sizes. The size currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Size Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 6.1. Size Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry represents one of the currently available font sizes, showing the currently selected font in each of those sizes. If you wish to set a size from the cursor location onwards, or over the currently selected block of text, select the size entry with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the size entry with the mouse. ═══ 6.2. Size Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire size menu cannot be displayed, and there are more size menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the size menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 6.3. Size Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire size menu cannot be displayed, and there are more size menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the size menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 6.4. Size Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 7. Attribute Menu ═══ From the Attribute Menu it is possible to insert font attribute commands into the document. All the font attributes supported natively by the Presentation Manager are here: Normal, Bold, Italic, Underscore, Strikeout and Outline. To cause all text from the cursor's current location onwards, or all text currently highlighted, to have one of these attributes, simply select the menu option with the mouse or with the keyboard. The font attribute menu entries are shown in the currently selected font and size, and the currently active attributes are checkmarked. Any combination of attributes (except NORMAL) can be active at any given time. Normal is the setting when none of the others is active. ■Normal ■Bold ■Italic ■Underscore ■Strikeout ■Outline ■Caps ■Expand Menu ■Line Color Menu ■Line Width Menu ■Fill Color Menu ■Fill Type Menu ■Line End Menu ■Line Join Menu ═══ 7.1. Normal (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, if selected, will cancel any currently active font attributes (like bold, italic, etc.). If this option is selected while text has been highlighted, then the effect will be applied only to the highlighted text. If nothing was selected, the effect is applied from the cursor onwards. Attribute commands embedded in the document further along are not affected. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+N. ═══ 7.2. Bold (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when selected, will apply the Bold font attribute to the currently selected text, or from the cursor location onwards. Attribute commands embedded further along in the document are not affected. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+B. ═══ 7.3. Italic (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when selected, will apply the Italic font attribute to the currently selected text, or from the cursor location onwards. Attribute commands embedded further along in the document are not affected. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+I. ═══ 7.4. Underscore (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when selected, will apply the Underscore font attribute to the currently selected text, or from the cursor location onwards. Attribute commands embedded further along in the document are not affected. The short-cut key for this function is Ctrl+U. ═══ 7.5. Strikeout (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when selected, will apply the Strikeout font attribute to the currently selected text, or from the cursor location onwards. Attribute commands embedded further along in the document are not affected. ═══ 7.6. Outline (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when selected, will apply the Outline font attribute to the currently selected text, or from the cursor location onwards. Attribute commands embedded further along in the document are not affected. ═══ 7.7. Caps (Menu Option) ═══ This menu option, when selected, will apply the Caps font attribute to the currently selected text, or from the cursor location onwards. Attribute commands embedded further along in the document are not affected. ═══ 7.8. Expand Menu ═══ This menu lists all the currently available horizontal text expansion factors. The expansion currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Expand Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 7.8.1. Expand Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry shows one of the currently available horizontal text expansion factors, showing text in the current font expanded to the different factors. To set an expansion factor from the cursor location onwards, or to apply an expansion factor over the currently selected block of text, select the desired expansion with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the menu entry with the mouse. ═══ 7.8.2. Expand Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire expand menu cannot be displayed, and there are more expand menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the expand menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.8.3. Expand Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire expand menu cannot be displayed, and there are more expand menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the expand menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.8.4. Expand Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 7.9. Line/Text Color Menu ═══ This menu lists all the currently available line/text colors. The color currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Line/Text Color Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 7.9.1. Line/Text Color Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry shows one of the currently available line/text colors. To set a line/text color from the cursor location onwards, or to apply the color over the currently selected block of text, select the color menu entry with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the menu entry with the mouse. Note: These colors apply to lines, solid text, and to the outline portion of outlined text. ═══ 7.9.2. Line/Text Color Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire line/text color menu cannot be displayed, and there are more line/text color menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the line/text color menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.9.3. Line/Text Color Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire line/text color menu cannot be displayed, and there are more line/text color menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the line/text color menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.9.4. Line/Text Color Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 7.10. Line Width Menu ═══ This menu lists all the currently available line widths. The line width currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Line Width Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 7.10.1. Line Width Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry shows one of the currently available line widths for use with outlined text. To set a line width from the cursor location onwards, or to apply the width over the currently selected block of text, select the width menu entry with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the menu entry with the mouse. Note: These widths apply to lines, and to the outline portion of outlined text. ═══ 7.10.2. Line Width Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire line width menu cannot be displayed, and there are more line width menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the line width menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.10.3. Line Width Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire line width menu cannot be displayed, and there are more line width menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the line width menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.10.4. Line Width Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 7.11. Fill Color Menu ═══ This menu lists all the currently available outlined text fill colors. The fill color currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Fill Color Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 7.11.1. Fill Color Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry shows one of the currently available fill colors for use with outlined text. To set a fill color from the cursor location onwards, or to apply the fill color over the currently selected block of text, select the fill color menu entry with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the menu entry with the mouse. ═══ 7.11.2. Fill Color Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire fill color menu cannot be displayed, and there are more fill color menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the fill color menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.11.3. Fill Color Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire fill color menu cannot be displayed, and there are more fill color menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the fill color menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.11.4. Fill Color Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 7.12. Fill Type Menu ═══ This menu lists all the currently available outlined text fill types. The fill type currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Fill Type Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 7.12.1. Fill Type Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry shows on of the currently available fill types for use with outlined text. To set a fill type from the cursor location onwards, or to apply the fill type over the currently selected block of text, select the fill type menu entry with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the menu entry with the mouse. ═══ 7.12.2. Fill Type Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire fill type menu cannot be displayed, and there are more fill type menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the fill type menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.12.3. Fill Type Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire fill type menu cannot be displayed, and there are more fill type menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the fill type menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.12.4. Fill Type Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 7.13. Line End Menu ═══ This menu lists all the currently available line end types. The type currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Line End Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 7.13.1. Line End Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry shows on of the currently available line end types for use with outlined text. To set a line end type from the cursor location onwards, or to apply the type over the currently selected block of text, select the line end type menu entry with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the menu entry with the mouse. ═══ 7.13.2. Line End Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire line end type menu cannot be displayed, and there are more line end type menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the line end type menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.13.3. Line End Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire line end type menu cannot be displayed, and there are more line end type menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the line end type menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.13.4. Line End Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 7.14. Line Join Menu ═══ This menu lists all the currently available line join types. The type currently active at the cursor location is check-marked. See Line Join Menu Entries for more information. ═══ 7.14.1. Line Join Menu Entries ═══ This menu entry shows on of the currently available line join types for use with outlined text. To set a line join type from the cursor location onwards, or to apply the line join type over the currently selected block of text, select the line join type menu entry with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on the menu entry with the mouse. ═══ 7.14.2. Line Join Menu Page Up ═══ This menu option is available if the entire line join type menu cannot be displayed, and there are more line join type menu entries available before the first one currently shown. To scroll the line join type menu upwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.14.3. Line Join Menu Page Down ═══ This menu option is available if the entire line join type menu cannot be displayed, and there are more line join type menu entries available after the last one currently shown. To scroll the line join type menu downwards, select this menu option with the arrow keys and press ENTER, or click on it with the mouse. ═══ 7.14.4. Line Join Menu Manager ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 8. Window Menu ═══ From the Window Menu several document window manipulation functions are available, along with a list of all the document windows currently open. The following commands are available: ■Tile ■Cascade ■Arrange Icons ■Active Windows ═══ 8.1. Tile (Menu Option) ═══ This command arranges the non-minimized document windows so that all are completely visible, and so that all the minimized document icons are also visible at the bottom of the workspace. The minimized document icons are rearranged as necessary. ═══ 8.2. Cascade (Menu Option) ═══ This command arranges the non-minimized document windows so that they are as large as they can be, yet still have all their titles showing and so that all the minimized document icons are also visible. The minimized document icons are rearranged as necessary. ═══ 8.3. Arrange Icons (Menu Option) ═══ This command will rearrange the minimized document window icons to the bottom-left of the workspace. This is done automatically when the Tile and Cascade commands are executed. ═══ 8.4. Active Windows ═══ This section of the Window menu shows a list of the currently open document windows. To select a document, causing it to be displayed at the top of the current stack of document windows, click on one of these menu options, or select it with the arrow keys and press ENTER. ═══ 9. Help Menu ═══ The Help Menu has been set up in the SAA standard format, providing the following commands: ■Help Index ■General Help ■Using Help ■Keys Help ■Product Information Menu ═══ 9.1. Help Index (Menu Option) ═══ Selecting this menu option will cause the help library index to be displayed. ═══ 9.2. General Help (Menu Option) ═══ Selecting this menu option will display general information about the application. ═══ 9.3. Using Help (Menu Option) ═══ Selecting this menu option will display the basic information on how to use the Help Facility. None of this information is specific to this application. ═══ 9.4. Keys Help (Menu Option) ═══ The following function key assignments have been made for use within this program: ┌────────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │F1 │Display help information (SAA). │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │F2 │Save current document. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │F3 │Exit program. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │F4 │Save and close current document. │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │F5 │Spell Check │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │F10 │Menu (SAA). │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + Tab │Next Document │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + O │Open Document │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + P │Print Entire Document │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Alt + P │Print Current Page │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + N │Set Normal (Reset Text Attributes) │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + B │Set Bold │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + I │Set Italic │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + U │Set Underscore │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + S │Search │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + F │Find Next │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + G │Go To Page │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + Z │Zoom All Toggle │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + L │Left-justify Text │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + C │Center-justify Text │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + R │Right-justify Text │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + J │Full-justify Text │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + A │Select All Text │ ├────────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │Ctrl + Backspace │Delete to start of current word. │ └────────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ In addition, there are a number of keys defined for navigation within the current document. For these definitions, see the topic Editing Documents (Navigation). ═══ 9.5. Product Information Menu (Submenu) ═══ If you select this menu option directly, the program's Product Information and Copyright dialog to be displayed. See Product Information (Dialog) for more information. If you click on the conditional menu button instead, a menu listing the installed products will be displayed, from which you may select product information on any of those products. ═══ 9.5.1. Product Information Menu Entry (Menu Option) ═══ This is an entry in the Product Information Menu, representing this program or one of the extension products installed with it. Click on the entry to see the product information itself (see Product Information (Dialog) for more information). ═══ Product Information (Dialog) ═══ This dialog box displays the program name, icon and copyright information. To exit the dialog, press the ENTER key, the SPACE bar or the ESCAPE key, or click on the OK button with the mouse. ═══ 10. Context Menus ═══ There are several context menus that can be called up by a single click on the right mouse button. Together, these context menus contain even more functions than those available from the main window pull-down menus. When you right-click on the main program workspace (not over a document window), the Main Context Menu is called up. When you right-click over a document window, but not over selected text nor over any graphic areas, then the Default Menu is summoned. Right clicking over a block of selected text will result in the Selected Text Menu being brought up. The are also the Graphic Menu and the Graphic Border Menu. ═══ 10.1. Main Context Menu ═══ This menu appears when you click on the right mouse button over the main program workspace (not over a document window). It includes all the menu options that are valid outside of a document. They include the following: ■Refresh ■File ■Window ■Help Note: The File submenu of this menu does not contain all the options that the normal File menu has, but rather only contain those options that can be used without a specific document context. These exceptions are noted within the detailed descriptions of each menu option. Also, if no document window is open, the Window Menu option will be disabled. ═══ 10.1.1. Refresh (Menu Option) ═══ When this menu option is selected, the entire document window is repainted. ═══ 10.2. Default Menu ═══ This menu appears when you click with the right mouse button over any area of the document window which is not (1) selected text, (2) a graphic or (3) a graphic's border. It includes menu options that can be applied to the document as a whole. These include the following: ■Refresh ■File Menu ■Edit Menu Note: The File and Edit submenus of this menu do not contain all the options that the normal File and Edit menus have, but rather only contain those options that can be applied to an open file in general. These exceptions are noted within the detailed descriptions of each menu option. ═══ 10.3. Selected Text Menu ═══ This menu appears when you click with the right mouse button over an area of selected text. It includes all the menu options that can be applied to an area of selected text. They include the following: ■Cut ■Copy ■Paste ■Clear ■Layout ■Font ■Size ■Attributes Note: The Layout submenu of this menu does not contain all the options that the normal Layout menu has, but rather only contains those options that can be applied to a block of selected text. These exceptions are noted within the detailed descriptions of each menu option. ═══ 10.4. Graphic Menu ═══ This menu appears when you click with the right mouse button over a graphic object. It includes all the menu options that can be applied to such an object. These include the following: ■Background ■No Text Aside ■Halftone ■Reverse ■Optimize ■Position ■Size ■Aspect ═══ 10.4.1. Background (Menu Option) ═══ When you select this menu option, the graphic image is marked as belonging to the background of the page. Normal text can flow on top of the graphic. ═══ 10.4.2. No Text Aside (Menu Option) ═══ When you select this menu option, the graphic image is marked so that the document formatter will not allow text to flow down the page to either side of the graphic. ═══ 10.4.3. Halftone (Menu Option) ═══ When you select this menu option, the graphic image is marked for painting in halftone, or muted, colors. This is a useful attribute for graphics set to the background. Note: This option only works with bitmap graphics (not metafiles). ═══ 10.4.4. Reverse (Menu Option) ═══ When you select this menu option, the graphic image is marked for painting in inverted colors. Note: This option only works with bitmap graphics (not metafiles). ═══ 10.4.5. Optimize (Menu Option) ═══ When you select this menu option, the graphic image is marked for optimization for the printer in use. That is, the graphic scaling will be forced to a value which will cause the size of the image on the printer to be an integer multiple of the original bitmap image size. This causes the printed appearance to be about as good as it will get, since the line/column insertion method used to scale bitmaps will be as accurate as it can be. Note: This option only works with bitmap graphics (not metafiles). ═══ 10.4.6. Graphic Position Menu ═══ From this submenu it is possible to select a number of options which affect the positioning of a graphic on the document page. These options include the following: ■Next Character ■Next Line ■Left Edge ■Left Margin ■Centered (X) ■Right Margin ■Right Edge ■Top Edge ■Top Margin ■Centered (Y) ■Bottom Margin ■Bottom Edge If any of these options is currently in effect for the selected graphic, they are check-marked. ═══ Graphic Position to Next Character (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is treated as a large character inserted in the document text. Wherever the graphic code was inserted into the document, the graphic appears, expanding the document text vertically and horizontally to accommodate itself. ═══ Graphic Position to Next Line (Menu Option) ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ Graphic Position to Left Edge (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is repositioned to the left edge of the document page, subject to the current form's size and clipping distances. If a different form is selected, the graphic position will be adjusted accordingly. ═══ Graphic Position to Left Margin (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is repositioned to the left margin of the document page. If the margins are adjusted, the graphic position will be adjusted accordingly. ═══ Graphic Position Centered (X) (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is centered horizontally. Normally, this centering will take place with respect to the current margins. If the graphic size option has been set to Graphic Size Edge-to-Edge (X), then the centering will take place with respect to the currently selected form clipping limits (edges). ═══ Graphic Position to Right Margin (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is repositioned to the right margin of the document page. If the margins are adjusted, the graphic position will be adjusted accordingly. ═══ Graphic Position to Right Edge (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is repositioned to the right edge of the document page, subject to the current form's size and clipping distances. If a different form is selected, the graphic position will be adjusted accordingly. ═══ Graphic Position to Top Edge (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is repositioned to the top edge of the document page, subject to the current form's size and clipping distances. If a different form is selected, the graphic position will be adjusted accordingly. ═══ Graphic Position to Top Margin (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is repositioned to the top margin of the document page. If the margins are adjusted, the graphic position will be adjusted accordingly. ═══ Graphic Position Centered (Y) (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is centered vertically. Normally, this centering will take place with respect to the current margins. If the graphic size option has been set to Graphic Size Edge-to-Edge (Y), then the centering will take place with respect to the currently selected form clipping limits (edges). ═══ Graphic Position to Bottom Margin (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is repositioned to the bottom margin of the document page. If the margins are adjusted, the graphic position will be adjusted accordingly. ═══ Graphic Position to Bottom Edge (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is repositioned to the bottom edge of the document page, subject to the current form's size and clipping distances. If a different form is selected, the graphic position will be adjusted accordingly. ═══ 10.4.7. Graphic Size Menu ═══ From this submenu it is possible to select a number of options which affect the sizing of a graphic on the document page. These options include the following: ■Edge-to-Edge (X) ■Margin-to-Margin (X) ■Edge-to-Edge (Y) ■Margin-to-Margin (Y) If any of these options is currently in effect for the selected graphic, they are check-marked. ═══ Graphic Size Edge-to-Edge (X) (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is resized so that it occupies the full width of the page, from edge to edge, unless the graphic is also marked for preservation of its aspect ratio (see Graphic Aspect Menu). In that case, it is possible the graphic will be somewhat narrower. ═══ Graphic Size Margin-to-Margin (X) (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is resized so that it occupies the width of the page, from margin to margin, unless the graphic is also marked for preservation of its aspect ratio (see Graphic Aspect Menu). In that case, it is possible the graphic will be somewhat narrower. ═══ Graphic Size Edge-to-Edge (Y) (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is resized so that it occupies the full height of the page, from edge to edge, unless the graphic is also marked for preservation of its aspect ratio (see Graphic Aspect Menu). In that case, it is possible the graphic will be somewhat shorter. ═══ Graphic Size Margin-to-Margin (Y) (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is resized so that it occupies the height of the page, from margin to margin, unless the graphic is also marked for preservation of its aspect ratio (see Graphic Aspect Menu). In that case, it is possible the graphic will be somewhat shorter. ═══ 10.4.8. Graphic Aspect Menu ═══ From this submenu it is possible to select whether or not a graphic will be retained at fixed proportions, and in which way. These options include the following: ■Unfixed ■Fixed X ■Fixed Y If any of these options is currently in effect for the selected graphic, they are check-marked. ═══ Graphic Aspect Float (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic is freed from the requirement of a fixed (1x1) aspect ratio. Normally, this will have no immediate visible effect on the graphic, unless it also has one of the edge-to-edge or margin-to-margin sizing options in effect at the time, in which case the graphic may resize itself. ═══ Graphic Aspect Fix X (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic has a restriction placed on its sizing so that it will always be displayed with a one-to-one aspect ratio. With this option, the controlling dimension is the width. The height will be adjusted to attain the one-to-one aspect. ═══ Graphic Aspect Fix Y (Menu Option) ═══ When one selects this menu option, the selected graphic has a restriction placed on its sizing so that it will always be displayed with a one-to-one aspect ratio. With this option, the controlling dimension is the height. The width will be adjusted to attain the one-to-one aspect. ═══ 10.5. Graphic Border Menu ═══ This menu appears when you click with the right mouse button over the border area around a graphic object. It includes all the menu options that can be applied to such an area. These include the following: ■Border Size ■Border Color ■Border Caption ═══ 10.5.1. Border Size (Menu Option) ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 10.5.2. Border Color (Menu Option) ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 10.5.3. Border Caption (Menu Option) ═══ This function is not yet implemented. ═══ 11. Miscellaneous Dialogs ═══ ═══ 11.1. Set Profile Path ═══ This dialog is displayed when the program cannot find its profile (INI) file, and asks you where the file is or where it is to be created. Only a valid existing directory name will be accepted. Once you have entered the name, press the ENTER key or click on the OK button for the program to continue. If you wish to abort the program's initialization sequence, press the ESC key or click on the escape button. ═══ 11.2. Save Changed Document? ═══ You are trying to exit the program or close a document window, but you have changes to the current document which have not yet been saved. Answer 'Y'es or click on the YES button if you wish to save the changes to the current file name. Answer 'N'o or click on the NO button if you do not wish to do so (you don't care about the changes). Press the ESC key or click on the Escape button if you wish to abort the program termination or document close operation in progress. ═══ 11.3. Save Confirm ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then you are attempting to save your document with a new name over a file that already exists. If you really wish to replace the already existing file, then either press the 'Y' key or click on the Yes button. If you do not wish to replace the file on disk, simply press Enter or the 'N' key. In this case, your document will not have been saved, and you will have to try again giving a different name. ═══ 11.4. Type Change Confirm ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then you are attempting to save your document with a changed file type. If you really wish to change the file type, then either press the 'Y' key or click on the Yes button. If you do not wish to change the file type, simply press Enter or the 'N' key. In this case, your document will not have been saved, and you will have to try again, specifying a different name. ═══ 11.5. Speck-Check Complete ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then you have just completed a scan of the current document with the spell checker. To continue, press the ENTER key or click on the Enter pushbutton with the mouse. ═══ 11.6. Help Manager Error ═══ If this message has been displayed, then something's wrong with the application help file. Please inform the application programmer. ═══ 11.7. Program Exception Abort ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then Escriba has had a fatal error occur. Please inform the author using one of the means listed in the Questions and Bug Reporting page and include the file ESCRIBA.LOG, which should be present in the directory to which you installed Escriba. ═══ 11.8. Class Registration Error ═══ If this message has been displayed, the application could not register one of its window classes properly. Please inform the author using one of the means listed in the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.9. Client Create Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then Escriba was not able to create a client window for some reason. Please inform the author using one of the means listed in the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.10. Too Many Documents Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, you have tried to load too many documents into Escriba, and the error was detected after a document was loaded into memory. ═══ 11.11. Too Many Documents Loaded Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, you already have too many documents loaded to create yet another document window. ═══ 11.12. Document Create Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then Escriba was not able to create a document object for some reason. Please inform the author using one of the means listed in the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.13. Document Load Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then Escriba was not able to load a document for some reason. Please verify the file name and all the directories in its path. It is also possible that the file is currently in use by another program and for that reason cannot be opened for reading. ═══ 11.14. Document Save Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then Escriba was not able to open the file to which you requested it save a document. Please verify the file name to insure that it is valid, and that all the directories in the path are valid also. It is also possible that the file is currently in use by another program, and for that reason cannot be opened for writing. ═══ 11.15. Print Status Window Create Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then Escriba was not able to initialize its Print Status window. This should never happen, but has been provided for for diagnostic purposes. Please inform the author using one of the means listed in the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.16. Load Status Window Create Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then Escriba was not able to initialize its Load Status window. This should never happen, but has been provided for for diagnostic purposes. Please inform the author using one of the means listed in the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.17. Block Copy Memory Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then there was not enough memory available to cut or copy the selected text to the system clipboard. Try performing the copy in smaller segments. ═══ 11.18. Bad Graphic File Error ═══ If this dialog has been displayed, then you have attempted to load as a graphic image a file which is either of an unrecognized type or contains invalid data. The currently supported graphic file types are BMP, GIF, .JPG, PCX, PCC, MET and TIF. If the file you tried to load is of one of these types, and you can display the image with a regular image display program, then please inform the author using one of the means listed in the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.19. Verify Error - Open ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified for loading could not be opened for some reason. Verify the file name and path and try again. ═══ 11.20. Verify Error - Memory ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then Escriba could obtain sufficient memory to load the specified file into memory. ═══ 11.21. Verify Error - Invalid Escapes ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified for loading in the native Escriba format contained invalid escape codes. The file may have become corrupted. ═══ 11.22. Verify Error - Invalid Functions ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified for loading in the native Escriba format contained function codes not recognized by this version of Escriba. The file may have been created by a newer version of Escriba, or it may have become corrupted. ═══ 11.23. Verify Error - Nulls ═══ If this error message has bee displayed, then the file specified for loading in the native Escriba format contained null characters outside of normal function codes. The file may have become corrupted. ═══ 11.24. Verify Error - Unmatched Headers/Trailers ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified for loading in the native Escriba format contained unmatched function header and trailer bytes. The file may have become corrupted. ═══ 11.25. Verify Error - No Preface ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified for loading in the native Escriba format did not start with a Preface function. The file may have become corrupted. ═══ 11.26. Verify Error - No Valid Type ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified for loading was not accepted by any of the currently valid file type verifiers. Escriba cannot load such a file. Note: New file type processors may be developed at any time. If you have a file type you wish to load, but currently cannot, send your request to the author at one of the addresses specified on the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.27. Import Error - Open ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified for loading could not be opened for some reason. Verify the file name and path and try again. ═══ 11.28. Import Error - Memory ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then Escriba could obtain sufficient memory to load the specified file into memory. ═══ 11.29. Export Error - Open/Create ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified for saving could not be opened for some reason. Verify the file name and path and try again. If the file already exists, it is possible that it has been marked read-only. ═══ 11.30. Export Error - Disk Space ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the file specified could not be fully written to disk for some reason. Check that there is sufficient space on the destination disk drive. ═══ 11.31. Metafile Verify Error - Open ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the metafile selected for verification and loading could not be opened. Normally this means that the file is currently opened for writing by another application. ═══ 11.32. Metafile Verify Error - Short File ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the metafile selected for verification and loading was not long enough. ═══ 11.33. Metafile Verify Error - Load ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then it was not possible to load a metafile into memory for verification. If this error occurs repeatedly, then please notify the author at one of the addresses specified on the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.34. Metafile Verify Error - Invalid Data ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the metafile header contained invalid information. Please verify that the metafile can be viewed or loaded with the OS/2 PICVIEW program. If it can be loaded by that program without errors, then please notify the author at one of the addresses specified on the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 11.35. Language Select Error ═══ If this error message has been displayed, then the language selected for loading could not be fully loaded for some reason. Please notify the author at one of the addresses specified on the Questions and Bug Reporting page. ═══ 12. Technical Reference ═══ ═══ 12.1. Document File Format ═══ The document file can be considered a stream of characters and function codes. With the exception of the control codes 15, 16 and 17, all character data is stored without change. Codes 15, 16 and 17 are escaped, with code 15 being the escape code. That is, if the original data stream contained a literal code 16, then the file data would contain code 15 followed by code 16 to represent the original code 16. If code 15 is encountered without a code 15, 16 or 17 after it, it is also interpreted as a literal code 15. A literal code 17 '' defines a function code start. A literal code 16 '' defines a function code terminator. If a function code terminator is found without there having been a corresponding function code start, it is passed through as a literal character. The following functions are currently valid: Version:versionnumber This function code specifies the version of Escriba used to edit and save the document to disk. The version number has four digits, which are treated as if they had a decimal point between the first two and the second two digits. Version 1.00 would be represented as 0100. This function code is used to allow document format conversion from older to newer formats, and did not exist in the file formats prior to beta revision 0.92. This code cannot appear outside of the parameter data area of the 'Preface' function code. Preface:functioncodes This is a special function code which appears in the saved document file but not in the document as viewed by the user for editing. This function's parameter data consists of other function codes. The combined effect of all the function codes is to build the document's default state. All function codes which alter the document's state are valid here, along with the Printer, Form, JobSettings TabSpacing and Metric functions, which are not valid elsewhere. Function codes which generate text output (PageCount, PageNumber, Graphic, Date) are not valid here. Printer:name This function code specifies the name of the printer for which this document was formatted. This code cannot appear outside of the parameter data area of the 'Preface' function code. Form:name This function code is used to specify the name of the form for which the document was formatted. It is only used when a document formatted for one printer is being reformatted for another. This code cannot appear outside of the parameter area of the 'Preface' function code. CodePage:number This function code is used to specify the number of the codepage to be used when displaying the document. This code cannot appear outside of the parameter area of the 'Preface' function code. See Code Pages for more information. Font:name This function code specifies the name of the font to be used from its location in the document onwards. This name must be of a valid scalable font that appears in the system Font Palette object, in a normal system Font Dialog, or in Escriba's Font menu. Size:pointsize This code specifies the printer's point size to be used from its location in the document onwards. A printer's point is 1/72 inch, in English units. When the size setting is to 12 points, the normal size of the characters generated will be about 1/6 inches high, though this is a guideline for font designers, not a firm rule. In general, fonts will not all appear the same size even when all are generated at the same point size. Escriba will accept point sizes to a resolution of 1/10 point. Color:color This code specifies the color (red-blue-green) to be used for line and text output from its location in the document onwards. The code is specified as a six-digit hexadecimal code, with the first two digits giving the red component, the second pair giving the green and the last pair specifying the blue portion of the color. White, for instance, would be 'FFFFFF', black is '000000', and yellow would be 'FFFF00'. LineWidth:width This function sets the line (stroke) width to be used to be used in drawing outlined characters, when the outline attribute is set. The width is specified as any other distance. LineEnd:type This function code sets the line end type to be used beyond the current position. The valid types include all the LINEEND codes defined in the OS/2 Programmer's Reference. LineJoin:type This function code sets the line join type to be used beyond the current position. The valid types include all the LINEJOIN codes defined in the OS/2 Programmer's Reference. FillColor:color This code specifies the color (red-blue-green) to be used to fill outlined characters from its location in the document onwards. The code is specified in the same was as the line/text color (see above). FillType:type This function code sets the outlined text fill pattern type for the text beyond the current position. The valid types include all the PATSYM codes defined in the OS/2 Programmer's Reference. Bold:1/0 This function code sets the bold attribute on or off for the text beyond the current position. Italic:1/0 This function code sets the italic attribute on or off for the text beyond the current position. Underscore:1/0 This function code sets the underscore attribute on or off for the text beyond the current position. Strikeout:1/0 This function code sets the strikeout attribute on or off for the text beyond the current position. Outline:1/0 This function code sets the outline (hollow) attribute on or off for the text beyond the current position. Caps:1/0 This function code sets the uppercase attribute on or off for the text beyond the current position. Expand:percent This function code sets the horizontal text expansion factor to be used from the current position in the document onwards. The factor is expressed as a percentage, with 100 indicating that the normal horizontal expansion defined for the current font is to be used. TopMargin:distance This function code sets the current position of the top margin to the specified value, which is relative to the bottom edge of the page. This attribute takes effect on the next page, unless nothing displayable has appeared on the current page yet. BottomMargin:distance This function code sets the current position of the bottom margin to the specified value. This attribute takes effect on the next page, unless nothing displayable has appeared on the current page yet. LeftMargin:distance This function code sets the current position of the left margin to the specified value. This attribute takes effect on the next line, unless nothing displayable has appeared on the current line yet. RightMargin:distance This function code sets the current position of the right margin to the specified value, which is relative to the left edge of the page. This attribute takes effect on the next line, unless nothing displayable has appeared on the current line yet. LeftJustify This function code sets the current horizontal text justification to 'Left', causing text lines to be aligned against the left margin. This attribute takes effect on the next line, unless nothing displayable has appeared on the current line yet. CenterJustify This function code sets the current horizontal text justification to 'Center', causing text lines to be centered between the left and right margins. This attribute takes effect on the next line, unless nothing displayable has appeared on the current line yet. RightJustify This function code sets the current horizontal text justification to 'Right', causing text lines to be aligned against the right margin. This attribute takes effect on the next line, unless nothing displayable has appeared on the current line yet. FullJustify This function code sets the current horizontal text justification to 'Full', causing full lines to be padded to have even left and right margins. Partial lines are left justified without any additional padding. This attribute takes effect on the next line, unless nothing displayable has appeared on the current line yet. CenterPage:1/0 This function code sets the current state of the 'CenterPage' attribute. When active at the effective start of a page, that page is centered vertically. TabSet:distance This function code causes a tab to be added at the specified horizontal distance to the current tab table. TabClear:distance This function code causes any tab present at the specified horizontal distance to be removed from the current tab table. TabSpacing:distance This function code specifies the distance to be used between tabs at the start of the document. Starting at the left margin, tabs are created automatically at the interval specified here. This code cannot appear outside of the parameter data area of the 'Preface' function code. Indent:distance This function code specifies the distance to be used for indenting paragraph starting lines. Paragraph starting lines are either (1) the first line of the document, or (2) the first line of text after a newline code, marking the end of a paragraph. Metric:1/0 This function code indicates whether the document is to be formatted with metric measurements (centimeters) or in english measurements (inches). If set to '1', metric measurements are used. This code cannot appear outside of the parameter data area of the 'Preface' function code. Graphic:x,y,cx,cy[,Background][,NoTextAside][,Halftone][,Reverse][,PrinterOptimize][[,KeepAspectFixX|KeepAspectFixY]]:type\0data This function code defines a graphic cell within the document. The 'x' and 'y' coordinates define the cell's position on the page, relative to the lower-left corner of the page (not the upper-left). The 'cx' and 'cy' parameters specify the cell's width and height. All four of these parameters are specified in the measurement system currently in use (1/1000 inch or centimeter). As well as numeric coordinate values, the keywords 'Inline', 'LeftMargin', 'RightMargin', 'LeftEdge', 'RightEdge' and 'Centered' are accepted for the X position, and 'TopMargin', 'BottomMargin', 'TopEdge', 'BottomEdge' and 'Centered' are accepted for the Y position. The keywords 'EdgeToEdge' and 'MarginToMargin' are accepted for either the X or Y widths. If 'Inline' is specified for the X position, then the Y position is ignored. Likewise, if 'EdgeToEdge' or 'MarginToMargin' is specified for the X or Y size, then the corresponding position is ignored. The 'Background', 'NoTextAside', 'Halftone' and 'Reverse' parameters are optional. They are also case sensitive. The 'Background' parameter, when specified, indicates that the graphic is not to interfere with the positioning of text on the page, and is to be painted behind the text, as a background. The 'NoTextAside' parameter, when specified, indicates that no text is to be formatted to either side of the graphic, treating the graphic as if it occupied the entire width of the page. The 'Halftone' parameter, when specified, indicates that the graphic is to be painted in muted colors. Normally, this is done by painting only every alternate pixel, and for this reason is not supported for Metafile graphics. The 'Reverse' parameter, when specified, indicates that the graphic is to be painted in inverted colors. This cannot be supported for Metafile graphics. The 'PrinterOptimize' parameter, when specified, indicates that the graphic is to be optimized for the printer resolution. This is done by scaling the image so that when printed, the bitmap scaling factor will be an integer. This is not supported for Metafile graphics. The 'KeepAspectFixX' parameter declares that the graphic height will be determined by the graphic width and the original graphic size, maintaining the original graphic aspect ratio. The 'KeepAspectFixY' parameter is similar, except that the graphic width is determined by the height and the original graphic size. The 'Type' field can currently be set to 'BM' (for bitmap), 'MF' (for metafile), 'UP' (for UPC-A Code), 'UE' (for UPC-E Code), '39' (for Code 39), 'PN' (for POSTNET), 'E8' (for EAN-8) or 'EA' (for EAN-13). All BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, TIF and such graphics are stored internally in OS/2 bitmap form. This field is null terminated. Binary graphic data is placed after the null-terminated header information. This binary data has the codes 15, 16, and 17 escaped as described earlier in this section. For bitmaps, the binary information first contains a four-byte number indicating the size of the bitmap information header. Following this is a four-byte number indicating the size of the bitmap data itself. After this is found the bitmap information header, and after that the bitmap data. For metafiles, the binary information includes a four-byte number giving the size of the metafile data, and then the metafile data itself. For UPC-A Codes, the data is a 11-digit text containing the UPC-A Code itself. For UPC-E Codes, the data is a 7-digit text containing the UPC-E Code itself. For Code-39 barcodes, the data can be a text of any length, but character data itself is limited to the characters A-Z (upper-case), 0-9, space, '·', '+', '-', '*', '/', '$' and '%'. For POSTNET barcodes, the data is a 5 or 9 digit text with numeric digits only. For EAN-8 barcodes, the data is a 7 digit text with numeric digits only. For EAN-13 barcodes, the data is a 12 digit text with numeric digits only. Date:Fixed:time This function code generates text showing a specific date, which date is specified in seconds since 00:00, 1 January 1970. The text format is specified with the 'DateFormat' function. Date:Current This function code generates text showing the current date according to the computer's calendar. The text format is specified with the 'DateFormat' function. Date:Changed This function code generates text showing the date when the document was last changed. The text format is specified with the 'DateFormat' function. DateFormat:formatstring This function code sets a text string which will be used from the code's location in the document text onwards as the template for generating full date strings. It is similar to a 'C' 'printf' format string, except that the codes that may validly follow the '%' character are as follows: m - Numeric Month (1,2,etc) M - Text Month (January, February, etc) n - Text Month (Jan, Feb, etc) d - Numeric Day y - Numeric Year (4 digits, including century) z - Numeric Year (2 digits, excluding century) w - Text Weekday (Sunday, Monday, etc) x - Text Weekday (Sun, Mon, etc) Note: This internal format does not vary with language. The codes the user sees may vary from language to language. LineSpacing:percent This function code sets the percentage of normal line spacing to be used from the code's location in the document text onwards. JobSettings:driverdata This function code contains as parameter data the entire printer job settings structure returned from the printer job settings dialog. The complete structure of this data depends on the printer driver, and may or may not be documented by the printer driver's author (not by me), although the data has a standard header structure documented by IBM. This data is written with codes 15, 16 and 16 escaped, as it is assumed to be binary. This code cannot appear outside of the parameter data area of the 'Preface' function code. PageNumber This function code generates text showing the current page number at the function code's position within the document. PageCount This function code generates text showing the current count of pages in the document. Glyph:number This function code generates a single text character whose numeric value is the number given. The precise character displayed or printed will depend on the codepage and font in use. This function code is created when the the Alt+nnn technique is used to create arbitrary character codes from the numeric keypad, and eliminates the confusion as to whether or not a carriage-return or linefeed code (for example) should be interpreted as such, or as a displayable character. Author:name This function code only appears in the Preface section and serves to declare the document author's name. CreateDate:time This function code only appears in the Preface section and is used to save the original creation date of the document. It is stored in the same way as the other dates, that is in seconds since January 1st, 1970. Comment:commentary This function code can be used to embed a comment into the document body. The comment will not be displayed nor printed in rendering the document itself. Separator This function code generates a line break, followed by a separator line, followed by another line break. It performs much the same function as the
function of the HTML language. Title:name This function code only appears in the Preface section and serves to declare the document title. Header:text This function code specifies the page header text to be used from this point onwards in formatting pages. If nothing printable has yet appeared on the page, it will be used for the current page as well. Footer:text This function code specifies the page footer text to be used from this point onwards in formatting pages. If nothing printable has yet appeared on the page, it will be used for the current page as well. Note: Distances are expressed in units of 0.001 inches or centimeters, depending on whether you are using english or metric units for measurements. A distance of 1/2 centimeter or inch would therefore be expressed as 500. Generally, only positive distances may be used. Note: Percentages are expressed as integers with an assumed decimal point. For example, 100% is expressed as the number 100, 125% as the number 125, and so on. Generally, only positive percentages may be used. ═══ 12.2. Code Pages ═══ The following code pages (national language character mappings) are valid: ┌────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │037 │Brazil / Portuguese / U.S. English (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │273 │Austrian / German (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │274 │Belgian (old EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │277 │Danish / Norwegian (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │278 │Finnish / Swedish (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │280 │Italian (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │282 │Portuguese (old EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │284 │Spanish (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │285 │U.K. English (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │297 │French (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │437 │United States (IBM PC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │500 │Belgian / International (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │813 │Greek │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │819 │Multilingual (ISO-8859/1) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │850 │Multilingual (Latin1) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │852 │Slavic (Latin2) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │855 │Serbia / Montenegro / Macedonia / Bulgaria │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │857 │Turkey │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │860 │Portuguese │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │861 │Iceland │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │862 │Hebrew │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │863 │French-Canadian │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │864 │Arabic │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │865 │Danish / Norwegian │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │866 │Russia │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │869 │Greek │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │870 │Czechoslovakia / Hungary / Poland / Yugoslavia (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │871 │Iceland (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │874 │Thailand │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │915 │Bulgaria / Macedonia │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │932 │Japan (Shift JIS X-0208) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │934 │Korea │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │936 │Simplified Chinese │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │938 │Traditional Chinese │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │942 │Japan (SAA) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │944 │Korea (SAA) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │946 │Simplified Chinese (SAA) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │948 │Traditional Chinese (SAA) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │949 │Korea (Shift KSC 5601) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │950 │Traditional Chinese (Big5) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1004│Desktop Publishing │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1026│Turkey (EBCDIC) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1200│Unicode │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1250│Windows, Latin-2 (Eastern European) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1251│Windows, Cyrillic │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1252│Windows, Multilingual (ANSI) │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1253│Windows, Greek │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1254│Windows, Turkish │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1255│Windows, Hebrew │ ├────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │1256│Windows, Arabic │ └────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Note: Not all codepages may be usable on all systems. ═══ 12.3. Add-on Extension Interface ═══ The add-on extension facility searches Escriba's installation directory at program startup time for all DLL files. Each of these DLLs are checked for the presence of the functions 'Identify', 'ProductName', 'ProductVersion' 'ProductInformation' and 'ProductConfigure'. If all of these functions are present, the module is considered to be an add-on extension of some sort. The function prototypes for the 'C' programming language are: char* APIENTRY Identify ( void ) ; BOOL APIENTRY SetLanguage ( char *Language ) ; char* APIENTRY ProductName ( void ) ; int APIENTRY ProductVersion ( void ) ; void APIENTRY ProductInformation ( HWND Owner ) ; int APIENTRY ProductConfigure ( int MaxPages, char Names[][64], char MajorTabs[][32], char MinorTabs[][32], PFNWP Processors[], HMODULE Libraries[], int DialogIDs[] ) ; The Identify function returns a null-terminated character string which identifies the extension type. Currently, the types "ISPELLER" , "IMPORT/EXPORT" and "GRAPHICIMPORT" are defined. The SetLanguage function allows Escriba to configure the extension's language. The normal name for the language in the language itself is used. For example, the word for French is FranЗais. The ProductName function returns a null-terminated character string which will be used to identify the extension in the Product Information menu. This name should not include the product version number. The ProductVersion function returns an integer number which represents the product version number multiplied by 100. This is also used for the Product Information menu. The ProductInformation function displays a dialog which gives the user the product's full name, version number and date, and any authorship and copyright information that pertains to the product. This function will be called when the user selects the product from the Product Information menu. The ProductConfigure function returns information to be used in constructing the Configure Extension dialog. This function is not required to be present, but when it is present it is expected to return the number of configuration notebook pages it wishes to provide. For each of these pages (up to the maximum specified in the function call), a page name, major tab text or minor tab text (one or the other), a dialog processor function, a resource library module handle and a resource ID for the dialog template must all be returned to the calling function. ═══ 12.3.1. ISpeller Interface ═══ The module "ISPELLER" was developed from the GNU ISPELL program, version 3.1.18, and as such is freeware, source-code included. The copyrights belong to Pace Willisson and Geoff Kuenning. ISPELLER itself is simply a wrapper around ISPELL, but redone as an OS/2 dynamic-link library (DLL). ISPELLER cannot make use of another version of ISPELL 3.1.x resident on your system, but -can- use the dictionary files from such. To do this, simply insert the statement 'SET ISPELL=path' in your CONFIG.SYS, where 'path' is the fully qualified path to where your ISPELL dictionary files are kept. The modules ISPELLER.DLL and BUILDHAS.EXE should also be copied to that directory. In addition to the basic functions of an add-on extension, the following functions are provided by ISpeller: void APIENTRY Speller_SetHome ( char *Path ) ; char* APIENTRY Speller_DefaultDictionary ( void ) ; int APIENTRY Speller_OpenDictionary ( char *Path ) ; void APIENTRY Speller_CloseDictionary ( ) ; BOOL APIENTRY Speller_Ready ( ) ; int APIENTRY Speller_BuildWord ( char* (*APIENTRY GetPtr)(void *Object,long *Offset,long Delta), void *Object, char *Word, long *Start, long *End, long *Next ) ; int APIENTRY Speller_FindWord ( char *Word ) ; int APIENTRY Speller_FindReplacements ( char *Word, int ListSize, int EntrySize, void *List, int *EasyCount ) ; int APIENTRY Speller_Accept ( char *Word ) ; int APIENTRY Speller_Insert ( char *Word ) ; int APIENTRY Speller_UnCaps ( char *Word ) ; Those interested in what these functions do, and how they do it, are referred to the source code. ═══ 12.3.2. Document Import/Export Module Interface ═══ Modules of type "IMPORT/EXPORT" are used to import documents not of Escriba's native format into the program, and to export documents to files not of Escriba's native format. In addition to the basic functions of an add-on extension, the following functions are provided by Import/Export modules: char* APIENTRY QueryFileType ( void ) ; char* APIENTRY QueryWildcard ( void ) ; BOOL APIENTRY Filter ( char *Name, char *Type ) ; BOOL APIENTRY Verify ( HWND Owner, char *Name ) ; void* APIENTRY Import ( HWND Owner, char *Name, long *Size ) ; BOOL APIENTRY Export ( HWND Owner, char *Name, void *Text, long Size ) ; The QueryFileType function returns an extended file type (like 'Escriba' or 'Plain Text') which will be displayed in the File Open dialog's file type combobox, right below the file name entry field. The QueryWildcard function returns a wildcard file specifier (like '*.TXT') which will be automatically loaded in the File Open dialog's file name entry field when the file type is selected from the File Type combobox. The Filter function is called while filling the File Open dialog's file listbox, and is used to determine whether or not to display a file's name in the listbox. This is normally only a quick check of the file's name and extended type, and not a check of the file contents itself. The Verify function is called to do a final validation of a file's type prior to importing it into the word processor. This check should be quick, but more thorough than the check performed by the Filter function. The Import function loads a document file into memory, converts it to the native Escriba format, and returns the completed text. The Import function is expected to allocate the memory for the text dynamically. Escriba will free this memory when it finishes using it. The Export function saves a document file. The document text is passed to the exporter in Escriba format, and is converted and written to the specified file by the exporter. ═══ 12.3.3. Graphic Import Module Interface ═══ Modules of type "GRAPHICIMPORT" are used to import graphic images into a document, converting such images to an OS/2 system bitmap in memory. In addition to the basic functions of an add-on extension, the following functions are provided by Graphic Import modules: char* APIENTRY QueryFileType ( void ) ; char* APIENTRY QueryWildcard ( void ) ; BOOL APIENTRY Filter ( char *Name, char *Type ) ; BOOL APIENTRY Verify ( HWND Owner, char *Name ) ; HBITMAP APIENTRY GraphicImport ( HWND Owner, char *Name ) ; The QueryFileType function returns an extended file type (like 'Bitmap' or 'Metafile') which will be displayed in the Graphic File Open dialog's file type combobox, right below the file name entry field. The QueryWildcard function returns a wildcard file specifier (like '*.BMP') which will be automatically loaded in the Graphic File Open dialog's file name entry field when the file type is selected from the File Type combobox. The Filter function is called while filling the Graphic File Open dialog's file listbox, and is used to determine whether or not to display a file's name in the listbox. This is normally only a quick check of the file's name and extended type, and not a check of the file contents itself. The Verify function is called to do a final validation of a file's type prior to importing it into the word processor. This check should be quick, but more thorough than the check performed by the Filter function. The GraphicImport function loads a graphic file into memory and converts it to the native OS/2 bitmap format, and returns a handle to the bitmap.