This is the complete history of the development of EqEd/2... * Known bugs in version 1.42b þ I have seen the editor crash once, when doing a LOT of undo/copy-paste þ There is still no cut function, See next version!!!!!! þ When activating an equation window, and bringing it on top of another window sometimes makes the other windows equation look strange þ The 'changed' flag is not updated when using macros þ Suddently I still se some crashes when opening the filerequester. This does not happen very often, but once in a while it does. þ Formular sometimes looks strange when pressing return. This is handled by typing a letter... * Future addons .... þ Automatic font installation of the 'EqEdMath' font þ Next major version: cut function þ Cut'n paste on child lines, not only on main lines þ The tabulator will work !!! þ A variable tabular environment. þ Font changes in TeX(Bold and Bolditalic is not possible!) þ Variable Matrix's !!!! þ Self-configurable F-keys * Version 1.42b released at 3/1-1998 þ Updated the help file and added it to the archive(It was missing!) þ Fixed the messagebox problem when the fonts could not be aquired þ Fixed a problem (another) problem with the writing routine þ Fixed a menuitem error(Previous equation window) * Version 1.41b released at 29/12-1997 þ Packed the EqEdMath font into the archive(I forgot it last time...) þ Corrected an error in the writing routine * Version 1.40b released at 25/12-1997(I had nothing else to do :) þ Added functionality to the 'Enter' button. It now works correctly þ There is now a copy and a paste function. They ONLY work on main lines þ There are a 'helping dot' facility for show you where you can type data þ I have added a 'helping rectangles' function so you know where the boundaries of your line are. Where usefull for beginners! þ Added functionality to the 'Backspace' button þ Added functionality to the 'Delete' button þ The tabulator now works in fractions, integrals, matrix's, tables etc. þ I have created a new font for EqEd. It gives new improved symbols þ On request I added the h-bar, the chemical arrow etc. þ The user interface is more CUA compliant. Almost the real thing... þ Added enhanced metafile support. You can now use the same metafile for reading and writing in EqEd and wordprocessors þ The old EqEd/2 format added as export facility(for equation exchange) þ More but still not full TeX support þ Added DDE support for the wordprocessor Papyrus þ On request I added the Describe macro again. * Version 1.21 released at 21/10-1997 þ Fixed some problems with the load routine þ Fixed some problems with the window update routines þ Fixed some problems with the cursor routines þ Now the top-most equation is used with save, DDE etc, when the just activating the window on the frame * Version 1.2 released at 20/07-1997 þ Added a Cancel button to the "Do you want to save ... " dialog þ When selecting Cancel in a save box after editing, it does not closes the formular þ The text-cursor is lowered a bit þ The cursor is positioned at the end of a line, when the mouse is clicked after it þ EqEd/2 now loads a formular, when passed at commandline or dropped at the program icon þ Made the menu more CUA compliant þ The preferences are now accessable when no formulars are open þ Added real checkboxes instead of radiobuttons to the preferences window þ Corrected some linguistic errors in the menu and dialogs þ Corrected the working of the style buttons. They are updated when switching to another window * Version 1.15 released at 21/06-1997 þ Added the h-bar symbol þ Added angle paranthesis þ Corrected some errors in the load rutine þ Mousrpointer is now a I-beam when over equation area þ The cursor can be dragged with the mouse þ Fixed write errors with some versions of matrox and trio64V+ video drivers þ Fixed an error in the EPS writing rutine þ Added DDE support for new version of the german produces wordprocessor Papyrus(The latest version) * Version 1.05 released at 02/03-1997 þ Added registration number support, for easier registration þ Now the unregistered version, and the registered version has the same prefernces, no changes after registering! You do need to change your preferences in this version again, it will not copy the preferences from version 1.0 !! þ I have fixed a bug in the load routine, it should be more "normal" :) þ There is now a german version of the program(some things in the doc and all of this file is still in english. þ Corrected an error on some computers with a LOT of rectangles in equations(Hopefully on all computers!) * Version 1.0 released at 16/03-1997 þ Added multiple formular support þ Added support for double and tripple integral signs þ Added a "chemical" arrow in the integral window þ Added some needed project handling þ Fixed some EPS errors, but not all files work with IBM works þ Added a .inf file for poor online help þ It is no longer a beta !! (Maybe it should be...) þ It is a bit more stable, and works on more computers with the symbol font, I do not garenti that it will work on all computers. It works with connect, with fixpack #17 installed! þ Added a undo function(registered version only) þ I have removed the rulers, and the inches/metric dimensions * Version 0.96á released at 24/09-1995 þ Added a function for saving as inverted bitmap. Used for Describe. þ Matrix's is always surrounded by [], use tables otherwise(next version) þ Added an "cdot instead of *" function þ Renamed the "save preferences" menu þ Fixed some problems with lines in the EPS format þ I am now using font size 12, instead of 24 as the basic font size þ Fixed the line thickness(fractions, roots, vectors and lines!) * Version 0.95á released at 10/09-1995 þ Added a function for matrix's (YAHH!) þ Fixed some errors from 0.91 and 0.92, when moving cursor left þ The cursor can now be moved out of parenthesis, without crashing os/2 þ Fixed some linguistic errors in doc and windows þ Added an lim-function þ Added signs for "for all", "it exists" and "conclusion (?)" þ Fixed the del-key, it's working better now þ Added prober support for end and home þ Added sumerian function þ Added some more macros (some ide's please !!) þ Added bitmap for the INCH rulers þ Added Support for prober EPS saving, it is full supported !! use it ! þ Added Support for laTeX saving (still missing lots of symbols!) þ You are now able to choose what ever font you like (non-symbol!) þ Added Mouse-positioning of cursor, now all we need id block-commands * Version 0.92á released at 05/09-1995 Temporer release, because of some archives of version 0.91 did not include eqed.exe, but eqed.cfg (should be renamed!) This version had some errors.. * Version 0.91á released at 31/08-1995 þ Build-in Saving preferences, no need to choose resolution each time ! þ I have made a manuel for EqEd/2, this is the first one. þ Theres is a build in macrolist, the next version will contain an macro-file for you to write !! þ The preferences is now saving the windowpositions of small windows þ I've updated the and key, its now working probebly þ There's now an installionsscript for the program * First relaese version 0.86á released at 15/08-1995, and updates þ Cursor is now shown at left scroll þ Fixed window update þ Fixed error with upper greek 1.4 = 3.5 þ Fixed error with specials 2.8 þ I have disabled the Load-Button þ The cursor is now going down when pushing "Enter" þ The End-Button is noew working correctly þ CTRL-End = End of main-line þ The PopUp menu is now working in the Eq-Window þ The cursor is now present when activating the Eq-Window þ Finished coding the Windowactivating routine. It is now working correctly þ The online window is moved down þ Created some simple rulers for 100dpi, 150dpi and 300dpi. þ The preferences window is now working (almost !) þ The SuperScript is moved a bit down þ '^' and '_' used as super- and subscript þ The single accent is now working probebly þ The cursor is now 4-sizes þ root-sign in window þ updated calc- and preferences rutine þ The cursor is now working in the y-direction (moving formular) þ As it editor was ;)