======================================================================== Compiling the EPM TeX Front End v3.0 ======================================================================== 2000-04-19 Contents -------- Module vs. "Pro" version Compiling the EPM TeX Front End module Compiling the TeX Front End "Pro" emTeX vs. VTeX version Configuration constants and extra features Sample EPM configuration files Special features of the "Pro" version Debugging Module vs. "Pro" version -------------------------- The E language source code of the EPM TeX Front End is provided, so that you can generate either * a module texfe.ex (as shipped with the distribution), or * a complete EPM with integrated TeX Front End, the "Pro" version". Compiling the EPM TeX Front End module -------------------------------------- Compiling the file texfe.e by ETPM texfe generates the module texfe.ex. Compiling the TeX Front End "Pro" --------------------------------- Creating an EPM with integrated TeX Front End requires the following steps: 1) add the contents of MYSTUFF.ADD to your file MYSTUFF.E 2) add the contents of MYMNUINI.ADD to your file MYMNUINI.E (In case one of the above .E files does not exist, you just have to rename the .ADD file.) 3) provide a suitable configuration file MYCNF.E. (See the sample MYCNF.SMP that comes with the distribution.) 4) Compile the EPM, including the settings defined in MYCNF.E: ETPM epm Caution: Do not link texfe.ex or tex.ex with the Pro version! emTeX vs. VTeX version ---------------------- This is controlled by the compile-time variable vtex, which may or may not be defined in the general EPM configuration file MYCNF.E. The statement define vtex = 1 causes the EPM TeX Front End for VTeX/2 to be generated. Without this variable, the `classical' TeX Front End for use with emTeX or Web2c will be compiled. Configuration constants ----------------------- The following const's are read from the file MYCNF.E: NLS_LANGUAGE Set this const to 'DEUTSCH' in order to generate a German version. Languages other than English (default) and German are currently not supported. Caution: In order to compile a German version of the full EPM you need the file DEUTSCH.E which is NOT part of the free EPM package! WANT_TEX_MENU Define const WANT_TEX_MENU = 0 in MYCNF.E to omit the TeX menu. Do _not_ add the contents of MYMNUINI.ADD to MYMNUINI.E in case you compile the Pro version without the menu! The default value is 1, so that the menu is usually included. LATEX_SYNTAX_INDENT Indentation within LaTeX environments. The default value is 2 (not depending on SYNTAX_INDENT). WANT_STREAM_INDENTED This const applies to the the basic EPM, not to the TeX Front End. Setting it to 1 makes the key move the cursor always to the starting column of the previous line. This is useful in conjunction with EPM's syntax assist for LaTeX and other `languages'. Defining WANT_STREAM_INDENTED requires, however, compilation of the full EPM, either with or without built-in texfe. WANT_CTRLA const WANT_CTRLA = 1 will map the bracket matching facility of the EPM, which is usually triggered by Ctrl-[, to the Ctrl-a key, too. This is particularly useful with, e.g., the German keyboard, where the original key assignment would require pressing Ctrl-AltGr-[. The German versions were compiled with this feature turned on. WANT_INCLUDEONLY_SUPPORT const WANT_INCLUDEONLY_SUPPORT = 1 will enable a special facility related with master file support: When master file support is ON and TeXing is requested while an included file is being edited, then the EPM will search the master file for an \includeonly command and will replace its argument with the name of the file being edited. If there is no \includeonly command found, or if it has been commented out, all dependent files will be included, as usual. The facility is also disabled when a marked region is to be typeset. There are, however, some important restrictions: * Only the stem of the filename (neither the path nor the extension) is passed to the \includeonly command. As a result, the included file must reside in the same directory as the master file, it must be of type '.tex', and the path must not be specified. * The filename is passed in lowercase to the \includeonly command, so you have to use lowercase in the corresponding \include command, too. * The \includeonly command must not be split into two or more lines. * The \includeonly command must be the only one on its line. EXTENDED_LATEX_ASSIST const EXTENDED_LATEX_ASSIST = 1 forces Juan J. G. Ripoll's experimental auto-indentation and reflowing package for LaTeX to be included. LATEX_SYNTAX_INDENT is ignored then, and the settings menu will provide an item for specifying the right margin. The syntax assist facility will slightly differ from the one of the original TFE. See or for the source code of this package. This package cannot be added to the EPM TeX Front End for VTeX. Sample EPM configuration file ----------------------------- The free EPM differs very much from the version shipped with Warp 4, most noticeably as far as the menu structure is concerned. Unfortunately the help texts and the User's Guide reflect the Warp version, and there is no configuration file included with the "BBS" package to create the latter. Besides, there are some features missing in the BBS version. I have provided a configuration file MYCNF.SMP, which includes all the information required to create the "Warp 4 EPM". Rename it to MYCNF.E to make the compiler include it. The file contains information how and where personal settings and useful extras like syntax assist can be added. I recommend including this file for compiling the "Pro" version. Re-compile the spell-checking module EPMLEX, too, using this MYCNF.E! Please, note the changes to MYCNF.SMP introduced with v2.2: Syntax assist for C and Java is now enabled, and a bug with the TAGS facility has been fixed. As with v2.4, the EPM will be configured so as to auto-convert Unix-style line endings to DOS style. *** Use of this file does not depend on the texfe being linked! *** *** Notice that the file MYKEYS.SMP is no longer provided! *** Special features of the "Pro" version ------------------------------------- * The menu items "Folder" and "Shell" are put into the existent "File" and "Command" submenus (in German: "Datei" and "Befehl") if the standard menu layout STDMENU.E is included upon compilation; otherwise an additional "OS/2" submenu is provided for them. * Master file support can be toggled either in the settings window or via a separate item in the TeX submenu. * The actions of the TeX menu are disabled, when the related files are missing. Debugging --------- The TeX Front End provides the EPM command tex_debuglevel Enter this command to see the current debug level, initially 0. Enter tex_debuglevel 1|2|3 to get debugging information in the EPM message line: Debug level | Action -------------------------------------------------------------- | > 0 | trace all 'cd' commands | = 1 | display the external commands to be launched | > 1 | trace parsing of the TeX transcript file | > 2 | ditto, but lots of information (don't use it!) The debug level is set to 0, when the EPM starts up. -- finis