═══ 1. Installation Notes ═══ Requirements  You must have Rexx support installed to run this program. Rexx is normally part of the default installation of OS/2. If Rexx is not installed you must go to Selective Install and install support for it there.  If you don't have the Enhanced E installed on your system you MUST run the install procedure to setup the editors to function properly. This is now required before the program will run.  This version includes a changed ini file structure that needs to be set up by the install procedure. If you haven't done so already unzip the archive in any directory and run "install". You may install to the directory you started the install operation from or key in a new directory to install this program to. The install program will create the directory (1 deep) if needed and copy the files to it. The installer will also write an uninstallation script specific to your installation. ═══════════════════════════ There is a neat utility by Henk Kelder called "assoed03.zip" at the PillarSoft site or on Hobbes in "/os2/editors' that will change any associations on your system. If you would like to make the Enhanced E or Enhanced EE your default editor the best method is to use this terrific tool. Be sure and send Henk a thank you note when you're done. It is only 40k in size and available on Hobbes "/editors/assoed03.zip" or on the PillarSoft website. ═══════════════════════════ ═══ 2. Introduction ═══ The Enhanced E Editor (EE.EXE, freeware) is a 32 bit multi-threaded editor much like the OS/2 "E" system editor with a few enhancements. Some of the Enhanced E's features are:  PRINT FILE - Allows you to print the file presently loaded. Why wasn't this included in "E" the OS/2 System Editor?  PRINT SELECTED - Prints the text that is presently highlighted. This is helpful when you just want to print a small section of a larger file.  PRINTER SETUP - Allows you to change the settings on the system default printer only.  POPUP MENU - Right mouse button brings up a menu with all commands. Menu function help tips are also available on the 'tips' bar at the bottom of the window.  TIME & DATE - Insert Time or Date from menues or hot keys.  HELP TIPS - As mentioned above.  FILE NAME - The full path and name of the loaded file is referenced in the titlebar.  FILE IMPORT - Allows blending external file content into a file that is already loaded.  DRAG & DROP - Drag selected text to another application or the print object for processing or drop any text file onto the Enhanced E icon or the edit window to load it.  MULTIPLE LANGUAGE SUPPORT - Language support for menu items that make the Enhanced E seem native to your tongue. See "PseeLang.zip" at the PillarSoft page for more information.  HTML CODE STRIPPING SUPPORT - Strip html code from files while they are loaded thanks to Otto Raeder's HTM2TXT that plugs right into the Enhanced E and the Enhanced EE Editors. ═══════════════════════════ The Enhanced EE Editor (EEE.EXE, commercial product) is has everything the Enhanced E Editor has with a few other improvements. Here are some of it's features.  PRINTER SETUP - Allows you to choose a printer and change it's properties including printing to a fax program.  PRINT FORMAT - Allows you to set a Title, header and footer. Also set the number of copies and font (if supported by your printer) .  TOOLBAR - One button access to the most often used commands. Toolbar button function help tips are available on the 'tips' bar at the bottom of the window.  SEARCH BY LINE # - A search dialog that allows you to find a particular line # in a file. Handy for system or compiler errors that are referenced by line number in a file.  SAVE TRACKING - The EEE Editor knows when you have made changes and haven't saved your file. It will give you the opportunity to save it before opening a new file, starting a new file or exiting the program.  AUTOSAVE - Set the AutoSave feature "ON" to save your work at specified 1 minute intervals from 1 to 60 minutes.  SAVE SELECTED - Save selected text to a temorary file for later processing.  OPEN TEMP FILE - Opens temp file created by "Save selected".  TIME, DATE, NAME & SIG FILE - Insert Time, Date, Name or a Signature file from menues or hot keys.  FILE IMPORT - Allows blending external file content into a file that is already loaded.  SPAWN NEW WINDOW - Allows starting another Enhanced EE session concurrently.  DRAG & DROP - Drag selected text to another application or the print object for processing or drop any text file onto the Enhanced E icon or the edit window to load it. Also allows moving text from place to place within the edit window.  FILE HISTORY - One of the really nice features of EEE. The file history tracks the most recently loaded files for quick retrieval. It keeps the last "x" number (user selected) files used in 'most recently loaded' order. The limit will allow you to keep the combobox and ini file from getting too unwieldy. The user can set his own limit in the full version. Really helpful for editing or reading several files in a group. The unregistered version has a built in limit of 10 files.  MULTIPLE LANGUAGE SUPPORT - Language support for menu items that make the Enhanced EE seem native to your tongue. See "PseeLang.zip" at the PillarSoft page for more information.  PRESENTATION MODE - Switches editor to full screen view from the menu or by hot key .  HTML CODE STRIPPING SUPPORT - Strip html code from files while they are loaded thanks to Otto Raeder's HTM2TXT that plugs right into the Enhanced EE Editor.  TEXT TO IPF - Convert any text file to IPF format for use with the IBM Information Presentation Facility.  CODE TEMPLATES - A code template tool is built right in. It is is user extendable and allows you to pass code snippets etc. (or any type of text for that matter) to the edit window.  BUBBLE HELP - Text boxes automatically popup to help identify toolbar items as the mouse passes over them.  RUN COMMAND - Brings up a command line dialog to run programs without leaving the editor.  PLUGIN SUPPORT - Create your own tools for the editor.  SELECTED TEXT FORMATTING - Upper, Lower, Mixed or Toggle case on selected text. Strip spaces or sort lines. You'll find more specifics on some of these items in the General Help section. ═══ 3. General Help ═══ Click on "Search" to find help on any particular item. Most of the controls have a tip on the message bar at the bottom of the screen and are otherwise pretty well understood by most experienced computer users. If you look down there you'll see the tips as you move your mouse over the menu's and buttons. If you don't look down there you'll actually be able to see what you're doing and hit the mark most of the time with your mouse clicks. ═══ 3.1. Bubble Help ═══ BUBBLE HELP As the mouse passes over the toolbar, textboxes popup to help identify each button. This can be toggled on or off from the "Settings" dialog. The bubble help boxes close when the mouse returns to the edit window or they time out. Bubble help can be turned on or off from the "Settings" dialog. ═══ 3.2. Changing Colors ═══ CHANGING COLORS The color selection utility allows you to choose from a sixteen color palette. The utility will show the example text in the colors you choose by clicking on a selection from the Foreground and Background listboxes. You may elect to "SET" new colors or "Cancel" a color change. Be aware that if you hit the "SET" button without choosing new colors the edit window will set to the default Black on White mode.  SET - If you decide to keep a new color selection, click on "Set" and the new selection will be saved.  APPLY - To preview your selection in the Enhanced EE Editor window click on "Apply". This is sort of the "Free home trial" of color selection. The colors you apply will not "stick" until you click the "Set" button. Choose as many combinations as you like and preview them.  CANCEL - If you decide you don't want to change, click on "Cancel" and your original colors will be cheerfully refunded.  HELP - Brings a small popup help panel.  "I WANT A DIFFERENT COLOR!" - The Enhanced EE Editor will support more (up to 16 million) colors through drag and drop actions from your desktop Color Palette if your monitor/video card will allow it. Open the "OS/2 System Color Palette", choose or edit a color then drag and drop it on the edit window. When changing the foreground color (text color) you will need to hold down the key while dropping it. The new colors will be saved when you exit the program. ═══ 3.3. Changing Fonts ═══ CHANGING FONTS Press the "Font" button on the toolbar or on either menu select "Options", "Set", "Set Font" to open the font dialog. Choose your new font from the font dialog and click "OK". The new font setting will be saved. Notice that the edit field and history combobox can have two different fonts and must be changed separately. The history combobox font dialog is accessed from the "Settings" dialog. You can also drag fonts from the font pallette and drop them on the editor. ═══ 3.4. Changing Settings ═══ CHANGING SETTINGS When the settings dialog opens you will notice that you can toggle the WordWrap on/off, set the TabStop, turn AutoSave on/off, set the File History Limit, toggle the bubble help, add a name for inserting and find a signature file for insert. Notice also that the file statistics (EE only, EEE file stats are in the "Find, by Line#" menu item) are updated as you edit. When finished selecting your settings press the exit button and the settings will be in effect.  WORD WRAP - Toggles WordWrap on or off. This may also be toggled from the menu.  TABSTOP - Sets size of the tab in the editor in characters.  AUTOSAVE - Toggles AutoSave on/off and sets the interval in minutes between saves. The spin button selects the number of minutes between automatic saves or you can type the number in. It is only enabled when the "AutoSave" checkbox is checked. The light just to the left of the File History combobox will light up during any disk activity the EEE creates. AutoSave is available only in the EEE editor. Be careful using AutoSave, it saves mistakes too... (EEE)  HISTORY LIMIT - Sets the limit of file names and locations that are tracked in the File History combobox. The limit was installed as a measure against having an ini file with so many names that it degrades loading performance and creates a huge unusable combobox. Set it to suit your taste and cpu. The shareware version of EEE has a built in limit of 10 History Files stored the full version has no limit. (EEE)  HISTORY FONT - Opens the font dialog to set a new font for the History combobox. (EEE)  NAME - Enter the name to be used for "Insert - Name" (EEE)  SIG FILE - Enter the full path to the signature file to be used for "Options - Insert - Sig File..." or click on "Browse" to locate one. (EEE)  BUBBLE HELP - As the mouse passes over the toolbar, textboxes popup to help identify each button. This setting toggles bubble help "On" or "Off". (EEE)  CONFIRM SAVE - Uncheck to turn "File saved" dialog OFF after saving a file.  CONFIRM CLOSE - Uncheck to turn "Do you want to Exit?" dialog OFF at program exit.  CHANGED FILE - Uncheck to save changed files automatically at program end with no confirmation. (Dangerous... best left ON)  PRESENTATION - Uncheck to turn "Toggle Presentation mode with ctrl+p" OFF when switching to Presentation Mode. ═══ 3.5. Search Functions ═══ SEARCH BY KEYWORD OR LINE # (EEE only) Searches in documents can take on two forms. SEARCH BY KEYWORD - The search dialog for text lets you key in a word in the "Find" field and if desired the "Change to" field allows you to change the search word by confirming the change or by electing to change all instances of the word from the present cursor position to the end of the document. Once the search stops on the object word of its' search you can "Cancel" to end the search or click "Find" again to search for the next instance of the word in question. SEARCH BY LINE # - The search dialog for "Line #" searches shows you the number of characters in the file and the number of lines. In the Enhanced EE a line is defined as a string of characters located on the same row as opposed to a string that ends in a carraige return/line feed pair. If you turn off the wordwrap you can see just how long a true line can actually get in some cases. The spin button will only allow you to choose a legal line #. You may also key in any legal number in the spin button field. When the selection is made click on "Goto Line #" to search or "Cancel" to close the dialog without a search. (EEE) ═══ 3.6. Presentation Mode ═══ PRESENTATION MODE One of the truely neat things about IBM's WebExplorer was its' Presentation Mode. I used it all the time, It was so nice to sit and read without so much clutter all around. I only wish Netscape had thought to do the same. The Enhanced EE Editor is equipted with a presentation mode that takes the edit window to the full extents of your screen. It's not flashy, there is nothing else to see, BUT... there is no clutter, just the text loaded in the editor. You can still do almost everything you could do from the main window but all commands go through the popup menu or the Hot keys. Just right click anywhere on the screen for the popup. You can toggle the presentation mode on & off with the "Control+p" key combination or from the menues. ═══ 3.7. Multiple Language Support ═══ MULTIPLE LANGUAGE SUPPORT Beginning with Beta v.11 the Enhanced E's offer multiple language support. At this point only the menu items and bubble help text can be changed. The editors look each time they start for a file called "LANGUAGE". If the file exists then it is read into a stem variable and the menu items are updated with their new names. There is a template for translation available at the PillarSoft website called PseeLang.zip. It has about 65 commands to interpet. If you decide to try it, let me know of the outcome. ═══ 3.8. Html Stripping Support ═══ HTML CODE STRIPPING SUPPORT Stripping html code is easy right from the desktop once you plug in HTM2TXT. The htm2txt1.zip file can be downloaded from the PillarSoft site, Hobbes or any of the usual OS/2 FTP sites. Just copy the "Htm2TxT.cmd" file into the Enhanced E directory and the Enhanced E's will do the rest. Load any html (or htm) file and click "Strip Html" or hit the hot key "Ctrl+h". The red light beside the history list will glow while Htm2Txt is quietly working. Be aware that a large file will take a few seconds to be processed. The TXT version of the file will be saved with the original html files' name and a ".txt" extention in the original files' directory. Htm2Txt has command line options if you want to investigate it further. The editor sends commands that limit it to processing only the object file but it will allow chaining of any files mentioned in the object htm file plus a few other little goodies. Otto Raeder, the writer of Htm2Txt, has done a real nice job with this utility. It would have taken alot of work to do what he has done so rather than reinvent the wheel I asked Otto if I could include his code in this editor. He graciously said "Go for it" but rather than do it that way (I'd feel like a kid cheating on an exam!) I decided just to make the Enhanced EE work with it like a plugin so I won't be inadvertantly taking credit for his work. He distributes it freely and I would like to say thank you anyway to Otto, and thanks from the OS/2 community for all your work. In keeping with the free nature of Otto's work the HTM2TXT command file has been incorporated into the freeware version of the Enhanced E also. Hopefully this combo will get alot of good, hard use out of the users of OS/2. ═══ 3.9. Drag and Drop ═══ DRAG AND DROP The Enhanced E's now support;  Dropping text files onto the desktop icon to start the editor with the selected text file loaded.  Dropping text files on the edit window while the editor is running. When a file is dropped on the edit window you will be asked if you wish to save the previously loaded file before the newly dropped file is loaded. The editors will only accept complete "plain text" files that physically exist somewhere on your drive.  Dropping text from other locations inside the edit window causing it to be rearranged. You may now also drag selected (highlighted) text to;  Another editor or application that accepts dropped text.  The printer object. Makes sending a file to a different printer or fax easier than changing to another driver. With the file loaded just click on "Select All" and drag the file to your selected printer object.  The desktop to save snippets of information in temporary files. Each file dropped on the desktop gets a unique temporary name (up to one thousand unique names) that you can rename whatever you please. TIP: An easy way to rename icons (and the filename with it) is to hold down the key while left clicking the mouse on the icon. After editing the title, click the mouse elsewhere on the desktop to close the icons' entry field and save the new name.  Another location inside the edit window to "Move" text from place to place or to "Copy" text (by holding the key down while dragging) to another location in the editing field. ═══ 3.10. Code Templates ═══ CODE TEMPLATES The Enhanced E has a code template tool built in. The template tool is outside the original scope of what the Enhanced E was to become but it seemed to be a nice enhancement to the editor and will remain. To use the code template tool you must have code files installed in the Enhanced E directory. (available free at the PillarSoft website or you can build your own) Select the "Code Templates" menuitem fron the "Options" menu, a file dialog will open listing all the template files available in the Enhanced E directory, chose one and the code template will open with your selection. There are three ways to transfer code from the template tool to the editor:  Double click on the entry you wish to use, it will be sent to the current cursor postion in the editor. This is by far the easiest method of transferring your choice to the edit window and one that is not implemented by any other editors that I know of. Double clicking will only send code to its' parent editor so if you have two or more instances of the Enhanced E running you may also run two or more different code types and they will only send information to their individual editors.  Highlight your choice, choose "Create link to clipboard" from the popup or "Options" menu and paste it into the editor. (always pastes to current cursor location)  You may also drag a snippet to the location of your choice in the editor. This is a very powerful method of inserting code exactly where you want it. The template tool is extendable to allow it's use for many types of code or general information insertion. It follows a format widely used by other applications that will allow use of code from the other apps as well as making these code lists available elsewhere. You can set up your own templates, add them together, modify them or even make templates that list taglines or jokes. It's up to you! If you have templates you would like to share with others, we can make them available for you on the PillarSoft website. ═══ 3.11. Plugin Support ═══ PLUGIN SUPPORT Plugin support extends the opportunity for you to manipulate text in the editors text window. The text window will be refered to as the MLE (Multiple Line Entry field) for the purposes of this discussion. The Enhanced E has 5 slots available in the Plugin menu to make your plugins available during an editing session. You can set up plugins to do just about anything with the text that VisPro/Rexx would allow. Your plugin has to be a properly laid out rexx .cmd file but with a ".plg" extention and placed in the "PlugIns" directory for the editor to recognize and load it. No checking is done on your syntax etc. so it is up to you to do the proper error checking. That being said, writing a plugin can be quite simple or, it can be made very complex. The Code Template Tool can be a great help when building a plugin. Select the call you want from it and double click it, the Code Template Tool will then insert the chosen code snippet at the current cursor location. We will be adding a new template called "VPRexx.ext" that will contain many VisPro/Rexx calls as well as standard Rexx calls. These templates are available for download from our website. In general you will:  Decide what text to operate on.  Get the text.  Do the operation.  Return the text back to the MLE Take a look at the "Sample.plg" file in the "PlugIns" directory for a simple example of how to build a plugin. ═══ 3.12. Printing ═══ Printing While formatted printing was not an original goal for the editor there have been enough requests for it that we have added at least some type of margin and line length control to give you a bit more control over how you pages print out. In the EE:  What we do is to send the font currently used by the editor to the printer driver that is "selected" from the "Print" dialog during printing. If the driver doesn't support that font, it substitutes it's own default selection.  You can set the font in either editor by selecting "Options" --> "Set..." --> "Set font..." from the menu. (or the "Font" button in the EEE)  We have also added an adjustment for setting the left and top margins of the printed page. The adjustments can be found under the "Options" --> "Set..." --> "Settings..." menu item.  EE users should be able to access their printer "Properties" from the "Print" dialog to change any defaults their "selected" printer driver allows. In the EEE:  The print options are extended from those of the EE and allow you to also select the title, subtitle, font and footer as well as the left margin and line length.  The title, subtitle, font, footer, margin and line length selections may all be made from the "Print options" menu item.  The "Footer" field will print the page number if you like by using the "%d" option. For example: Page %d will print Page 1 on the first page etc.  EEE users should also be able to access their printer "Properties" from the "Print" dialog to change any defaults their "selected" printer driver allows. It may take a little bit of "trial and error" to find the settings you like. ═══ 3.13. Spell Check ═══ Spell Check It is now possible for registered users of SpellGuard to selectively check spelling in a loaded document. There are three selections on the menu concerning spell checking.  CHECK WORD - Check word will check only the word you have highlighted.  CHECK SELECTED - Check selected will check all of the words you have highlighted.  CHECK ALL - Check all will run SpellGuard against the whole document. While doing a spell check you will be presented with a dialog window that will:  Show you how many questionable words it has found and queued up for you in the "Queued" box.  Show the number of matches for the word in question from the SpellGuard database in the "Matches" box.  Allow you to set the "Match" tolerance.  Allow changes to the "Tolerance" and researching the database again by selecting "Match" after the adjustment.  Allow you to "Copy" the current word to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere.  Allow you to "Add" the current word to the database.  Allow you to "Cancel" the spell check.  Allow you to "Replace" the current word with one selected from the listbox.  Allow you to "Skip" the current word with no action. ═══ 3.14. Ring Edit ═══ Ring Edit When editing several files in succession it is possible to go back and forth between them in a "ring". The arrows on the menu work just like a browser would. Clicking on the left arrow goes one direction while the right arrow goes the opposite way. It is possible to add, delete or adjust the order that the files in the ring are viewed by selecting the "Ring editor..." menu item from the "Tools" menu. The ring editor is rather simple and should be easy to use. The only thing that may not be obvious about it is that the buttons with the arrows on the right side will move any highlighted file up or down in the ring listing. This will allow you to shift files into the order you prefer to view them in. ═══ 3.15. Text to IPF ═══ TEXT TO IPF You will find the Text to IPF conversion selection in the menu under "Options". Open the text file you wish to convert and select "Text to IPF". A progress indicator will pop up and after the work is done the file will be saved in the same directory with, the same root filename, the extention ".ipf" and it will automatically load the ipf file into the editor. This conversion, along with the IPF code templates will give you a good start on converting existing files to help files or online books etc. The IPF conversion will set up a general IPF skeleton for you to modify. Insert the code needed for special characters and truncate lines for the IPF compiler. Because it has to test every character of the file, it will take some time but it still beats doing it by hand. We may add a compile button etc. to call the IBM Information Presentation Facility for compilation if there is enough interest. ═══ 3.16. Mime decoding ═══ MIME DECODING Mime decoding (base 64) is available by highlighting the mime section of any file and selecting the "Mime decode" menu item. The decoding option is quite slow right now but hopefully we will find the same increase in speed that we were able to find with the TXT2IPF services. This was added because of a local situation. My nephew sends WAV files once in a while and they are always inline rather than attached. My emailer (MR2ICE) does attachments beautifully but when they are in the message instead of attached, I could find no way to get them decoded. I worked on a decoder enough to get one working and put it in the editor. Now I could at least save the message from my email as a file and use the editor to decode it. To decode a section of a file you must:  Highlight the portion of the file that is encoded.  Select "Mime decode" from the "Options" menu.  Enter the target filename.  Select the "Continue" button. The mimed portion should be a solid block of characters. The block of chars may or may not include 1 or 2 "Equal" signs at the end and never any spaces. Be sure to include the "equal" signs in the section that is highlighted. There is no way for me to make sure you only highlight the mime block but if you're careful, it should work. To select large expanses of encoded data you can remember a couple of tricks. Set the cursor just before the first character of the actual mime code. While holding down the and the keys, press the key. The highlighting should now be from the first character to the end of the file. If you need to deselect any characters at the end of the file you can use the arrow keys while the and the keys are still depressed. Conversely, the key will take the highlight to the top of the file while the and the keys are depressed. There are no guarantees as to the usefulness or validity of this utility. I haven't been able to study the mime format in depth but have taken only enough time to learn enough about it to suit my needs elsewhere. It has been added to the editor in hopes that it will be useful to you. I got too involved in this and did a uudecoder too but just can't see the value in adding more of this junk. A guy may be better off doing it as a plugin. ═══ 3.17. Errata ═══ ERRATA FILE CHAR COUNT - Located in the "Settings"(EE) or the "Find - by Line#..."(EEE) dialog the total number of characters in the currently loaded file is displayed. FILE LINE COUNT - Also located in the "Settings"(EE) or the "Find - by Line#..."(EEE) dialog the total number of lines in the currently loaded file are displayed. Notice that if the file uses long lines you may have to set WordWrap "off" to find the correct line referenced by a compiler error comment etc. The + key combination will take you to the top of the file. The + key combination will take you to the end of the file. When saving a file that has the "Read Only" bit set, the editor says the file is saved when in all actuality the editor cannot overwrite it. It is safest to leave it that way but is this something I should add the option of overriding? ═══ 4. Menu Items ═══ Menu item help ═══ 4.1. File ═══ FILE MENU  NEW - Clears the edit window in preparation for a new file to be pasted or keyed in.  OPEN FILE- Brings up the file dialog box to search for an existing file.  OPEN FILE *.txt - Brings up the file dialog box filtered to search for *.txt files.  OPEN TEMP FILE - Opens temporary file created by "Save selected".  SPAWN NEW WINDOW - Opens a new instance of the editor, prompts for new file to open.  IMPORT - Places the contents of a text file into the editor at the current cursor location.  SAVE FILE- Saves the edited version of a file over the top of the old version.  SAVE AS - Brings up the file dialog box to save the file under a new name.  SAVE SELECTED, START NEW - Saves the selected text to a temporary file. (overwites previous text)  SAVE SELECTED, APPEND TO - Appends the selected text to the temporary file. (adds to previous text)  PRINT FILE - Sends the file loaded to the printer queue.  PRINT SELECTED - Sends the currently highlighted text to the printer queue.  PRINT OPTIONS - Set Title, Subtitle, Footer and Font selection. (EEE)  RUN A PROGRAM - Pops up a command line dialog to run programs.  EXIT - Exit the program. If the loaded file is changed you will be prompted to save. ═══ 4.2. Edit ═══ EDIT MENU  UNDO - Undo last edit, cut, copy, paste, selection etc. operation performed.  CUT - Cuts highlighted text out of document and stores it for later retrieval.  COPY - Copies highlighted text to clipboard for pasting elsewhere.  PASTE - Pastes text from the clipboard to the current cursor location.  CLEAR - Deletes the highlighted text from the current document.  FIND - Brings up the search dialog to find and/or replace words in your document.  FIND by Line# - Brings up a search dialog that will locate any line in your document.(EEE)  SELECT ALL - Easy way to highlight all the text in the current document.  SELECT NONE - Unselects any currently highlighted text. ═══ 4.3. Options ═══ OPTIONS MENU  TOGGLE WORD WRAP - Turns word wrapping of text on/off.  PRESENTATION MODE - Switches editor to full screen mode. (EEE)  INSERT TIME - Inserts Time at cursor location.  INSERT DATE - Inserts Date at cursor location.  INSERT NAME - Inserts Name at cursor location. (set in "Settings") (EEE)  INSERT SIG - Inserts Signature file contents at cursor location. (set location in "Settings") (EEE)  SET FONT - Brings up Font dialog. (see Changing Font)  SET COLORS - Brings up Color Selection dialog. (see Changing Colors)  SETTINGS - Brings up WordWrap, TabStop, AutoSave (EEE), History Limit (EEE), Name (EEE), Signature file (EEE) Confirmations (EEE) & History font (EEE) settings dialog. (see Changing Settings) ═══ 4.4. Tools ═══ TOOLS MENU  STRIP HTML - Strips html code from web pages and reloads as plain text.  TEXT TO IPF - Converts a text file to IPF format for the IBM Information Presentation Facility (EEE)  MIME DECODE - Converts mime (base 64) coded files to their original state (EEE)  CODE TEMPLATES - Opens a window that holds coding info for pasting into the editor. (EEE)  RING EDITOR - Allows browsing back and forth among files that have been loaded during the editing session. more (EEE)  PLUGINS - Let's you write tools to manipulate text in the editor. The menu has room for 5 plugins. See the "Sample.plg" file in the "Plugins" directory. (EEE) SPELL CHECK SUBMENU  CHECK WORD - Checks selected word only. (EEE)  CHECK SELECTED - Checks selected text. (EEE)  CHECK ALL - Checks all of the text in the document. (EEE)  More info on spell check SELECTED TEXT TOOLS SUBMENU  UPPERCASE - Converts selected text to uppercase. (EEE)  LOWERCASE - Converts selected text to lowercase. (EEE)  MIXEDCASE - Caps first letter and lowercases remainder of each word in the selected text. (EEE)  TOGGLECASE - Converts selected chars to their opposing case (lowercase/uppercase). (EEE)  SORT LINES - Sorts selected lines by position in the ASCII chart. (EEE)  STRIP SPACES - Strips all leading spaces from selected text. (EEE) ═══ 4.5. Help ═══ HELP MENU  HELP INDEX - Opens an indexed listing of help topics.  EXTENDED HELP - The "Psoft" toolbar button or the Help menu item will bring up the general help dialog. Use the "search" facility or the "index" to maneuver.  HELP FOR HELP - Brings up the help dialog to teach you how to use the help dialog? (Hey! Great idea!)  PRODUCT INFORMATION - Product name and version number... and a little self indulgent advertising. ═══ 5. Ordering ═══ ENHANCED E EDITOR (EE.EXE) The Enhanced E Editor is free to any individual that will send a postcard depicting something interesting from their part of the world and a short comment on their reason for using the Enhanced E editor. The Enhanced E Editor may not be used in a commercial business or government agency without prior license and written consent of the author. Support? - I'll try to make any adjustments that are needed or in my power to make as I would prefer that this program would prove useful to everyone that chooses to use it but remember - You get what you pay for. ═══════════════════════════ ENHANCED EE EDITOR (EEE.EXE) The Enhanced EE Editor is comes fully functional for a 30 day evaluation. After the 30 day trial period you must either register it with the author or delete it from your system and discontinue use of it. Commercial environments and government agencies must inquire on registration or site licensing deals. $25 registers the most recent version for online delivery (email attachment), gives you tech support and low cost upgrades. All documentation is online. If and when there is a packaged version with printed documentation the price structure will change. You can order online from BMT Micro (http://www.bmtmicro.com/) or order via mail. The BMT Micro and PillarSoft order forms are included in this help file. To order via mail, you may print out either order form by opening the form you wish to use, select "Services" from the menu and then choose "Print". A dialog box will open, choose "This section" and then click on "Print". BMT is a full service order desk. They accept many forms of payment (credit cards etc.) and can give you the fastest service as far as getting your editor registered. Check the "BMT Order Form" in this archive to find out how to contact BMT. ═══ 5.1. BMT Order Form ═══ Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days (800) 346-1672 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 10 lines, all 14.4K (910) 799-0923 Direct 28.8K line via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com telnet@bmtmicro.com http://www.bmtmicro.com Secure Ordering: https://wwws.wilmington.net/bmtmicro/secure_form.html Ordering and general ordering questions: Via AOL: bmtmicro Via MSN: bmtmicro Via Prodigy: HNGP66D Via Compuserve: 74031,307 We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, Cashiers Check, Personal Check. Personal checks are subject to clearance. Eurochecks in DM are welcome. DM, Sterling, and US Currency is welcome but send only by registered mail, return receipt requested. We cannot be liable for lost cash sent through the mail. If you reside in a country with an unconvertible currency please contact us for alternatives. Purchase orders are welcome, subject to approval. The minimum amount is $250.00. Information for our German customers is explained in the last paragraph of this order form. _____________________________________________________________________ Company:_____________________________________________________________ Name:________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________State/Province: ________________ Postal/ZIP Code: ____________________Country:________________________ Phone:_______________________________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________________________________ E-Mail #1____________________________________________________________ E-Mail #2____________________________________________________________ Product Quantity Price Number of copies _________________________ ______________ ________________ Enhanced EE Editor ____$25.00____ x ____________ = + $ _______ Latest Version on Diskette _____$3.00____ x ____________ = + $ _______ North Carolina Residents add 6% Sales Tax $ _______ Shipping and Handling (no quantity limit / see below) $ _______ Email - Subject to Credit Card Verification Free Fax (USA/Canada)........................... 1.00 US Fax (Non-North America).................... 2.00 US Worldwide 1st Class ....................... Free 2nd Day Priority, USA Only ................ $ 4.00 US US Postal Service International Express (Including Canada and Mexico), allow up to 7-10 days ............................... $ 25.00 US Airborne Select Delivery (USA Only) $ 8.00 US FedEx Overnight, USA Only (delivery by 3:00 pm the following day) .............. $ 15.00 US FedEx Europe/Japan (guaranteed delivery within 3 days) .......................... $ 35.00 US Total: $ _______ For credit card payment only Circle one: VISA / Master / Discover / American Express / Diners Credit card number: _____________________________________________ Expiration date: ________________________________________________ Authorization signature: ________________________________________ ORDERING FROM INSIDE GERMANY ONLY ================================= Persons in Germany wishing to order shareware may also transfer funds into our account with Deutsche Bank. Once the money is deposited you may either fax a confirmation to us with proof of deposit or wait until Deutsche Bank notifies us of the transaction (usually 10-18 business days). Account information is as follows: Deutsche Bank / Frankfurt Branch EmpfДnger: Thomas Bradford Konto-Nummer: 0860221 Bankleitzahl: 500-700-10 When you make the transfer, be sure to put your name and the program you are registering on the transfer. Current exchange rates can be obtained by sending an email to dm_to_us@bmtmicro.com. An automated reply will return todays exchange rates. It is very important that you send us a completed order form by either email or fax if you deposit money into this account for a registration. Fill the order form out as usual except in the credit card number field put "DEUTSCHE BANK". We will file the order and use it to match against the deposit information we receive from the bank. IMPORTANT! ---------- When you email us your order form, we will reply with an acknowledgement. If you do not get an acknowledgement within 24 hours please send your order again in case it was lost. This extra bit of caution can save a lot of confusion. If you are concerned that your order is taking too long to process, feel free to check with us about the status of your order. It's important to all of us that you feel safe doing business with our company and please feel free to suggest ways we can improve our service to you. ═══ 5.2. PillarSoft Order Form ═══ ORDER ENHANCED EE ______ # of copies of the Enhanced EE Editor @ $25/copy ______ Shipping and Handling (US & Canada)($3) (no charge for email delivery) ______ Shipping and Handling (overseas)($8) (no charge for email delivery) ______ Total charge ______ Deliver by email ______ Deliver by mail Name, address: ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Email address: ________________________ Make checks payable to: PillarSoft PO Box #1403 Jamestown, ND 58402 Fax: 1(701)252-5543 email: Psoft@Tech-Center.com http://www.fm-net.com/pillarsoft ═══ 6. Troubleshooting ═══ Trouble?  Did you use the install program? Try running it and see if that solves your problems.  If things still aren't working right try running the uninstallation script and rerun the installer. Be sure the install directory information box has the correct directory entered.  If the install program chokes with an error message that says "routine not found" the most likely cause is a dll conflict with another program. The easiest way to overcome this is to reboot and run the install program before running anything else that may using the "rexxutil.dll" functions. The install program will unload any functions it loads upon its' completion.  Is there a dot as the first entry of your LIBPATH statement in the config.sys? example - LIBPATH=.;C:\OS2; This tells OS/2 to check the home directory first.  Did you copy over ALL the old files if you had the Enhanced E installed previously? With version .14 a new "Vprexx.dll" was introduced. Some features will not work without this new dll. All files for the Enhanced E's must reside in the installed directory with the following exceptions:  The DLL files can be moved to the \os2\dll directory or to a directory that you have setup in your path for "user.dll's" if you prefer but shouldn't need to be moved. If you have more than one copy of a particular dll, put the newest one in os2/dll or a user/dll directory to save disk space. Before deleting the older dll, make sure all your programs work with the newer one.  In order to use the Enhanced E's from the command line, OS/2 needs to know where they are. Rather than adding to your already LONG Path statement or adding an environment variable etc. Try copying the two files EE.EXE & EEE.EXE to your \OS2 directory. They are small and the effect on your freespace will hardly be noticeable. ═══ 7. What's new ═══ Update history Version 1.20 - 04/05/99  Added some basic print formatting  Added ring editing (EEE)  Added ring editing editor (EEE)  Added support for SpellGuard (will only work for registered users of SpellGuard) (EEE)  Added support for Daniel Hellerstein's HTML_TXT.CMD  Removed some silly dialog boxes  Many small fixes Version 1.10 - 01/15/99  New Installer  Interface for plugins added - See "Sample.plg" for help  Now saves without that pesky end-of-file char (html authors hate that)  Name change for "Install.cmd" to "rebuild.cmd" (rebuilds desktop objects, does not install)  Recognizes "Read Only" files and offers to set it off, save the file and reset it.  Fixed slow clearing window on large files when starting a "New"  Fixed bug in sizer when changing video resolution.  Convert selected text to lowercase  Convert selected text to uppercase  Convert selected text to mixedcase  Toggle case on selected text  Strip leading spaces from selected text  Added routine to Sort selected lines (ascii based sort)  Reworked Balloon help to cut out a huge amount of math. Simpler and quicker now.  Doubled speed on Mime decodes. (Still excrutiatingly slow on large files)  Removed limit of 10 history items for non registered version  Allow Code Template tool use in non registered version  No drop dead date. Now allows 30 working days with short grace period. Version 1.05 - 07/06/98  Didn't update this file and have destroyed the old notes without realizing it. Version 1.04 - 04/27/98  Changed icons on both editors  Added printer choices and setups in the free EE.EXE  Enhanced Text 2 IPF (much better conversion now)  Speed up Text 2 IPF conversion (speed increased 10 fold)  Added Mime decode (slow, but it works)  Fixed location and chaining of converted Htm2Txt files  Expires June 30, 1998 Version 1.03 - 12/27/97  Added "Run" command  Expires March 1, 1998 Version 1.02 - 10/25/97  Text to IPF conversion runs in separate thread  Minor changes to printing procedures.  Enlarged history list combobox  Changed dll loading procedures  Expires December 15, 1997 Version 1.01 - 10/01/97  Text to IPF conversion added  Changed printing procedures for better formatting  Expires November 30, 1997 Version 1.0 - 8/28/97  Full version is here  Now reads files with spaces in the name  Expires October 31, 1997 Version .19 - 7/28/97  Cleanup version before end of test  Split into English and International versions  Expires August 31, 1997 Version .18 - 6/01/97  Added integrated code template tool  Added Line and character number in infoline  Changed "Save as" to allow upper and lower case  Expires July 31, 1997 Version .17 - 5/01/97  Import menuitem added  Drag and drop of text inside the edit window is added  Speedier signature file insertion  Spawn new window  Confirmation toggles  Expires June 30, 1997 Version .16 - 4/15/97  Drag and drop ability extended  Changed "Select all" and "Select none" hot keys to OS/2 standard  Consolidated about 800 lines of redundant code  More system calls renamed to avoid problems with other apps using same calls  Expires May 31, 1997 Version .15 - 4/04/97  Drag and drop files on edit window  Help file moved to IPF format  New font dialogs  History box font change is now working  Built with new version of development tool  Expires May 31, 1997 Version .14 - 3/17/97  Added bubble help to the toolbar in the Enhanced EE  Incorporated Otto Raeders HTM2TXT into the Freeware Enhanced E  Removed all but 1 entry from the os2.ini file  Fixed command line call from any root directory  Expires May 1, 1997 Version .13 - 3/2/97  Fixed white flash on splash and help screens  Changed old history file deletetion routine  Added title bar updating for new "Save as" name  Incorporated Otto Raeders HTM2TXT to strip html  Added hot keys in Presentation mode  Expires April 15, 1997 Version .12 - 2/20/97  Presentation Mode  Added accelerator keys to all events  Finished mnemonic keys  Fixed Save as when exiting  Fixed filepath call from command line  Changed language loading routine  Added "Presentation mode" to line #44 of language template  Expires March 31, 1997 Version .11 - 2/15/97  Fixed selected printer highlighting  Changed product information screen  Changed graphic style for the help system  Changed dll loading style so two programs accessing a dll concurrently don't ruin each others fun  Added language support for menu items (See "PSE_Lang.zip" at the PillarSoft site for info)  Expires March 31, 1997 Version .10 - 2/11/97  Added save selected text to temp file for later processing  Added append selected text to temp file for later processing  Added open temp file  History now dumps non-existant file references  Fixed Sig file change to null when no new sig file is selected after browsing  Filled in missing help tips  Expires March 31, 1997 Version .09 - 2/10/97  Added Time and Date insert to Enhanced E  Added Time, Date, Name, Signature file insert to Enhanced EE  Expires March 31, 1997 Version .08 - 2/07/97  Recompiled for smaller executables  Expires March 31, 1997 Version .07 - 2/04/97  Menu accelerator keys working  Fixed crash when trying to print with no printer selected  Added Product Information  Expires March 31, 1997 Version .06 - 2/02/97  Got rid of the splash screen on startup (EEE), no more waiting...  Fixed "Delete" key action in edit window  Put initialization information in os2.ini  Added ability to make EE or EEE the default System Editor.br (Disabled for safety but you can bypass it)  Added uninstall to clean out os2.ini and deregister objects  The EEE still expires on March 31, 1997 Version .05 - 1/28/97  First release of the freeware PillarSoft Enhanced E and the shareware Enhanced EE Editors v.05 Beta  The Enhanced EE (EEE.EXE) expires on March 31, 1997 Version .04 - 1/20/97  Closed Beta ═══ 8. License Agreement ═══ LICENSE AGREEMENT For the purposes of this document the Enhanced E (EE.EXE) hereafter shall be referred to as the Enhanced E. The Enhanced EE (EEE.EXE) shall be referred to as the Enhanced EE. When referring to both the Enhanced E (EE.EXE) and the Enhanced EE (EEE.EXE) the term used shall be the Enhanced E's. Enhanced E Specific  The Enhanced E is not public domain software but is to be freely used by individuals that agree to adhere to this license agreement.  Individual users are granted a limited license to use the Enhanced E on a fulltime basis if it is suitable for their needs. Use of the Enhanced E by any business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity or institution is strictly forbidden without prior written consent of the author. Enhanced EE Specific  The Enhanced EE is not public domain software, nor is it free software, it is user supported.  Non-registered users are granted a limited license to use the Enhanced EE on a trial basis for the purpose of determining whether it is suitable for their needs. Use of the Enhanced EE, except for this limited purpose, requires registration.  Use of non-registered copies of the Enhanced EE beyond a 30 day evaluation period by any person, business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity or institution is strictly forbidden.  Use of registered copies of the Enhanced EE by any business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity or institution is strictly forbidden without prior licensing arrangements and written consent of the author.  Registration grants a user the right to use the Enhanced EE only on a single computer unless prior arrangements are made with the author. A registered user may use the program on a different computer, but may not use the program on more than one computer at the same time. Specific to Both Programs  You may not modify the Enhanced E's in any way, including but not limited to, decompiling, disassembling or otherwise reverse engineering the program.  All users are granted a limited license to copy the unregistered version of the Enhanced E's only for the trial use of others subject to the above limitations. The following limitations also apply:  The Enhanced E's must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing license and ordering information.  The full documentation for the Enhanced E's must be included in the archive.  No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by any licensee beyond a reasonable price for the media the Enhanced E's are transferred on.  Operators of electronic bulletin board systems and internet web/ftp sites may post the unregistered version of the Enhanced E's for downloading by their users as long as the above conditions are met.  Distributors of public domain or user supported software may distribute copies of the unregistered version of the Enhanced E's subject to the above conditions. The Enhanced EE is a shareware product and can be registered through BMT Micro or directly from PillarSoft for $25.00. Enhanced E's are copyright (C) 1997-1999, PillarSoft ═══ 9. Support ═══ We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this software. Keep in mind that the email workload has been almost overwhelming at times. When there is too much email be assured that registered users get immediate and prompt attention. How to contact us PillarSoft PO Box #1403 Jamestown, ND 58402 email: support@pillarsoft.net http://www.pillarsoft.net/