Enhanced E Editors Readme ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The installation is simple and the installer will build an unistallation script tailored to your situation. If you decide to remove the editors you can just run the "uninstal.cmd' file from the editors installed directory. If you have the editors installed already and want to rebuild the desktop objects, you can run the "rebuild.cmd" file located in the editors directory. Always check http://www.pillarsoft.net for the latest version. We prefer sending updates out often as fixes and enhancements come available as opposed to waiting a specified period of time. If you have any problems take a moment to email us so we can address them. It is only when armed with good information that we are able to quickly discern a problem and either help you or make needed changes to the programs. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ PillarSoft email: support@pillarsoft.net web: http://www.pillarsoft.net