Inf-HTML v0.9b

User Guide

You may be familiar with hypertext help files, such as the ones provided with Windows or Os/2.

Inf-HTML is a package that lets you access the information within Os/2 hypertext help files. Depending on the variation you are using you may or may not have access to the functions described below.

This document describes a bit about the functions of Inf-HTML and what they do.

 Help/About Function

The About icon should be availible all the time and gives you access to this help page.

 Open All Function

This function is availible in the Table of Contents view of a document put on line with Inf-HTML (not a converted document), and will expand all the entries in the Table of Contents.

 Close All Function

This function is availible in the Table of Contents view of a document put on line with Inf-HTML (not a converted document) after the Open All Function has been used.

 FTP file function

The FTP icon is only available with from documents put online with Inf-HTML (as opposed to converted with Inf-FILE and put online).

It is also only availble if the web site maintainer has defined a ftp URL for the file being displayed.

Clicking on this icon should download the file being viewed.

 Table of Contents function

This icon is available from all views except the Table of Contents view (for obvious reasons).

Clicking on this icon should give you the Table of Contents of the document you are viewing.

 Index function

This icon is available from all views except the Index view (for obvious reasons).

Clicking on this icon should give you the Index of the document you are viewing. If the Index is empty this is not a bug! Some INF files have no indexes.

 Search function

The search function is only available with documents put online with Inf-HTML (interactively) and not batch converted files (converted with Inf-FILE.)

The search icon is available from all views except the Search view. It provides a simple search engine for finding table of contents entries, index entires, or documents within the file containing the words specified.

You may think that the search engine is faulty for not finding, say, the word Os/2. The search engine uses the dictionary stored in the INF files and words that are stored in parts (ie. 'Os' and '/' and '2' ) rather than full words (ie. 'Os/2') will not be found in documents.

They will be found in table of contents titles and index entries however as these are stored in full.

 Previous function

This icon is only available with documents put online with Inf-HTML (interactively) and not batch converted files.

You will see this icon in views of the document's articles, not its table of contents, or index. This icon may not appear if there is no previous article defined!

Clicking on this icon will take you to the previous article in the document, not the last article viewed.

 Next function

This icon is only available with documents put online with Inf-HTML (interactively) and not batch converted files.

You will see this icon in views of the document's articles, not its table of contents, or index. This icon may not appear if there is no next article defined!

Clicking on this icon will take you to the next article in the document.

General info on Inf-HTML can be found here.

Peter Childs

Last updated 27-5-95