Licence agreement Extended Clipboard /2, copyright 1997 Hinnerk Becker Extended Clipboard (EClip) is Shareware. It may be tested and used for 14 days free of charge, then it has to be registered. (see ORDER.FRM) It is not permitted to use an unregistered copy of EClip as soon as the evaluation period is expired. After 14 days a reminder will be displayed, when the EClip folder is opened. The program may only be distributed as the unmodified ZIP archive. The user installs, uses and uninstalls Extended Clipboard at his own risk. The author cannot be held responsible for any damage, eg. dataloss, caused by the installation, usage or uninstallation of Extended Clipboard. There is no warrenty of any kind for the function of Extended Clipboard or any part of Extended Clipboard. Please read the documentation carefully before installing Extended Clipboard !