═══ 1. Setup Help ═══ This guide explains how to set up DeScribe on your computer system. Use this guide as supplemental information to the DeScribe User Manual. Any questions not covered in this guide, are addressed in the Getting Started section and Appendix A of the User Manual. o Copyright Information o Technical Assistance o Installing DeScribe o Installing DeScribe on a Network Workstation o Removing all or a portion of DeScribe o Viewing Installed Network Licenses ═══ 2. Copyright Information ═══ The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. No part of this on-line help may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical for any purposes other than the purchaser's personal use, without written permission of DeScribe, Inc. DeScribe, Inc. 4820 Bayshore Drive Naples, FL 33962 DeScribe(R) is the registered trademark of DeScribe, Inc. All brands or product names are or may be trademarks of, and are used to identify products or services of, their respective owners. Copyright(C) DeScribe, Inc. 1993. All rights reserved. ═══ 3. Technical Assistance ═══ Technical Assistance Please have the following information ready before contacting DeScribe: o Serial Number (select About DeScribe... from the Help menu or on Disk 1) o The version number and revision level of your operating system o A detailed description of the problem. There are five ways to contact DeScribe if you need assistance. See DeScribe's support policy for information about support considerations. Telephone DeScribe's Customer Support office is open Monday through Friday from 8AM to 4PM Pacific time. The telephone number is (916) 646-1111. Fax When sending a fax, please include a phone number where you can be reached if additional information is needed. DeScribe's fax number is (916) 923-3447. CompuServe DeScribe has a support section available in the PC Vendor A Forum. You can access the forum by entering GO DESCRIBE. You can also contact us via CompuServe Mail at 71333,154. Prodigy Customer Support monitors Prodigy. Please leave a message in the Word Processing topic in the Computer Club or the OS/2 Club Bulletin Board. Adding the word DeScribe to the header will help us find it faster. DeTail Bulletin Board DeScribe maintains it's own bulletin board service, which is FREE to registered DeScribe users and others interested in DeScribe products. DeTail allows you to leave messages for our Customer Support Department, upload files you are experiencing problems with, and download valuable DeScribe files and other shareware files. As a policy, DeScribe does not place any part of or all of the Program or reivision of the Program on the BBS for downloading. ═══ 4. Installing DeScribe ═══ During the installation you are asked to supply information on how you would like to have DeScribe installed. To start the installation select Install DeScribe... from the options menu or click the Install button. If you are installing on a network, see Network Installation Considerations. o Installation Type o Installation Method o Installation Options o Program Files Option o Layout Files Option o Macro Files Option o Language Files Option o Text Import/Export Filters Option o Graphic Import Filters Option o Network Installation Considerations o Additional Installation Considerations ═══ 4.1. Installation Type ═══ The Installation Type dialog is where you specify the what type of DeScribe you want to install. Stand-alone This option can only be installed on a local hard drive and can only be used by the computer it is installed on. Stand-alone is designed for users who are not connected to a network or for users on a network who want to run DeScribe at their workstation. Network Server This option is designed to be install on a network resource. We recommend you install DeScribe Network Server version at the server. The Server version can only be installed at the server if the server has OS/2 installed. If the server is not running OS/2, you must install DeScribe to the server remotely from a workstation. See Appendix A in the User Manual for network installation considerations and directory access requirements. ═══ 4.2. Installation Method ═══ The Installation Method dialog is where you specify the location of DeScribe and the installation type you want to use. The destination location of DeScribe defaults to "C:\DeScribe\", unless Setup detects a previous installation of this version of DeScribe installed. If Setup finds a previous installation it uses the the DeScribe values found in the DeScribe settings file. Unless you choose a different destination, Setup replaces old files with new DeScribe files. The two installation type are: Express Install This option accepts the default (or previous install values) and starts the installation process. This option will install all of DeScribe's features. No other user interaction is required except to insert the remaining disks, unless a problem occurs. Express Install is the quickest, easiest way to install DeScribe. Custom Install This option allows you to view and control what Setup is going to install and where. You can also select a subset of text import/export and graphic import filters. ═══ 4.3. Installation Options ═══ The Installation Options dialog is where you select what you want to install and the location of each option. This dialog is displayed during a Custom Install. To install an option, place a check mark next to the item. To change the installation value or location, click the More... button. If this is the first time you have installed DeScribe, you must install at least the progam files. Program Files This option installs the DeScribe EXE, all DLLs, toolbar sets, toolbar icons, help files, readme file, and sample data. See Program Files dialog. Layout Files This option installs all predefined DeScribe layouts. Layouts are used by DeScribe as preconstructed documents, i.e. Letters, Envelopes, and Labels. See Layout Files dialog. Macro Files This option installs all sample DeScribe macros. Macros allow user to do repetative tasks automatically. See Macro Files dialog. Language Files This option installs dictionary, thesaurus, and definition files. Language files are used to check spelling errors, show definitions and similar words, and used for hyphenation. See Language Files dialog. Text Import/Export Filters Option This option installs all or a user-defined subset of the text import and export filters. See Text Filters dialog. Graphic Import Filters Option This option installs all or a user-defined subset of the graphic import filters. See Graphic Filters dialog. Tutorial Option This options installs files to help you with learning DeScribe. An experienced DeScribe user may not need these files. The Tutorial files are stored in the subdirectory TUTORIAL under the program directory. Build Network Disk Images This option creates images of the selected installation options on the server. The images are used by the Workstation Installation to install the DeScribe files onto a workstation. This option is available only during a Network Server installation. ═══ 4.4. Program Files Option ═══ The Program Files dialog is where you change the installation values for the Program files. Program directory This is the location where the executable is stored and all root directories for any subdirectories (i.e. DeScribeDLL). Tools directory This is the location where the Custom Toolbar files are stored. The Tools value is used by the Custom Tool Manager for a list of toolbars and a list of toolbar icon files. The Tools directory value is stored in DeScribe's Directory Preferences. Temp directory This is the directory DeScribe uses to store temporary and backup files. The Temp directory value is stored in DeScribe's Directory Preferences. ═══ 4.5. Layout Files Option ═══ The Layout Files dialog specifies the location of the Layouts directory. The Layout directory value is stored in DeScribe's Directory Preferences and is used as the default directory path when opening a new layout, in the Layout Manager, and in the Stationary Manager. If you are upgrading from a previous version, an option is available to overwrite existing layouts with the same names as the layouts to be installed. ═══ 4.6. Macro Files Option ═══ The Macro Files dialog specifies the location of the Macros directory. The Macro directory value is stored in DeScribe's Directory Preferences and is used as the default directory path when running or editing a macro. If you are upgrading from a previous version, an option is available to overwrite existing macros with the same names as the macros to be installed. ═══ 4.7. Language Files Option ═══ The Language Files dialog specifies the location of User Dictionary, Group Dictionary, and Language directories. User Dictionary directory This is the location where the user dictionary is stored. The User dictionary directory value is stored in DeScribe's Directory Preferences. Group Dictionary directory This is the location where the group dictionary is stored. The Group Dictionary is designed for network versions of DeScribe. The user dictionary directory and group dictionary directory cannot have the same value. The Group dictionary directory value is stored in DeScribe's Directory Preferences. Language directory This is the location where the predefined spelling, thesaurus, and definitions dictionaries are stored. ═══ 4.8. Text Import/Export Filters Option ═══ The Text Filter dialog is used to select the import and export text filters you will need to convert your old documents to DeScribe format. Select one or more formats from the list and click OK or click All to select all of the formats. Text filter DLLs are stored in the subdirectory W4W under the program directory. ═══ 4.9. Graphic Import Filters Option ═══ The Graphics Filter dialog is used to select the import graphic filters you will need to bring graphics to DeScribe documents. Select one or more formats from the list and click OK or click All to select all of the formats. Graphic filter DLLs are stored in the subdirectory IMS under the program directory. ═══ 4.10. Network Installation Considerations ═══ This section explains how to set up DeScribe Word Processor on a local area network. This section assumes that you are familiar with the network concepts and assigning network permissions. It also assumes you have the network operating environment set up and running. Refer to your network software documentation for specific information. Determine Installation Method You can install the Network Server version DeScribe at the server only if OS/2 (or Windows if you are installing the Windows version of DeScribe) is installed. Network software packages that operate in an OS/2 environment include IBM LAN Server, and Microsoft LAN Manager. Network software packages that operate a Windows environment include Windows for Workgroups. If the server is not running OS/2 (or Windows), you must install DeScribe to the server remotely from a workstation running OS/2. For example, because Novell NetWare does not run under OS/2 or Windows at the server, you must install from a workstation. The Setup program automatically creates the directory structures required. You must assign permissions to the new directories so that the server can share these resources. Users can then use these resources (directories) for subsequent workstation installations. See the Appendix A in the User Manual for further instructions on setting up directory permissions. ═══ 4.11. Additional Installation Considerations ═══ This section contains technical information about the DeScribe installation process. This information is useful for installing DeScribe Word Processor but it is not required. The DeScribe Setup program copies and decompresses DeScribe files in the directories specified in the installation process. DeScribe Setup also creates a DeScribe settings file, DESCRIBE.DAT. This file is essential for DeScribe to run. DeScribe Settings File The Setup program creates a settings file in the same directory as the program files. A entry is place in the user INI file (OS2.INI in OS/2 and WIN.INI in Windows) to tell DeScribe where to find the settings file. If you move the settings file and DeScribe cannot find it, DeScribe will ask for the new location of the settings file. If the settings file no longer exists or is not valid, you must reinstall at least the DeScribe program files or restore the settings file from a backup. OS/2 Workplace Class DLL In OS/2, DeScribe Setup copies, with the program files, a Workplace Class DLL, DWPDOC.DLL, and then registers it. This DLL is used by the system to determine DeScribe documents and macros when printing, opening, and placing other objects on DeScribe from the desktop. Windows Registration File In Windows, DeScribe Setup copies, with the program files, a Widows Registration file, DESCRIBE.REG, and then registers it. Once registered the system recognizes files with the extension .DWP as DeScribe Document files. ═══ 5. Installing DeScribe on a Network Workstation ═══ Before you can install a workstation version of DeScribe, you must install the Network Server version to your server. For a workstation installation, the diskettes are not needed. The Setup program is run from the server resource where DeScribe exists. Before you begin, verify that the network resource where DeScribe program file are stored is in use at your workstation. During the installation you are asked how you wan t to run DeScribe from your workstation. To start the installation, select Install DeScribe... from the options menu or click the Install button. o Workstation Installation Type o Workstation Directory Locations ═══ 5.1. Workstation Installation Type ═══ The Workstation Installation Type dialog is where you specify the what type of DeScribe you want to install. Run DeScribe from network server This option sets up DeScribe to run from the network server. This options uses virtually no disk space. The Setup programs copies two files to your workstation; a DeScribe settings file, and a DLL used by OS/2 for drag and drop. All other files are use directly from the server. This option is designed for users who have limited disk space on their workstation. Use the Workstation Directory Locations dialog to specify the location of DeScribe components on the server. Install DeScribe on workstation This option installs DeScribe from disk images stored on the server to the workstation. You can select components of DeScribe to install based on what is available on the server from the Network Server installation. Use the Installation Options dialog to select install options. ═══ 5.2. Workstation Directory Locations ═══ During this installation you will be asked to supply the location of DeScribe components that you installed during the Network Server install. You must have a Network Server version of DeScribe installed before you can perform a Workstation install. If Setup found a previous version of DeScribe install on your computer, it display those directory values. Otherwise the default values are used. Enter the values for the required directories. If you have problems with accessing the directories contact your system adminstrator. Working Directory This is the location to store the user data files. Layouts Directory This is the location of the layout files on your server. The layout files are installed during the DeScribe Server version installation. If you would like to have your own custom layouts, you can copy the layout files to a different directory and specify that directory for this value. Macros Directory This is the location of the macro files on your server. The macro files are installed during the DeScribe Server version installation. If you would like to have your own custom macros, you can copy the macro files to a different directory and specify that directory for this value. Tools Directory This is the location of the custom tool files on your server. The custom tool files are installed during the DeScribe Server installation. If you would like to have your own custom tool files, you can copy the tool files to a different directory and specify that directory for this value. Temp Directory This is location where DeScribe places it's temporary and backup files. User Dictionary Directory This is the location where DeScribe creates the user's User Dictionary. Group Dictionary Directory This is the location where DeScribe looks for the Group Dictionary. The Group Dictionary must be stored on the server. If you do not want to use a Group Dictionary, leave this field blank. Languages Directory This is the location where DeScribe looks for the dictionary, spelling, and thesaurus language files. ═══ 6. Removing all or a portion of DeScribe ═══ Use the Delete option to delete all or a portion of DeScribe. During the deletion process you will be asked to supply the location of DeScribe and which components you want to delete. To start the delete select Delete DeScribe... from the menu. The Delete Options dialog is to remove all or a subset of DeScribe files. To delete an option, place a check mark next to the item. The Setup program only deletes the files it installed. Data files you have created with DeScribe are not deleted. However, DeScribe files that have been modified or files that have the same name as a DeScribe file that was installed are deleted. The Destination Location dialog is the directory where the Setup thinks DeScribe is installed. Verify this is correct before you continue with the delete. Additional Deletion Considerations This section contains technical information about the DeScribe deletion process. This information is useful for deleting DeScribe Word Processor but it is not required. The Setup program deletes DeScribe Word Processor files in the program directory specified in the deletion process. If you choose to delete the program files or to delete all DeScribe files, DeScribe Setup also deletes DeScribe's settings file, DESCRIBE.DAT and the entry in the INI file telling DeScribe where the settings file is located. In OS/2, the Setup program attempts to de-register the Workplace Class DLL, DWPDOC.DLL, and if successful, it deletes it. ═══ 7. Viewing Installed Network Licenses ═══ The Network Licenses dialog allows you to view the network license information. This feature is available only if you have previously installed the network server version of DeScribe. See Installing DeScribe for more information. The License Information dialog displays the total number of network licenses you have installed, the current number of licenses in use, and a list of all installed network licenses. The DeScribe Setup program can be run from the network server or from the DeScribe Disk set to view the license information. To view the license information, choose Network Licenses... from the Options menu. Total Licenses This value represents the maximum number of users who can access DeScribe at one time. Licenses in Use This value represents the number of users who are currently running DeScribe. To install a new version of DeScribe, the number of users must be zero. Licenses This value represents the actual license numbers that have been installed on this server.