═══ 1. About... ═══ CopyPad Version 2.0 - by Antonino Iannella, February 24th, 1997 Instructions CopyPad copies the character selected by the user to the clipboard. All the characters presented are from OS/2's ASCII set. It is meant for people who use such characters on a regular basis, like European symbols, since they can't be typed in without knowing the ASCII value. To copy a character to the clipboard, find the section where it resides. The section's characters will appear in the grid below. Double-click on the character. It will appear in the titlebar. It is now copied to the clipboard. The current active character will also appear in the OS/2 window list. Some more descriptions follow. Hide automatically Automatically hides the window after any character is chosen. By default, this property is on, which explains why CopyPad keeps vanishing before you. About Activates the Product information dialog box. Assistance Activates this help file. Close Exits CopyPad. ═══ 2. Installing CopyPad ═══ To run CopyPad, you should have  OS/2 Warp 3.0 or above,  the REXX component installed, and  the View.exe INF file viewer. To install CopyPad move the following files to a target directory of your choice, like \OS2\APPS. They must all reside in the same directory.  CopyPad.exe  CopyPad.dll  CopyPad.ico  CopyPad.inf  CPins.cmd Add this directory to the HELP path in your CONFIG.SYS. It will only become active once you restart OS/2. By running CPins.cmd, you may create a desktop object for CopyPad. To uninstall CopyPad, delete the above files from their directory, and remove the desktop object. ═══ 3. Registration ═══ CopyPad is provided as a fully-functional product, with no limitations. However, it is shareware. If you regularly use this product, please be kind enough to register by sending $5 Australian to the author. This will ensure that precious development efforts will continue. In return, you will receive excellent customer support, for any query or problem, and be notified of new releases. CopyPad remains the property of the author. It is freely distributable on any medium or site. All files from the archive must be intact when distributed. I do not guarantee the software's reliability, although I would appreciate being informed of any problems anyone may have. Any damage or loss incurred as a result of using this software is NOT the author's responsibility. Microsoft employees and their families must pay US$1 000 000 in registration for every copy they possess. ═══ 4. Contacting the author ═══ Send all comments, bug reports, or suggestions for improvement to **** **** * **** Mr Antonino Iannella * * * * * * * Computer Systems Engineer * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * antonino@usa.net, nettuno@light.iinet.net.au **** **** * ****** http://members.tripod.com/~antonino/index.html and send registration payments by mail: Mr Antonino Iannella 6 Bolingbroke Avenue DEVON PARK SA 5008 AUSTRALIA Phone +61 8 8346 2742 anytime. Acknowledgement The rotating Earth is derived from a WebExplorer animated icon created by Markus Preinl, who I could not contact for usage permission. It was found in the Team OS/2 WebExplorer Animation Archive, at http://www.os2forum.or.at/TeamOS2/English/Special/Animations ═══ 5. Version history ═══ v 1.0 - First version completed in July, 1996. v 2.0 - Second version completed in February, 1997. Drastically improved the interface. Removed some glitches, and added some enhancements. ═══ 6. FTP and BBS site documentation ═══ This section has files needed for public domain sites.  FILE_ID.DIZ  CopyPad.txt ═══ 6.1. FILE_ID.DIZ ═══ CopyPad.zip - CopyPad for OS/2 v2.0 Copies selected ASCII characters to the clipboard Shareware Mr Antonino Iannella antonino@usa.net ═══ 6.2. CopyPad.txt ═══ OS/2 Upload Information Template for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu Archive Name: CopyPad.zip Program Description: (keep it under 60 characters) Copies selected ASCII characters to the clipboard Operating System Versions: OS/2 3.0 (Warp) and above Program Source: none Replaces: CopyPad.zip Your name: Antonino Iannella Your email address: antonino@usa.net Proposed directory for placement: /pub/os2/wpsutil ═══ ═══ CopyPad has not been tested under other OS/2 versions. Please contact me if you have any problems.