~F1~ Help ~F3~ Open ~Ctrl+F3~ Hex ~Alt+F9~ Execute ~F10~ Menu ~Alt+X~ Exit ~ Move ~Shift+ ~ Resize ~ Done ~Esc~ Cancel ~F1~ Help ~Alt+F3~ Close ~F10~ Menu ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ~Alt+X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Save ~F3~ Open ~Alt+F3~ Close ~Alt+A~ Reload ~Alt+X~ Exit ~Alt:~ ~Back~ Undo ~A~ Reload as ASCII ~H~ Reload as Hex ~F10~ Pop-up ~X~ Exit Editor status: Ctrl+K pressed. Editor status: Ctrl+Q pressed. Editor status: Ctrl+P pressed. Editor status: Ctrl+O pressed. ~ Move cursor ~Shift+ ~ Draw single lines ~Esc~ Cancel ~ Move cursor ~Shift+ ~ Draw double lines ~Esc~ Cancel ~F1~ Help ~F3~ Open ~Alt+F3~ Close ~F10~ Menu ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ~Alt+X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Save ~Ctrl+F3~ Hex ~Alt+F3~ Close ~Alt+H~ Reload ~Alt+X~ Exit ~Alt:~ ~F3~ Close ~A~ Reload as ASCII ~H~ Reload as Hex ~F10~ Pop-up ~X~ Exit Editor status: Ctrl+K pressed. Editor status: Ctrl+Q pressed. Editor status: Ctrl+P pressed. Editor status: Ctrl+O pressed. AType for incremental search. Ctrl+L - next match, Back - previous ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Wrap ~F4~ Hex ~F7~ Find ~Alt+A~ Edit ~Esc~ Close ~Alt+X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Unwrap ~F4~ Hex ~F7~ Find ~Alt+A~ Edit ~Esc~ Close ~Alt+X~ Exit ~Alt:~ ~A~ Reload as ASCII ~H~ Reload as Hex ~F3~ Close ~F10~ Pop-up ~X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Save ~F4~ Text ~F7~ Find ~Alt+H~ Edit ~Esc~ Close ~Alt+X~ Exit ~Alt:~ ~A~ Reload as ASCII ~H~ Reload as Hex ~F3~ Close ~F10~ Pop-up ~X~ Exit Viewer status: Ctrl+K pressed. Viewer status: Ctrl+Q pressed. Viewer status: Ctrl+K pressed. Viewer status: Ctrl+Q pressed. ~F1~ Help ~ Go to source ~Space~ Track source 9 ~F7~ Find ~Alt+X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~Alt+F3~ Close ~Ins~ Add ~Enter~ Edit ~Del~ Delete ~Alt+X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~Ctrl+Del~ Clear ~Alt+F3~ Close ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ~Alt+X~ Exit ~PgUp~ Upload ~Ctrl+Del~ Clear ~Alt+F3~ Close ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ~Alt+X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~F3~ Open ~Alt+F3~ Close ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ~Alt+X~ Exit ~Ctrl:~ ~G~o to ~O~rigin ~F~ind ~S~earch again ~Ctrl:~ I~n~crement ~D~ecrement ~Z~ero ~C~hange ~Ctrl:~ ~T~oggle ~Ctrl:~ ~G~o to ~O~pposite ~F~ind ~S~earch again ~W~rite to ~R~ead from ~Ctrl:~ ~G~o to ~O~rigin ~F~ollow ~C~hange #Program running. Ctrl+Break aborts. +Protocol handshake in progress. Esc aborts. ~Alt+F1~ Previous ~Ctrl+F1~ Topics ~Shift+F1~ Contents ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ASelect a key or a two-key combination; mouse double click clears. =Press keys to add to the hot key sequence; Ctrl+Break aborts. ~F1~ Help ~F3~ View ~F4~ Edit ~F5~ Copy ~F6~ RenMov ~F7~ MkDir ~F8~ Delete ~Alt:~ ~F1~ Left ~F2~ Right ~F4~ Close ~F7~ Find ~A~ Open archive ~F10~ Pop-up ~Ctrl:~ ~B~rief ~F~ull ~T~ree ~I~nfo ~R~e-read ~A~ttributes ~C~ompare ~O~n/Off ~F1~ Help ~F3~ View ~F4~ Extract ~F5~ Copy ~F6~ Test ~F7~ Password ~F8~ Delete 2Type for incremental search, Ctrl+L for next match 2Type for incremental search, Ctrl+L for next match ~F1~ Help ~Alt+F1~ Left ~Alt+F2~ Right ~Alt+F3~ Close ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ~F1~ Help ~Alt+F3~ Close ~F3~ View ~F4~ Edit ~F5~ Copy ~F6~ RenMov ~F8~ Delete ~F1~ Help ~Enter~ Run ~Ctrl+Enter~ Edit ~Ins~ New ~Del~ Delete ~Esc~ Cancel ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Fields ~F4~ View memo ~F7~ Find ~F8~ Delete ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ~F1~ Help ~Alt+F3~ Close ~F7~ Find ~F10~ Menu ~Alt+F10~ Pop-up ~Alt+X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~F2~ Dial ~F4~ Import ~F5~ Export ~F6~ Abort ~F7~ Find ~F8~ Delete ~F1~ Help ~Alt+F3~ Close ~ Move ~Enter~ Maximize ~Alt+X~ Exit ~F1~ Help ~S~top ~P~lay Pa~u~se E~j~ect Pr~i~or ~R~ewind ~F~ast forward ~N~ext ~Ctrl:~ ~Home~ First ~Left~ Prior ~Right~ Next ~End~ Last ~Ins~ Force eject ~F1~ Help ~A~bout... n/Off Re~f~resh display Clear des~k~top Clear ~h~istory Alt+Del Alarm cl~o~ck.../' Alt+< ASCII ~t~able Alt+T Ca~l~culator Alt+L ~C~alendar Alt+C ~F~ile ~O~pen... ~N~ew Open ~H~ex... Ctrl+F3 N~e~w Hex ~S~ave Save ~a~s... Save a~l~l ~C~hange dir... ' Alt+\ ~D~OS shell!' Alt+Q E~x~it Alt+X ~E~dit ~U~ndo Alt+Back ~R~edo Ctrl+Enter Cu~t~ Shift+Del ~C~opy Ctrl+Ins ~P~aste Shift+Ins C~l~ear Ctrl+Del Copy to ~a~dditional Clipboard Ctrl+F12 !Paste fr~o~m additional Clipboard Shift+F12 ~S~how Clipboard Alt+Ins Sa~v~e Clipboard data on exitN' Mar~k~ columns of text Alt+K8' ~S~earch ~F~ind... ~R~eplace... Find ~a~ll... S~h~ow all found... ~S~earch again ~I~ncremental search ~G~o to line number... Alt+G ~M~ultiple search... ~W~indow Reload as ~A~SCII Alt+A Reload as ~H~ex Alt+H ~R~esize/move Ctrl+F5 ~Z~oom ~N~ext ~P~revious Shift+F6 ~C~lose Alt+F3 T~i~le Cascad~e~ ~O~utput N ~M~essage"' Alt+Home ~U~ser screen#' Alt+F5 arch, Ctr ~L~ist...5' Alt+0 ~O~ptions Commu~n~ication...$' ~K~eyboard...1' ~M~ouse...%' ~C~ursor...:' C~o~lors...&' Countr~y~...K' Ed~i~tor... ~F~ile Manager...>' ~L~og file...A' Set~u~p...'' Confirm~a~tions...L' ~W~indow settings...| ~E~GA/VGA lines Alt+F6 ~S~ave options...(' ~R~etrieve options...)' ~U~ser ~E~xecute macro*' Alt+F8 ~R~ecord macro<' Alt+Equal ~S~top recording=' Alt+Minus ~M~acro list...+' Alt+PgUp E~x~ecute program,' Alt+F9 ~P~rogram list...-' ~L~oad icon....' ~D~ecoders... Ctrl+F6 ~F~ile Manager Ctrl+F10 Hel~p~ ~H~elp ~C~ontents Shift+F1 ~T~opic search Ctrl+F1 ~P~revious topic Alt+F1 Help ~f~ile...J' ~S~tore(' ~L~oad)' ~V~GA colorsI B&~W~K ~D~efault&' ~B~ackground Black Blink ~F~oreground Black Gray _ White _ White Text ~B~ackground ~F~oreground ~I~tem ~G~roup ASCII table Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Bar window Frame draggedR Frame activeQ SliderW Normal textU Highlighted textP Calendar Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Normal text Current day Weekend CD Player Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Static text Display Drive status Track title Progress bar Button normal Button default Button selected Button disabled Button shortcut Shortcut default Shortcut selected Button shadow Clock Day of week CPU window Frame passiveq Frame activer Frame iconss Scroll bar paget Scroll bar iconsu Source normalv Breakpointsw Source positionx Registers normaly Registers selectedz Flags normal{ Flags selected| Memory normal} Stack normal~ Stack selected dBASE viewer Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Fields Normal text Focused text Selected text Focused selected Modified text Current field Desktop Background color Dialogs, Calc! Frame passive Frame active! Frame icons" Scroll bar page# Scroll bar icons$ Static text% Label normal& Label selected' Label shortcut( Button normal) Button default* Button selected+ Button disabled, Button shortcut- Shortcut default? Shortcut selected Button shadow. Cluster normal/ Cluster selected0 Cluster disabled> Cluster shortcut1 Input normal2 Input selected3 Input arrow4 History button5 History sides6 History bar page7 History bar icons8 List normal9 List focused: List selected; List divider< Information pane= Editor Frame passive` Frame activea Frame iconsb Scroll bar pagec Scroll bar iconsd Normal texte Highlighted textf Breakpointsg Source positionh Current line Current column Page break Text boundaries File Manager Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Normal text Focused text Selected text Focused selected Highlighted text Prompt History frame History icons History bar page History bar icons History normal History focused Drive button normal Drive button selectedS Drive button shadowT Drive selector normal Drive selector current Memory available Largest block Including UMB Help window Frame passive@ Frame activeA Frame iconsB Scroll bar pageC Scroll bar iconsD Normal textE Selected textV Normal topicF Highlighted topicG Highlight color 1 Highlight color 2 Highlight color 3 Highlight color 4 Highlight color 5 HTML viewer Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Normal text Bold text Highlighted text Normal link Selected link Title label Title text Info label Info text Memory map Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Normal text Menus Normal Disabled Shortcut Selected Selected disabled Shortcut selected Message Frame passiveX Frame activeY Frame iconsZ Scroll bar page[ Scroll bar icons\ Normal text] Highlighted text^ Output Frame passiveH Frame activeI Frame iconsJ Scroll bar pageK Scroll bar iconsL Ruler 1, 2, 3... 10, 20, 30... Screen saver star star star star star star Shadow Color Syntax User defined comments .CBS functions .CBS operators .CBS statements .CBS symbols .CBS labels .CBS strings .CBS remarks Terminal Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Tile area Frame Viewer Frame passive Frame active Frame icons Scroll bar page Scroll bar icons Normal text Highlighted text Modified text Source position Current line Current column Watches Frame passivei Frame activej Frame iconsk Scroll bar pagel Scroll bar iconsm Normal textn Highlighted texto Colors Real Hex Decimal Calculator The IBM HandShaker Version 7.6.6 Compiled on 2000/09/17 Copyright (c) 1991,2000 by KHEMZ, Inc. About ASCII Chart Help Cancel Find ~a~ll Options ~C~ase sensitive ~F~rom cursor ~W~hole words only ~R~egular expression ~S~elected text Search ~b~ackward ~T~ext to find Help Cancel Find ~1~st Options ~C~ase sensitive ~F~rom cursor ~W~hole words only ~R~egular expression ~S~elected text Search ~b~ackward ~T~ext to find Find all Help Cancel Options ~C~ase sensitive ~F~rom cursor ~W~hole words only ~R~egular expression ~S~elected text Search ~b~ackward ~P~rompt on replace ~G~roup Undo ~N~ew text ~T~ext to find Replace Help Cancel ~C~hars per cycle Line inter~v~al Lines ~p~er page B~o~ttom margin ~T~op margin ~L~eft margin ~I~nit string Print options #~U~se external font (Graphics mode)!~B~old characters (double strike)!Force page breaks (e~j~ect pages) ~F~ont file name Prn ~d~evice name Printer setup Help Cancel ~S~wap file directory ~B~ackground pattern ~H~istory lines limit Idle sky delay~,~ min Ending signal, sec Animation delay, ms Auto save time, min Long filename support Enable Win9~5~ LFN API Case convers~i~on Enable auto-decoding Text viewer HTML viewer Text file reading mode ~A~uto detect ~D~OS ~U~NIX Time-slicing strategy INT 2~8~ (DOS Idle) INT ~2~F (1680) Release time-slice Always Idle~-~state Various system settings Disable s~y~sinfo Disable VGA palette Disabl~e~ all sounds Local associations Hide views ~M~enu bar Status ~l~ine ~C~lock Hea~p~ Mouse Drag-And-Drop" Dra~g~ until released D~r~ag until pressed Return to last dir$ A~t~ the start On e~x~it Display& CGA sno~w~ checking Palette ~1~6/16 Restore ~v~ideo mode Auto save( Editor ~f~iles E~n~vironment Deskt~o~p Setup Help Cancel Prompt on action ~M~odify memory Clear ~h~istory lists ~D~elete items from a list box/Save ~c~urrent configuration before loading new Abort ~E~ditor operations Abort ~F~ile Manager operations Close File Manager ~w~indow*Close ~T~erminal window on dialing/pasting E~x~it the program Confirmations Help Cancel Ke~y~s... Groups~.~.. ~W~ord delimiters ~M~aximum line width Left margin Tab si~z~e Editor settings ~C~reate backup files ~I~nsert mode ~A~uto-indent mode ~U~se tab characters Use e~x~panded memory ~P~rompt on new file C~h~ange dir on open Cascade ~n~ew window ~F~ind text at cursor Enable Un~d~o/Redo Enable text w~r~ap Ena~b~le hyphenation Expand wrapped ~l~ine ~S~yntax highlight Hi~g~hlight current line Highlight current c~o~lumn Highligh~t~ page breaks Highlight ~>~boundaries~<~ Non~-~persistent blocks O~v~erwrite blocks ~P~aste goes to end of block K~e~ep trailing blanks Wrap lines on [Load~]~ Unwrap lines on ~[~Save] Write CR~/~LF chars at the end Write EOF char (~ ~) at the end Editor options Help Cancel 8Convert Ctrl+Home/End to Ctrl+~P~gUp/PgDn and vice versa 8Convert old-style cursor movement keystrokes to commands Ctrl+~A~ - Select all Ctrl+~C~ - Copy Ctrl+~D~ - Not assigned Ctrl+~E~ - Incremental search Ctrl+~F~ - Find Ctrl+~R~ - Replace Ctrl+~S~ - Save Ctrl+~V~ - Paste Ctrl+~W~ - Not assigned Ctrl+~X~ - Cut Ctrl+~Z~ - Undo A~l~l Editor key options Literal ke~y~ input"Enable s~m~art tab cursor movement Add matching characters ~()~ Auto-spaces after ~,~.:;!?(~H~ome goes to first non-blank character Esc cl~o~ses Editor keys Help Cancel Copy description options +~R~emove extra spaces from description text /~W~hitespaces between file name and description ~D~escription files `D~i~rinfo' files File Manager files Help Cancel ~M~acro file Panel key options ~I~ns moves down#~B~ackspace goes to upper directory ~E~sc toggles panels on/off"~D~el erases files and directories ~S~pace selects/unselects items3D~r~ive selectors sensitive to Left/Right Ctrl keys$F~4~/Ctrl+F4 opens focused file only File Manager keys Help Cancel Ke~y~s... ~F~iles... Groups~.~..C' Auto change delay~,~ ms Tag character Panel auto re-read options Modified only Always Never File compare options Compare by si~z~e Compare by ti~m~e Compare by at~t~ribute Select in bot~h~ panels Unse~l~ect same files Prompt on compare Incremental search options Case sensiti~v~e I~g~nore cyrillic Alt activates/aborts Ctrl activates/aborts File Manager settings ~A~uto change directory ~E~nable reverse Copy bar ~U~nselect processed files ~P~rompt on Drag-And-Drop%~C~onfirm erasing non-empty directory%~S~ame Find File list for both panels#Check free disk space ~b~efore Copy ~R~e-read unselects Dra~w~ empty panel on re-reading!Copy~/~rename/delete descriptions Save ~d~irectory selection L~o~ad current directory Enable TREEINFO.CN~x~ Disable TREEINFO auto~-~update!Disable mask descriptions ~(~MSK)%Clear the U~n~fold flag on dir change!Create d~i~rectories in uppercase File Manager options Help Cancel 8Restore settings on completing the Copy/Rename operation Settings in this di~a~log box Modified ~F~ile Manager options File operation options #Check free disk space ~b~efore Copy Copy~/~rename descriptions/Clear the ~R~eadOnly file attribute bit on Copy ~U~nselect skipped files%Do not display Copy pro~g~ress window'Do not display Cop~y~ statistics window File compare action ~N~ewer and longer Newer and s~h~orter Ne~w~er and same size O~l~der and longer Older and shor~t~er Ol~d~er and same size Sa~m~e time, longer Same time, short~e~r Same t~i~me and size ?SNAO File exists action ~P~rompt ~O~verwrite all ~S~kip all ~C~ompare by time/size File copy/rename options Help Cancel User program termination "~T~erminate and restart afterwards Terminate and do ~n~ot restart ~D~o not terminate ~P~rompt Compiler ~C~reate .CBL file User program options Help Cancel Log file ~n~ame Log events ~R~ead from disk (-) ~W~rite to disk (+) E~x~ecute external program (>) ~T~ransmit/Receive data ( Error ~m~essage box (!) W~a~rning message box (#) ~C~onfirmation message box (?) ~I~nformation message box (^) ~L~oad/Save desktop ($) ~O~ther events ( ) Log file ~E~nable event logging Log file options Help Cancel Ad~j~ustj ~D~eleteh ~N~ewg ~M~odifyf ~I~tems Alarm list ~T~est Help Cancel Fast Medium Slow E~x~plode/Implode rate Window behaviour ~E~xplode/Implode windows Restore window position and size ~M~emory map ~C~ode ~D~ump ~A~SCII table Ca~l~culator Cale~n~dar CD ~P~layer Cl~i~pboard ~W~atch ~O~utput Messa~g~e Te~r~minal ~B~ack ~H~elp Window settings Output Help Cancel R~o~ws ~C~olumns Output options Add ~L~ine Feed Add ~R~eturn Auto ~w~rap Destructive ~B~ackspace Output options Clipboard Clipboard &System commands plus some useful tools&Show version and copyright information Show system information2Redraw the screen, reset mouse and hardware cursor Close all windows on the desktop Clear all history lists Memory map window Open a Code window Open a Memory Dump editor&Open the Environment editor dialog box(View or modify the Environment variables Open an IBM PC ASCII table+Use keyboard or mouse to select a character5Load a multifunctional hexadecimal desktop calculator Set calculator display mode Set calculator display range*Write the displayed value to memory buffer+Read the specified value from memory buffer%Open the Solve expressions dialog box4Type an expression to solve, use variables if needed View a month at a time*Press arrows or use mouse to change months$Open the Alarm Clock List dialog box(Add new items, delete or modify old ones Enter new item definitions!Open the Print Spooler dialog box.Rearrange the print queue, add or delete items&Open the Phone Dialer Queue dialog box.View or modify phone dialer queue, abort calls Open a CD Player window Choose a track to play Choose a CD album track to play File management commands0Enter a file name or type for incremental search Set block begin marker Set block end marker(Copy marked block at the cursor position9Move marked block at the cursor position, delete the area8Move marked block at the cursor position, clear the area#Delete marked block, remove the gap2Clear marked block, fill the area with whitespaces+Read block from disk at the cursor position Write marked block to disk Turn block marking on/off Print marked block Indent marked block Unindent marked block Mark line at the cursor position'Mark single word at the cursor position0Position cursor at the beginning of marked block*Position cursor at the end of marked block3Delete text from the cursor position to end of line3Delete text from the cursor position to end of file6Convert characters to uppercase (block or single line)6Convert characters to lowercase (block or single line)7Perform logical operation for all bytes in marked block Switch to Single Line Draw mode Switch to Double Line Draw mode3Insert current date and time at the cursor position*Justify left margin (block or single line).Center line(s) relative to the cursor position+Justify right margin (block or single line)-Reformat paragraphs of text (block or global)8Unformat text by removing extra blanks (block or global),Turn QWERTY to (block or single line),Turn to QWERTY (block or single line)7Convert Russian text to Volapyuk (block or single line);Calculate numbers or solve equations (block or single line)$Rearrange text lines in marked block8Attempt to open the file indicated by the word at cursor4Create the directory indicated by the word at cursor0Convert text using the specified XLAT table file&Miscellaneous text formatting commands Toggle DOS/UNIX text mode-Locate and open a text file in an Edit window+Create a new text file in a new Edit window+Locate and open a file in a Hex-Edit window*Create a new file in a new Hex-Edit window'Save the file in the active edit window,Save the current file under a different name Save all modified files,Print the contents of the active Edit window Choose a new default directory!Change to the specified directory Temporarily exit to DOS Quit The IBM HandShaker Cut-and-paste editing commands"Undo the previous editor operation+Redo the previously undone editor operation4Remove the selected text and put it in the Clipboard)Copy the selected text into the Clipboard:Insert selected text from the Clipboard at cursor position Delete the selected text,Drag the selected block to a new destination.Copy the selected text to additional Clipboard(Copy the selected text into PM Clipboard8Insert text from additional Clipboard at cursor position0Insert text from PM Clipboard at cursor position Open the Clipboard window-Do not erase the Clipboard data files on exit)Enable or disable vertical blocks of text:Fill the selected Hex-Edit area with a specified character$Text search and replacement commands)Search for text or sequence of characters Enter text to search for,Search for text and replace it with new text5Enter text to search for and new text to replace with(Search the entire file, find all matches:Show list of all matches, previously created with Find all Repeat the last Find command*Switch to the incremental text search mode*Move the cursor to a specified line number&Search and replace text across windows-Execute or single-step through a user program Compile source file Run the current user program)Halt debugging session and release memory3Run program from the run bar to the cursor position8Execute next line, stopping within the current procedure6Execute next line, skipping over the current procedure/Trace source lines or instructions continuously3Step over source lines or instructions continuously+Enable or disable debugging in a CPU window"Set a new address for data display Move cursor to opposite location Go to origin"Increment the highlighted register"Decrement the highlighted register$Set the highlighted register to zero"Change data at the cursor location(Write from a memory block to a disk file'Read from a disk file to a memory block,Use data at cursor as new address to display'Set code pane to near address at cursor&Set code pane to far address at cursor%Set data pane to new offset at cursor-Set data pane to new segment:offset at cursor$Set data pane to segment:0 at cursor(Modify data, set breakpoints and watches Modify user program parameter Enter new value for parameter1Insert a watch expression into the Watches window1Edit the current expression in the Watches window5Remove the current expression from the Watches window4Delete all watch expressions from the Watches window Enter expression to add as watch.Set or clear breakpoint at the cursor position Delete all breakpoints'Clear the contents of the Output window!Update, arrange, and list windows/Reload the active editor window in ASCII format-Reload the active editor window in Hex format0Change the size or position of the active window0Enlarge or restore the size of the active window$Arrange windows on desktop by tiling'Arrange windows on desktop by cascading Make the next window active Make the previous window active Close the active window Open the Watches window Open the Output window2Copy the Output window contents into the Clipboard Specify Output settings Set defaults for Output window Open the Message window Open the Terminal window%Select the desired handshake protocol+Upload file(s) using the specified protocol-Download file(s) using the specified protocol;Make a phone call by auto-dialing the selected phone number Clear input/output buffers Send Hangup modem string Send Answer modem string Send a serial line break Specify Download directory7Specify modem command strings, set auto-dialer defaults7Specify transfer options, select progress bar direction4Copy the Terminal window contents into the Clipboard Send the Clipboard selected text)Clear the contents of the Terminal window Specify Terminal settings Set defaults for Terminal window Open the Back window%Switch to the full-screen user output Show a list of all open windows,Reopen indicated file in a new editor window#Set or clear specified window flags.Set defaults for communication, mouse, desktop$Set default communication parameters Specify keyboard scroll settings Adjust the vertical scroll speed Specify mouse settings5Adjust the double click speed, make the active button Modify default cursor size/shape3Customize desktop colors for menus, dialogues, etc./Select a desktop group and customize its colors5Set red, green & blue color values (VGA display only)4Specify country settings for date, time and calendar Specify editor settings Set defaults for Editor windows$View or modify the Editor group list/Enter new file name mask and comment pattern(s)3Specify Help and XLAT file names for selected group'Specify Editor window keystroke options$Set defaults for File Manager panels"View or modify the File group list5Specify file name mask, highlight attribute and index7Specify File Manager dirinfo and description file names,Specify File Manager panel keystroke options2Specify compiler and user program executor options*Change overlay preferences and buffer size Set defaults for Printer Modify default Printer settings Specify CD Player settings Permanently change default setup Modify default setup Set defaults for event logging8Specify window settings, set delay for exploding windows2Toggle the display between 25 and 43/50 line modes3Enable or disable prompt on various program actions)Save all the desktop settings you've made7Load desktop files previously created with Save options&Macros handling and execution commands/Execute previously created macro with a hot key%Start recording a new keystroke macro-Stop recording and save a new keystroke macro0Create a new macro, execute or modify an old one Enter a string for the macro9Create new hot key sequence for the currently edited item;Add commands, keys or strings to the currently edited macro-View, run, repeat, add, edit or delete macros6Run previously defined external program with a hot key6Create new program definitions, run or modify old ones'View, run, add, edit or delete programs Enter new program definitions Select a user menu command Enter new string Enter new value Enter program arguments2Locate and load a user program ready for execution User program icon+View or modify Phone list, make phone calls Enter new phone entry fields!Display User defined decoder list#Customize User defined decoder list Enter new decoder definitions1Apply indicated decoder to current desktop window