FBHFu HandShaker Welcome HandShaker. |About|Alt+I) COM- Norton Commander, File Commander, OS/2 Commander, DOS OS/2 OS/2 F1, Help, Alt+Spacebar. Alt+Z, Z - Shift+F1. / Help Esc. Shift + Enter. - Esc. Contents (Shift+F1) Help- Tab, Enter. c System Search Debug Window Options CONNECT Language ASCII Editor Editor Manager (System) (Alt+Spacebar) System About System information Refresh display Clear desktop Clear history Memory Code Dump Environment Alarm clock Spooler Dialer ASCII table Calculator Calendar Player About About (System) Esc, Space Enter, OK. System information (F11) System information (System) Refresh display Refresh display Clear desktop Clear desktop Clear history (Alt+Del) Clear history Ctrl (Alt+Ctrl+Del Memory Memory map (System) Code (System) Code. Dump (System) Dump. Memory window Environment (Alt+F11) Environment (System) Environment editor. Environment editor (Environment variables) (Edit) Modify, New, Delete, Copy, Done Modify New Modify. B Delete Copy Clipboard. d Done $CNSAVE '#' (ASCII 35), $CNSAVE=################################ ASCII table (Alt+T) ASCII table IBM PC ASCII table. ASCII Table ASCII IBM PC. Enter Ctrl Ctrl+Down, Ctrl+Up codes, , Alt+Back ($0100). Calculator (Alt+L) Calculator (Calculator). Calculator 'R' BackSpace) '!', '&', '|', '^' (NOT, AND, OR, XOR); '_' ' ('Ctrl+R') 'S' 'Q' Tab Down, Up Left, Right. Ctrl+ , Ctrl+ (Hex, Octal, Binary). (Range): Real (-1.7E38..1.7E38) ShortInt (-128..127) SmallInt (-32768..32767) Longint (-2147483648..2147483647) Byte (0..255) SmallWord (0..65535) Push to memory (Ctrl+Up) memory. Pop from memory (Ctrl+Down) Push memory. Expressions (Ctrl+Enter) Solve expressions. Solve expressions Solve expressions (Shift+Right, Shift+Left), Copy as Clipboard Copy. Evaluate (Enter) A5 := 14.78 B := 23.91 LN(2) * (A5 + SQRT(B)) = 13.6340562039 Calculator (Alt+L, Ctrl+Alt+L) Solve expressions Always open this dialog box rather than Calculator window. Calendar (Alt+C) Calendar (Calendar), Calendar '+' '-' Alarm (Alt+<) Alarm clock Alarm list. Alarm Alarm list (Items) Modify, New, Delete, Adjust Modify Modify item, New item, Items Delete Items. F Adjust Modify New item / Modify item Everyday, Execute if overdue, Delete after execution, Spooler (Alt+>) Spooler Spooler. Spooler Spooler (Spooler queue) File, Next, Delete, Abort File $PRINT). _ Next Delete Abort Dialer (Alt+?) Dialer Dialer. Dialer Dialer Redial, Abort, Insert, Load, Paste, Delete, Adjust ';', 214-35-76; Redial Ctrl, Modem setup CD (Carrier Detect) Abort ( Esc Terminal). Insert ( ), Load ( ), Paste ( Clipboard), Terminal Phone list Dial. l Delete Ctrl, Adjust Player (Ctrl+F11) CD Player Player CD Player Player Zeppelin Track Track time Track Album Lyrics Options Cancel Stairway Heaven CD-ROM drive [ ] Stop [ ] Play [ || ] Pause [ ] Eject [ [ ] Skip back [ ] Rewind [ ] Fast forward [ ] ] Skip forward [ Track ] Select track [ Album ] Album file [ Lyrics ] Album lyrics [ Mix ] Sound Mixer [ Options ] CD Player options CD Player: Ctrl+S, S Stop Ctrl+P, P Play Ctrl+U, U Pause Ctrl+J, J Eject Ctrl+I, I Skip back Ctrl+R, R Rewind Ctrl+F, F Fast forward Ctrl+N, N Skip forward Ctrl+T Toggle display track mode Ctrl+D Toggle display time mode Ctrl+W Track list Right Fast forward Left Rewind Ctrl+Right Skip forward Ctrl+Left Skip back Ins, Ctrl+Ins Eject Home Begin track End Skip forward Ctrl+Home First track Ctrl+End Last track Track Total Track time Track total Track left Disk time Disk total Disk left Ctrl+T Ctrl+D. Shift, Select track. Stop Ctrl, CD-ROM drive. ( Play Pause Eject CD-ROM drive. Ctrl, Options Player). H Skip back Rewind Fast forward Skip forward Begin track First track Last track Select track Select track play, Track list (Ctrl+W) Track window. Album albums). CD albums directory ( Options Player) CD Player, Lyrics albums). Mix Sound Mixer, Sound Mixer command Player options, Options. 0 Select a track to play , 04 12. Track list window album, Album Player .CD, TITLE: ; $LYRICS: 01: ; 02: ; * * * * * * 12: CD albums directory ( Options Player). w $LYRICS Lyrics. $LYRICS:$HELP($CN\CD\LYRICS.HLP) [Search string] $LYRICS:$VIEW(D:\MUSIC\LYRICS\LYRICS.TXT) Help LYRICS.HLP Search string Text viewer LYRICS.TXT, D:\MUSIC\LYRICS. $LYRICS $LYRICS:$VIEW(TRACK01.TXT) $LYRICS:$VIEW(TRACK02.TXT) * * * * * * $LYRICS:$VIEW(TRACK12.TXT) $NOLYRICS: M * * * * * * $NOLYRICS * * * * * * Lyrics $AUTO, $LYRICS: ) $LYRICS:$HELP($CN\CD\LYRICS.HLP) $AUTO User order, (Alt+F) File DOS, File, Open New Open New Save Save Save Print Change DOS shell Exit dialog Files [ ] Long name ..\ FILENM05.TXT ANSWERS\ FILENM06.TXT MOREXAMP\ FILENM07.TXT TOURS\ FILENM08.TXT FILENM01.TXT FILENM09.TXT FILENM02.TXT FILENM10.TXT FILENM03.TXT FILENM11.TXT FILENM04.TXT FILENM12.TXT Name (Input box), C:\DOC\SPEC\*.TXT MYOWN.TXT 12552 Jul 14,1990 12:00pm Options Setup Enable Win95 API, Ctrl+F [ ] Long name Directory dialog Change directory OK, Chdir Revert. | Directory Name Directory Name Directory Tree Drives C:\ DOC SPEC Directory Tree Enter OK. + [Chdir ] Chdir Directory Name. + [Revert] Revert window ASCII- Up Down Right Left PgUp PgDn Home End Ctrl+PgUp Ctrl+PgDn Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Right Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End '*' Window. _ Alt+F10. ASCII- Backspace Delete Enter Ins Alt+K Alt+Y Place markers Ctrl+A Select all ( Ctrl+B Search again ( , Backward) Ctrl+L Search again ( Ctrl+T Ctrl+U Search again ( , Forward) Ctrl+Back Ctrl+Y Ctrl+@ (Incremental search) Ctrl+Space Search again Ctrl+- Ctrl+^ Ctrl+] Ctrl+\ File Manager Shift+F2 Shift+F4 (Spell Check) Shift+F8 Spell Checker Ctrl+K commands Ctrl+Q commands Ctrl+P commands Ctrl+O commands Block Drag-And-Drop Ctrl+K: Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K 0..9) Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+Q commands Ctrl+P commands Ctrl+O commands Ctrl+Q: m Ctrl+Q Replace Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q (Double) Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q QWERTY Ctrl+Q Uppercase Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Lowercase Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q 0..9) Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q (Single) Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Uppercase Ctrl+Q Volapyuk Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Space Ctrl+K commands Ctrl+P commands Ctrl+O commands (Ctrl+K), (Ctrl+L), (Ctrl+Y) Ctrl+P. ASCII table Ctrl+O n, n - 'C' - Create backup files; 'I' - Insert mode; 'A' - Autoindent mode; 'U' - Use tab characters; 'X' - Use expanded memory; 'P' - Prompt on new file; 'H' - Change dir on open; 'N' - Cascade new window; 'F' - Find text at cursor; 'D' - Enable Undo/Redo; 'R' - Enable text wrap; 'B' - Enable hyphenation; 'L' - Expand wrapped line; 'S' - Syntax highlight; 'G' - Highlight current line; 'O' - Highlight current column; 'T' - Highlight page breaks; '<', '>' - Highlight boundaries; '-', '_' - Non-persistent blocks; 'V' - Overwrite blocks; ' ' - Keep trailing blanks; ']' - Wrap lines on Load; '[' - Unwrap lines on Save; 'Y' - Literal key input; Tab - Enable smart tab cursor movement; '(' - Add matching chars; ',', '.', ':', ';', '!', '?' - Auto-spaces after stops; 'E' - Esc closes; 'Q' - Editor options Editor group list Shift. Esc. Hex-Edit window Hex- Up Down Right Left PgUp PgDn Home End Ctrl+PgUp Ctrl+PgDn Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End Window. X Hex- Alt+F10. Hex- Backspace Delete Enter Ins Tab (Hex - ASCII) Alt+Y Place markers Ctrl+A Select all ( Ctrl+L Search again ( Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Space Search again Ctrl+\ File Manager Ctrl+K commands Ctrl+Q commands Ctrl+P commands Ctrl+O commands Block Drag-And-Drop Hex- Ctrl+K: Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K 0..9) Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+Q commands Ctrl+P commands Ctrl+O commands Hex- Ctrl+Q: Ctrl+Q Replace Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Lowercase Ctrl+Q 0..9) Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Uppercase Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+K commands Ctrl+P commands Ctrl+O commands window ASCII- Up Down Right Left PgUp PgDn Home End Ctrl+PgUp Ctrl+PgDn Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Right Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End (%), Window. Text viewer: D Alt+K Alt+Y Place markers Ctrl+A Select all ( Ctrl+B Search again ( , Backward) Ctrl+L Search again ( Ctrl+U Search again ( , Forward) Ctrl+@ (Incremental search) Space Search again Ctrl+\ File Manager Reload ASCII (Alt+A). W Ctrl+Q A Text viewer c Ctrl+K commands Ctrl+Q commands Ctrl+K: t Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K 0..9) Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+Q commands Ctrl+Q: Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q 0..9) Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+K commands window Hex- Up Down Right Left PgUp PgDn Home End Ctrl+PgUp Ctrl+PgDn Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Right Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End Window. Hex viewer: Alt+Y Place markers Ctrl+A Select all ( Ctrl+Space Search again Ctrl+\ File Manager Hex viewer Overwrite, Confirm Save changes to disk before loading another portion of D:\CONNECT\SOMEFILE.EXE ? Reload (Alt+H). Ctrl+K commands Ctrl+Q commands Ctrl+K: Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K 0..9) Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+Q commands Ctrl+Q: Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q Ctrl+Q 0..9) Ctrl+K commands (n = 0..9). Place markers (Double). QWERTY QWERTY. Char AND Mask Char OR Mask Char XOR Mask Char + Mask Char - Mask Mask ASCII- ' (ASCII 39)), 0B 1F 3D 15 81 6C $0B, $1F, $3D, $15, $81, $6C 'Some password Math operation Formula, ARCCOS, ARCSIN, ARCTG - SING - SIN - COSG - COS - CTGG - CTG - TGG - TG - SQRT - LG - LN - EXP10 - 10 EXP - ABS - "+", "-", "*", "/" - "^" - (2^8); "%" - "&&", "||", "#", "<<", ">>" , Not() - "AND", "OR", "XOR", "SHL", "SHR", Not. $, 0x $1000, 0x1000, 1000h = 4096 0b1000, 1000b = 8 0o1000, 1000o = 512 \377 = 255, \e = 27, \n = 10. = 1T = 1E12 ( 1G = 1E9 ( 1M = 1E6 ( 1k = 1K = 1E3 ( 1d = 1D = 1E1 ( 1s = 1E-2 ( 1m = 1E-3 ( 1u = 1E-6 ( 1n = 1E-9 ( 1p = 1E-12 ( 1f = 1E-15 ( Pi = 3.1415926535 7 255 Program A5 := 14.78 B := 23.91 LN(2) * (A5 + SQRT(B)) = 13.6340562039 255 LN(2) * (14.78 + SQRT(23.91)) : 0 .. 9, _, $, A .. Z, a .. z, Open file at cursor Make directory at cursor (n = 0..9). Place markers Unformat text Reformat text Reformat options Line width - Left margin - Global - Selected text - Paragraphs, Left margin, Word hyphenation, Expand lines, Line width. (Single). Date/Time stamp Country settings, 19-03-96 . 08:35:54 Ctrl+Q \ Ctrl+Q | - Perevod vydelennogo bloka ili tekushcheij stroki na Volapyuk (Moldovianizer:). CONNECT.TBL ( Ctrl+Q+Q, 256 Case sensitive (Capitalize). Set UNIX/DOS text mode (Incremental search). a Ctrl+L, - Ctrl+B. Backspace. Esc Search Find. Open Open file. ASCII- New ASCII- (Ctrl+F3) Open Hex Open binary file. Hex- New Hex Hex- Save Save as Save Save all Print (F12) Print Spooler. Change (Alt+\) Change dir Change directory, shell (Alt+Q) DOS shell DOS EXIT DOS. (Alt+X) Exit Name Name (List box) ( , *.*). (Alt+E) Edit Fill Hex, Hex- Edit, Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Clear Copy additional Clipboard Copy Windows Clipboard Paste additional Clipboard Paste Windows Clipboard Show Clipboard Save Clipboard Mark columns (Alt+Back) Undo Redo ASCII Editor commands Editor options (Ctrl+Enter) Redo Undo. ASCII Editor commands Editor options (Shift+Del) Cut Paste. ASCII Editor commands Editor commands (Ctrl+Ins) Copy Paste. ASCII Editor commands Editor commands Paste (Shift+Ins) Paste Cut Copy ASCII Editor commands Editor commands Clear (Ctrl+Del) Clear ASCII Editor commands Editor commands Block Drag-And-Drop Move block Ctrl Alt). Ctrl (Alt) (ASCII Hex) Copy block Move block, Delete block. Esc. , Options Setup Mouse Drag-And-Drop Snipper Snipper - Clipboard. Alt+Ctrl+W, Enter, Esc. Snipper CN.EXE [/Bxxxx]/S xxxx - ( 2048 : CN/S CN/B8192/S Snipper - Execute Load Snipper Unload. additional Clipboard (Ctrl+F12) Copy to additional Clipboard CONNECT.CLP, Setup (Options Setup directory). / Edit Paste additional Clipboard Windows Clipboard (Ctrl+F12) Copy to MS Windows Clipboard MS Windows Clipboard. / Edit Paste Windows Clipboard Paste additional Clipboard (Shift+F12) Paste from additional Clipboard CONNECT.CLP, Setup (Options Setup directory), Edit additional Clipboard Paste Windows Clipboard (Shift+F12) Paste from MS Windows Clipboard MS Windows Clipboard Edit Windows Clipboard clipboard (Alt+Ins) Show clipboard Clipboard, Cut Copy. Clipboard Clipboard Copy Cut. Clipboard Paste. Clipboard Save Clipboard data on exit Clipboard Clipboard CNxxxxxx.@@@ CNxxxxxx.###, Setup (Options Setup directory), columns (Alt+K) Mark columns of text Fill Hex- Fill Hex, , 001FA:007ED, Hex- , 7B 'Q. Search (Alt+S) Search Search, Find Replace Find Show found Search again Incremental search number Multiple search Regular expression GREP, ^, $, ., *, +, [], \. ^ - $ - . - * - , bo* bot, b, boo, + - , bo+ bot boo, ? - [] - , [bot] [^] - [^bot] b, o [-] - , [b-o] \ - (r) - | - style wildcards UNIX style mask . '*' ; '?' '[]' [a-z]. '^' '[' '^' '\'. '[\^~]' '^' '~'. Search Find ASCII- Hex- Find Editor, Hex Viewer Dump Hex- Case sensitive From cursor, Whole words only, Regular expression, GREP, Regular expression). Selected text, Search backward, Search Replace Replace Replace Replace Case sensitive From cursor, Whole words only, Regular expression, GREP, Regular expression). Regular expression & - \n - 'n'(0-9). ([A-Z]+)([0-9]+) --- AB56 --- & -> \1\0 --- AB56 -> 56AB --- Selected text, Search backward, Prompt on replace, Replace this occurence ? [ Yes ] [ No ] [ Cancel ] ] [ ] [ Group Undo Undo ( Find Search Find all Find Show found Search found Show all found Found occurences Find all. Go to Track. Find Search Search again Search again ASCII- Hex- ASCII Editor commands Editor commands Search Incremental search Incremental search Search number (Alt+G) Go to line number Hex- ASCII- Go to line number (Go to address), Hex- , 408 $0037E. Search Multiple search Multiple search Multiple search and replace, Find, Replace, Search again, Undo, Redo Save Enter, Space, Ins Gray * (Alt+R) Run Run, Compile Run Program reset cursor Trace Step Animate tracing Animate stepping Open window Compile (Shift+F9) Compile .CBB, Icon. (Ctrl+F9) Run Ctrl+Break. Toggle breakpoint Program reset cursor Trace Step Program reset (Ctrl+F2) Program reset cursor Trace Step cursor Go to cursor Ctrl+Break. Toggle breakpoint Program reset Trace Step Trace Trace into Program reset cursor Step Step over Program reset cursor Trace Animate tracing Animate tracing Trace into Animation delay ( . Setup Animation delay), Program reset cursor Trace Step Animate stepping Animate stepping Animate stepping Step over Animation delay ( . Setup Animation delay), Program reset cursor Trace Step Animate tracing Open CPU window CPU window CPU USER Trace into. Source Registers Flags Memory Stack Source window Registers Flags Memory Stack Registers window Source Flags Memory Stack Flags window Source Registers Memory Stack Memory Dump. window Source Registers Flags Stack Stack window Source Registers Flags Memory Source window Registers Flags Memory Stack Registers window Source Flags Memory Stack Flags window Source Registers Memory Stack Memory Dump. window Source Registers Flags Stack Stack window Source Registers Flags Memory Go to CPU Go to address, Hex- , cs:ip 7F0E:00AD. Opposite Opposite Hex ASCII Origin Origin Origin ( Increment Increment Decrement Decrement Zero Change Change Modify, , ip $7F0E. Write Write to , 0000:0F0A, Write block file, ReadFrom ReadFrom to Read block from, Read from, Follow Follow Near code Code Far code Code Offset Offset to data Dump Segment:offset Segment:offset to data Dump segment:0 Base segment:0 to data Dump Debug (Alt+D) Debug Debug, Modify Add watch Edit watch Delete watch Clear watches Toggle breakpoint Clear breakpoints Clear output Debug Modify (Ctrl+F4) Modify Modify, Modify Modify The specified parameter points to a memory block allocated by the executed program. Modify still ? [ OK ] [ Cancel ] Debug watch (Ctrl+F7) Add watch watch, Watches. Watch Debug watch Edit watch Edit watch, Watches Watch Debug Delete watch Delete watch Watches Watch Debug Clear watches Clear watches Watches. Watch Debug Toggle breakpoint (Ctrl+F8) Toggle breakpoint cursor Trace Debug Clear breakpoints Clear breakpoints cursor Trace Debug Clear output Clear output Output. Window (Alt+W) Window Window, Reload ASCII Reload Resize/move Zoom Next Previous Close Tile Cascade Watch Output Message Terminal Back User screen List Window Reload ASCII (Alt+A) ASCII- Text viewer, Text editor, Window Reload (Alt+H) Hex- viewer, editor, Window Resize/move (Ctrl+F5) Size Shift + Move Resize/move Window Window Tiled Windows Window Cascade Cascaded Windows Window Window Previous (Shift+F6) Window Close (Alt+F3) Window Watch Watch Watches, watch Edit watch Delete watch Clear watches Watches. ' : [-][nnn]X, [-] - [nnn] - 1..255 ( nnn ; 0nnn - nnn); - 'm' - 's' - 'd' Longint; - 'c' - 'x' Longint. 'spiny', 6s ' spiny' -6s 'spiny' 3s 'iny' -3s 'spi' 06s '0spiny' -06s 'spiny0' Watches Watches watch Edit watch. Ins , Enter - Del - Window Output Output Output, Clear output Print string Print value Output Output Print string Print value. ANSI.SYS ( Esc- [2J - Ctrl+Del Copy Output Clipboard. Options Output options, Output. Output options Add Line Feed (ASCII: 13) (ASCII: 10). z Add Return (ASCII: 10) (ASCII: 13). t Auto wrap Columns. Destructive Backspace Backspace (ASCII: 8) (Columns) 1..132. (Rows) 1..80. Window Message (Alt+Home) Message Message, Message. File Execute Program Message window Message Message. $PATH, $NAME, $EXT, Filename mask Line num mask. Message Enter Spacebar ( Text viewer Text editor Ctrl). Line num mask ':', '::'. ^ GREP, -i+n+o+, D:\DOC\TXT.DOC 53 Hello world ! Filename mask Line num mask $COPY(1," $SEARCH(" [0-9]+") Program String filters File Execute Window Terminal (Alt+End) Terminal Terminal. Window Back Terminal window Terminal ANSI.SYS. Upload Download Dial Window Back Protocol Protocol Terminal Prompt on start Protocol Upload Download Upload (PgUp) Upload Terminal Upload file(s), Download (PgDn) Download Terminal (Alt+A) Dial Terminal Modem setup Dialing Space - Esc. Flush buffers (Alt+G) (Input buffer) (Output buffer) Terminal. Hangup modem (Alt+H). Modem setup Answer modem (Alt+J). Modem setup Serial line break (Alt+V). Download Download path Download. Modem setup Modem setup | ^ v ~, CR, DTR(On), DTR(Off), , \^. : \\. string - Init string Carrier Detect (CD). s Hangup string - Hangup, Answer string - Answer, Cancel string - Connect string - string - string - Break string - Ring string. B prefix - suffix - Redial delay - Transfer setup Transfer setup (General protocol options), Zmodem (Zmodem options, Overwrite existing files), (Reverse progress bar - Terminal Paste ASCII (Delay between chars/lines). Copy (Ctrl+Ins) Terminal Clipboard. Paste Paste (Shift+Ins) Terminal Clipboard Transfer setup Clear Clear (Ctrl+Del) Terminal. Options Terminal options, Terminal. Terminal options Add Line Feed (ASCII: 13) (ASCII: 10). Add Return (ASCII: 10) (ASCII: 13). t Auto wrap Columns. Destructive Backspace Backspace (ASCII: 8) Local echo Terminal. h Strip high bit (ASCII: 0..127). d Store lines in Back Back. Restore UART on close, UART Drop modem on exit, : DTR = RTS = 0. Terminal Raise modem on open, Terminal DTR RTS. I Ignore transfer errors, UART receiver overrun UART receiver parity error UART receiver framing error No room for new char in buffer (Columns) 1..132. (Rows) 1..80. Termcap name Terminal type TERMCAP ANSI- In XLAT file Out XLAT file 256 Macro Macro file Esc. Window Back Back, Terminal. Window Terminal Window screen (Alt+F5) UserScreen Message. File Execute Program Window (Alt+0) List Window list, Active), Hide), Show), Icon), Delete), Flags), Reopen). Reopen Window flags Shadow Tileable Tile, Cascade. Options (Alt+O) Options Options, Communication Keyboard Mouse Cursor Colors Country Editor File Manager User programs Overlay Log Printer Player Setup Confirmations Window settings EGA/VGA lines Save options Retrieve options Options Comunication Comunication Comunication parameters, (Device layer); (Port address); (IRQ number); (COM vector); IBM PC (Port); (Baud rate); (Parity); (Stop bits); (Data bits); (Hardware flow control); (Software flow control). (Input buffer size) (Output buffer size) 1024..65520 Options Keyboard Keyboard Keyboard options, Keyboard Vertical scroll speed Fast Medium Slow Vertical scroll speed Speed tester, Down. Use INT 09 key handler Disable enhanced keys Alt+Del, Alt+Home, Alt+End, Alt+PgUp, Alt+PgDn, Alt+<, Alt+>, Alt+? Disable multiscrolling Hex- .DBF- .HTML- Scroll Lock. Options Mouse Mouse Mouse options, Mouse Mouse double click Fast Medium Slow Mouse double click [X] Reverse mouse buttons Reverse mouse buttons [X] Save/Restore position Save/Restore position [X] Fast mouse reset Fast mouse reset [X] Track mouse in menus Track mouse in menus Windows 95). ^ [X] Disable cursor masks Disable cursor masks [X] Disable mouse usage Disable mouse usage Reset Options Cursor Cursor Cursor size, Options Colors Colors Colors, Colors dialog Colors OK, Default, B&W, VGA Colors, Load, Store, Group Ascii table ( Ascii- Bar window Calendar CPU window CPU ) Desktop Dialogs/Calc Editor File Manager Help window Help ) Memory map Menus Message Message ) Output Output ) Screen saver Shadow Syntax highlight Terminal Terminal ) Tile area Tile/Cascade ) Watches Watches ) Group Item Color Group, Item Foreground Background Foreground ( Background ( Colors ) Normal ( ) Highlight ( ) Underline ( ) Inverse Colors. Q Text Text Text Text Text Text Default Ctrl, - Group Item - B&W (Black and White) VGA Colors Color Registers, VGA- Load Load palette Store. y Store Store palette Colors, Enter OK. $ Color Registers VGA Color Registers VGA- Enter OK. Options Country Country Country settings, DOS, Use DOS country-specific information. Options Editor Editor Editor options, Editor options Editor options .BAK- Save (Create backup files); 4 (Insert mode); N (Autoindent mode); b (Use tab characters); (EMS XMS) Swap- EMS XMS, EMS XMS); b (Prompt on new file); x (Change dir on open); W (Cascade new window); Find Replace: (Find text at cursor); c Undo Redo (Enable Undo/Redo); Max line width (Enable text wrap); z (Enable hyphenation) ( Enable text wrap); Max line width (Expand wrapped line) ( Enable text wrap); .CBS (Syntax highlight); l (Highlight current line/column); n (Highlight page breaks); (Highlight >boundaries<); Shift+ " (Non-persistent blocks); Clipboard Del, Backspace (Overwrite blocks); Paste Read block from file (Paste goes to end of block); g (Keep trailing blanks); (Max line width), (Wrap lines on Load); CR/LF (Unwrap lines on Save); CR/LF (Write CR/LF at the end); (ASCII 26) (Write EOF char at the end); G (Tab size); K (Left margin); X (Max line width); N (Word delimiters); - Default; Editor group list ( Groups); x Editor keys ( Keys). Editor group Editor group list Modify Modify item, New item, File names Options Editor options, Ctrl+Options Options Editor. > Files Auxiliary names. Printer Printer setup. Ctrl+Printer Options Printer. 4 Delete File names. F Adjust Modify New item / Modify item New item File name *.BAT Comments REM :: [ ] Regular expression Cancel Regular expression, Comments Editor group list Auxiliary names Auxiliary file names Help- Editor keys Ctrl+P (Literal key input); Tab (Enable smart tab cursor movement); y , (), [], "" (Add matching chars); ',', '.', ':', ';', '!', '?' (Auto-spaces after stops); Home (Home goes to first non-blank character); Y Esc (Esc closes). Options Manager Options File Manager File Manager options, File Manager: Tree (Auto change directory); (Enable reverse Copy bar); ) (Unselect processed files); . Options Manager Prompt Drag-And-Drop Drag-And-Drop (Prompt on Drag-And-Drop); } (Confirm erasing non-empty directory); 7 File Manager ) (Same Find File list for both panels). (Check free disk space before Copy); (Optimal Fill); Ctrl+R (Re-read unselects); The Norton Commander (Draw empty panel on re-reading); (Copy/rename/delete descriptions); / Options Manager directory selection (Save directory selection); Desktop- (Load current directory); ] TREEINFO.CN ReadOnly- , CD ROM; , TREEINFO.CNF (Enable TREEINFO.CNx); TREEINFO (Disable TREEINFO auto-update); v CONNECT.MSK File Descriptions (Disable mask descriptions); : Options Manager Clear Unfold change Unfold subdirectories (Clear the Unfold flag on dir change); DOS- Windows 95 (Create directories in uppercase); 1 Options Manager Incremental search options (Incremental search options): Case sensitive, Ignore cyrillic, = q, = D Alt/Ctrl activates/aborts, Alt Ctrl Options Manager compare options Compare directories (File compare options); (Panel auto re-read options): [ Modified only - Copy, RenMov, MkDir, Delete; Always - Never - Ctrl+R; (Tag character); Tree Auto change directory, Quick view Description (Auto change delay); File group list ( Groups); Dirinfo Description, File Manager files ( Files); File Manager File Manager keys ( Keys). group File group list File Manager. r Modify Modify item, New item, File names Delete File names. F Adjust Modify New item / Modify item File Manager, (1..255), Sort. Directory File group list File Manager files (`Dirinfo' files); _ (Description files) ( Show descriptions); R (Whitespaces between file name and description) ( (CR, LF) (Remove extra spaces from description text). File Manager keys File Manager Insert (Ins moves down); Backspace, Prompt (Backspace goes to upper directory); Esc Ctrl+O, Prompt (Esc toggles panels on/off); Delete Del F8 (Del erases files and directories); Space Ins, Prompt (Space selects/unselects items); Options Manager Ctrl Drive selector; Shift (Drive selectors sensitive to Left/Right Ctrl keys); Open (F4/Ctrl+F4 opens focused file only). Macro Macro file Options programs Options User programs User program options, .CBL Exit, DOS shell, Clear desktop, Retrieve options, Run (User program termination): V Terminate and restart afterwards - Terminate and do not restart - Do not terminate - Prompt - Options Overlay Overlay Overlay options, Use expanded/extended memory Move buffer to upper memory (UMB) UMB ( Conventional memory. UMB Use upper memory (UMB) for Heap UMB UMB Overlay preferences Use EMS only - Use XMS only - Use EMS over XMS - Use XMS over EMS - Overlay read options Load all segments at the start - Load segments at run-time as needed - 90000..150000 - 105000 CONNECT.EXE Options Log file Log file options, Log file name, - 11:15:25 Loading MYFILE.TXT. + 11:16:09 Copying MYFILE.TXT to E:\1.DOC. ! 11:16:10 Error. Could not create E:\1.DOC. Country settings. Enable event logging - Read from disk (-) Write to disk (+) * * * * * Other events ( ) - Options Printer Printer Printer setup, Printer setup Printer setup , LPT2 D:\TEMP\DUMP.PRN ( LPT1 (Prn device name); B (Font file name); o (Use external font (Graphics mode)); S (Bold characters (Double strike)); G (Force page breaks (eject pages)); M (Init string); (Left margin), (Top margin) (Bottom margin), (Lines per page); M (Interval between lines) 1.00..3.54; n (Chars per cycle). Options Player CD Player options Sound Mixer ( Sound Mixer command) Player (Run Mixer on activate); _ (Auto play on media change); ] CD-ROM drive (Lock door on play); I (Repeat on end); Stop (Eject disk on stop); P (Play sequence): Disk order - User order - album) Single track - Introduction - Introduction time) Shuffle - (Forward/Rewind time); M Introduction (Introduction time); z (CD albums directory, albums); m Sound Mixer, Mix (Sound Mixer command). Options Setup Setup Setup, Setup Setup (Editor files) Run shell, (Environment) (Desktop) Retrieve options (Auto save); y CGA (CGA snow checking); W (16/8 (blinking) 16/16 (no blinking)); R 80 x 25 (Restore video mode); ( EGA/VGA lines 43 (50) x 80, (Return to last directory); # Options Setup Mouse Drag-And-Drop File Drag-And-Drop Block Drag-And-Drop: Drag until released, Drag until pressed - (Mouse Drag-And-Drop); o (Hide views). (Desktop) Alt+~ System information ( RGB- VGA- Screen saver Color Registers (Disable VGA palette); ] (Disable all sounds); Local associations Program list User menu, File associations Viewer list CONNECT.PRG, CONNECT.EXT CONNECT.VIE (Local associations); (Release time-slice): (Always) (Idle-state); INT 28H (DOS Idle) 1680 INT 2FH (Time-slicing strategy); D (Text file reading mode): Auto detect - DOS - - #13#10 (CR + LF) UNIX - - #10 (LF) Text viewer HTML viewer (Enable auto-decoding); $ Options Setup Enable Win95 DOS- Windows 95 (Enable Win95 LFN API); - Lowercase, - Uppercase (Case conversion); d (Auto save time); Setup Animation delay (Animation delay); (Ending signal); v " (Idle sky delay); z ) (History lines limit); I (Background pattern); # Options Setup directory Swap- (Swap file directory). Confirmations Confirmations Modify memory - Dump Clear history lists - Clear history Delete items from a list box - , Program list, Macro list, Phone book Save current configuration before loading new - Retrieve options Abort Editor operations - Abort File Manager operations - File Manager Close File Manager window - File Manager Close Terminal window on dialing/pasting - Terminal Paste Exit the program - Exit EGA/VGA lines EGA/VGA lines (25 43/50 Window settings Window settings Options options Save options Save options. Retrieve options. Options Retrieve options Save options, Retrieve options. User User, Execute macro Record macro Stop recording Macro Execute program Program Load Phone Decoders File Manager ASCII Editor, Terminal File Manager. Editor options|Groups|Files|Macro File Manager options|Keys|Macro Terminal options|Macro Execute macro (Alt+F8), Macro sequence , A, F5 Shift+F3. Ctrl+Break Ctrl+Break. Hot key sequence Add Keys Stop Ctrl+Break. 8 Remove Keys. ( Clear all Move up Move down Keyboard state Check keyboard state Execute macro (Alt+F8) Execute macro Record macro Macro Record macro (Alt+Equal) Record macro Stop recording Ctrl+Break ( Macro list. Execute macro recording (Alt+Minus) Stop recording Record macro, Macro list. Execute macro Macro (Alt+PgUp) Macro list Macro list, Execute macro Record macro macro Modify macro string macro Modify macro New macro / Modify macro (Title) Hot key Hot keys (Commands) (Contents) Command, Key, String, Repeat, Delete Title Hot keys, Macro sequence. Commands Yes, No, OK, Cancel. Command Contents - Pause, Alt+F8. d Key Macro key, String Macro string, Repeat Contents (1..65535). H Delete Contents Macro Macro list (Macros) (Contents) Run, Repeat, File, Modify, New, Delete, Adjust Macros Contents Run Repeat Repeat - File Modify Modify macro, New macro, Macros Delete Macros. G Adjust Execute program (Alt+F9) Execute program Program list Program Program list Program list, Command macros $PATH $NAME $EXT $PATH, $NAME, $EXT ( - $LPATH, $LNAME, $LEXT) File Manager. D:\TASM\TASM.EXE $PATH$NAME$EXT /R/ZI D:\TASM\TASM.EXE D:\WORK\ASM\MYPROG.ASM /R/ZI ( ) $OPATH $ONAME $OEXT $OPATH, $ONAME, $OEXT ( - $LOPATH, $LONAME, $LOEXT) File Manager. $LEFT $RIGHT $OPPOSITE $LEFT, $RIGHT, $OPPOSITE ( - $LLEFT, $LRIGHT, $LOPP) File Manager. $CN CONNECT.EXE. $SWAPDIR $SWAPDIR Options Setup directory. $DIRARC $DIRARC $SEL $SEL ( - $LSEL) SELECTED.LST, Swap- File Manager. : $SEL(D:\TEMP\SEL.LST). D:\PACK\PKZIP.EXE -BD:\ -A -P $PROMPT(-ex $PATH$NAME) @$SEL $REPORT $REPORT Message. $FNAME $FNAME ( - $LFNAME) : $FNAME(D:\SOURCE.TXT). $FINDNAME $FINDNAME() PATH. $FINDDIR $FINDDIR() PATH. $PUT $PUT() '='. $PUT(D:\TEMP\CN.TMPSettings) '>' $PRINT $PRINT() XLAT- /B, Binary printing. $WRBLK $RDBLK $WRBLK() $RDBLK() $WRBLK(BLK.TXT) D:\UTIL\ENCODE.EXE BLK.TXT; $RDBLK(BLK.TXT) $WORD $WORD $HREF $HREF HTML viewer. $PROMPT $PROMPT Program arguments. : $PROMPT(File), $PROMPT($PATH$NAME$EXT,~E~nter file names to compare,Compare two files) Input data Input line label Dialog title $ENV $ENV() : $ENV(COMSPEC). $SET $SET() $SET(TEMP=C:\TEMP) $SET(PATH=$ENV(PATH);;$PATH) $YEAR, $FYEAR, $MONTH, $DAY, $HOUR, $MIN, $SEC, $MSEC $HIST $HIST $FILTER $FILTER() Advanced filter, Store Advanced panel filter File Manager. Advanced filter. $MAC $MAC() Macro list $MAC($CN\EDITKEYS.MAC) $PRG $PRG() Program list (1..n), $PRG($CN\ARCMENU.PRG 4) Program list Enter. $MENU $MENU() User menu $VM $XM $VM() $XM() (1..255), $VM(86) ( 132 x 60). : $VM(0), EGA/VGA lines (Alt+F6). $KBD $KBD() $KBD($1800) $KBD(Omyconfig) Alt+O O m y c o n f i g 15). $MEM $MEM() Swap, None, D:\PACK\PKZIP.EXE $MEM(100) $MSG $MSG(FilterName) $MSG Message. AIN V -p1 $MSG(FAIN) FAIN.EXE - AIN $ERR $ERR Message (StdErr) $MSG. $NOMSGWIN $NOMSGWIN ($NMW) Message Message $USERSCR $USERSCR ($USR) Message $NOREDRAW $NOREREAD $NOREDRAW ($NRD) $NOREREAD ($NRR) File Manager $NTM $NTM (No transfer message) Transfer $VIEW $XVIEW $DBASE $HTML $EDIT $XEDIT $VIEW, $XVIEW, $DBASE, $HTML, $EDIT, $XEDIT View file (F3, Alt+F3, Shift+F3) File Manager Text viewer, Hex viewer, dBASE viewer, HTML viewer, Text editor editor. $SAMEWIN $SAMEWIN View file (F3, Alt+F3, Shift+F3) File Manager Text viewer, Hex viewer, dBASE viewer, HTML viewer, Text editor editor, $ARC $ARC File Manager $PANEL $PANEL File Manager $ICON $ICON (.CBB .PRG) Icon. $HELP $HELP (.HLP) Help. $XW $XX $XW $XX Viewer list File associations String filters $COPY, $SEARCH, $POS $COPY() $COPY() " " " " D:\DOC\TXT.DOC 53 Hello world ! $COPY(1," ") D:\DOC\TXT.DOC $SEARCH() $SEARCH() " ". $SEARCH(" [0-9]+") 53 ( 9). $POS() $POS() " ". $POS(" [0-9]+") 16 ( file $COPY(1," ") line($SEARCH(" [0-9]+")) file D:\DOC\TXT.DOC line( 53) Hex- , $$COPY(10,14). $UP() $DOWN() $UP() $DOWN() Message, Turbo Pascal E:\WORK\CONNECT\1.PAS(2): Error 3: Unknown identifier. kjhgkug Filename mask $UP(1)$COPY(1,"(") Line num mask $UP(1)$COPY("(",")"):$DOWN(1)$POS("\^") Program Program list (Program path, Command line, Filename mask, Line num mask) (Programs) (Main) (Setup) (Options) Run, File, Modify, New, Icon, Edit, Delete, Adjust Program path $VIEW, $XVIEW, $DBASE, $HTML, $EDIT, $XEDIT, $SAMEWIN, $ARC, $PANEL, $ICON, $HELP, $XW, $XX. Command line $PATH, $NAME, $EXT, $OPATH, $ONAME, $OEXT, $LEFT, $RIGHT, $OPPOSITE, $CN, $SWAPDIR, $DIRARC, $SEL, $REPORT, $FNAME, $FINDNAME, $FINDDIR, $PUT, $GET, $PRINT, $WRBLK, $RDBLK, $WORD, $HREF, $PROMPT, $ENV, $SET, $YEAR, $FYEAR, $MONTH, $DAY, $HOUR, $MIN, $SEC, $MSEC, $HIST, $FILTER, $MAC, $PRG, $MENU, $VM, $XM, $KBD, $MEM, $MSG, $NOMSGWIN, $USERSCR, $NOREDRAW, $NOREREAD, $NTM. Filename mask, Line num mask $COPY(), $SEARCH(), $POS() $UP(), $DOWN(), Message Message Save editor files ( [X] ), Save all. ) Save desktop ( [X] ), Save desktop. $ Message ( [X] ), Message. - Load COMMAND.COM ( [X] ), File Execute file; load/store program list Run, Load Store. Run Path. Load Store Load Store $PRG. Modify Modify program, New program, Programs Icon (.PRG) Create program icon " Edit Icon. (.PRG) Edit program icon Modify program ( Delete Programs. F Adjust program Modify program New program / Modify program (Program title, Program path, Command line, Filename mask, Line num mask) (Main) (Setup) (Options) Hot key Hot keys OK, Cancel Program title Program path $VIEW, $XVIEW, $DBASE, $HTML, $EDIT, $XEDIT, $SAMEWIN, $ARC, $PANEL, $ICON, $HELP, $XW, $XX. Command line $PATH, $NAME, $EXT, $OPATH, $ONAME, $OEXT, $LEFT, $RIGHT, $OPPOSITE, $CN, $SWAPDIR, $DIRARC, $SEL, $REPORT, $FNAME, $FINDNAME, $FINDDIR, $PUT, $GET, $PRINT, $WRBLK, $RDBLK, $WORD, $HREF, $PROMPT, $ENV, $SET, $YEAR, $FYEAR, $MONTH, $DAY, $HOUR, $MIN, $SEC, $MSEC, $HIST, $FILTER, $MAC, $PRG, $MENU, $VM, $XM, $KBD, $MEM, $MSG, $NOMSGWIN, $USERSCR, $NOREDRAW, $NOREREAD, $NTM. Filename mask, Line num mask $COPY(), $SEARCH(), $POS() $UP(), $DOWN(), Message Message Save editor files ( [X] ), Save all. ) Save desktop ( [X] ), Save desktop. $ Message ( [X] ), Message. - Load COMMAND.COM ( [X] ), Hot keys, Program sequence. Enter OK. Programs Program list. L Enter. Program arguments, $PROMPT Program list Execute. Load icon Load icon, Icon Compile (.CBB), Icon Program list (.PRG). Enter Run , Alt+F3 Close - Phone (Alt+PgDn) Phone book Phone list. Phone Phone list (Name Phone) Dial, Modify, New, Delete, Find, Adjust DOS). Dial Terminal Ctrl, Modify Modify phone entry, New phone entry, Delete Find Find (Ctrl+L - Adjust Import (F4) NAME Subname\Name PHONE 123-4567 NOTES No notes * * * * * * * NAME Subname\Name PHONE 987-6543 NOTES No notes NAME, PHONE, NOTES - Export (F5) Abort (F6) Ctrl+W phone entry Modify phone entry New phone entry / Modify phone entry Name, Phone Notes, Phone '>' (ASCII 62), Dial prefix Dial suffix >ats37=6dp123456| Decoders (Ctrl+F6) Decoders .DBF- .HTML- Decoders (Ctrl+F6) User defined decoder list. User defined decoder list (XLAT- .DBF- .HTML- Decoders Apply, Modify, New, Delete, Move up/down ( Ctrl+Up/Ctrl+Down). User Decoders Decoder title In XLAT file Out XLAT file .DBF- 256 Reset File Manager File Manager, Manager File Manager The Norton Commander Prompt. Tab Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Right, Prompt Ctrl+Down Ctrl+Up. Alt+S, Options Manager Incremental search options. Ctrl+W. Ctrl+Q, Prompt File Manager Alt+F10. Resize/move (Ctrl+F5) File Manager: Shift+Copy Rename Shift+Rename directory Delete, Shift+Delete Drag-And-Drop Brief Quick Description Select group Unselect group Invert selection Restore selection display Filter Re-read panels Toggle panels on/off attributes Compare directories Drive options Associate Viewers Archivers defined archivers Copy/move archive archive Write history Panel history Clear selection Panel settings status Enable selection Display Drive selector Include Drive panel hidden files Display executable Display directory sizes Unfold subdirectories descriptions Ignore selection Manager 8 File Manager: d Alt+G Alt+} Prompt Alt+GrayPlus Alt+GrayMinus Alt+F4 File Manager Ctrl+L Info Ctrl+@ Quick view Ctrl+Space Description Ctrl+{ Prompt Ctrl+} Prompt Ctrl+Del Ctrl+Up Ctrl+Down Prompt Ctrl+GrayPlus Ctrl+GrayMinus Ctrl+F3 viewer Ctrl+F4 editor Ctrl+F6 Ctrl+F8 Shift+GrayPlus Shift+F2 Shift+F4 File Shift+F11 Ctrl+Shift+B Brief Ctrl+Shift+F Full Ctrl+Shift+N Advanced panel filter Prompt Prompt DOS. Exec options. History History Enter - Esc. copy/rename options File copy/rename options File Manager, File exists action Prompt - Overwrite all - Skip all - Compare by time/size - File compare action ( File compare action Newer and longer - Newer and shorter - Newer and same size - Older and longer - Older and shorter - Older and same size - Same time, longer - Same time, shorter - Same time and size - File compare action [?] - Prompt [O] - Overwrite [A] - Append [N] - New [S] - Skip Check free disk space before Copy Copy/rename descriptions File Manager options. Clear the ReadOnly file attribute bit on Copy ReadOnly, CD-ROM Unselect skipped files File Manager. Do not display Copy progress window Do not display Copy statistics window Restore settings on completing the Copy/Rename operation [ ] Settings in this dialog box - [ ] Modified File Manager options - File Manager options. Copy File Manager. 5 Copy Copy "text.doc" to E:\DOC\ Cancel "text.doc" E:\DOC\text.doc ( DOC, Copy Copy "text.doc" to E:\DOC Cancel DOC, "text.doc" E:\DOC\text.doc; E:\doc. 5 Copy Copy "text.doc" to E:\DOC\*.txt Cancel "text.doc" E:\DOC\text.txt ( DOC, Copy Copy selected files to E:\DOC\*.txt Cancel E:\DOC\*.txt ( DOC, Copy Copy selected files to +E:\DOC\alldocs.txt Cancel '+', E:\DOC\alldocs.txt Append ( DOC, Copy Copy directory "TXT" to E:\DOC\ Filter *.doc New mask *.txt Cancel *.doc TXT E:\DOC\TXT\...\*.txt Copy Copy directory "TXT" to E:\DOC Filter *.doc New mask *.txt Cancel *.doc TXT E:\DOC\...\*.txt "..": Copy Copy contents the current directory to E:\DOC Filter *.doc New mask *.txt Cancel *.doc E:\DOC\...\*.txt Copy Copy contents drive E:\DOC Filter *.doc New mask *.txt Cancel *.doc E:\DOC\...\*.txt Copy archive 10. Copy Copy selected files to ARJ:E:\DOC\DOCS.ARJ Cancel ARJ E:\DOC\DOCS.ARJ ( Copy/move archive dialog). w Copy 11. Copy Copy selected files to LIST:E:\DOC\DOCS.LST Cancel E:\DOC\DOCS.LST ( File lists). F Shift+Copy (Shift+F5) Shift+Copy File Manager. Copy Copy text.doc to E:\DOC\ Cancel "text.doc" E:\DOC\text.doc ( DOC, Copy Copy text.doc to E:\DOC Cancel DOC, "text.doc" E:\DOC\text.doc; E:\doc. Copy Copy C:\DOC\*.doc to E:\DOC\ Cancel .doc C:\DOC E:\DOC DOC, Copy Copy *.doc to E:\DOC\ Cancel .doc E:\DOC DOC, Copy Copy to Cancel DOC E:\DOC\...\*.* Copy Copy to Cancel A:, E:\...\*.* Copy Copy to E:\SEL\ Cancel E:\SEL Clipboard. ; Copy/move to archive (Shift+F1) File Manager Copy/move to archive Destination Packer name, Command line, Prefix Exec options Archivers Archivers Password Prefix Password Copy or move Delete source files, Move Add. + Archivers Down Shift+Down. Ctrl+Enter, Space Copy archive Move archive Rename RenMov File Manager. 5 Rename/Move Rename "text.doc" to *.txt Cancel "text.doc" text.txt. 5 Rename/Move Rename "text.doc" to E:\DOC\*.txt Cancel "text.doc" E:\DOC\text.txt ( DOC, Rename/Move Rename selected files E:\DOC\*.txt Cancel E:\DOC\*.txt ( DOC, Rename/Move Rename selected files +E:\DOC\alldocs.txt Cancel '+', E:\DOC\alldocs.txt Append ( DOC, Rename/Move Rename directory "TXT" Filter *.* New mask *.* Cancel TXT DOC. Rename/Move Rename directory "TXT" Filter *.txt New mask *.doc Cancel *.txt TXT *.doc. Rename/Move Rename directory "TXT" E:\DOC\ Filter *.txt New mask *.doc Cancel *.txt TXT E:\DOC\TXT\...\*.doc TXT Rename/Move Rename directory "TXT" E:\DOC Filter *.txt New mask *.doc Cancel *.txt TXT E:\DOC\...\*.doc TXT "..": Rename/Move Move contents the current directory to E:\DOC Filter *.txt New mask *.doc Cancel *.txt E:\DOC\*.doc 10. Rename/Move Move contents drive E:\DOC Filter *.txt New mask *.doc Cancel *.txt E:\DOC\...\*.doc Move archive 11. Copy Rename selected files ARJ:E:\DOC\DOCS.ARJ Cancel ARJ E:\DOC\DOCS.ARJ, Copy/move archive dialog). H Shift+RenMov (Shift+F6) Shift+RenMov File Manager. Rename/Move Rename move text.doc to *.txt Cancel "text.doc" text.txt. Rename/Move Rename move C:\DOC\*.doc to E:\DOC Cancel .doc C:\DOC E:\DOC DOC, Rename/Move Rename move *.doc to E:\DOC Cancel .doc E:\DOC DOC, Rename/Move Rename move to Cancel TXT DOC. Rename/Move Rename move to Cancel A:, E:\...\*.* Rename/Move Rename move to E:\SEL\ Cancel E:\SEL Clipboard. 3 directory MkDir File Manager. 5 Make directory Create directory Cancel DOC. 5 Make directory Create directory C:\DOC\PRIVATE Cancel C:\DOC\PRIVATE ( C:\DOC Shift+Delete (Shift+F8) Shift+Delete File Manager. 5 Delete Delete text.doc Cancel "text.doc" Delete Delete C:\DOC\*.doc Cancel .doc C:\DOC Delete Delete Cancel DOC Delete Delete Cancel A:, Delete Delete Cancel Clipboard. Drag-And-Drop Rename/Move Ctrl Alt). Ctrl (Alt) Copy Rename/Move, Delete. Esc. Options Manager Prompt Drag-And-Drop Options Setup Mouse Drag-And-Drop Warning The file D:\DOC\FILENAME already exists. Source: D:\TXT\OLDNAME 04-05-95 08:04a 19,459 bytes Exists: D:\DOC\FILENAME 02-15-95 03:22p 18,531 bytes Do you wish to write over the old file ? Overwrite Append Cancel Overwrite, All, Append, New, Skip, Skip all, Cancel, Warning The file FILENAME is marked 'Read only' or 'Hidden'. Do you still wish to delete it ? Delete Cancel Delete, 'Read only', 'System' 'Hidden'; All, 'Read only', 'System' 'Hidden'; Skip, 'Read only', 'System' 'Hidden' Skip all, 'Read only', 'System' 'Hidden' Cancel, Tree Ctrl+L. Tree File Manager. Directory: Files: Total size: Selected: Total size: Free space: Brief Brief (Ctrl+B) File Manager Shift Full (Ctrl+F) File Manager Shift Tree (Ctrl+T) File Manager TREEINFO.CN. Re-read. Info (Ctrl+I Ctrl+L File Manager Quick Quick view (Ctrl+^ Ctrl+@ File Manager Description Description (Ctrl+D Ctrl+Space File Manager Select group Select group UNIX style wildcard " ", ";" ",", "|" (Pipe), Setting masks Advanced filter Unselect group Unselect group UNIX style wildcard " ", ";" ",", "|" (Pipe), Setting masks Advanced filter Invert selection Invert selection Restore selection Restore selection Find file Find file, Find file File(s) to find *.TXT; C:\*.LH?; A:\*.BAT UNIX style mask, UNIX style wildcard, *SS.[^EF]* 'SS', 'E' 'F'). *.* > 65536 > 10-01-93 < 09:30 64 kB, *.* | 64K | 10-02-93 | 09:30 64 kB (65536-6554..65536+6554), 1..3 09:20 09:40 < > = | File(s) to find Clipboard Clipboard SOMEFILE.TXT Some useful documentation D:\*.DOC;D:\*.CHI;D:\*.LST;E:\*.*>256K README.1ST;README.PLS Files to read Containing text Case sensitive Regular expression GREP. 1 Search Go to Find file File Manager Panel SELECTED.LST Read list Clear Drives Options Find options, Find file options Start from current directory Scan subdirectories Scan selected directories only Scan subdirectories Search in archives Archive name filter Tagged files only Options Manager directory selection). Select found files Copy, Rename Move, Delete Text viewer, dBASE viewer, HTML viewer (F3), Hex viewer (Ctrl+F3), Text editor (F4) editor (Ctrl+F4). Tagged files only, Select found files. j File attributes Archive name filter Search in archives, , *.ZIP; *.ARJ; *.RAR ( Setting masks Advanced filter). Save/Restore Find file options and search drives Clear input line data on open Containing text Find file display Sort and display (Ctrl+S) Panel sort and display options, (Name), (Extension), (Time), (Size), (Digital number), (Disk order). (Description) (Description order). Case sensitive sort Description compare pos Sort direction : Ascending - , Descending - Sort priority: Directories first - , Files first - , Mixed - Selected first/last (F) (L). Shift+F11 File group options File group list, Groups File Manager options. Win95 file time options DOS- Windows 95 Last modification time - Last access time - File creation time - Sort action (Sort in memory) (Re-read directory). Filter Filter (Ctrl+N) Filter, *.TXT, .TXT ( Advanced filter Advanced panel filter. Advanced panel filter Advanced panel filter (Ctrl+Shift+N) File Manager, Copy Rename/Move. - Setting masks Advanced filter Filter ";" ",", *.PAS;*.INC,*.ASM;*.OBJ,*.TPU Win95 LFN). "|" (Pipe) Filter *.PA?;*.INC|TP*.*;AP*.* 'PA' 'INC', 'TP' 'AP') |*.EXE;*.TPU 'EXE' 'TPU'). UNIX style mask, Filter UNIX style wildcard, *SS.[^EF]* 'SS', 'E' 'F'). Advanced filter Filter File date, File time File size File attributes Advanced panel filter Directory Any file, Directory Do not apply to archives or file lists, Clear on completing the Copy/Rename operation, Advanced filter Clear Advanced filter. R Load Store Advanced filter. Re-read Re-read (Ctrl+R) panels Swap panels (Ctrl+U) File Manager. Toggle panels on/off Toggle panels on/off (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+F1, Ctrl+F2) File Manager. attributes File attributes (Ctrl+A) File attributes, Compare directories Compare directories (Ctrl+C) Prompt on compare (Options Manager compare options) Miscellaneous Miscellaneous File Manager. Miscellaneous, Exec options Associate Viewers Archivers User defined archivers Copy/move archive Open archive Read Write history Panel history Clear selection Panel settings Mini status Enable selection Display Drive selector Show hidden files Display executable Display directory sizes Unfold subdirectories Show descriptions Ignore selection User menu (F2) File Manager User menu Program list. CONNECT.PRG, Local associations Setup Program list Ctrl+Enter, Ins, Del ( program Modify program). Enter, Space Exec options (Alt+Y) Exec options, DOS. User Execute program Program program Modify program Associate File associations association Associate (Ctrl+X) File associations, associations File associations Alt Shift Enter "). W File names, , *.ASM, *.A0?, , MYFILE.COM. Enter File names Modify Modify association, New association, File names Delete File names. F Adjust User Execute program Program program Modify program association Modify association New association / Modify association program Modify program. Title File name File associations. condition Viewers (Ctrl+V) Viewer list, Viewer Viewer list Alt Shift F3). File names, , *.DBF, *.ARJ, *.A1?, , MYFILE.DAT. F3, File names Text viewer Ctrl+F3, Hex viewer. $VIEW, $XVIEW, $DBASE, $EDIT, $XEDIT Modify Modify viewer, New viewer, File names Delete File names. F Adjust User Execute program Program program Modify program viewer Modify viewer New viewer / Modify viewer program Modify program association Modify association. Archivers Archiver setup, File Manager Add, Add with dirs, Move, Move with dirs $CN, $SWAPDIR User defined archivers User defined archivers Archiver setup , *.AIN (Name mask), (View command). $MSG(FilterName), FilterName - DOCUMENT.TXT 34987 05.21.95 12:54:08 DOC\NEW\PAPER.DOC 156711 05.21.95 14:36:22 Extract Extract with dirs $ARC $SRC, List character $FMT() List- $FMT() $FILE. $FMT($FILE), "\", $FMT(\$FILE). List- $FMT() $SRC $FMT($FILE). $LST View command. $DIRARC Open archive (Alt+A) File Manager Read file list (Alt+V) File Manager - 01-01-80, - 00:00:00 Archive. Ctrl+Up Ctrl+PgUp Shift, File list, Copy list Write name to history (Alt+H) Ctrl+W. Panel history (Ctrl+W) Clear selection list (Shift+Gray Minus) Options Manager directory selection. Panel settings (Alt+K) Panel settings, File Manager, Panel status Panel layout Brief Enable column titles Brief names Enable bottom Full Enable selection Full names Display Drive selector Names descriptions Include Drive panel Tree Show hidden files directories Info Display executable files Quick view Display directory sizes Long descriptions Unfold subdirectories Drive selector size Drive selector alignment Vertical scroll bar options Scroll bar alignment Mini status (Ctrl+K) Mini status Enable column titles at the top Enable info pane at the bottom Panel settings. Enable selection info box (Alt+") Display Drive selector (Alt+J) Ctrl+Right, Ctrl+Left ( Ctrl Options Manager Keys) Include Drive panel item (:) (Alt+:) ":" Show hidden files (Ctrl+H) Hidden. Display executable only (Ctrl+Z) (.BAT, .COM, .EXE). Display directory sizes (Ctrl+Minus) Unfold subdirectories (Alt+B) Too many files. Options Manager Clear Unfold change Show file descriptions (Ctrl+P) Full, ';') File Manager options ( FILES.BBS). SOMEFILE.ARJ Magic C++ Tools ANYFILE.ARJ Powerful BP Tools * * * * * * * MYFILE.ZIP TASM library to build an integrated environment Shift+F2. Ignore selection (Alt+I) Drive Drive Drive letter, Drive letter Select left drive: Drive letter [.] Drive list. Drive list Open Drive list instead of Drive letter Drive list Drive letter, Alt+F1 Alt+F2 File Manager. % Get drives from User defined drive list User defined drive list, User defined drive list. Enable User defined network resources Redirected devices, [\] Drive letter, File Manager User defined network resources, User defined resources. B Select User defined drive list DOS, Drives (A:..Z:), Disk classes Auto-detect disks, Enable/Disable, Change class, Toggle LFN flag ( Gray Plus), Win95 LFN API Drives. User defined drive list Disk classes. User defined network resources Network resources Auto-detect, Modify, New, Delete, Enable/Disable, Move up/down ( Ctrl+Up/Ctrl+Down), Toggle LFN flag ( Gray Plus), Win95 LFN API Network resources. UNC: \\\ Resource enabled Win95 LFN API enabled Win95 LFN API. Select redirected device entry Redirected device. Error Can't read the disk in drive A: Press ENTER to try again, ESC to abort, or enter a different drive letter here A: Enter, Esc, Ctrl+L, - Ctrl+B. Backspace. Esc Options Manager Incremental search options. dBASE window .DBF- (%) dBASE viewer Alt+F10. d Window. * Enter (Ctrl+Enter) Ctrl+Enter, Shift+Enter ( Ctrl+Shift+Enter). Alt+Enter ( Alt+J Ctrl+Space). ? Right: Left: End: Home: Ctrl+End: Ctrl+Home: Tab, Ctrl+Right: Shift+Tab, Ctrl+Left: Ins: < Del: BackSpace: Ctrl+Y: Ctrl+Z: Enter Esc. '*' Del. Ctrl+Del. Delete records Export text, Ins, Space, Shift+ Ctrl+A (Select all). Gray Minus. i Ctrl+@ (Incremental search). Edit database, View memo (View memo as Hex) dBASE window Text window (Hex window) Delete records dBASE window Pack database dBASE window '*', Delete record Zap database dBASE window Field cursor on/off dBASE window. Create database New database New, Insert, Edit, Delete, Adjust, Done New, Insert, Edit field Modify field, Delete Adjust Done field Modify field New field / Modify field (Name, Length, Decimals) (Field type) OK, Cancel Name Length Decimals (Floating point) Field type Database Input/Output commands Input/Output commands Input/Output commands, Out Clear table Clear table Convert fields Validate numeric fields Import Export Import/Export options Field separator In XLAT file (<) Out XLAT file (>) dBASE window Clear tables Clear In XLAT table ({) Clear Out XLAT table (}) dBASE window. files Convert date fields dBASE window Date Country settings. Validate numeric fields dBASE window Date Import from text (Alt+I) Field1:Field2:Field3:Field4 LongField1:LongField2:LongField3 LongField4:LongField5:LongField6 Field1:Field2 : Field1:Field2 '*'. Export text Export to text (Alt+V) Import text Import/Export options Import text Export text. Data Import options (Add records to the end of the database) (Insert records at the cursor position). Numeric fields right-justified Trim leading whitespaces Trim trailing whitespaces Field separator Import text Export text. Sort database Sort direction - Ascending, - Descending). Case sensitive Filter deleted (Ascending) (Descending). Field position window HTML viewer HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). Up Down Right Left PgUp PgDn Home End Ctrl+PgUp Ctrl+PgDn Ctrl+Left Ctrl+Right Ctrl+Home Ctrl+End Window. V HTML viewer Alt+F10. HTML viewer: Tab Shift+Tab Enter Backspace Alt+K Alt+Y Place markers Ctrl+A Select all ( Ctrl+B Search again ( , Backward) Ctrl+L Search again ( Ctrl+T Enable/disable tables Ctrl+U Search again ( , Forward) Ctrl+V Reload Ctrl+W Ctrl+@ (Incremental search) Space Search again Ctrl+\ File Manager Ctrl+K commands Ctrl+Q commands HTML history list HTML history, HTML viewer. history HTML- Enable/disable HTML tables (Ctrl+T) HTML viewer. Reload (Ctrl+V) HTML viewer. Place markers Alt+Y Ctrl+K Help Help, Help Contents Topic search Previous topic Help Help Contents Topic search Previous topic contents (Shift+F1) Help contents Help. Help Topic search Previous topic Topic search (Ctrl+F1) Topic search Help Help Contents Previous topic Previous topic (Alt+F1) Previous topic Help. Help Contents Topic search Help file (Clear) Help- Reopen Help- Help, Help Write topic to history (Alt+H) Help- Help- Help- Ctrl+W. Open Help Browser (Ctrl+@) Help Help Help Browser Help, Help Browser Close Help Browser (Ctrl+@) Help Browser. Yes, No, OK, Cancel Cancel, memory Exit, (CN.EXE). Enter. Esc Adjust. Esc Alt+M (Minimize) Enter, Space, Alt+M Alt+Z. " & () * + - / ; < <= <> = == > >= @ AND BEEP CHKRS CLOSE CMPSTR CONCAT COPY CRC32 CTS DCD DELETE DIAL DISBUF DNLOAD DONERS DSR DTR ELSE FIND FMTSTR GETBUF GETCHR GETSTR GETWRD GOSUB GOTO GOTOXY IDLE IF INDBAR INITRS INPUTS INPUTV INSERT KEYPRS LOCASE LODBLK LODUSR MARK MAXY MENU NEWWIN NOT OPEN OR PARAMS POS PRINTS PRINTV PUTKEY PUTSTR RDBLK RDBUF RECBLK RECEIV RELEAS REM REPLAC RET RING RTS SEEK SEND SETINS SNDBLK SNDSTR STOBLK STOP THEN UPCASE UPLOAD USER WAIT WHEREX WHEREY WRBLK WRBUF WRSTAT XOR {Lfname} \a 0x07 BEL \b 0x08 BS \f 0x0C FF \n 0x0A LF ( \r 0x0D CR \t 0x09 HT \v 0x0B VT \\ 0x5c \ \O O = \xH H = \XH H = S = " ", PRINTS(" ", 1) '\' C:\\AUTOEXEC.BAT &(): Ptr E Common. Func(var E, D, C, B, A : Longint) : Longint; al = Stop GetData GetCommon Init_RS Menu Send CheckRS Receive SendBlock ReceiveBlk GetBuff ReadBuff WriteBuff KeyPrs FOpen FClose RdBlk WrBlk PrintS InputS PrintV InputV RTS CTS DTR DSR IndBar NotL DispBuff User LoadUser CRC32 Beep Idle al >= 80H: Func(Var A, B : Longint) : Longint; al - 80H = MulL DivL AddL SubL AndL XorL OrL LE GE NE EQ LS GR Let Empty DX:AX. A = ((A+B)*C+D)/(A*3+2+5*(E-F/2)) D = A * B E = C * 5 F = 2 * 3 A + B, C + 5, 2 + 3. A - B, C - 5, 2 - 3. B = -A, C = -5. D = A / B E = C / 5 F = 2 / 3 rem 2 / 3 = 0 !. GETBUF(B, 100); GETBUF(D, 1000); I = 0 ; GOTO L1 ';' ';' GETBUF(B, 100) GETBUF(D, 1000) I = 0 GOTO L1 (A < B) (A <= B) (A <> B) A = D = B + C (A == B) (A > B) (A >= B) @(): Ptr AND P (A > B) AND (B < C) BEEP(F : Int, T : Int) H F Hz T ms. BEEP(440, 100) CHKRS() : Bool I - 0. CLOSE(F : File) CLOSE(F) OPEN CMPSTR(S1, S2 : Str [, C : Bool]) : Code S2. S2; 2, S1; 0, C <> 0 CONCAT(S1, S2 : Str) : Str K S2. S = CONCAT("Hello ", "world !") COPY(S : Str, P, L : Word) : Str N L. " S = COPY("Hello world !", 1, 5) CRC32(B : Ptr, N : Word) : Lint - CRC32 CTS([P : Word]) : Bool K CTS ( ). P - RTS DCD([P : Word]) : Bool J DCD (Carrier Detect). P - DELETE(S : Str, P, C : Word) : Str V P, C S. $ S = DELETE("Hello world !", 6, 8) DIAL(S : Str) Terminal S - ';': ( DIAL("123-4567; Random phone number") DISBUF(B : Ptr) 4 GETBUF DNLOAD([S : Str], [N : Word], [P : Word]) ; N: M 0: Zmodem; 1: ASCII; 2: Xmodem; 3: Ymodem; 4: Kermit; 5: BPlus. S - UPLOAD DONERS([P : Word]) COM- Terminal, INITRS(). P - DONERS() DONERS(2) DONERS("T") DSR([P : Word]) : Bool I DSR ( ). P - DTR DTR(D : Bool [, P : Word]) [: Bool] [ DTR ( D. P - DSR IF THEN ELSE Y . IF THEN ) [ELSE IF (A == 0) AND (B == 10) THEN A = 10; B = 0 ELSE A = A - 1; B = B + 1 FIND(S : Str [, O : Str]) : Bool S = "", Find. . Find). False, FIND("Hello", "C+W+R-") FMTSTR(L : LInt [, "Format"]) : Str Format (x - Hex, d - Dec, c - Char, b - Binary). FMTSTR(25, "x") GETBUF(B : Ptr, N : Word) [: Ptr] 0..N - 1 , N = 1..63999, (2-3 GETBUF(B, 1000) DISBUF WRBUF RDBUF WRBLK RDBLK GETCHR() : Char [ C = GETCHR() GETSTR() : Str Z S = GETSTR() GETWRD() : Str k W = GETWRD() GOSUB 5 . GOSUB I = 0 Label: I = I + 1 GOSUB Subr IF I < 10 THEN GOTO Label Subr: A = I * 2 RET GOTO 4 . GOTO Label: I = I + 1 IF I < 10 THEN GOTO Label GOTOXY(X : Int, Y : Int) X:Y. Xmin = 1, Xmax = 255, Ymin = 1, Ymax = GOTOXY(10, 64) IDLE([F : Bool]) F <> 0 Terminal I = 0 LOOP: IDLE() IF (I = I + 1) < 32768 THEN GOTO LOOP IF THEN ELSE Y . IF THEN ) [ELSE IF (A == 0) AND (B == 10) THEN A = 10; B = 0 ELSE A = A - 1; B = B + 1 INDBAR(I : Bool, M : LInt [, D : Bool]) [: LInt] I = True I = False ". M - D = True, " INITRS(S : Str) : Code . S - S = "", Communication Options. "COM2,9600,8,2,N[,Port,Irq,Vect,HWFlow,SWFlow]" COM2 9600 HWFlow SWFlow Hardware flow control $01 Use DTR $02 Use RTS $04 Require DSR $08 Require CTS $10 DTR active low $20 RTS active low $40 DSR active low $80 CTS active low Software flow control $01 Receiver flow $02 Transmitter flow S = "T", Terminal, (SEND, SNDBLK, RECEIV, RECBLK) (PRINTS, PRINTV) Output ( 0). INPUTS(S : Str) [: Str] 9 INPUTV(L : LInt) [: LInt] = INSERT(I, S : Str, P : Word) : Str K S. % S = INSERT(" world", "Hello !", 6) KEYPRS(F : Boolean) : Byte (Word) } F = 0 ASCII- F <> 0 S = KEYPRS() LOCASE(S : Str) : Str Q S = LOCASE("HELLO WORLD !") LODBLK(S : Str) : Bool Read block file . S - S - ("") ("*.*" False LODBLK("D:\DOC\CUTS.TXT") LODUSR(U : Ptr, S : Str) [: Str] S - ("") ("*.*" USER MARK() : Int R Index = MARK() S = GETSTR() GOTOXY(WHEREX, WHEREY + 1) T = GETSTR() RELEAS(Index) MAXY() : Int C LINES = MAXY() WHEREX WHEREY MENU(S : Str [, M : Bool]) : Num M <> 0 C = Menu("MenuFile") NEWWIN(S : Str) : Bool . S - S - ("") ("*.*" False NEWWIN("C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT") NOT(D : Bool) : Bool NOT D NOT(A > B). OPEN(F : File [, S : Str] [, M : LInt]) [: Str] b F c M = 0 M <> 0 S - ("") ("*.*" S. M M = 0 OPEN(F, "C:\FileName", M) CLOSE (A > B) OR (B < C) PARAMS() : Str 4 "". Compile .CBB Icon $ICON, Command line POS(P, S : Str [, O : Str] [, T : Str]) : Word 9 . Find). W+ (Whole words only - P=POS("Hell","Hello,world","C+W+R-",",.()") PRINTS(S : Str [, N : Bool] [, F : Bool]) [: Str] N <> 0 F <> 0 Output, Terminal. PRINTS(" ", 0) PRINTV(L : LInt [, N : Bool] [, "Format"] [, F : Bool]) [: LInt] N <> 0 F <> 0 Output, Terminal. Format (x - Hex, d - Dec, c - Char, b - Binary). PRINTV(25) PUTKEY(I : Word) codes, ASCII Chart. PUTKEY($4F00) ( End) PUTSTR(S : Str) Ctrl+ , ^K). PUTSTR("^KBHello^KK") RDBLK(F : File, B : Ptr, N : Word) [: Word] RDBLK(F, B, N) WRBLK RDBUF(B : Ptr, I : Word [, C : Byte]) : LInt = 0 = 2 V = RDBUF(B, 5) Tick = RDBUF($0040006C, 0, 4) BIOS Data Area. GETBUF WRBUF RECBLK(B : Ptr, N : Word [, T : Word] [, I : Bool] [, P : Word]) : Code T <> 0 I <> 0, : 0 - - Esc, 1- . P - C = RECBLK(B,128) DISBUF WRBUF RDBUF WRBLK RDBLK SNDBLK RECEIV(V : LInt, N : Num [, T : Word] [, P : Word]) : Code V, N = 1..4. T <> 0 : 0 - - Esc, 1- . P - C = RECEIV(V, 2) SEND RELEAS(I : Int) ? I. ] Index = MARK() S = GETSTR() GOTOXY(WHEREX, WHEREY + 1) T = GETSTR() RELEAS(Index) REM K REM, I = I + 1 REM REPLAC(S : Str, NS : Str [, O : Str]) : Bool S = "", Replace. . Replace). False, REPLAC("Hello", "Hi", "C+W+R-P+G+") RET $ GOSUB Subr Subr: PRINTV(RDBUF(B, I)) RET RING([P : Word]) : Bool ? RI (RING). P - RTS(D : Bool [, P : Word]) [: Bool] ] RTS ( D. P - CTS SEEK(F : File, N : LInt) : Word S SEND(V : LInt, N : Num [, P : Word]) : Code V, N = 1..4. : 0 - , 1 - Esc, 2 - . P - C = SEND(61, 1) 'A'. RECEIV SETINS(I : Bool) [: Bool] Insert (True) Overwrite (False). SETINS(0) SNDBLK(B : Ptr, N : Word [, I : Bool] [, P : Word]) : Code I <> 0, : 0 - , 1 - Esc, 2 - . P - C = SNDBLK(B, 128) DISBUF WRBUF RDBUF WRBLK RDBLK RECBLK SNDSTR(S : String [, P : Word]) : Code : 0 - , 1 - Esc, 2 - . P - C = SNDSTR("Hello world !") STOBLK(S : Str) : Bool Write block file . S - S - ("") ("*.*" False STOBLK("D:\DOC\CUTS.TXT") STOP() 5 IF I = 0 THEN STOP() IF THEN ELSE Y . IF THEN ) [ELSE IF (A == 0) AND (B == 10) THEN A = 10; B = 0 ELSE A = A - 1; B = B + 1 UPCASE(S : Str) : Str R S = UPCASE("hello world !") UPLOAD([S : Str], [N : Word], [P : Word]) @ N: M 0: Zmodem; 1: ASCII; 2: Xmodem; 3: Ymodem; 4: Kermit; 5: BPlus. S - DNLOAD USER(U : Ptr, B, C) [: LInt] LODUSR {Lfname} C - BX = C CX = ES = Segment C DS = Segment B DI = Offset C SI = Offset B C - CX = 0 BX = 0 ES = C DS = DI = C SI = AX + 10000H * DX. ( Db 14,'Connect_User_1' , SS, SP, BP RETF. C - ES, DI, DS, SI. WAIT(S : String, T : Word, [F : Bool], [P : Word]) : Bool l True, , False - IDLE. F <> 0 . P - R = WAIT("LOGIN", 10) WHEREX() : Int Z X = WHEREX() MAXY WHEREY WHEREY() : Int Z Y = WHEREY() MAXY WHEREX WRBLK(F : File, B : Ptr, N : Word) [: Word] C WRBLK(F, B, N) RDBLK WRBUF(B : Ptr, I : Word, V : Byte [, C : Byte]) [: LInt] = 0 = 2 V. = WRBUF(B, 5, 61) GETBUF RDBUF WRSTAT(S : String [, L : Num]) S - L <> 0 WRSTAT("Loading file...", 1) XOR ^ (A > B) XOR (B < C) {Lfname} [:Ptr] 5 fname U = {Lfname} USER LODUSR IF I > 0 THEN (A = B + C) | (D = E - F) | (H = R / Z) CONNECT Language : 0..9, _, $, A..Z, a..z; /, *, -, +, AND, OR, XOR, <=, >=, <>, ==, <, >, =, | (). m USER. ; IF, GOSUB, GOTO, RET. CMPSTR, CONCAT, COPY, DELETE, FMTSTR, INSERT, LOCASE, POS, UPCASE. Load icon. " IF. IF...THEN. GOTO. .CBB). .CBB). .CBS). RS-232. . INITRS. RET GOSUB. USER- USER- DB 14,'Connect_User_1'. NewWin. 64000. . OPEN. USER- DB 14,'Connect_User_1'. USER- 64000 STOP Esc Ctrl+Break. SEND, SNDBLK, RECEIV, RECBLK, UPLOAD, DNLOAD INITRS. .LONGNAME extended attribute .LONGNAME Browser EA <> EAT_ASCII), hex-