Times New Roman COMPAQPA Letter COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 Letter Transverse 5 Envelope elope Letter Transverse 5 Envelope elope PM_DD_COMPAQPA,PSCRIPT.COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 HP LaserJet Classic Letter PMfaxD Letter PMfaxD 2156,1,0,0,c:\pmfax\ TEXT CELLS This table was created with the Create Table hotkey (Shift+F5) defining a 10 x 10 table. The outermost right and left columns were removed by area selecting them and pressing Del. The columns were area selected by double clicking the first cell, holding the button, and moving the pointer over the column. The table's outer border and division lines were created by area selecting the entire table, pressing the second button of the pointing device over the selection, and selecting the pop-up menu's function Text Cell Settings. The inner bold borders as well as the cell's shading was created in two steps, using the same process as for outlining the entire table: 1. The cells of the vertically outlined columns were area selected, the pop-up menu of the selection invoked, and the border set in the Text Cell Settings dialog. 2. The cells of the horizontally outlined columns were area selected, the pop-up menu of the selection invoked, and the border as well as the shading set in the Text Cell Settings dialog. Remember, in Clearlook tables are not a single object. They are an agglomeration of individual text cells. Manipulate the position and size of these cells by area selecting them and using the selection's pop-up menu. Moving and sizing one in a group of area selected cells moves and sizes all of them. The functions Grow to Largest and Shrink to Smallest are most convenient to set a table's cells to identical sizes. The functions Align Left and Align Right are very efficient to align cells to form columns. Do not forget, these functions can only perform the sizing and moving if there is empty space available to the right or left of the cells as required.