Helvetica Times New Roman Doc Footer Doc Footer Page No. Doc Chapter Title old Chapter Title Doc Header 1 Doc Header Sep1 Doc Normal Text old Header 1 old Header Sep1 old Normal Text HPLaserJ Letter HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 Letter Letter Letter PM_DD_HPLaserJ,PSCRIPT.HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 GLOSSARY - NUMERIC - 32-bit - width of address pointer, addresses up to four gigabytes (4 billion bytes) of physical memory. - A - ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange - A standard. ASCII text file, or plain text file refers to a text file without font attribute information; a file containing the plain characters of a document. attribute - a characteristic or property of an object. Text attribute refers to font typeface, size, color etc. ATM - Adobe Type Manager, a method to store and use fonts. - B - BBS - Bulletin Board System - electronic BBS or electronic mailbox. BIOS - Basic Input/Output System bit - smallest unit of computer storage bitmap - a graphic image representation through the use of an array of bits. border - a visual indicator of the boundary of a specific window. bps - bits per second button - a screen button or a mouse button - Screen buttons are pressed by moving the pointer over the screen button and clicking the mouse button 1. For right-handed setup, button 1 is the left button, button 2 is the right button. byte - a group of 8 bits, usually represents a single character or decimal number. - C - CD-ROM - Compact Disc Read-Only Memory cell - see Text Cell clipboard - common information storage area to cut to, copy to and paste from. Used to transfer data between documents and between applications. CPU - Central Processing Unit CUA - Common User Access - IBM standard for user interface design. - D - DLL - Dynamic Link Library - program and other code which may be shared across multiple executable programs. dpi - dots per inch DTP - Desktop Publishing - E - EISA - Extended Industry Standard Architecture EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory extended attributes - referred to EA's - additional information OS/2 stores about a file. - F - FAT - File Allocation Table - The method DOS uses to track disk files. font - the character style of text displayed or printed. The font face, style and size may be selected independently. - G - GB - GigaByte - 1,024 megabytes (MB) GIF - Graphic Interchange Format GUI - Graphical User Interface - H - HP - Hewlett-Packard Company - maker of HP LaserJet printers. HPFS - High Performance File System - OS/2's alternative method to DOS's FAT. Hz - Hertz - a measurement of frequency. - I - icon - a graphical representation of an object. IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics - a standard for hard disk drives infobar - information bar - the area below the horizontal scrolling slider, that provides the following descriptive information: - current page number and cursor location - current text style, font and size - button and pointer shape descriptions as pointer moves I/O - Input/Output - refers to a device which can be read from and/or written to. IRQ - Interrupt ReQuest - an interrupt which signals I/O activity, used between a computer's hardware and software. The IRQ must be unique for each hardware device, otherwise a device is not completely operational or the system may stall. ISA - Industry Standard Architecture ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network - high-speed digital data transfer with simultaneous analog capabilities. - K - kbps - kilobits per second K/sec. - Kilobytes per second K or KB - KiloByte - 1,024 bytes - L - LAN - Local Area Network - a group of workstations linked together to exchange data and share resources. - M - margin - the edge of the page outside the usable document area. In Clearlook, each side of the document may be defined with an offset for additional margin when printing duplex pages. MB - MegaByte - one million bytes MHz - MegaHertz MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second ms - millisecond - one-thousandth of a second. multitasking - running several programs simultaneously. multithreading - programs dispatch portions of chores to separate units-of-work (threads) operating concurrently - makes programs responsive. - N - ns - nanosecond - one-billionth of a second. - O - OS/2 - Operating System\2 - IBM's system software for the micro-computer. - P - paragraph indention - in Clearlook, a paragraph is indented by inserting an indenting tabmark at the indent position. Indenting tabmarks are created automatically when tabbing to a tabstop with the Indent point option checked. Displacing the tabmark reformats the indented paragraph. path - a statement that indicates where a file is stored on a particular drive. A path can be absolute, where the entire specification is given, or relative, where only the file name is given relative to the current working drive path. ppm - pages per minute PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory - R - RAM - Random Access Memory - directly addressable storage in a computer. REXX - REstructured eXtended eXecution - A programming language supplied with OS/2, also used for command files and macros. ROM - Read-Only Memory - S - SCSI - Small Computer Systems Interface shadow - a link between duplicate objects speedbar - in Clearlook, the button bar between the menu bar and the document, or ruler if present, in the edit window. SVGA - Super VGA - T - tabmarker - in Clearlook, a tabmarker is placed in the flow of text of your document. Once a tabstop is set in the horizontal ruler, pressing the tab key causes the cursor to advance to the next tabstop in the horizontal ruler. This inserts a tabmarker in your document. Tabmarks (as well as other text controls) appear by pressing F7 or pressing the Show code points button in the speedbar. The tabmarks exist independently of the tabstops that helped create them. Removing a tabstop in the ruler does not remove the tabmarker in the document. Cut and paste between documents maintains the tabmarks. They are embedded in the text independently of different tabstop settings. Move existing tabmarks by moving the tabstop in the ruler, if their horizontal positions correspond. Set a new fill-character in the tabstop dialog and all tabmarks aligned under that tabstop adopt the new fill character. See tabstop and paragraph indention. tabstop - tabstops are placed in the horizontal ruler. Click button 1 of the pointing device on the horizontal ruler to create a tabstop. A tabstop is displayed as a red diamond. Keep button 1 pressed and move the pointing device, to displace the tabstop. Press button 2 to display the tabstop settings dialog. Alternately press Alt+'+' to insert a tabstop in the ruler. Press Alt+'+' again on the same position to display the settings dialog. See tabmarker and paragraph indention. table - one or more rows of two or more cells. Cells of identical size may be created instantly. template - a handy model used to create a new object. text area - a container of text cells. A text area may contain further text areas. The lowest-level text area is called base text area. text cell - a container of characters and bitmaps. thread - a unit of execution within a process. It uses the resources of the process. The concurrent execution of multiple threads is called multi-threading. transform - v. the act of taking input data and transforming it into a new document. - n. the Clearlook document which is similar to a template serving as a model for the transform process. It defines format and content of the output document. - V - VDM - Virtual DOS Machine - Boots up DOS, making it believe it has the whole computer to itself. VESA - Video Electronics Standards Association VGA - Video Graphics Array VMB - Virtual Machine Boot - Allows OS/2 to boot up a different version of DOS from a floppy disk or disk image file. - W - WPS - Workplace Shell - The object oriented, graphical user interface of OS/2 2.0 and later versions of the operating system. WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get - a graphic view of text documents. ______________________________________________________________________________ Clearlook - The Cellular Word Processor ______________________________________________________________________________ User's Guide - Glossary ______________________________________________________________________________________ User's Guide - Index