Helvetica Times New Roman header 3 index bitmap header 1 header 2 header 4 Doc Figure Caption Doc Normal Text Doc Footer Doc Footer Page No. Doc Chapter Title Doc Header 1 Doc Header 2 COMPAQPA Letter COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 Letter Transverse 5 Envelope elope Letter Transverse 5 Envelope elope PM_DD_COMPAQPA,PSCRIPT.COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 HPLaserJ Letter HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 Letter Letter Letter PM_DD_HPLaserJ,PSCRIPT.HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 600 Postscri Letter s well as the font attri COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 Letter Letter PM_DD_COMPAQPA,PSCRIPT.COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQP1 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 PM_DD_COMPAQPA,PSCRIPT.COMPAQ PAGEMARQ 15 HP LaserJet Classic Linotron Linotronic 300 v49_3 Linotronic 300 v49_3 Linotronic 300 v49_3 PM_DD_COMPAQPA,PSCRIPT.Linotronic 300 v49_3 PMfaxD Letter PMfaxD 2156,1,0,0,c:\pmfax\ HPLaser1 Letter HP LaserJet IIIP Letter Letter APPENDIX Appendix 62999.Using Help 33901.Containers 39101.Objects 33903.Pop-up Menus 4100.File Dialog 33908.Technical Information 2 res=62999.Using Help using help help, using help Press the F1 key at any point in the program to access context-sensitive help. The help screens contain keywords marked in cyan. Double-click these keywords or press Enter to access further information. If you use the keyboard, jump from one keyword to the next by pressing the Tab key and jump back by using Shift+Tab. Related information: 62998.Using Help in the Word Processor 2 res=33901.Containers containers A container is a vessel for 39101.objects. Using the 33903.pop-up menus you may create and 39203.configure your own objects. When a document is opened or created, Clearlook may also create an object in the container to represent the document. 33401.Control container of a database 44900.Setup container of a database 2 res=39101.Objects objects In general, an object is defined as that which has existence. In the context of Clearlook, a text document is an object, the structural elements of a document are objects, a window is an object. When a document is saved to disk it is an inactive object. When the document is loaded from disk to be displayed on the screen, we activate the object. Icons represent an object in a 33901.container. Frequently, the icon is referred to as the actual object. Double-clicking the icon (or pressing Enter on the icon) is called activating the object. The actions caused by activating an object are called the behavior of the object. An icon usually has a 33903.pop-up menu attached to it, which is activated by pressing the second pointing device button, the F12 key or the Shift+F10 keys. The pop-up menu contains a 800.setup function. Use this function to 39203.configure the object. Related information: 39202.User-Created Object 903.Database object 39203.Configuring Objects 39204.Activate an Object 39205.Create an Object 39206.List of Objects 3 res=39202.User-Created Object user created object object, user created Use the 33903.pop-up menus of a 33901.container to create new objects for that container. These objects remain in the container until 801.deleted. 39203.Configure objects to serve your specific needs. 3 res=39203.Configuring Objects configuring objects object, configuring Every user-created object has a 33903.pop-up menu containing the 800.setup function. This function activates a dialog that lets you configure the behavior of the object. A status-window object (an object in the status window) can be configured to create new documents from a choice of templates or from one frequently used template, to display a list of documents in a predefined directory, or to open one specific document. Related information: 2900.Status-Window Object Setup 2702.Database Object Setup 2703.Import Object Setup 2704.Export Object Setup 3 res=39204.Activate an Object activate an object To activate an object, double-click or press Enter on the object. Activating an object executes the function 39203.configured for that object. For example, a 902.text object creates or opens a text document. Once an object is activated it is marked with diagonal lines. Double-clicking on an active object transfers the focus to the object's window and displays the window if it was minimized. 3 res=39205.Create an Object create an object object, create Press the second pointing device button on an object (or the F12 key, or Shift+F10) to access a 33901.container's 33903.pop-up menu. This pop-up menu provides options to create new objects. 39203.Configure the new object to suit your needs. 3 res=39206.List of Objects list of object 4 res=908.Setup Object object, setup setup object 33100.Introduction 33200.Status Window 10200.Word Processor 39204.Activate the selected object to customize screen colors, hotkey assignments, document colors, markings, user license and new document defaults., 4 res=914.Settings Object object, settings settings object 39204.Activate this object to access the settings notebook. Related information: 62200.Setup Window 9100.License 1302.Preferences 1303.Tabstops 1304.Date and Time Format 4 res=910.Text Colors Object object, text colors text colors object 39204.Activate this object to change the colors used in text documents. Related information: 62200.Setup Window 62201.Text Colors 4 res=911.Markings Object object, markings markings object 39204.Activate this object to access the markings definitions used in text documents. Related information: 62200.Setup Window 62202.Markings 4 res=912.Screen Colors Object object, screen colors screen colors object 39204.Activate this object to customize the colors of document windows. Related information: 62200.Setup Window 62203.Screen Colors 4 res=913.Keyboard Object object, keyboard keyboard object 39204.Activate this object to customize the hotkey assignments used in document editing. Related information: 62200.Setup Window 62204.Hotkeys 4 res=909.Document Defaults Object object, document defaults document defaults object 39204.Activate this object to customize the default font and size definitions for various document types. Related information: 62200.Setup Window 62205.Documents Defaults 3 res=901.Window List Object object, window list window list object 33100.Introduction 33200.Status Window 10200.Word Processor 62001.Window List 33201.Switching between Windows 39204.Activate the selected object to display a list of all open Clearlook windows. You may display this list any time by pressing the Shift+Esc keys.4 3 res=904.Thesaurus Object object, thesaurus thesaurus object 33100.Introduction 33200.Status Window 10200.Word Processor 39204.Activate the selected object to access the thesaurus for lists of meaning, synonyms, antonyms, compared and related words.) 3 res=902.Text Object object, text text object 33100.Introduction 10200.Word Processor 33200.Status Window 33202.Create Document 33203.Open Document 39101.Objects 39204.Activate the selected object to create or open a text document. (The action depends on the function 39203.configured for this object.)8 2 res=33903.Pop-Up Menus pop-up menu menu: pop-up Every object has a pop-up menu. To change its 39203.setup, 801.delete the object, and insert new objects into the 33901.container. To activate the pop-up menu of an 39101.object, press the F12 key (or Shift+F10) or click on the object with the second button of the pointing device.& 3 res=800.Function Setup function setup setup of objects configuration objects This function activates a dialog to change an object's configuration. Related information: 2900.Status Window Object Setup 2702.Database Object Setup 2703.Import Object Setup 2704.Export Object Setup 3 res=801.Delete Objects delete object object, delete The selected object is removed from the 33901.container. If the 39101.object is active, it is closed. This function never removes data from the disk, it merely removes the icon from the container. 3 res=802.New Text Object new text object text object, new A new 39202.object of type text is added to the 33901.container at the position after the selected object. 39203.Configure the new object to suit your needs. Related information: 39101.Objects 10200.Word Processor 2 res=4100.File Dialog file dialog Clearlook offers a general purpose file dialog. Use the file dialog to open, copy, move, delete and rename files as well as directories. The position of the cursor defines whether the functions are meant for files or directories. Select multiple files by clicking on the file names, or move the cursor to the desired files and press the space bar. A range of files can be selected using the select function. 3 res=4120.Copy Files Dialog copy files dialog Set the destination to copy or move by clicking or pressing Enter on the displayed directory names. The destination is displayed at the bottom entry field. The destination may be entered directly by writing into this entry field. Press OK to activate copying. 3 res=4130.Delete Files Dialog delete files dialog If one file will be deleted, its path and name is displayed. If several files will be deleted, their path is displayed. If a whole directory will be deleted, the number of files and subdirectories are counted and displayed for verification. 2 res=33907.File Types file types Clearlook uses the following file types: 39701.CFG Status Window Setup 39702.CTX Text Document 39703.CDB database data file 39704.CDI database index file 39705.CDF database definition file 3 res=39701.File Type .CFG CFG The file CL.CFG contains the configuration of the 33200.status window and the contents of the 62200.setup window, with the exception of the settings notebook. The contents of the settings notebook are stored in the OS2.INI file. 3 res=39702.File Type .CTX CTX Clearlook 33301.text documents use the extension CTX. 3 res=39750.Wild Cards wild cards Whenever you enter a Path, as in the setup of an object or choosing a directory, you may use wild cards in the path: Entering *.CTX lists all text documents. Entering FAX*.CTX lists all documents with file names starting with FAX. Entering ???.CTX lists all documents with a name of exactly three characters length. Entering *.* lists all the files of the directory. Entering % as part of a path name in the setup of an object replaces the character '%' with the path of the Clearlook executable file (CL.EXE) 2 res=33908.Technical Information technical information 33960.Installation Setup 33980.Keyboard Tables 33985.Clearlook File Format 3 res=33960.Installation Setup installation setup When installing Clearlook, the following directories are created: \cl \cl\bin \cl\bin\lng \cl\Look \cl\Look\trnsfrms \cl\Look\template A shadow object of the cl\Look directory is created in the workplace shell. 4 res=33961.Activating Clearlook activating Clearlook Files in \cl\bin: CF.ICO Clearlook Folder Icon CT.ICO Clearlook Text Document Icon CL.CFG Status Window Configuration CL.EXE Clearlook Word Processor CLHLP.HLP Clearlook Online CLRES.DLL Clearlook Resources LOOK.EXE Word Processor Starter When activating a Clearlook document in the workplace shell, LOOK.EXE is executed. LOOK.EXE searches the system for an active instance of CL.EXE. If not found, it executes CL.EXE. Then it hands processing of the document over to CL.EXE. The word processor opens the document and enables it for editing. If a second document is activated while CL.EXE is loaded, LOOK.EXE does not start a second instance of the word processor. It hands processing of the document over to the active instance of the word processor. Once the word processor is loaded, activating documents is extremely fast./ 4 res=33962.Start-Up of CL.EXE cl.exe, start-up When CL.EXE is executed, CLRES.DLL is expected in the directory of CL.EXE and loaded. Then CLHLP.HLP is loaded, then CL.CFG. If you start CL.EXE with a parameter specifying a different configuration file (for example starting with CL MY.CFG), then MY.CFG is used as configuration. CL.EXE searches for a file named CL.SYS. If found it is loaded and interpreted. You may start Clearlook by executing the CL.EXE file without using LOOK.EXE. Subsequent activation of documents will function as described above. 4 res=33963.Spell Checker Files spell checker files Language files for spell check must be placed in a directory \lng, a subdirectory of the directory where CL.EXE resides. If additional language files are purchased, they are copied into the directory \lng and spell check in these additional languages is readily available. ENG.CLX Corelex ENG.ENV Language environment ENG.HYP Hyphenation ENG.LEX Language lexicon ENG.THS Thesaurus ENG.USR User lexicon ENGPHON.ENV Phonetic language environment 4 res=33964.Data Directory data directory The directory \Look is created for Clearlook documents. You can create any number of additional directories for Clearlook data files. After installation, this directory will contain a number of examples, as well as the subdirectories \template and \trnsfrms. These two subdirectories are created to separate user data, templates and transform documents. Certain default objects in the status window also expect these directories to be present 3 res=33980.Keyboard Subdrivers keyboard subdrivers Clearlook allows you do define font-specific keyboard subdrivers. With such a driver, you can activate your own key assignments in dependence upon a specific font. Subdrivers are defined in the CL.SYS file, which must reside in the directory of CL.EXE. The driver is read when Clearlook is started. Once a driver is loaded, it activates the keyboard mappings when editing text set to the font specified in the driver. A sample CL.SYS file is on the installation disk. By default, this file is not installed and merely intended as template to assist users interested in writing their own subdrivers. 3 res=33985.Clearlook File Format Clearlook file format The file format used for Clearlook documents is publicly available. Check the Clearlook BBS for a file CLREADER.EXE. It contains source code in C++ which reads Clearlook documents and creates verbose output of the characters and attributes. Hotkeys hotkeys Alt+A Alignment dialog Alt+B Border setup menu Alt+C Cell setup menu Alt+N Edit a foot/end note Alt+O Select font Alt+R Replace Alt+S Search Alt+V View Alt+Y Page layout Alt++ Tab stop Alt+2 Go to previously active window Alt+n Go to the (n)th last active window Alt+ArrowLeft Go one cell to the left Alt+ArrowRight Go one cell to the right Alt+ArrowUp Go one cell above Alt+ArrowDown Go one cell below Alt+Backspace Undo Alt+End Go to bottom of current page Alt+Home Go to top of current page Alt+PageDown Go to next page Alt+PageUp Go to previous page Ctrl Disables boundary detection Ctrl+B Bold font Ctrl+C Font color Ctrl+D Data field dialog Ctrl+E End font attribute change Ctrl+F Fill-in variable Ctrl+H Preset hyphen Ctrl+I Italic font Ctrl+L Lining choice (underscore, etc.) Ctrl+M Data marking Ctrl+N Create a foot/end note Ctrl+O Outline begin Ctrl+P Positioning choice (subscript, etc.) Ctrl+R Regular font Ctrl+S Style choice Ctrl+T Typeface choice Ctrl+U Underscore begin Ctrl+W Wrap lock Ctrl+Y Style of font choice Ctrl+Z Size of font choice Ctrl+ArrowLeft Place cursor one word to the left Ctrl+ArrowRight Place cursor one word to the right Ctrl+ArrowUp Place cursor one paragraph up Ctrl+ArrowDown Place cursor one paragraph down Ctrl+Backspace Delete a word Ctrl+Delete Delete clipboard Ctrl+End Go to bottom of document Ctrl+F4 Invoke thesaurus Ctrl+Home Go to top of document Ctrl+Insert Copy to the clipboard Ctrl+PageDown Go to bottom of the current cell Ctrl+PageUp Go to start of the current cell Ctrl+ Break column/page Ctrl+Tab Tabmark, indent toggle F1 Help F2 Save the document F3 Start area select F4 Check typing F5 View page margins F6 View cell margins F7 View control points (tab stops, etc.) F8 View the ruler F12 Object menu Shift+Alt+Backspace Redo Shift+Alt+End Select to the end of the page Shift+Alt+Home Select to the start of the page Shift+Alt+PageUp Select the previous page Shift+Alt+PageDown Select the next page Shift+Ctrl+ArrowLeft Select a word to the left Shift+Ctrl+ArrowRight Select a word to the right Shift+Ctrl+ArrowUp Select the previous paragraph Shift+Ctrl+ArrowDown Select the next paragraph Shift+Ctrl+End Select to the end of the document Shift+Ctrl+Home Select to the start of the document Shift+Ctrl+PageUp Select to the start of the cell Shift+Ctrl+PageDown Select to the end of the cell Shift+Delete Cut to the clipboard Shift+F2 Print document Shift+F3 Start flow select Shift+F5 Create a new cell, table Shift+F6 Alignment of text Shift+F7 Leading Shift+F8 Line distance Shift-Insert Paste from the clipboard Fill-In Formats fill-in formats The Fill-in feature provides user fields that may be inserted into a document. This section details the available formats and provides examples for each fill-in field. Fill-in Page Number Format Example Output digits 19 roman xix ROMAN XIX Fill-in Date Format Year Month Day two digits 94 08 21 variable 1994 8 21 roman mcmxciv viii xxi ROMAN MCMXCIV VIII XXI verbose Wood-Dog August Monday VERBOSE WOOD-DOG AUGUST MONDAY short Wood-Dog Aug Mon SHORT WOOD-DOG AUG MON Separators: Symbol Description Example - hyphen 8-94 . period 1994.08.21 / slash 08/94 x letter x 08x21x1994 _ space Aug 1994 ._ period, Aug. 1994 followed by a space ,_ comma, Monday, Aug 21 followed by a space >|< null, no 082194 separatoru Fill-in Time 24 hrs, two digits 09.44.06 24 hrs, variable 9.44.6 12 hrs, two digits 09.44.06 am 12 hrs, variable 9.44.6 am Other Separators Example : (colon) 09:44:06 >|< (none) 094406 Suffixes (12 hr) Example am 09.44.06 am AM 09.44.06 AM a.m. 09.44.06 a.m. A.M. 09.44.06 A.M. OFF 09.44.06@ Fill-in Filename file.CTX FAXMEMO.CTX Fill-in Pathname d:\dir\file.CTX G:\CLEARLOK\GUIDE\CH1.CTX Empty Page ______________________________________________________________________________ Clearlook - The Cellular Word Processor ______________________________________________________________________________ User's Guide - Appendix xxxx