ClearLook Keyboard Mapping file - Dvorak ---------------------------------------- I have modified the ClearLook v1.x keyboard mapping file that was supposed to come with ClearLook so that you can now type using Dvorak on a standard keyboard, and if you are reading this then you have it! Notes & Limitations ------------------- 1. Of course, the Dvorak keyboard only works while you are in ClearLook 2. Menus are still accessed using QWERTY keystrokes (Dvorak keystrokes only apply to what you type in as raw text, without the Ctrl and/or Alt keys. Shift keys do work though :-) 3. This cl.sys file only has entries for the helvetica font. Unfortunately the cl.sys file isn't designed for redefining the whole keyboard layout - only for specifying special characters to display using 'special' fonts - hence you must define a keyboard map for /each/ font you use on your system. For me this isn't a problem as I only really use helvetica. If you want to use more than just helvetica, then duplicate the whole file inside itself, and set up a new font - it's not that difficult. 4. I can only type at 30 words a minute in Dvorak, and I'm not that familiar with all of the symbols. I think I've got them all right, but I give no guarantees. If I've made an error in it, then e-mail me! My address is at the end of this document. If you are interested in the original cl.sys file that was supposed to be distributed with ClearLook 1.x, see the file (or for ftp sites in the dark ages of FAT) where you found this file. Installation ------------ Copy the cl.sys to the ClearLook\bin directory. You'll have to modify it to include all the fonts in your system if you use more than Helvetica! If you leave out the 'Swiss' font (which is exactly the same as Helvetica then you'll have an easy way to switch between Dvorak and QWERTY keyboards if you're not very proficient (like me ) (Denis Cheong)