Using CCA with Boxer/OS2 Boxer/OS2 is a text mode application that does not provide direct access to the OS/2 clipboard. However a combination of Boxer/OS2 macros and CCA will allow users to copy text to and from the OS/2 clipboard. The following macros were written by: Ryan Gray delc:\clip.txt c:\clip.txt toclipc:\clip.txt delc:\clip.txt c:\clip.txt toclipc:\clip.txt fclip2c:\clip.txt c:\clip.txt Notes from Ryan Gray: The user will probably not use the same macro numbers I have, and they could also give them different names. Therefore, the macro is really everything after the first line. The user uses a separate utility to bind the macros to keys, otherwise the user can execute macros by name or number. The user should not use these to replace the standard copy/cut/paste functions for use within Boxer, due to limitations and the overhead of this procedure. The OS calls to delete the clip file are to avoid the conditional "overwrite?" prompt for copy and cut if the file exists. Q: Is there a section in the Boxer documentation that tells the user how to use macros? Yes. Chapters 20 and 28. The macros could be saved as-is in a file with a .M extension, then the user can edit that file, and select Macro -> Compile. This adds the macros to those in memory. Then selecting Macro -> Save, and saving to the DEFAULT.MAC will then load the new macros along with the default ones. Before executing the Macro -> Compile, the user should use Macro -> List to see what macro numbers are available and number the copy/cut/paste macros accordingly. Then, the user can execute the macro from the list, via Macro -> Execute, or refer to chapter 27 to use the RECONFIG utility to bind them to keystrokes. One thing about the macros I haven't solved yet is that the copy and cut macros use the Boxer and codes at the end to echo the operation in Boxer's clipboard (and to remove the text for the cut macro), but if the user has their editor configured to remove the marking after copy or cut, the cut macro doesn't cut the text since the save block funciton unmarks the block before the code and other text will likely get cut.