Batch Editor V. 0.1 * (c) 1998 Alessandro Cantatore - Team OS/2 Italy ************************************************************************** NOTE: Under no circumstances the author is liable for any LOSS OR DAMAGE. You are FREE TO USE this version of the program on as many machines as you like. You are FREE TO DISTRIBUTE the program provided that you include all the files in the archive without any modification. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SELL THE PROGRAM, but can charge a reasonable amount to cover the cost of the distribution media. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE USE OF THE PROGRAM IMPLIES ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONDITIONS STATED ABOVE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alessandro Cantatore FIDONET: 2:335/705.2 ************************************************************************** --[Contents]---------------------------------------------------------------- - Introduction - Installation - Features and settings - Planned features - Registration --[Introduction]------------------------------------------------------------ Batch Editor is a small multithreaded PM application which allows to find and replace a list of strings in one or more files. You can use it to edit text files or binary files. Replacing paths references in the system files and application INI files you can use it to update them when you move an application to a different path. You can even use it on your system files, when moving your OS/2 installation to a different drive/partition, by replacing all the partition letter occurrences. --[Installation]------------------------------------------------------------ You just need to copy in any directory the following files (they must be in the same directory): BATCHED.EXE SMWUTIL.DLL PROGRESS.DLL The program doesn't need any config.sys modification and doesn't write any data to the system INI files. --[Features and Settings]--------------------------------------------------- The program consists in two listboxes and few buttons which are enabled or disabled as needed. The listbox on the left, "Files:", is provided for listing all the files which are to be edited. File names can include wildchars "*" and "?". To add a file name to the list you can write its full path in the entryfield below the "Files:" listbox and click on the "Add" button or select on or more files through the dialog which pops-up when you click on the "Find..." button. When a file name is selected from the "Files:" list, the "Remove" button ans the "Recur subdirectories" checkbox are enabled. The "Remove" button allows to delete a file name from the list, while the checkbox allows to search all the matching file names through the subdirectories of the specified path. A double click on a file name put the file name back in the entry field for editing. The couples of strings to be found and replaced are listed in the listbox on the right, "Strings:", separated by an arrow " -> ". THe entryfields "Find:" and "Replace:" and the button "Add" allow to add a couple of strings to the list. When the "Replace" field is empty, all the found strings are just deleted. The "Remove" button and double clicks on the items in the list work as in the "Files:" list. The checkbox "Case insensitive" is enabled as soon as one item in the list is selected and will allow to search the selected string in case insensitive mode. The current version doesn't perform any check on the strings inserted in the listbox. Since strings are seeked and replaced in the same order as they appear in the list, the order is critical when the list of strings to be found contains strings which are sub-strings of other strings. To avoid undesired substitutions the sub-strings must be listed below the strings. No option is yet provide for "word" search. I.e. if you enter "copy" as string to be searched all the occurrences of "copy" and of words including "copy" will be edited. To avoid the substitution of some words you must substitute them with themselves. For instance, to preserve all occurrences of "copyFiles" just put this couple of strings: "copyFiles -> copyFiles" above "copy -> ..." in the list. After having filled the two lists, you must click on the "Start" button to start the editing procedure. A progress dialog allows to monitor the procedure. The "Stop" button in the dialog allows to end the procedure. WARNING!!! The program doesn't save a backup copy of the files which are beeing edited. You must do it yourself if the files are critical. --[Planned features]-------------------------------------------------------- - Better interface with resizeable window and listboxes width. - Settings notebook for setting the favourite font and other options. - Statusbar for contextual help, error and warning messages, progress display. - Drag and drop support. - Strings list check in order to avoid conflicts. - Import of list of files and substitutions from text files. - Export of lists of files or substitutions as text files. - Substitutions of strings including NULL characters. - Substitutions of strings according to the GREP syntax. - Back up of the processed file with options for packing them through an external program. - Preview of substitions whith the feature to exclude some substitutions. - Double progress bar for the number of files and for the bytes processed. - REXX support to make the program more powerful and let it work as a file format converter. --[Registration]------------------------------------------------------------ As a limited features beta, this version is completely free. A more complete future versione will probably be shareware.