═══ 1. What is the Assistant/2 ? ═══ Assistant/2 is designed to make work with OS/2 more comfortable in various ways by offering many functions. With this package you can  ... move or copy pieces of text from one application to another.  ... drag pieces of text from an application and drop it on the desktop.  ... paste previously dropped pieces of text into any program.  ... create flexibly configurable popup menus.  ... record keyboard events and mouse movements as macros.  ... edit recorded macros with any text editor.  ... play macros.  ... start macros by HotKeys or HotTexts.  ... open every object from a DOS- or OS/2-command line (or batch file).  ... extend the functions of the clipboard with Extended Clipboard/2: - The content of the clipboard will not get lost after a system shutdown. - Old contents of the clipboard will not get lost, if a new content is placed into the clipboard. - You can choose the active clip from the list of old contents by hotkey. - The clipboard can be accessed from DOS- and OS/2- sessions. - The clipboard can be used in batch files. Assistant/2 and Extended Clipboard/2 - copyright (c) 1996-1998 by Hinnerk Becker, Hamburg ═══ 1.1. Extended Clipboard/2 ═══ Extended Clipboard/2 is an extension of the OS/2 Clipboard. Problem: The clipboard can only store one item at time. When a new item is being copied into the clipboard, the old one gets replaced and is lost. That's where EClip starts to work: old entries, which normally would get replaced, get saved automatically. So they don't get lost but can be made available to other applications by a single mouseclick. They even can be edited later by a doubleclick or pasted by Drag&Drop into almost every PM application. It is also possible to drop the data (here:clips) on the desktop. So often needed text clips and bitmaps are easily accessable and can simply be inserted into any application. The contents of the clipboard will not get lost after a system shutdown but will be available with the next system start. EClip offers new and improved functions to use the clipboard more efficiently. Because extensive changing between source and destination is no longer required, the clipboard becomes an even more universal aid. With EClip it is possible to copy all needed clips into the clipboard first and paste them into the destination application later. These clips, marked as macros, can simulate different keyboard and mouse input to control the WPS and other applications on their own. ═══ 1.1.1. Usage ═══ As long as the EClip folder is closed, EClip remains without function: No entries of the clipboard will be saved - the clipboard operates as usual. Only if the EClip folder is open, every new entry in the clipboard will be stored and saved in this folder. EClip prevents the existance of double clips. Normally the last 'cut' or 'copied' data will be the next to be inserted into an application. By marking an entry in the EClip folder the next one to be inserted can be chosen. Of course it is possible - as usual with OS/2 - to mark several entries with the pressed mouse button 1. Other options are: Pressing CTRL while marking clips allows to select multiple single clips. Holding SHIFT while clicking on an entry will mark several entries sequently, pressing CTRL and mouse button 1 will select single entries without deselecting other entries. A text that has been saved in EClip can easily be inserted into almost any PM - application by Drag&Drop. Autopaste allows half automatic insertion of Clips in PM - applications by the use of HotKeys. External programs can be used to access the OS/2 clipboard from DOS and OS/2 shells. ═══ 1.1.2. Preset hotkeys ═══ These hotkeys are preset:  Right shift: Stop an active macro. Keys possibly pressed by the macro (shift, alt, mouse) will not be restored and could remain in the pressed state !  CTRL-Alt-Cursor Up: and CTRL-Alt-Cursor Down: Autopaste.  CTRL-Tab A window with the active clipboard content shows on the screen. - The cursor keys can be used to select one of the old cliboard contents. Multiple contents can be selected by pressing the shift key additionally. - By pushing the space bar the content can be edited. To end the edit mode press CTRL-Tab again. - By pushing ALT the selected clipboard content is pasted into the active application. CTRL-Tab-Cursor Down: Selection of the next clip in the EClip folder (and copying it to the clipboard) without inserting it into the active application. This function is similar to an uncompleted Autopaste.  Shift-CTRL-Tab-Cursor Up and Shift-CTRL-Tab-Cursor Down: The next clip in the EClip folder will be selected additionally to the already selected clips (and added to the clipboard). In contrast to Autopaste the content of the clipboard will not be inserted into the active application. ═══ 1.2. Macros ═══ A textclip with the macro option set on its settings page is called a macro. A macro can be used to simulate keyboard and mouse events. Macros can be recorded with the integrated macro recorder and / or edited with any text editor. ═══ 1.2.1. The macro recorder ═══ The macro recorder is used to record macros. The recorder is activated by opening the context menu of a text clip and selecting the option 'Record Macro'. A window to configure the following options will pop up:  Record mouse movement selects if all mouse movements should be recorded additionally to keys and mouse buttons. Note: The actual position of the mouse pointer will be recorded at the start of recording but it will be disabled. If the mouse pointer should be placed at the same position with every macro playback, the macro has to be edited with a text editor after recording. The ';' in front of the first PTRPOS command has to be removed. Otherwise all mouse commands will be executed relatively to the position of the mouse pointer when the playback is started.  Original timing selects if the macro should be played with exactly the same delays as recorded. If this option is deselected the playback will always be at highest speed - without any delays. This might have the consequence that some windows that are supposed to receive keyboard input are not available at the moment of playback. The keyboard input might reach a wrong window which will cause unexpected actions. After leaving this window by pushing 'OK', the recording of macro will be started by pressing the key 'Scroll' or 'Scrollock'. As an confirmation the scroll lock LED on the keyboard will start to flash. The recorded macro commands will be added to the end of the existing text clip. The recording can be stopped by pressing the 'Scrollock' key again. The macro can be played either by pressing the hotkey, defined on the settings page of the macro clip, the option 'Play Macro' on the same page or the menu 'Play Macro' in the context menu. ═══ 1.2.2. The macro language ═══ Macros can be created without the macro recorder, too. A text editor can be used to create or go over an existing macro. Normally the system editor can be opened by double clicking the clip. To be recognized as a macro, the option 'Macro' has to be set on the settings of the text clip page. The macro recorder sets this option on his own to make the clip a macro clip. EClip knows the following commands:  : 'presses' the key together with the next one. Eg. a  : Holds the key down (z.B. )  : Releases the key (z.B. )  'Normal' characters : either in <> or without <>. Eg. "a" = "" Exception: "<<>": "<" has to be placed in pointed brackets.  : The key "End"  : The key "Home"  : The key "Page down"  : The key "Page up"  : The key "Insert"  : The key "Delete"  : The key "TAB"  : The key "Shift"  : The key "ALT"  : The key "CTRL"  : The key "Backspace"  : The key "Esc"  ... : The function keys  : The key "Up"  : The key "Down"  : The key "Left"  : The key "Right"  : The key "Pause"  : The key "Print"  : The key "Num"  : The key "Capslock"  : Before the execution of the next macro command there will be a delay of x ms. This setting can be overridden for single commands.  : Absolute position of the mouse pointer  : Movement of the mouse pointer by pixels  : Place the pointer in the bottom, right corner of the active window  : Place the pointer in the bottom, left corner of the active window  : Place the pointer in the top, left corner of the active window  : Place the pointer in the top, right corner of the active window  : mouse click with mouse button 1  : Hold mouse button 1 down  : Release mouse button 1  : mouse button 1 double click  : mouse click with mouse button 2 (all commands apply to as well)  : mouse click with mouse button 3 (all commands apply to as well)  <;comment> : comment  <> : Ignore the rest of the line  : Repeat all commands from here to x times (multiple loops can be placed in another)  : End of loop  : Object will be opened by the WPS  : To create dynamic macros. Dynamic macros can be used to generate the macro commands on runtime. The EXEC command will start the program given as the parameter. If this program writes any output to STDOUT, this output will be interpreted as a sequence of new commands and executed immediately. EXEC_I reads the marked text from the active application and provides it for the called program via STDIN. EXEC_IC does not interpret the output of the called program as a macro but pastes it via the clipboard into the active application.  : A very special command to generate a popup menu. Its content is read from the specified folder.  : NoOperation Note: The execution of macro commands can be delayed. ═══ Macro / hotkey example ═══ The following macro and its assignment to a hotkey should give an example of how to use macros and hotkeys.  You Drag&Drop a macro from the macro template in the template folder to the desktop.  Open the context menu with mouse button 2 of the new macro clip and choose Record macro.  Depending on the area of application the actions to be recorded can be chosen. This example does not need any special commands to be recorded - all options can be deselected. Leave the window by pushing 'OK'.  You start the recording of the macro by pressing the 'Scroll' or 'Scroll Lock' key. The corresponding LED on the keyboard starts to flash. All keys pressed from now on will be recorded.  In this example we press the following sequence of keys Shift-insert : - Hold down the shift key - press and release 'Ins' - release shift key  The recording can now be stopped by pressing the 'Scroll' or 'Scoll lock' key again. The corresponding LED on the keyboard stops to flash.  A double click on the new macro opens the system editor and shows the macro that has just been recorded: are excactly the keys which were pressed while recording. If required, there can be new macro commands added or existing commands modified. In this special case the following macro would have been aquivalent: It offers the same function.  After closing the editor the macro can be played by choosing 'Play macro' in the context menu of the clip or by pushing a hotkey. Use mouse button 2/Properties to get to the settings page of this object. You can - activate and choose a hotkey. We choose the key combination 'CTRL-BUTTON2DBL'. - define if a double click on the icon of this macro should play the macro instead of opening the system editor. That doesn't make much sense for our example. A double click of mouse button 2 in the system editor with the CTRL key pressed will insert the content of the clipboard to the current cursor position. That is because the key combination 'CTRL-INS' normally inserts the content of the clipboard. This is also valid for many other applications. ═══ 1.2.3. Automatically generated macros ═══ These macros are generated automatically during the installation of Assistant/2. You can assign a HotKey or a HotText to them on their settings page:  Window list CTRL+ESC  Open EClip-folder OPEN:""  Date The date is generated by a REXX-Script called via the EXEC command.  Switch to upper/lower case The marked text will be changed to lower or upper case. (EXEC_I)  Explore URL Starts Netscape and opens the marked text as URL.  Popupmenu A popup menu that contains above macros among other things. The structure of this menu is read from the 'Popup menu' folder located in the Assistant/2- folder.  add2file.cmd If you like to try this, you can create a new macro with the following content: The marked text will be added to the file MyText.txt. ═══ 1.3. Popup menus ═══ A popup menu is a normal folder in which arbitrary objects reside. But the handling of the objects in the folder differs:  Objects with a name beginning with separator will insert a horizontal split bar into the menu. This way it is possible to subdivide menus.  macros will be played  TextClips will be pasted into the active application.  folders will be opened.  executable programs will be started. A popup menu can be created most efficiently in the details view of the folder (choose 'open' an 'detail view' in the context menu of the folder). Now the objects can be placed in the right order. But the menu will only take the order only be taken if you choose View and the menu entry Refresh now To assign a popup menu to this folder you need to create a macro. This macro consists of one macro command This way a macro can open the folder of the root directory: works correspondingly. You can find a popup menu that should give you an example of this feature in the Assistant/2-folder. The popup menu macro is located in the macro folder. If you assign a HotKey or HotText to this macro on its settings page you get a complete popup menu that you can reach from every (PM-) application: ═══ 1.4. External programs ═══ The following programs can be called from OS/2 shells as well as from DOS shells:  TOCLIP.EXE can write text to the clipboard. Call: TOCLIP [Filename] TOCLIP < [Filename] TYPE [Filename] | TOCLIP ECHO This text to EClip | TOCLIP  FROMCLIP.EXE reads text from the OS/2 clipboard and writes it to the divertable standard print-out (STDOUT). Call: FROMCLIP > [Filename] FROMCLIP | FIND "search text"  The program OPEN.EXE opens any object on the desktop and can be used with or without EClip. For example it is possible to play a macro. Every object wich is accessable from the desktop can be opened: OPEN Objekt OPEN System OPEN C:\OS2\HELP OPEN "System\Systemconfiguration\Hardware Manager"  WINECLIP.COM is a DOS program, that can be placed in the AUTOEXEC.BAT or any other batch file. Wich this tool DOS programs, which would have access to the windows-clipboard in a windows environment, can access EClip instead. ═══ 2. What is new ? ═══ New in Assistant/2 V1.1:  WINECLIP.COM provides access to EClip from DOS programs  Various bugfixes and performance improvements New in Assistant/2 V1.0:  EClip - In "browse mode" (CTRL+TAB) the EClip-folder is inserted, it is possible to edit the active clip by pressing space. By pushing the ALT key the active clip will be pasted into the application, without having to leave the browse window. - All clips can be deleted automatically with every system start.  HotKeys - Support for win keys and combinations of mouse buttons. - HotText: Sequence of keys can be used as hotkey.  Drag&Drop - Text can be dragged from or moved within an application, provided that this application supports the clipboard. e.g. E, EPM, Netscape, ... - D&D from und into VIOs  Macros - New commands: -- -- -- -- -- -- - The keyboard-LED animation can be switched off for every clip separately. - Debug mode - predefined macros I recommend to assign a hotkey to the popup menu (eg. mouse button 3, if existant) directly after the installation. I would appreciate it, if you tried to create your own macros. If you think there is one or the other command missing, don't hesitate to contact me. ═══ 3. Installation ═══ Old versions of EClip and/or Assistant/2 have to be uninstalled completely before a new version of EClip can be installed. The installation is carried out by INSTALL.EXE. When this program has started, a destination path has to be entered. If that path does not exist, it will be created by the installation program. Then all files will be copied into the specified directory. Since EClip exclusively consists of DLLs, the LIBPATH in the CONFIG.SYS has to point to the installation path. If the installation path is not included in the current LIBPATH, the installation program will add it automatically. The same applies to the HELP path and the dirctory in which the help file should be placed. To have access to the external programs of Extended Clipboard/2 and Assistant/2 the installation directory will be added to the PATH statements in the \CONFIG.SYS and \AUTOEXEC.BAT. The original files will be saved as *.000 (if they already exist as *.001 and so on.). Now the first part of the installation has been completed. The second part will automatically start with the next system start: A new folder, called "Extended Clipboard /2", will be placed on the desktop as well as new templates in the templates folder for the new datatypes, EClip provides. Now the full installation has been completed. Clips of an old EClip installation which were left on the desktop will be known as clips after an additional system shutdown. Then they will have the extended abilities such as Drag&Drop. ═══ 4. Configuration of Assistant/2 ═══ Assistant/2 can be configured on two different pages of the notebook that will pop up if you double click the 'configure Assistant/2' object:  HotKeys  Drag&Drop ═══ 4.1. Hotkeys ═══ On this page it is possible to choose if Hotkeys, or HotTexts which are assigned to macro and text clips at the Adjustments on single clips, should be activated. There is also a list of clips that are currently assigned to HotKeys or HotTexts. By pushing the Update button this list can be updated in special cases. A double click on an entry will open the settings page of this text clip. ═══ 4.2. Drag&Drop ═══ You can adjust the settings for Drag&Drop on this page. You can choose the mouse button to be used for Drag&Drop (2 or 3 or none) You can define key combinations wich force EClip to perfom certain actions: Assistant/2 does not provide its Drag&Drop functions for applications wich can handle Drag&Drop on their own. You might want to override this behaviour and force Assistant/2 to start the Drag&Drop operation. You can accomplish this by holding the appropriate key combination pressed during the initation of the Drag&Drop operation. The default Drag&Drop actions(move or copy) within or between windows can be selected separately. Pieces of text, that have been dropped on the desktop, and start (skipping leading blanks) with one of these keywords  http://  https://  ftp://  gopher://  archie://  irc://  news:/  mailto:  file:// will not result in a clip, but in an URL-object if the corresponding option is chosen. ═══ 4.3. Extended Clipboard/2 configuration ═══ EClip can be configured on settings pages of the folder. (the context menu is accessable by pressing mouse button 2 over the icon of the EClip folder) The following additional settings pages will show:  EClip/View pag 1 of 2  EClip/View page 2 of 2  Clips page 1 of 2 (text)  Clips page 2 of 2 (bitmaps)  Hotkeys ═══ 4.3.1. EClip/View page 1 of 2 ═══ On this page general adjustments can be made:  Automatic deletion of old clips if there are more than a given number and / or the clips are older than a given number of days. The clips will be deleted if a new entry is created in the EClip folder or if the menu item 'Refresh now' is chosen. Single clips can be marked as not deleteable on the settings on single clips page.  If you wish, EClip will delete all clips in the EClip folder when you open the EClip folder the first time after the system start.  Cut sound: The WAV file, that will be played when a new item is placed in EClip, can be changed.  An Always-on-top button can be inserted into the EClip titlebar. With this button the EClip window can be made floating above all other windows  If the marked clip is a bitmap it can be displayed as the background picture of the EClip folder.  The Autopaste function can be switched on or off.  Shall the EClip folder be opened 'minimized' ? ═══ 4.3.2. EClip/View page 2 of 2 ═══ On this settings page the (details) view of the EClip folder can be adjusted. Different information on the clips can be selected for display. For a detailed description please open the settingspage 'EClip/View Page 2 of 2' of the EClip folder and press the help button. ═══ 4.3.3. Clips page 1 of 2 (text) ═══ On this page the default settings for newly created Clips of the type 'text' can be specified. The adjustment of already existing clips is described at Adjustments on single clips  Here you can choose, if pieces of text that have been copied to the clipboard should be stored in EClip.  Which method should be used to insert text clips per Drag&Drop or Hotkey into the destination application ? Normally all PM-Applications which support the OS/2 Clipboard are supposed to work with the default mode Use Clipboard, in which the key combination Shift-Insert is simulated to insert the contents of the clipboard (here: the clip). If this does not work, it might be helpful to give Simulate input a try. Here every single character will be sent to the application by simulating the pressing of these keys. But this might could cause complications, because it is theoretically possible to answer security questions this way automatically. Dataloss could be the consequence !  Should it be possible to insert text by Drag&Drop into PM applications ? Drag&Drop can be forbidden or allowed for all clips generally.  Should the keyboard LEDs be animated during playback of a macro ?  Should the title of an entry be automatically adjusted to its content ? The entries of the EClip folder are the names of single files. These files have - as any file - a content besides the name. The filename can automatically be produced in such a way that it represents the first eg. 80 characters of the content. So it is guaranteed that an old entry of the clipboard can be recognized in the EClip folder by its title. When an entry in the EClipfolder is edited, its title may differ from its content. With this global setting it is possible to specify if the title of a newly created EClip entry should be automatically adjusted. It is also possible to specify the maximal length of the generated title. These adjustements can be made seperately for every single item. (see Adjustments on single entries). Note: In general the title of a clip is generated from the first characters of its content. Exceptions: - if the fist character is '#' or '!' it will be replaced by '@' - linefeed will be marked by '#' - '{}' will be replaced by '[]'  At 'Default types' the WPS datatype of textclips can be chosen. The preset type is 'Plain Text'. ═══ 4.3.4. Clips page 2 of 2 (bitmaps) ═══ On this page the default settings for newly created Clips of the type 'bitmap' can be specified. The adjustment of already existing clips is described at Adjustments on single clips Here you can choose, if bitmaps which have been copied to the clipboard should be stored in EClip. At 'Default types' the WPS datatype of textclips can be chosen. The preset type is 'Bitmap'. ═══ TextClip Objekt ═══ A text clip is a data object provided by Extended Clipboard/2. Old contents of the OS/2 clipboard will be stored in text clips. These Clips can be configured at their context menu. (mouse button 2/Properties) ═══ BitmapClip Objekt ═══ A bitmap clip is a data object, that is provided by Extended Clipboard/2. In these bitmap clips old bitmap contents of the OS/2 clipboard are stored. These clips, get configured by opening their context menu (mouse button 2) /Properties. ═══ Macro clip ═══ A macro clip is a data object, that is provided by Extended Clipboard/2. It consists of macro commands. A new macro can be dragged from the macro template,located in the macro folder. These clips, get configured by opening their context menu (mouse button 2) / Properties. ═══ 4.4. Adjustments on single clips ═══ Every clip in the EClip folder has its own context menu. The available options on this page depend on the datatype (text, bitmap). In contrast to the adjustments made in 'General configuration' clips can be configured here individually. The settings pages depend on the clip type as well.  Settings on text clips  Settings on bitmap clips ═══ 4.4.1. Adjustments on already existing text clips ═══ On this page adjustments for already existing text clips can be made. The settings used to create new clips can be adjusted at General configuration.  Should the title be synchronized to the content automatically ? The entries of the EClip folder are the names of single files. These files have - as any file - a name besides the content. The filename can automatically be produced in such a way that it represents the first eg. 80 characters of the content. So it is guaranteed, that an old entry of the clipboard can be recognized in the EClip folder by its title. On the other hand it might be useful to name a clip different to its content. This option is also accessible at the context menu of the clips ('Autosync title'). The maximum length of the automatically generated title can be limited here as well.  Should it be possible to activate the clip by a chosen HotKey or HotText ? By which ? If the HotKey is pressed together with all marked control keys (SHIFT, CTRL and ALT), the content of the clip will be inserted into the active application. Is the clip defined as a macro, the macro will be executed.  Default open action: What should happen if the clip is double clicked ? There are three options: - The assignable standard application (normally the system editor) will be opened. - The content of the clip will be copied into the clipboard and availabe to all applications. This function can also be performed by using the 'Copy to clipboard' method in the context menu of the clip. - If the clip is definded as a macro, this macro can be executed.  Should this clip not be deleted automatically under the conditions defined at EClip/View page 1 of 2 ? This option is also available in the context menu of the clip. ('Don't delete')  This clip is a macro and contains executable macro commands.  In this case there are more options available: - During the playback of the macro the keyboard-lights should (not) flash. This is intended to be a hint that at an active macro. - The debug- mode can be used to create a logfile of the execution of the macro. The report appears in a window called 'Macro log'. It can be accessed via the window list. ═══ 4.4.2. Adjustments on already existing bitmap clips ═══ On this page adjustments for already existing bitmap clips can be made. The settings used to create new clips can be adjusted at Clips page 2 of 2 (bitmaps)  Default open action: What should happen if the clip gets double clicked ? There are two choices: - The assignable standard application (normally the system editor) will be opened. - The content of the clip will be copied to the clipboard and be availabe to all applications. This behaviour can be achieved also by using the 'Copy to clipboard' method in the context menu of the clip.  Should this clip not be deleted automatically, under the conditions defined at EClip/View page 1 of 2 ? This option is also available at the context menu of the clip. ('Don't delete') ═══ context menu 'Copy to Clipboard' ═══ The content of this clip will be copied to the clipboard and is then available to all applications. The clip can be configured on its settings page (context menu -> mouse button 2/Properties) to do the same copying as if it was double clicked. ═══ context menu 'Record macro' ═══ The macro recorder, integrated in Extended Clipboard/2 will be started. ═══ context menu 'Play macro' ═══ If this clip is marked as a macro, it will be played. ═══ context menu 'Autosync title' ═══ If this option is selected, the title will be synchronized with the content of this clip, if it is changed. This setting is also availalbe on the settings page (mouse button 2/Properties) of this clip. ═══ context menu 'Don't delete' ═══ This clip will not be deleted under the conditions defined at EClip/View page 1 of 2 This setting is also availalbe on the settings page (mouse button 2/Properties) of this clip. ═══ 5. Known problems ═══ There might be a few problems while using EClip :  The clipboard viewer included in OS/2 does not operate correctly  Clip suddenly disappears  EClip folder closes automatically  Window order is mixed up  Programs, wich cannot be used together with EClip  Other data types but bitmap and text  Uninstallation fails . ═══ 5.1. The clipboard viewer included in OS/2 does not operate correctly ═══ The 'clipboard viewer' does not cooperate with clipboard extensions like EClip. As soon as the 'clipboard viewer' has been used to view the contents of the clipboard with EClip opened, EClip will not get any more notification if the contents of the clipboard change. That's why EClip cannot create new clips in this case. To make EClip operate again just close and reopen the EClip folder. The clipboard viewer and EClip can only be used together if the clipboard viewer is started first, and EClip is opened afterwards. ═══ 5.2. Clip suddenly disappears ═══ In Warp V4 dragging an object to the desktop will create a shadow of the object by default. So, if the original object in the EClip folder is deleted, the shadow will be deleted, too. That might be confusing since clips may be deleted automatically. (see EClip/View page 2 of 2) A possible solution would be to set the 'Don't delete' flag for this entry. (see Settings on existing clips). Of course it is possible to create a shadow but a copy of the entry (CTRL - mouse button 2) or to move the entry to the Desktop (SHIFT - mouse button 2). This will avoid these problems. ═══ 5.3. EClip folder closes automatically ═══ It is possible to adjust Warp 4 in such way, that with every opening of an object, the folder, in which the object is placed, gets closed automatically. If this adjustment is made for the whole system (system configuration /System/Window/2 : All objects) it will be also valid for the EClip folder. As a consequence the EClip folder gets closed automatically after a double click on a clip. With the EClip folder closed, no new contents of the clipboard will be stored. Solution: Choose 'Never' on the the settings page of the EClip folder ('Window page 2 of 2'). ═══ 5.4. Window order is mixed up ═══ If the EClip folder is set to be displayed permanently on top by the 'Always-on-top framebutton', faults in the order of WINOS/2 windows on the OS/2 desktop can occur. ═══ 5.5. Programs, that cannot be used together with EClip ═══  The program ManyClip by Tim Francis cannot be used together with EClip. ═══ 5.6. Other data types but bitmap and text ═══ EClip currently supports clips of the types 'bitmap' and 'text'. It would be possible to support other clipboard formats. If there is a demand, please let the author know. ═══ 5.7. Uninstallation fails ═══ To uninstall Assistant/2 the file ECLINST.DLL has to be in one of the the directories in the LIBPATH. The installation will not work, if the file ECLINST.DLL is not located in a path in the LIBPATH. The file is available in the original package named INSTENG.DLL (or INSTGER.DLL for the german version). So if you deleted ECLINST.DLL accidentally just copy INSTENGL.DLL into a directory wich is in the LIBPATH and rename it to ECLINST.DLL. ═══ 6. Uninstallation ═══ Assistant/2 can be uninstalled by UNINST.EXE It will remove all WPS classes that have been registered by Assistant/2 and all Assistant/2 entries in the INI files as well as the newly created templates. The installation path will not be deleted. Changes made to \CONFIG.SYS and \AUTOEXEC.BAT will be removed. Only after a system reboot it is possible to delete the installation path and / or to install a new version of Assistant/2. To update Extended Clipboard/2 or Assistant/2 the old installation path has to be deleted manually before you start the installation of the new version ! The uninstallation will fail, if the file ECLINST.DLL is not located in the LIBPATH. ═══ 7. Used terms ═══ The following terms are used in this documentation for Assistant/2:  'EClip'  'Clip'  'Drag&Drop'  'Autopaste'  'Hotkey'  'Macro' ═══ 8. Legal matters ═══ Assistant/2 includes the Extended Clipboard/2 and is Shareware. It may be tested and used for 21 days free of charge, then it has to be registered (see ORDER.FRM). It is not permitted to use an unregistered copy of Assistant/2 as soon as the evaluation period is expired. After 21 days a reminder will be displayed, when the EClip folder is opened. The registration fee is $15. Registrations for Extended Clipboard/2 are valid for Assistant/2 as well. The program may only be distributed as the unmodified ZIP archive. The user installs, uses and uninstalls Extended Clipboard at his own risk. The author cannot be held responsible for any damage, eg. dataloss, caused by the installation, usage and uninstallation of Extended Clipboard. There is no warrenty of any kind for the function of the Assistant/2 package or any part of Assistant/2. Of course Assistant/2 has been extensivly tested and improved. Nevertheless faults can't be ruled out. The author would be pleased to get bugreports or suggestions by email and will try to solve possible problems. For the current addresses see below. Assistant/2 and Extended Clipboard/2 - copyright (c) 1996, 1997 by Hinnerk Becker, Hamburg ═══ 8.1. Register ═══ The registration fee is $15. Outside Germany please register via BMT Micro: Mail Orders To: BMT Micro PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 U.S.A. Voice Orders: 8:00am - 7:00pm EST (-5 GMT) (800) 414-4268 (orders only) (910) 791-7052 Fax Orders: (910) 350-2937 24 hours / 7 Days (800) 346-1672 24 hours / 7 Days Online Orders via modem: (910) 350-8061 28.8 (910) 799-0923 28.8 via Internet: orders@bmtmicro.com telnet@bmtmicro.com http://www.bmtmicro.com Inside germany please use the BESTELL.FRM to register. ═══ 9. Closing words ═══ The author can be reached at: HBecker@bigfoot.com or via snailmail: Hinnerk Becker Kortenwisch 5c 22397 Hamburg Germany I would like to express my thanks to Bernd Troszynski for many helpful suggestions, tips, the writing of this documentation and his great WinEClip tool. Hinnerk Becker, June 1999 Products or company names are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. ═══ ═══ Hold down mouse button 2 to drag an object and release the mouse button over the destination application to drop it. ═══ ═══ An object in wich a single (old) clipboard content or a macro is stored is called clip. ═══ ═══ EClip is used in this documentation as a short term for Extended Clipboard/2. ═══ ═══ What are 'default types' ? Normally every data file is assigned to a type which is stored in its extended attributes. In most cases there is at least one program, wich is able to work on data of this type and therefore is assigned to that type. For the type 'Plain Text' this is the editor 'E' by default. The association 'Plain Text' - 'E' can be changend system wide in the settings of the system editor. Instead of giving the data type 'Plain Text' to a new clip, it is also possible to create a new data type. This new data type has to be added to the WPS type list. This can be done on the association settings page of any program object. The assignment of the new data type is done on this page, too. A double click on the clip will start this application from now on. Of course the same works for the type 'Bitmap' and the Bitmap viewer. If the symbol editor is also assigned to this type you can choose in the context menu / open wich program to use on the data. It is possible to enter multiple types at 'Default types'. They have to be separated by ','. Superfluous blanks have to be avoided. For example 'Plain Text,TextClip' would add all applications associated with these types to the context menu (mouse button 2/open) of the new clips. ═══ ═══ A text clip with the macro option set on its settings page is is called a macro. A macro can simulate keyboard and mouse events. Macros can be recorded with the macro recorder, intergrated in EClip, and / or edited with any text editor. ═══ ═══ Usually a HotKey is a combination of multiple keys pressed simultaneously. But it is also possible to define a single key as a hotkey. Even mouse buttons can be hotkeys. You can assign a text clip to a hotkey on its settings page. If the hotkey gets pressed, the action of the clip will be performed. This can be the insertion of its content into the active application or the execution of a macro. Some hotkeys are predefined by EClip. HotKeys are similar to HotTexts. ═══ ═══ Autopaste allows to insert clips semi automatically into PM applications by hotkeys without having to switch to the EClip folder to select the next clip. After a clip has been inserted, the next clip in the EClip folder gets selected and is copied to the clipboard to let the next Autopaste action insert just this (the next) clip. So several old clipboard entries can be placed in the application one after the other. The hotkeys are CTRL-ALT-Cursor Up and CTRL-ALT-Cursor Down. There is also the possibility of selecting another clip without inserting it into the application - like an uncompleted Autopaste action. The Hotkeys are CTRL-Tab-Cursor Up and CTRL-Tab-Cursor Down. The active clip can by edited by pushing the space bar once. You stop editing by pressing CTRL+Tab again. Pressing ALT will insert the active clip without leaving browse mode. ═══ ═══ Usually a HotText is a sequence of keys, wich is entered into application in order to activate the corresponding object. You can assign a text clip to a HotText on its settings page. If the HotText is entered, the action of the clip will be performed. This can be the insertion of its content into the active application or the execution of a macro. HotTexts are similar to HotKeys. ═══ ═══ The 'mouse buttons' If the mouse is configured for right-handed persons,  the left button is called 'mouse button 1'  the right button is called 'mouse button 2'  an possibly existing middle button is called 'mouse button 3' If the mouse is configured for left-handed persons, mouse buttons 1 and 2 are swapped. ═══ ═══ A number can precede every macro command. This number is the time wait before the command is executed in milliseconds to. The command <100HOME> waits for a tenth of a second and then simulates the pressing of the 'home' key. All other following commands will be executed with the delay defined by the command. ═══ ═══ An URL-object can only be created, if the class WPUrl is registered in the system. This is the case, if a template with the name URL exists in the template folder (Internet templates) This should apply to WARP4 in most cases.