Andys Editor Help-file Minimum information required to get started using AE, using supplied .INI file. ~X means Shift-X, ^X means Ctrl-X and @X means Alt-X. Esc to cancel current command, or bring up command menu. Arrows Move around buffer (or traditional Wordstar cursor diamond). F3 Enters fold (or ^L ^I). F4 Exits fold (or ^L ^O). @X Exits editor (or other_exit from command menu). /*...sinstallation:0:*/ The usual supplied file should be expanded using "unzip ae" on a UNIX machine, or "unzip -a ae" on a PC. The supplied package includes the following for PC users :- ae_dos.exe runs on DOS, and in DOS boxes ae_o16.exe runs on 16 bit OS/2, 32 bit OS/2, and Windows NT/95 ae_dual.exe runs on 16 bit OS/2, 32 bit OS/2, Windows NT/95 and DOS ae_os2.exe runs on 32 bit OS/2 ae_win.exe runs on Windows NT/95 ae.ini Should work on any of the above ae.ico For OS/2 Copy the executable of your choice to a directory on the PATH, calling it ae.exe. Also place the ae.ini initialisation file there. The following UNIX files are included :- ae_aix4 RS/6000 executable compiled on AIX 4.1. ae_linux Intel Linux executable. ae_hpux HP/UX PA 2.0 executable ae_sun Solaris executable Put the ae binary on the PATH, put ae.ini in the same place as ae. If you have your own ~/.aerc, this is used in preference to ae.ini. AE for Linux currently uses ncurses 1.9.9e. This looks for the terminfo terminal database along a path given by the TERMINFO environment variable (if set), and then in /usr/lib/terminfo. Later versions of ncurses, such as that in the RedHat distribution install the database in /usr/share/terminfo, often without providing a symbolic link from /usr/lib/terminfo for backwards compatibility. If you are told you 'cannot open the terminal', either add a symbolic link, or set the TERMINFO environment variable. Under RedHat Linux, if you want colour support, it may be necessary to change your TERM environment variable from xterm to xterm-color. Slackware doesn't seem to need this. Basic text help is provided :- ae.txt This help document For those of you with WWW browsers, and who'd like better help :- Remember, when uploading files to a UNIX machine, ae is a binary file, and anything else is ASCII. /*...e*/ /*...sintroduction:0:*/ Welcome to Andys Editor. This editor was designed as a language configurable folding source code editor. This editor provides these features :- Folding. The ability to group lines into a larger 'meta-line'. Block operations. Yank and put model for line copying etc. Deleted item stack to allow multiple undeletes. Extended regular expression searching. Multiple buffers at any one time. Portability across many machines. Bracket matching. User configurable keyboard binding. Shelling of nested processes (and filtering of folds through commands). The editor is relatively small for what it does. This editor is a folding editor. This is a highly useful feature. Once you have got used to the folding paradigm, you will not want to use a flat editor again! /*...e*/ /*...swhat is a folding editor\63\:0:*/ Folding is an idea borrowed from the language occam by INMOS. A fold is a group of lines that may be considered a unit and described by a single line. Eg: Consider the flat piece of code :- while not eof(f) do begin read(f, c); write(c) end This could be folded to give :- while not eof(f) do /*...secho out another character from the file:10:*/ begin read(f, c); write(c) end /*...e*/ The ... line hides away the details of whats going on. Obviously it makes more sense to fold larger and more complicated peices of code away. Its a bit like inline subroutines. A particularly nice way to fold Pascal programs looks like this :- program fred(input, output); {highly trivial example of folding} var i: integer; /*...sinitialise:10:*/ procedure initialise; /*...ssign_on:12:*/ procedure sign_on; begin writeln('FRED version 1.0') end {sign_on}; /*...e*/ begin sign_on; i := 1 end {initialise}; /*...e*/ /*...smain_body:10:*/ procedure main_body; begin writeln('i is ',i:1) end {main_body}; /*...e*/ begin initialise; main_body end. As you can see, this style of folding allows you to rapidly find any given procedure and enables you to see the structure of the program as a whole. Also, you no longer need to page up miles to find the variables! Folds can be open or closed. The ones shown already were closed, but if they are opened they look like this :- while not eof(f) do /*...Secho out another character from the file:10:*/ begin read(f, c); write(c) end /*...e*/ This allows the user to see whats in them without actually entering them. There is a second kind of fold, called a virtual fold which allows links to other files to be made. For example you might see :- program fred(input, output) {$I ''} /*...vheader\46\inc:8:*/ begin etc. If you use 'fold_in' on the virtual fold line, then the file is read and selected. I suggest you don't try it on the virtual fold above, since it is unlikely you have a file for AE to load! If you later use 'fold_out' from within the top fold of file, then the file is optiobally written if modified, discarded, then the original buffer is selected. In this way many files may edited as if they were only one file. Virtual folds may also be opened, in which case they look like this :- /*...Vheader\46\inc:8:*/ You cannot see the contents of an open virtual fold, since they are in another file, and are not loaded until the virtual fold is entered. The significance of opening virtual folds becomes apparent in searching, where it is possible to search just open virtual folds, and to skip closed ones, during a global search. /*...e*/ /*...swhat is on the screen\63\:0:*/ If you are in the editor now, looking at this fold you should see the following on the top 3 lines :- 1) The name of this help file (probably c:ae.txt) at the top left. 2) The current folds tag just below that (whats on the screen?). 3) A blank line below that (where prompts and error messages appear). 4) The language name (probably top) for the current buffer. 5) The current line and column numbers at the top right. The line number is the 'flat' line number (ie: over the whole file). 6) One or more of the words 'autoindent', 'overtype' and 'insert'. These specify the current editing mode. 7) Either ^I or a number specifying either the number of spaces per press of the tab key or that real chr$(9) tabs are in force. Below that, you should see this text. You will also see a line with a single ^ on it below this text. This marks the end of the current fold. Typing on it automatically inserts a new line. Any unused lines are marked with a ~ in UNIX vi(1) style. /*...e*/ /*...scommand line and startup:0:*/ When this editor loads it does the following :- Processes the command line arguments :- ae [-l] [-r] [-w width] [-h height] [-i inifile] {filename} -l means load filename arguments into buffers -r restricted version (no shelling allowed) -w width set screen mode to width columns -h height set screen mode to height lines -i inifile executes inifile instead of default name Trys to initialise the screen driver. If -w and -h are not specified a default screen size is used. Alternatively, the editor trys to initialise a screen of the desired size. What are allowable screen sizes depend on the hardware installed etc. Next a buffer is created with no name. A virtual fold line is created for each filename argument. On closedown the editor will not write this buffer, since it has no name. Then the configuration file is executed, line by line, stopping if an error occurs. If an error occurs, the line number is given, and AE will continue when the user presses a key. If the -l switch is given the editor attempts to create a buffer for each filename argument and then to load them. If there is only one file, and the -l switch is not given, the file is read in anyway. If there is only one file, it is selected. Then the editor signs on with its version date. /*...e*/ /*...seditor commands:0:*/ This fold lists all the commands available in the editor to the user. These may be executed in 3 ways :- 1) By pressing escape and selecting them from the menu system. The main menu gives a list of sub-menus, grouped by function. These sub-menus give command names, and prompt the user for arguments. 2) By pressing escape, selecting 'COMMAND' and typing them in. The 'COMMAND' menu selection is special in that it does not give a second level menu, but rather it prompts the user for a command string to be executed. 3) By using a key-binding that uses the required commands. A key-binding is a connection between a key or a pair of keys and a command string. A command string is a list of command names followed by arguments. /*...sarguments:0:*/ Arguments may be supplied with the commands, or interactively. Character arguments may be supplied as unsigned decimal ASCII codes, or as single quoted characters. They may also be specified in hex by preceeding the number with a & symbol. String arguments may be supplied quoted in "'s. Real quotes may be supplied by escaping them with \'s and real \'s may be supplied by quoting themseleves. Numbers may be supplied as unsigned decimal numbers. They may also be specified in hex by preceeding the number with an & symbol. Yes/No responses may be supplied as 'yes' or 'no'. 'When' responses (when to enter a fold during searching for example) may be supplied as 'always', 'if_open' or 'never'. Buffer and language arguments may be supplied by stating their names in double quotes. Alternatively '.' may be supplied to indicate the current buffer or language of the current buffer. With all the arguments specifying ? will cause the user to be prompted for the arguments value. This is usually via a menu. Eg: character_overtype 65 overtype the current character with A character_type 'A' type A character_insert ? insert a character (to be decided later) line_goto 100 goto 'flat' line number 100 buffer_write . no write the current buffer, no appending line_insert "Hello \"Ace\"" insert Hello "Ace" as a new line /*...e*/ /*...scharacter:0:*/ character_left Move the cursor one character keft. character_right Ditto - but right. character_insert c Insert character and move right. character_overtype c Overtype character over existing one or if at end of line then insert. character_type c Either insert or overtype, depending on flag. None of the 3 character entering routines will do anything if supplied the NUL (ASCII 0) character since this is used internally within the program (written in "C"). character_delete_left Delete the character to the left of the cursor. If the character is no an end of line mark, the character is placed on the deleted stack, along with a flag to say that if it is undeleted then the cursor should move one right afterwards. character_delete_right Delete the character to the right of the cursor. If it is not an end of line mark, it is placed on the deleted item stack along with a flag to say that if it is undeleted, simply insert it at the cursor position and do not move the cursor. character_delete_eol Delete to end of line. Store the end of the line on the deleted stack. character_tab Inserts or overtypes as with either a tab character (^I) or as many spaces as are necessary to pad to the next tab stop. eg: character_type 'A' character_delete_right /*...e*/ /*...sstring:0:*/ string_insert s Insert a string (repeatedly character_insert's). string_overtype s Overtype a string (repeatedly character_overtype's). string_type s Type a string (repeatedly character_type's). eg: string_insert "Hello World" /*...e*/ /*...sword:0:*/ word_left Move left by a word (scope is current fold). word_right Ditto - but right. /*...e*/ /*...sline:0:*/ line_insert string Insert a new line, text of which is string. line_insert... string open indent Insert a fold line. line_insert::: string open indent Insert a virtual fold line. line_delete Delete current line (if not last line). Line is put onto deleted line stack. line_yank Copy current line and put on stack. line_up Move to the previous line in current fold. line_down Ditto - but next. line_start Move to the start of the line. line_end Ditto - but end. line_goto Goto a 'flat' line-number. line_split Splits line at cursor and move to start of new line line_trans from to Convert letters in from to corresponding in to line_exec Takes current text line from current buffer and executes it. Good for testing key-bindings. eg: line_insert... "tag" yes 0 /*...e*/ /*...spage:0:*/ page_up Scroll a page up. page_down Ditto - but down. page_scroll_up Scroll the visible area up a line. page_scroll_down Ditto - but down. /*...e*/ /*...ssearch:0:*/ search_for pattern case_sens reg_exp ... ::: dir n confirm Search for a pattern, which may or may not be a regular expression, searching in either direction, n times, possibly confirming each's position. Can specify when to enter nested folds and virtual folds. search_replace pattern replacement case_sens reg_exp ... ::: dir n confirm Ditto - but replace occurences. search_again Repeat last search or search and replace. search_bracket If currently on a bracket character, find the matching bracket. Scope of search is limited to current fold. eg: search_for ".*\.c" yes yes if_open if_open yes 5 no note: If the search pattern is reg_exp, then the replacement string can use \n notation to refer to parts of the match in the replacement string. /*...e*/ /*...stag:0:*/ tag_line Place/remove a tag on current line. There is no limit on the number of tags that may be inserted into each buffer. tag_error Examine current line after cursor and extract a filename and line-number if present. Then if we are editing such a file, place a tag in the file's buffer at the given line number. This is intended for use with the output of the make(1) utility. tag_goto dir Move to the next or previous tag in the current buffer. /*...e*/ /*...sfold:0:*/ fold_start Move to the first line in the current fold. fold_end Ditto - but last. fold_open open The cursor must be on a fold line. Make the fold either open or closed. fold_in The cursor must be on a fold line. Enter the fold. fold_out Leave the current fold and go to its parent. /*...e*/ /*...sblock:0:*/ block_mark_1 Place marker one at the current line. block_mark_2 Ditto - but marker two. block_unmark Remove both markers. block_to_mark_1 Move the cursor to the line with the first marker. Do nothing if it is not set. block_to_mark_2 Ditto - but marker two. block_fold tag open indent Create a fold and insert the marked area into it. If there is no marked area, simply create the fold. The tag is a filename with any embedded spaces quoted by preceeding them with a '. Unquoted white space ends the filename. block_unfold The cursor must be on a fold line. Unfold the fold and make the nested lines be marked. block_entab For each line in the block, insert a tab at its start. Error if line would become too long. block_detab For each line in block starting with a full tab remove the tab. block_read filename Read filename into fold and mark as a block. block_write filename append Write the marked block to a file, possibly appending to it. block_filter command Write marked block to temporary file 1. Run the command with temporary file 1 as its standard input and temporary file 2 as its standard output. Delete marked block. Read in temporary file 2 as the new block. Important: fold information is also written out for any nested folds. Therefore, if you pass a fold through 'sort' the folding structure of the file would almost certainly be corrupted. # This takes a copy of the 'before' block on the deleted item stack. block_delete Delete currently marked block. Put on deleted item stack. If this is subsequently undeleted, the resulting lines will be re-marked as a block. block_yank Put a copy of the current block on the deleted item stack. block_trans from to Convert letters in from to corresponding in to /*...sproblems with block_filter:0:*/ # This is a problem caused by the way fold information is stored in the file. eg: The fold used as the argument File before "sort" File after "sort" {{{ this fold /*...sthis fold:0:*/ contents contents contents /*...e*/ }}} /*...e*/ /*...sthis fold:0:*/ Note that the resulting file has its end reserved comment before its start! If you passed the above file through an "uppercaseifier" then you would find that the reserved comments would be "uppercaseified" as well. In the reserved comment ...s implies closed fold, ...S would imply open. Therfore such a command would, as a side effect, open all nested folds! Moral: only use block filter on text, unless you know the program knows about folding. /*...e*/ /*...e*/ /*...sbuffer:0:*/ buffer_create filename read select Create a new buffer of name filename. If read requested, read it in too. If select requested, select the buffer too. buffer_delete filename Delete the buffer and its contents. Do not delete the file. buffer_select filename Select a buffer for editing. buffer_rename filename filename Change the name of a buffer. buffer_read filename Read in the file into its buffer. buffer_write filename append Write the buffer to its file. eg: buffer_write . no /*...e*/ /*...slanguage:0:*/ language_create langname rc_st rc_end match visible auto insert_mode tab seps Create a language which has reserved comments rc_st and rc_end, matches filenames with an extended regular expression, possibly has autoindent, and has a tab size of tab. The seps string determines what characters, apart from white space seperate words. as making up a word. eg: for "C" use "_" since identifiers may contains _'s. language_delete langname Delete a language. language_select langname Change the language of the current buffer. language_rename langname langname Change the name of a given language. eg: language_create "pascal" "{..." "}" ".*\.pas" no yes yes 0 "_" /*...e*/ /*...ssetup:0:*/ setup_visible Toggle the character visibility flag. Determines how white space, control characters, and other characters are shown on the screen. setup_autoindent Toggle the autoindent flag. setup_insert Toggle the insert/overtype flag. setup_tabs Modify the tab size. /*...e*/ /*...skey:0:*/ key_prefix key_name This is used to allow multiple key bindings. eg: to get wordstar like block bindings you should use key_prefix "^K". key_bind key_name(s) stuff_to_end_of_line Make key key_name(s) execute the commands on the rest of the line each time it is pressed. If the first key_name is a prefixed key then a second key name will be expected, to complete the binding. eg: key_bind "^B ^S" "buffer_select ?" /*...e*/ /*...sother:0:*/ other_shell command Execute subprocess command. other_redraw Redraw the entire screen. other_exit confirm Leave Andys Editor. You will be prompted about saving edited buffers. other_abort confirm Leave Andys Editor. No prompts. other_undelete Last deleted item is replaced at cursor position into the text. other_put Last deleted item is copied from deleted item stack to text. other_squeeze Discards deleted stack to free up memory. other_colours t f s mt mf ms Set the colours used by the editor for the text, fold lines, status information and also their marked counterparts. These numeric values used for the arguments vary from machine to machine. other_backups backup enable or disable making backups eg: other_shell "ls -al" /*...e*/ /*...sconditional:0:*/ When AE processes its initialisation file, it can skip certain commands depending upon the platform the editor is running on. This is acheived by dollar directives, like in the following :- $U key_bind "F11" "block_write \"/tmp/ae1.cut\"" $P key_bind "F11" "block_write \"c:/tmp/ae1.cut\"" $* $U, means execute the following lines if on a type of UNIX. $P means on a type of PC (ie: DOS, OS/2, or Windows version). $O is a sort of a catch all for any other type of machine. $* means execute what follows on any type of machine. Letters can be combined, so $UO means UNIX or other (but not PC). /*...e*/ /*...e*/ /*...sdefault key bindings:0:*/ The configuration file is accessable from these virtual folds (provided you are currently in the right directory). /*...vae\46\ini:0:*/ Any line in these files starting with a ; is ignored by the editor. Any other line is executed as-is by the editor at load time only. AE makes no attempt to re-read this file after it has been edited. Any line in these files may be fed to AE directly by pressing escape and typing in the line as a command (except for comment lines). /*...e*/ /*...sae file format:0:*/ This section is provided to allow people to write tools (including other folding editors) that understand the folded file format. The editor deduces the language of the file from the filename via the extended regular expression specified in the languages language_create statement which is usually done in the initialisation file. eg: For "assembler", the extended regular expression ".*\\.(s|i|asm|inc|mac|as)" is used to say all .s, .i, .asm,... etc. files are "assembler" files. Also defined per language is and strings (reserved comment start and end). is the most common comment introducer for the language, followed by and is the comment completor (if required). is a string the user is unlikely start a comment with. In practice for all currently defined languages "..." is used, and is recommended for any new languages, unless it is not allowed, in which case something else will do. eg: For "pascal", the most common comment starter is "{", and ender is "}". Hence is "{..." and is "}". eg: For "assembler", comments start with ";" and need no ender. Hence is ";..." and is "". A text file is an ordered list of lines. If a line begins with in column 1, then it is considered to be a 'crease'. Crease types defined are :- s:: begin closed fold, shown as "... tag" S:: begin open fold, shown as "{{{ tag" e end fold E end fold, shown as "}}}" v:: closed virtual fold, "::: tag" V:: open virtual fold, ">>> tag" Any other letter after is reserved for future use and is an error. Begin fold and end fold creases must nest correctly and all match up properly within a text file. Consider them much like brackets. ( Aside: You might note than end fold can be either 'e' or 'E'. The "}}}" is shown by the editor if it pairs with a 'S', not whether it is an 'E' ). is a fold or virtual fold tag. The user may type in any character codes to make up the . Alphanumeric, '_' and ' ' characters are represented in the as-is, but anything else gets mapped to '\' followed by decimal ASCII code followed by '\'. eg: The fold tag "Hypen-ated" is represented in the file by "Hypen\45\ated" For virtual folds (which are essential just references to another file), the first part of the upto the first space or tab character is considered to be the filename, the rest is disregarded when entering a virtual fold. eg: Entering virtual fold with of "sort.c - do sorting" will attempt to load the file "sort.c". represents the columnar indent of the contents of the fold being begun from the beginning of the file. Therefore it is an error if the value for a nested fold is less than the of its parent. Looking back, it might have been better to make +ve and relative to its parent. Example of what is in a sample file, what it represents :- <---- column 1 #include "check.h" #include "check.h" /*...vcheck\46\h:0:*/ ::: check.h static void check(void) static void check(void) { { if ( condition ) if ( condition ) /*...Sdie:16:0*/ {{{ die { { /*...Vwhywarn\46\txt:16:*/ >>> whywarn.txt warn(); warn(); exit(1); exit(1); } } /*...e*/ }}} } } If the die fold used little 's' not big 'S', then the fold would be closed and shown by the editor as "... die" only on the right, until the fold is entered. There is no explicit limit to the levels of nesting allowed. In practice, many of AEs internal functions are written recursively, so it is possible to blow the (very large) stack. I envisage a least 500 levels being safe. In practice, users don't tend to nest much more than 10 levels, so this is not a problem. /*...e*/ /*...smisc stuff:0:*/ /*...sadding to AE:0:*/ Probably the easiest way of "adding" functionality to AE is to write a small filter program and to bind a key like so :- key_bind "^R" "block_filter \"reform -\"" The example uses a program reform to reformat a block. The program reform is simply a filter that reforms its standard input to its output. This paragraph itself was formatted using the very same key-binding. Other filters could supply 'line-drawing-mode', 'white space stripping'. Note that such filters could cause problems if you send folds through them. /*...e*/ /*...smachines supported:0:*/ The editor is written in portable "C" and may easily be ported to new machines, provided they have suitable screen and keyboard control. The only things that change from version to version are filename conventions, available keys for binding, colour support, and support for screen sizes and modes. /*...sfilenames:0:*/ On systems with forward slash pathname seperators (UNIX), backslashes in filenames get converted to forward slashes. On systems with backward slashes as pathname seperators (DOS, OS/2 and Windows), forward slashes in filenames get converted into backward slashes. After translation, the filenames get passed to the operating systems. The DOS AE is limited to 8.3 filenames, but the OS/2 and Windows versions support long filenames. Of course, UNIX does too. /*...e*/ /*...skeyboard:0:*/ Keyboard support table :- Keys DOS OS/2 Windows UNIX ---------------------- --- ---- ------- ---- ^A-^Z ^\ ^] ^^ ^_ yes yes yes yes Left Right Up Down yes yes yes yes #1 ~Left ~Right ~Up ~Down - - - yes #2 ^Left ^Right ^Up ^Down yes yes yes yes #2 @Left @Right @Up @Down yes yes yes yes #2 Home End PgUp PgDn yes yes yes yes #2 ~Home ~End ~PgUp ~PgDn - - - yes #2 ^Home ^End ^PgUp ^PgDn yes yes yes yes #2 @Home @End @PgUp @PgDn yes yes yes yes #2 @A-@Z @0-@9 @- @= yes yes yes yes #2 #3 F1- F12 yes yes yes yes #1 #4 ~F1-~F12 yes yes yes yes #2 #4 ^F1-^F12 yes yes yes yes #2 #4 @F1-@F12 yes yes yes yes #2 #4 #1: Subject to AE recognising the terminal type being used, and the type having a termcap/terminfo database entry with suitable entries in it. #2: Subject to AE recognising the terminal type being used, and the type being one for which AE has hard coded knowledge (vtxxx, xterm, aixterm or hft). #3: AE has specific hard coded knowledge of the escape sequences generated for the Alt keys by the linux terminal. #4: Xenix only supported 10 function keys the last time AE was compiled for it. A few other obscure keycodes are also supported. On DOS, OS/2 and Windows, searches can be interrupted using the ^Break key. On UNIX its the Esc key. /*...sSpecial notes for UNIX:0:*/ The most basic level of keyboard support provided by termcap/terminfo is support for Left, Right, Up, Down, and for function keys F1-F10. If the termcap/terminfo database is incomplete, or your TERM environment variable is wrong, then even this most basic level of support may not work fully or at all. AE for UNIX has a special 'feature' whereby pressing Esc followed by a key is logically equivelent to pressing Alt and the key together. This helps out in situations where the Alt keys do not make it to programs, perhaps because the terminal emulator or windowing system won't pass them on. ^S and ^Q can be a problem if operating with xon/xoff flow control. ^Y and ^Z are often the suspend and delayed suspend keys on a terminal. /*...sDEC terminals:0:*/ AE specifically knows the escape sequences for arrows (application and cursor mode) and function keys (F1-F4) in the VT100 terminal (and family) definition. AE specifically knows the escape sequences generated by function keys in an xterm session. It does this as emulators/terminals and/or terminfo/termcap definitions often get the distinction between application and cursor mode wrong. /*...e*/ /*...sIBM terminals:0:*/ AE knows the escape sequences for masses of keys from the IBM aixterm and IBM hft terminals. It even knows the variations generated by IBM Internal tool HFTTERM.EXE for OS/2. Excellent keyboard support can be obtained using these. The following additions to your ~/.cshrc file will improve Ctrl key support, by avoiding the flow control and suspend key problems explained above :- stty -ixon -ixoff # Disable ^S ^Q flow control stty susp undef # ^Y no longer suspends stty dsusp undef # ^Z no longer suspends Note that if you are working on an X-Station, then depending upon your window manager, some of the keys may be intercepted before AE sees them. For example, when I run the Motif-Window-Manager, mwm, I find that @F4 is intercepted before AE sees it, and it is used to close the aixterm window. /*...e*/ /*...sLinux terminal:0:*/ AE knows some of the escape sequences generated for keystrokes from the linux terminal. /*...e*/ /*...sDefault Sun terminal:0:*/ The left-function keys (L1-L10) are known to AE as the Alt+Fn keys @F1-@F10. The right-function keys are arranged with the following mapping (as the Sun keyboard doesn't actually have arrow-keys) :- R7 = Home R8 = Up R9 = PgUp R10 = Left R12 = Right R13 = End R14 = Down R15 = PgDn /*...e*/ /*...sDefault Xenix terminal:0:*/ Xenix supports 10 function keys. The @Fn keypresses are intercepted by the Xenix multi-terminal system and are used to switch between sessions. If the user presses ^~Fn, then AE sees this as @Fn. /*...e*/ /*...e*/ /*...e*/ /*...scolour:0:*/ Colour support table :- Colour DOS OS/2 Windows UNIX --------------------------- --- ---- ------- ---- 8 foreground / 8 background yes yes yes yes #1 #2 #3 Bright foreground yes yes yes Bright background yes Flash yes yes #1: Under AIX, if the termcap/terminfo entry supports it, and you are running on a vtxxx, aixterm or hft terminal, then colour support is enabled. I've seen a VT100 terminal terminfo definition on AIX which doesn't support colour, although I see no reason why this can't easily be remedied. #2: Under Linux or HP/UX, if the termcap/terminfo entry supports it, colour support is enabled. #3: Most terminals don't have colour support, and for these the standard curses support is simply for one of 4 'colours' (none, some or all of which may be supported by your particular terminal) :- Normal = 0 Underline = 1 support for this often not present Standout = 2 this is usually inverse or bold Alternate = 3 this could be an alternate character set However, in the general case, given the following defines :- Black = 0 Flashing = 1 Blue = 1 Static = 0 Green = 2 Cyan = 3 Red = 4 Magenta = 5 Yellow = 6 Bright = 1 White = 7 NotBright = 0 Colour values may be computed as :- DOS, OS/2 : value = fg + bg*16 + bright*8 + flash*128 Windows : value = fg + bg*16 + fg_bright*8 + bg_bright*128 UNIX : value = fg + bg*16 + fallback_one_of_4_colours*256 Clearly the portable approach is simply to avoid using flashing and/or bright colours. Luckily hex notation (introduced by a & symbol) can be used to specify numbers, including colours. /*...e*/ /*...sscreen modes:0:*/ AE for DOS supports a wide variety of CGA, EGA, VGA and Super VGA screen modes, including various 43,50 and 60 line modes, and also 132 columns modes. It draws upon the services of the DOS Terminal Handler for its screen handling. AE for OS/2 can operate in any mode provided by the Vio interface, including the Super VGA modes detected by the SVGA.EXE utility and stored in the SVGADATA.PMI file. This includes the 132 column modes on XGA-2 for example. AE for Windows is a regular Console application, and so will work in any of the screen modes supported by Windows. AE for UNIX cannot change the screen/window size, and so simply runs with however many lines and columns are currently available. /*...e*/ /*...e*/ /*...sbugs\44\ problems:0:*/ At this present time, AE for UNIX cannot differentiate between foreign language keystrokes, such as a-with-unmlaut and Alt-characters. Both such keystrokes generate keycodes in the range 0x80 to 0xff. Curses does not appear to give me a way of telling the difference. Also, AE for UNIX cannot display characters which do not satisfy the ctype.h isprint(c) macro, as curses cannot promise that doing so will not upset your terminal screen. So even if you could type a-with-umlaut, AE couldn't show it! /*...e*/ /*...scopying this editor:0:*/ This editor is all my own work. I hereby place it in the Public Domain. Do what you like with it. Please redistribute it as you received it. Please don't try to sell it. Please don't try to place restrictions on what others can do with it. This software is supplied as-is, with no guarantee. /*...e*/ /*...srevision history:0:*/ Significant and recent revisions are only listed. If you have a version between listed dates, it will have some of the problems listed. You should always upgrade if you can. 15/1/89 Initial version (Alpha-Test). Various dates: Many minor bugfixes and various speed increases. Extremely extensive testing (4 years worth)! Brought OS/2, DOS, AIX and UNIX versions closer together. Many releases to university and work collegues. 1/5/93 Made Public Domain. First official external release to Internet. 1/7/93 Added readonly file test to UNIX versions. Fixed backup filename of "../.login" etc.. Improved tag_error to work with "filename.ext", line NUM. 29/3/94 Converted all source to fully prototyped form. Made source tree structure much safer. Compilable with IBM C-Set++ for 32 bit OS/2. Language redefinition fix. Comments at ends of lines in .INI files now allowed. 1/11/94 Bugfix for append mode. Bugfix for VESA support in DOS version. Added HTML language in supplied .INI file. 1/4/95 Added default key bindings, if .INI file not found. Replaced Norton Guide with HTML documentation. 9/4/96 Added Win32 version. 14/6/96 Added support for filename case preservation on OS/2 and Win32. Added Java language definition. 3/3/97 Migration from IBM C-Set++ to IBM VisualAge C++ with CTC305. Bugfix for illegal Extended Regular Expressions. Fixed read-only file saving on 32 bit OS/2 version. HTML documentation is now on the web, not in the package. 1/5/97 Added other_backups. 1/1/98 Extended max languages and buffers. Worked around Windows 95 Console API bugs. Added support for other screen sizes to Win32 version. 1/5/98 Increased number of key bindings from 150 to 250. Rationalised UNIX terminal support. Added Esc then X equivelent to Alt+X. Added Linux version. AIX version built on AIX 4.1 machine (rather than 3.2.5) Misc UNIX keyboard improvements. Fixed (widened) valid UNIX filename checking. 1/7/98 Improved Extended Regular Expression support. 1/8/98 Hex numbers, initial HP/UX and Solaris versions. 1/9/98 setup_visible affects ctrl and other characters too now. Avoid display of chars >= 0x80 on UNIX, its unsafe. Conditional processing of initialisation file. 1/11/98 Escape ' mechanism for spaces in filename and virtual folds. Support for UNC \\server\share\path\file.ext filenames on PCs. /*...e*/ /*...sobtaining this editor:0:*/ The easiest way to obtain this program is via the links on my homepage(s). /*...e*/ /*...scontacting the author:0:*/ {{{ Andy Key Email : Homepage : (IBM) : /*...e*/ /*...e*/