═══ 1. Help for PM File View ═══ PM File View is a file browsing utility for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. It displays files either in ASCII or in hex (see Display ASCII, Display Hex-ASCII, and Display Hex-EBCDIC), and additionally permits searching by phrase or jumping directly to a specified point in a file (see Find, Repeat Find, and Goto). PM File View can be invoked either from an OS/2 window or from the full-screen command line. If no filename is entered initially, or the filename contains wildcards, a dialog box is opened listing the available drives and files from which a file may be selected (see Open). PM File View can also be made a part of a Desktop Manager group, in which case it can be selected from a menu. Adding the optional /i switch, either at the command line or as a parameter of the Program Properties menu, will load PM File View with a specified filename and immediately shrink it to an icon at start-up, making the file information instantly available with the double-click of the mouse on the icon (see Command Line Options). Note that even if PM File View is started from a menu with the "Minimized" Initial window size option selected, it will still be necesssary to specify the /i switch as a parameter to prevent the initial File Open dialog box from popping up. At any time, a file can also be viewed by "dragging" its file name from a File Manager list and "dropping" it on the PM File View icon or window in the same manner that files can be "dragged" and "dropped" on the Print Manager. The same can be done with any file object in an application supporting the public OS/2 1.3/2.0 Drag and Drop protocol. You should be aware, however, that if a list containing more than one file name is dragged and dropped, only the first file in the list will be displayed. The selected filename is shown in the title bar of the display window and as the title of an icon when the window is minimized. A status line containing the file position (line number or byte offset) can optionally also be displayed at the bottom of the display window (see File Position). Search menu options for PM File View permit entering either a phrase or an offset to which the utility will jump. Configuration options permit customizing the screen color, display font size, display format, tab stop setting, and whether or not the scroll bars and/or the file position status line should be shown (see also Font Size). These settings become program defaults, but may be changed at any time. ═══ 1.1. Keys Help ═══ F1 Displays Help for Show Picture. Esc Displays the Open File dialog box if a dialog box is not displayed. Cancels (removes) a file dialog box if one is displayed. (see File Open) The following keys may be used only when there are no dialog boxes displayed: F3 Terminates PM File View. (see File Exit) Ctrl-N Closes the current file being displayed, and brings up the Open File dialog box for selection of another file. (see File New) Ctrl-O Displays the Open File dialog box. (see File Open) Ctrl-F Displays the Find dialog box for entry of search parameters, and then searches the file for the specified text or hex string. (see Search Find) Ctrl-R Repeats the last Find. (see Search Repeat Find) Ctrl-G Displays the Goto dialog box for entry of a file offset, and then positions the file offset line at the top of the display window. (see Search Goto) Ctrl-C Displays a dialog box for configuring the display appearance. (see Display Configure) Ctrl-A Displays the file in ASCII format. (see Display ASCII) Ctrl-H Displays the file in Hexadecimal - ASCII format. (see Display Hex-ASCII) Ctrl-E Displays the file in Hexadecimal - EBCDIC format. (see Display Hex-EBCDIC) Ctrl-P Toggles the inclusion / exclusion of a file position status line in the display window. (see Display File Position) Ctrl-B Toggles the inclusion / exclusion of scroll bars in the display window. (see Display Scroll Bars) Ctrl-S Depending on the display, either toggles the font size (between large and small) or displays a dialog box for selecting a font size. (see Display Font Size)  Moves the display window down one line in the file.  Moves the display window up one line in the file. ─ Moves the display window one character to the right. ─ Moves the display window one character to the left. Page Down Moves the display window down one screen in the file. Page Up Moves the display window up one screen in the file. Home Moves the display window to the top of the file. End Moves the display window to the end of the file. ═══ 1.2. Open ═══ Use File Open... to select a file to be displayed. This selection will open a dialog box, from which a file can be selected or specified in the entry box of the dialog. Wildcards specified in the entry box will filter the list of filenames displayed in the dialog box. Shortcut keys: Ctrl-O, Esc ═══ 1.3. New ═══ Use File New... to close the current file and display an Open File dialog box. As PM File View does not allow other applications to write to the file being displayed, this selection is useful when it is needed to make the currently displayed file available to other programs for writing without exiting PM File View or opening another file. Shortcut key: Ctrl-N ═══ 1.4. Exit ═══ Selection of File Exit will terminate PM File View. Shortcut key: F3 (The shortcut key cannot be used when a dialog box is displayed) ═══ 1.5. Find ═══ Use Search Find... to locate a text or hexadecimal string in the displayed file. The line containing the string becomes the top line in the display window. Use the Find dialog box to enter the string to be located. The string entered is assumed to be ASCII text unless the Hex String box is checked. If it is desired to find the ASCII text exactly as entered in the dialog box, check the Case Sensitive box; otherwise, the upper / lower case of characters in the search string and the file will be ignored in their comparison, e.g. an a will match an A. Hexadecimal strings may be entered with or without spaces between bytes and with upper and/or lower case hexadecimal digits. For example, 6FAC880D can also be entered as 6f Ac 88 0d However, be aware that the hexadecimal string entry 6 f a c 8 8 0 d will be treated as 060f0a0c0808000d The search will start from the current file position (the top line in the display window) unless the Search from Top box is checked, in which case the search is started from the beginning of the file. Shortcut key: Ctrl-F ═══ 1.6. Repeat Find ═══ Use Search Repeat Find to find the next occurrence of the last string entered in the Find dialog box. Note that if the Search from Top box was checked when the last Find was executed, repeated use of the Repeat Find selection will always go to the same point in the file -- the first occurrence of the search string in the file. In other words, the Repeat Find command is most useful when the Search from Top box in the Find dialog box is not checked. Shortcut key: Ctrl-R ═══ 1.7. Goto ═══ Use Search Goto... to move the display window to a specified offset position in the file. The offset position and type of offset are entered in a Goto dialog box when the Goto... selection is invoked. If a byte offset is specified, the character in the file at the offset position is displayed at the top row and leftmost column of the display window; an offset of zero corresponds to the first character (byte) in the file. If the offset is a line number, n, then the nth line in the file is displayed as top line in the display window (the first line in the file is line number 1). To specify a byte offset, enter the offset in the dialog box and click on the either the Decimal button if the offset is a decimal number, or the Hexadecimal button if the offset is a hexadecimal value. A line offset is specified by typing the line number in the dialog box entry field and clicking on the Line No. button. The actual positioning of the file to the specified offset occurs when the Goto button is clicked or the Enter key is pressed. Clicking on the Cancel button or pressing the Esc key terminates the Goto dialog without performing any file positioning. Shortcut key: Ctrl-G ═══ 1.8. Configure ═══ Use Display Configure... to open a dialog box to change and save various display characteristics, including the window text and background colors, font size, file display mode, number of characters between tab stops, whether or not scroll bars should be included in the display, and whether or not a file position status line should be displayed. Pressing the Enter key or clicking on the OK button will change the display according to the selections in the dialog box. If the Save values to disk box is checked, the selections will also be saved to disk. Then, each time PM File View is started, the saved selections will be invoked. If the Save window position box is checked, the current size and position of the PM FIle View window will also be saved and then will be restored each time the program is started. If the Cancel button is clicked or the Esc key is pressed, the display is not changed, and the settings are not saved to disk. Shortcut key: Ctrl-C ═══ 1.9. Display ASCII ═══ Select the Display Display ASCII pull-down menu item to view the file as characters and symbols. This is the normal mode to view text files. Non-text/ASCII files viewed with this selection will appear as gibberish and will likely not have meaningful line layouts; use one of the Hex display modes for these types of files. (see Display Hex-ASCII, and Display Hex-EBCDIC). Shortcut key: Ctrl-A ═══ 1.10. Display Hex-ASCII ═══ Select the Display Display Hex-ASCII pull-down menu item to view the file as hexadecimal bytes with their corresponding ASCII characters and PC symbols. Each line contains three sections: (1) an eight-digit byte file offset of the first byte on the line; (2) sixteen hexadecimal bytes of the file; and (3) the ASCII characters or PC symbols corresponding to the hexadecimal values. This display format is most often used with non-text PC files. For text/ASCII and IBM Host files, see Display ASCII, and Display Hex-EBCDIC. Shortcut key: Ctrl-H ═══ 1.11. Display Hex-EBCDIC ═══ Select the Display Display Hex-EBCDIC pull-down menu item to view the file as hexadecimal bytes with their corresponding EBCDIC characters. Each line contains three sections: (1) an eight-digit byte file offset of the first byte on the line; (2) sixteen hexadecimal bytes of the file; and (3) the EBCDIC characters corresponding to the hexadecimal values. This display format is most often used with IBM Host and DisplayWrite DOC and RFT files. For text/ASCII and non-text PC files, see Display ASCII, and Display Hex-ASCII. Shortcut key: Ctrl-E ═══ 1.12. File Position ═══ Use the Display File Position menu item to toggle the display of the line number or byte offset status line at the bottom of the display window. If this item is not checked, selecting it will display the status line; if this item is checked, selecting it will remove the line. Note: Displaying the File Position status line with Display ASCII selected may slow down response, particularly with large files, as the lines are counted while loading and moving through the file. With Display ASCII selected, the status line will display the number of the line in the file currently displayed at the top of the display window, along with the total number of lines in the file. The latter number may be one greater than similar line totals displayed in line editors, as PM File View considers anything after the last line-feed, including the end-of-file (hex 1A) character, to be another line. The line number starts with 1. With Display Hex-ASCII or Display Hex-EBCDIC selected, the status line will display in decimal format the offset into the file of the first byte displayed on the top line of the display window. Thus the first byte of the file is numbered 0. Also displayed on the status line, in both decimal and hexadecimal formats, is the offset number of the last byte in the file. Therefore, this latter number is one less than the number of bytes in the file. Shortcut key: Ctrl-P ═══ 1.13. Scroll Bars ═══ Use the Display Scroll Bars pull-down menu item to remove the the scroll bars from the PM File View window if they are displayed, or to add scroll bars if they are not present. Removing the scroll bars will allow more of the file to be displayed, but the keyboard (arrow, page, Home and End keys) must then be used to move through the file. Shortcut key: Ctrl-B ═══ 1.14. Font Size ═══ Use the font size pull-down menu item to change the font used to display the file. Selection of this item will then bring up the Font Size list box / dialog window, from which a font can be selected. The Display Configure... menu item can also be used to set the font size for any display. Shortcut key: Ctrl-S ═══ 1.15. Command Line Options ═══ PM File View is invoked with the following syntax (the parameters must be separated by at least one space): PMVIEW [filename.ext] [/i] [/M] where: filename.ext optionally is the name of a file to be displayed. If a filename.ext is not given or contains wildcards, PM File View displays the Open File dialog box on start-up. If wildcards are included in the filename.ext, only files which meet the wildcard criteria are listed in the dialog box. /i is an optional parameter which causes PM File View to start up as an icon. Note that filename.ext must be given when this option is used. /M is an optional parameter which causes the Minimize button to be excluded from the frame window. This option is used only in special circumstances where it is necessary to prevent the inadvertent use of the Minimize button as a "Close" button.