═══ 1. Contents ═══ ISDN Data/Fax Modem General Information Applications AT Command Summary S-Register Summary Problem Solving Select Expanded Table of Contents for a larger listing of topics. ═══ 2. Expanded Table of Contents ═══ Expanded Table of Contents General Information Adapter Overview ISDN Overview Glossary of Terms Trademarks Applications ISDN Port Monitor ISDN Port Configuration Help Multiple Configurations ISDN Port Status ISDN Port Messages FAX ProComm PLUS COMM Port Drivers COMM Port Drivers Overview Starting and Stopping a Driver Monitoring a Driver Controlling the Speaker Volume Configuring a Driver Call Overrides Minimizing Change Phone Number Discrimination Driver Messages and Codes Modem Driver Modem Messages and Codes Modem LED Indicators Improving Modem Performance V.120 Driver V.120 Configuration Help V.42bis Compression Communicating with V.120 Improving V.120 Performance V.120/Modem Driver Async-to-Sync Driver Async-to-Sync Configuration Help HDLC Async-to-Sync Driver TCP/IP Driver AT Command Summary Issuing AT Commands AT Result Codes and Messages Command Syntax Overview Dialing Differences for ISDN S-Register Summary S-Register Values Problem Solving ═══ 3. ISDN COMM Port Drivers ═══ ISDN COMM Port Drivers COMM Port Drivers Overview Starting and Stopping a Driver Monitoring a Driver Controlling the Speaker Volume Configuring a Driver Call Overrides Minimizing Change Phone Number Discrimination Driver Messages and Codes Modem Driver Modem Messages and Codes Modem LED Indicators Improving Modem Performance V.120 Driver V.120 Configuration Help V.42bis Compression Communicating with V.120 Improving V.120 Performance V.120/Modem Driver Async-to-Sync Driver HDLC Async-to-Sync Driver TCP/IP Driver AT Command Description S-Register Summary ═══ 4. COMM Port Drivers Overview ═══ COMM Port Drivers Overview The ISDN Data/Fax Modem includes the following COMM (Communication) port drivers that enable existing COMM port applications to run: ∙ Modem Driver ∙ V.120 Driver ∙ V.120/Modem Driver ∙ Asynchronous Data Link Converter (ADLC) For detailed driver information, click on one of the following driver icons: Modem Driver V.120 Driver V.120/Modem Driver Async-to-Sync Driver To start a driver, select the driver icon from the ISDN Data/Fax Modem group window. When you start a driver, the driver's window appears. You can perform any of the following functions from the driver window: ∙ Monitor the driver ∙ Configure the driver ∙ Set speaker volume ∙ Set call overrides (not available on the Modem driver) ∙ Minimize the driver Note: To start a COMM Port Driver automatically when you start up OS/2, place a copy of the driver icon in the OS/2 Startup folder. The following are examples of communication applications that have been tested with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. If an application is not listed, it may still be able to run with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem software. HyperACCESS for OS/2 ProComm PLUS for Windows (under WIN OS/2) Windows Terminal (under WIN OS/2) Refer to your communication application's documentation for information on how to use and start the software. ═══ 5. Starting and Stopping a Driver ═══ Starting and Stopping a Driver An ISDN COMM Port Driver is started when you open the icon for the driver. An ISDN COMM Port Driver is stopped when you close the driver window. Double-click on the upper left-hand corner of the window to close it. Note: To start a COMM Port Driver automatically when you start up OS/2, place a copy of the driver icon in the OS/2 Startup folder. ═══ 6. Controlling the Speaker Volume ═══ Controlling the Speaker Volume The speaker ON/OFF state is controlled with the ATM command, and the speaker volume is controlled with the ATL command. The Speaker pull-down provides another convenient method to control the speaker volume. If the speaker is ON, the volume can be set to High, Medium, Low, or Very Low. ═══ 7. Configuring a Driver ═══ Configuring a Driver The Actions pull-down is used to display the options you may select when configuring a driver. The Actions pull-down can be displayed only when the driver has been activated and may include options such as changing the driver configuration or the driver phone number discrimination. ═══ 8. Call Overrides ═══ Call Overrides An ISDN phone number will be assigned one of three grades of service: CSV/D will support voice and data calls; CSD will support only data calls; and CSV will support only voice calls. A digital driver will treat a voice call like a 56-kbps data call. The call is identified only as voice to the ISDN. Outgoing calls: Use the Change Phone Number Discrimination option to enable a phone number to place outgoing calls. A uses an enabled CSD or CSV/D phone number for data calls or an enabled CSV or CSV/D phone number for voice band data modem calls. A driver will place outgoing calls as follows: 1. It will use a CSD- or CSV/D-enabled phone number to place a 64-kbps data call. 2. If the call leaves the ISDN, it will drop back to 56 kbps. 3. If the call is rejected because the called party does not support 64 kbps, it will retry the call as a 56-kbps data call. 4. If the call is rejected because the called party does not support 56-kbps, it will use a CSV- or CSV/D-enabled phone number to retry the call as a voice call. If the only enabled phone number is a CSD phone number, step 4 will not be attempted. If the only enabled phone number is a CSV phone number, only step 4 will be attempted. The ISDN does not always specify why a call is rejected. In these cases the driver will not retry the call. The Overrides pull-down provides a method to specify how a call is placed. The driver will start at step 3 if the selection is Place Calls Out as 56-kbps. The driver will use only step 4 if the selection is Place Calls Out as Voice. Incoming calls: If the phone number is a CSD phone number, the ISDN will not deliver voice calls. If the phone number is a CSV phone number, the ISDN will not deliver data calls. The network, not the digital driver, rejects the calls. Use the Change Phone Number Discrimination option to determine which incoming calls will be answered. The ISDN will identify the call as a 64-kbps call, a 56-kbps call, or a voice call. On rare occasions the ISDN might identify a 56-kbps call as a 64-kbps call. All data exchanges will fail since the two parties are using different speeds. The Overrides pull-down provides a method to force an incoming call to 56 kbps. If the selection is "Force Calls In to 56 kbps", all incoming 64-kbps calls will be treated as 56-kbps calls. Warning: Use this selection with extreme caution. If the call really is a 64-Kbps call, all data exchanges will be corrupted. ═══ 9. Minimizing ═══ Minimizing Minimize the driver window by clicking on the minimize button in the upper right-hand corner of the window. ═══ 10. Modem Driver ═══ Modem Driver The modem driver enables any standard communications or terminal emulation application that interfaces to a COMM port and uses the standard AT command set for setting up calls. The Modem driver enables communications with any standard modem or with another ISDN Data/Fax Modem using the Modem driver. The ISDN or Analog Modem is a standard, Hayes AT Command-compatible modem. It can be configured for three different maximum speeds; a 2400-bps and below modem (V.22bis, Bell 212A, Bell 103, V.21), a 14400-bps and below modem (V.32bis), and a 28800-bps and below modem (V.34 for the PCMCIA Analog Modem). The modem loaded is determined by the configuration pull-down. The Modem option is also capable of Microcom* networking protocol (MNP*) class 4 or V.42 error correction and MNP class 5 or V.42bis data compression. Note: The higher speed modems use more of the ISDN Adapter resources. If you are trying to run another ISDN application concurrently with the modem, you may need to load a lower speed modem. The ISDN Data/Fax Modem adapter appears as a modem to your communication applications. Such communication applications do not usually know whether the modem is internal or external to the personal computer system. Communication applications depend on the user to turn the modem on and to select which serial port should be used to access the modem. You can select any one of the serial port values from COM 1 through COM 4 as the ISDN Data/Fax ModemТs COMM port. Note: Always start the modem before attempting to use the COMM port, and use COM 1 or COM 2 when possible. All applications may not be compatible with higher COMM ports. Before you begin your communication application, start the ISDN Data/Fax Modem driver. To start the modem driver: 1. Click on the Modem icon in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem group window. The Modem window will appear and a message indicating that the modem is ready will display in the Status Message field. Note: You can monitor the driver through the LED Indicators that appear in the driver window. 2. If you want to change the configuration of the modem, select Actions from the Modem window. Then, select Configuration to change the modem speed or select Speaker Volume to change the speaker control features. 3. When you have finished selecting the options you want to use with your modem, minimize the Modem window. Do not close the window. Closing the Modem window is effectively the same as turning the modem off, and will therefore prevent you from using your communication application. Your modem is now started and ready to use with your communication application. Refer to COMM Port Overview for a listing of applications that can be run with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. For information on configuration help, select Change Phone Number Discrimination Note: When you have finished using the modem, turn it off. You must do this before loading any other application drivers for the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. To turn the modem driver off, close the Modem window. ═══ 11. V.120 Driver ═══ V.120 Driver The V.120 option enables higher data rates with standard communications or terminal emulation applications that interface to a COMM port and use the standard AT command set for setting up calls. Communications can be established with other ISDN adapters that support V.120 protocol at data rates up to 64 000 bps. The V.120 protocol is a popular synchronous data protocol used in ISDN communications. It supports data rates up to the line speed of the ISDN line, 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps. The V.120 protocol is used to enable applications designed for asynchronous communications to use the synchronous 64 000-bps rate available with an ISDN line. V.120 can be run in error-correction mode (Multiframe Mode enabled) or non-error- correction mode (Multiframe Mode disabled). Non-error-correction mode is sometimes referred to as UI mode. V.120 presents the same interface, a Communications (COMM) port, to the Communications application as a Hayes-compatible modem; however, the ISDN Data/Fax Modem does not support Hayes* extensions to the AT command set for V.120. Note: The V.120 driver should be turned on before activating the communication application you use, and when you have finished, turn the V.120 driver off so other drivers can be loaded. For information on V.42bis compression or communication tips with V.120, select: V.42bis Compression Over V.120 Tips for Communicating Using V.120 To start the V.120 Driver: 1. Click on the V.120 Driver icon in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem group window. The V.120 Driver window will appear. A message indicating that the V.120 Driver is ready will display in the Status Message field of the V.120 Driver window. Note: You can monitor the driver through the LED Indicators that appear in the driver window. 2. If you want to change the configuration of the V.120 Driver, select Actions from the V.120 Driver window. Then, select Configuration to change the V.120 configuration parameters or select Speaker Volume to change the speaker control features. Note: Use of the default settings is recommended. Advanced users may want to modify some of these settings to optimize performance for a specific environment. Several options that may require frequent changes are placed in a separate group of Override options for easier access. 3. When you have finished selecting the options you want to use with your V.120 Driver, minimize the V.120 Driver window. Do not close the window. Closing the V.120 window is the same as turning the driver off, and will prevent you from using your communication application. Your driver is now started and ready to use with your communication application. Refer to the documentation supplied with your communication applications for instructions on using the applications. For information on configuration help or performance, select: V.120 Configuration Help Change Phone Number Discrimination Call Overrides Controlling the Speaker Volume Hints and Tips for Improving V.120 Performance ═══ 12. V42bis Compression ═══ V42bis Compression Over V.120 The V.120 Driver, by default, supports V42bis. V42bis is an ITU-T standard for data compression. Negotiation between two stations for compression is carried out over the B-channel via an XID frame. Successful negotiation for V42bis at 64 Kbps results in a "CONNECT 64000 ECLC" message (error correcting link with compression). Some V.120 Terminal Adapters may not support compression or the XID frame. As a result, calls may fail to establish a connection. If you experience difficulty connecting calls with compression On, disable V42bis with the AT command "Hn. For more information, see "H V.42bis Conpression Control. ═══ 13. Tips Communicating with V.120 ═══ Tips for Communicating using V.120: The following information provides tips for communicating using V.120 with other manufactures' terminal adapters: If you are unable to maintain a connection: If the adapter is in the answering machine and you get a "CONNECT" message then a "NO CARRIER" message before sending any data, increase the value of the retransmission timer (T200) on the first V.120 configuration panel. Usually increasing it to 2 seconds is enough to establish the connection. If File Transfer starts, but doesn't complete successfully: If a file transfer fails after data has been received successfully, decrease the window size (K) on the transmitting machine. Typically 3 (the default) is a good window size. General Communications: If experiencing other problems, make sure that the transmitter and receiver have their V.120 window size (K) and data field size (N201) set to the same values. This would probably be seen as a buffer overrun error (data being transferred to the screen instead of the specified file). Set the COMM Port speeds to the same value, or decrease the transmitter's speed. Set both Terminal Adapters for Multiframe Mode. (second V.120 panel). ISDN speeds can only be achieved through the aid of a COMM Port accelerator. Some applications, such as SmartCom or HyperAccess, may include one of their own. If the application you use does not provide a COMM Port accelerator, install one such as KingCom. Zmodem File Transfers: When using the Zmodem file transfer protocol, change the window size option to 4K (4096). This will reduce occurrences of bad "CRCs" and improve performance. ═══ 14. Hints and Tips for Improving Performance ═══ Hints and Tips for Improving V.120 Performance If there are two phone numbers associated with the ISDN line, make sure that you are configuring the correct phone number. Refer to the Call Overrides section for an explanation of which phone number is used for outgoing calls. Unable to maintain a connection. Symptom: V.120 is the answering machine and you get a CONNECT message followed by a NO CARRIER message before any data has been sent. Solution: Increase the value of the Retransmission Timer (T200) on the V.120 configuration panel. Usually, increasing it to 2 seconds is enough to establish the connection. File transfer starts, but doesn't complete successfully. Symptom: File transfer fails after data has been received successfully. Solution: Decrease the Window Size (K) on the transmitting machine. A value of 3 (the default value) is a good window size. General V.120 communications problems. Symptom: Overrun errors and other communications problems. Solution: Insure that the transmitter and receiver have their V.120 Window Size (K) and Data Field Size (N201) set to the the same values. Set the COMM port speeds to the same value or decrease the transmitter's speed. Set both Terminal Adapters for Multiframe Mode. ═══ 15. V.120/Modem Driver ═══ V.120/Modem Driver The V.120/Modem option enables you to take full advantage of the flexibility of ISDN by combining the V.120 and modem drivers. This option is intended for answering incoming calls when you don't know who might be calling. It will make the connection using the high-speed V.120 function whenever possible, but it will automatically fall back to the lower speed modem option if necessary to complete the connection. If you have two different telephone numbers assigned to your ISDN line, you can associate one of those numbers with the modem option and the other with the V.120 option. The desired driver will be activated once the ISDN Port Monitor detects which of the two numbers is being called. If you only have one phone number assigned to your ISDN line, you must request CSV/D (Circuit Switched Voice and Data) service for that number. This means that the telephone company can process both voice and data calls to the same telephone number. With this option, the V.120/Modem driver will make the high-speed V.120 connection whenever possible, but will use the modem function if the telephone network sends a message that indicates that the high-speed digital connection is not available. V.120 presents the same interface, a Communications (COMM) port, to the Communications application as a Hayes-compatible modem; however, the ISDN Data/Fax Modem does not support Hayes* extensions to the AT command set for V.120. Note: All of the applications listed in COMM Port Overview can be used with the V.120/Modem driver. The V.120/Modem driver should be turned on before activating the communication application you use, and when you have finished, turn the V.120/Modem driver off so other drivers can be loaded. For more information on the Modem or V.120 Driver, select: Modem Driver V.120 Driver For information on V.42bis compression or communication tips with V.120, select: V.42bis Compression Over V.120 Tips for Communicating Using V.120 To start the V.120/Modem driver: 1. Click on the V.120/Modem Driver icon in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem group window. The V.120/Modem Driver window will appear. A message indicating that the V.120/Modem Driver is ready will display in the Status Message field of the V.120/Modem window. Note: You can monitor the driver through the LED Indicators that appear in the driver window. 2. If you want to change the configuration of the V.120/Modem Driver, select Actions from the V.120/Modem Driver window. Then, select Configuration to change the various parameters that control the function of the V.120/Modem driver or select Speaker Volume to change the speaker control features. Note: Use of the default settings is recommended. Advanced users may want to modify some of these settings to optimize performance for a specific environment. Several options that may require frequent changes are placed in a separate group of Override options for easier access. 3. When you have finished selecting the options you want to use with your V.120/Modem Driver, minimize the V.120/Modem window. Do not close the window. Closing the V.120/Modem window is effectively the same as turning the driver off, and will therefore prevent you from using your communication application. Your driver is now started and ready to use with your communication application. Refer to the documentation supplied with your communication applications for instructions on using the applications. For information on configuration or performance, select: V.120 Configuration Help Change Phone Number Discrimination Call Overrides Controlling the Speaker Volume Hints and Tips for Improving V.120 Performance ═══ 16. ADLC Driver ═══ Async-to-Sync Driver The Asynchronous Data Link Converter (ADLC) contains support for the HDLC - ASYNC to SYNC Driver and the TCP/IP Drivers. To get more information on these drivers, select: HDLC Driver or TCP/IP Driver The ADLC should be turned on before activating the LAN Distance program (if using HDLC) or your TCP/IP application (if using TCP/IP). To start the ADLC: 1. Click on the ADLC icon in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem group window. The ADLC window will appear, with the driver you have currently chosen displayed in the title bar. A message indicating that the driver is ready will appear in the Status Message field of the driver window. Note: You can monitor the driver through the LED Indicators that appear in the driver window. 2. If you want to configure the ADLC or change the current configuration, select Actions from the driver window. Select Configuration from the Actions pulldown menu. Then, select Async-to-Sync Configuration from the Configuration pulldown menu. Select the driver you wish to use and then select Save and Exit. Note: If you choose TCP/IP SLIP-to-RFC 1294 Encapsulation, supply the 4-digit hexadecimal DLCI value and optional User Name. The user should note that RFC1294 has been replaced by RFC1490. The term RFC1294 will continue to be used due to historical significance. Take note of the Overrides menu item in the driver window. Several options that may require frequent changes are placed under the Override options for easier access. 3. When you have finished selecting the options you want to use with the ADLC, minimize the driver window. Do not close the window. Closing the driver window is effectively the same as turning the driver off, and will therefore prevent you from using your communication application. Your driver is now started and ready to use with your communication application. Refer to the documentation supplied with your communication applications for instructions on using the applications. For information on configuration help, select: Async-to-Sync Configuration Help Change Phone Number Discrimination Call Overrides Controlling the Speaker Volume ═══ 17. HDLC Async-to-Sync ═══ HDLC Async-to-Sync Driver The HDLC - ASYNC to SYNC Converter enables an HDLC/Async Communications Application, such as LAN Distance, to communicate synchronously over an ISDN line. The combination of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem and the LAN Distance software allows a remote user to access the same LAN applications available to a locally LAN-attached terminal. The 64 000 bps throughput of the ISDN results in terminal response times almost as fast as a locally attached terminal. The LAN Distance* application, configured to use Asynchronous Encapsulation of HDLC to the Communications (COMM) Port, can use the converter to communicate with a synchronous IBM LAN Distance Server. The HDLC Async-to-Sync Converter presents the same interface, a Communications (COMM) Port, to the HDLC/Async application as a Hayes AT Command-compatible modem. Always start the HDLC Async-to-Sync Driver before attempting to use the COMM port, and when you have finished, turn the driver off so other drivers can be loaded. Note: When using this driver, the LAN Distance Program must use the Asynchronous encapsulation of HDLC to the COMM Port of your personal computer system. The device with which you are communicating must appear as a standard synchronous interface to the LAN Distance Server. The HDLC driver should be turned on before activating the LAN Distance program. When you have finished, turn the HDLC driver off so other drivers can be loaded. ═══ 18. TCP/IP Driver ═══ TCP/IP Driver The transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) option enables TCP/IP applications with serial line Internet protocol (SLIP) COMM Port drivers to connect to TCP/IP networks at data rates up to 64 000 bps. The control characters associated with a SLIP COMM Port driver are removed and the Internet Protocol (IP) data packets can be encapsulated using HDLC or RFC 1294, to communicate with other ISDN adapter cards or routers that support TCP/IP at ISDN speeds. Note: When using this driver, the TCP/IP application you use must have a SLIP driver interface to the COMM Port of your PC, but the device with which you are communicating must present the appearance of a standard synchronous interface. The TCP/IP SLIP-to-Sync Converter presents the same interface (a COMM port) to the TCP/IP application as a Hayes compatible modem. Always start the TCP/IP SLIP-to-Sync Driver before attempting to use the COMM port, and when you have finished, turn the V.120/Modem driver off so other drivers can be loaded. TCP/IP SLIP-to-HDLC Encapsulation: The Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) defines a technique to transfer TCP/IP data packets between two asynchronous devices, typically modems. The TCP/IP SLIP-to-Sync Converter allows a TCP/IP application that supports SLIP to communicate with a synchronous TCP/IP device. The converter, running on the adapter, removes the control characters associated with SLIP and transmits the IP data packets at a 56-kbps or 64-kbps data rate. The TCP/IP SLIP-to-Sync Converter presents the same interface, a Communications (COMM) port, to the TCP/IP application as a Hayes-compatible modem. Always start the TCP/IP SLIP-to-Sync Driver before attempting to use the COMM port, and when you have finished, turn the driver off so other drivers can be loaded. TCP/IP SLIP-to-RFC1294 Encapsulation: The Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) defines a technique to transfer TCP/IP data packets between two asynchronous devices, typically modems. The TCP/IP SLIP-to-Sync Converter allows a TCP/IP application that supports SLIP to communicate with a synchronous TCP/IP device. The converter, running on the adapter, removes the control characters associated with SLIP and transmits the IP data packets encapsulated with RFC1294 (RFC1490 -- see the following note) framing at a 56-kbps or 64-Kbps data rate. Note: RFC1294 has been replaced by RFC1490. The term RFC1294 will continue to be used due to historical significance. ═══ 19. User Interface: Messages and Codes ═══ Driver User Interface: Messages and Codes Message Number Message Text and Description ERR01 Internal Error or ISDN Data/Fax Modem internal error. An ISDN driver has detected an internal error, a system error, or an adapter error. Rebooting the system may clear the error condition. Record the information in the error dialog box and report it to the service contact listed in your installation documentation. ERR02 Another driver is using the phone line. The phone line is being used by an ISDN driver and you attempted to load a second driver. Only one ISDN driver may use the phone line at a time. First, terminate the ISDN driver you no longer wish to use, then retry the desired ISDN driver. ERR03 Another driver is using the COMM port. The communications port is currently being used by another ISDN driver. Terminate the other ISDN driver and retry the desired driver. ERR04 The ISDN adapter is over committed. Stop an ISDN application and restart. The ISDN adapter does not have enough resources available to run the ISDN driver. Terminate one of the currently running ISDN applications and reload the ISDN driver. If the ISDN Port Monitor is the only ISDN application running, try unloading the ISDN Port Monitor, reloading the ISDN Port Monitor, and then retry the ISDN driver. ERR07 Unable to locate adapter files... reinstall. Make sure to reboot your computer after installation. This problem should not occur if ISDN Data/Fax Modem has been installed correctly. If the error persists, reinstall the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. ERR08 The Mwave Manager is not loaded. The Mwave Manager is not loaded or is not responding. In OS/2 only...start the Mwave Manager Daemon, and then try to start the modem again. ERR09 The Selected Country does not match the external telephone coupler. The cable you have plugged into your modem does not match the country you selected when your modem was configured. ERR19 The phone handset is already in use. The handset is being used by an ISDN driver. If the ISDN Data/Fax Modem ended prematurely (trapped, for example) this error might be encountered. You need to restart the operating environment (Windows or OS/2) and try again. ERR20 Unable to communicate over the ISDN D-Channel. The ISDN driver cannot communicate with the D-Channel DLL or the D-Channel protocol code. ERR21 Internal call control error. The ISDN driver has experienced a fatal error communicating with the adapter control code. You need to restart the operating environment and try again. ERR22 No OS/2 timers available! There are no OS/2 timers available for your ISDN application. Stop another OS/2 application to free up a timer. ERR23 This driver cannot operate without a cable plugged. The modem does not have a phone line attached. Plug in the cable and try again. ERR24 This driver cannot operate without the ISDN cable plugged. The ISDN driver cannot operate without an ISDN cable attached to the adapter. Either the cable is missing, or you have an analog cable attached to the adapter. ERR25 This driver cannot operate without the ANALOG cable plugged. The ISDN driver cannot operate without an ANALOG cable attached to the adapter. Ensure that you have an analog cable attached. Interface Status: The ISDN Data/Fax Modem's main windows contains status indicators. These interface stauts indicators are described in Modem LED Indicators. When a status indicator light is green, the indicator is On. When the light is black, the indicator is OFF. In addition to the status indicators, the modem user interface provides status about the state of the connection to the remote modem. The following states are indicated on the user interface: Ready No connection exists. Dialing A dial command has been issued but a connection has not been completed. Negotiating The remote modem has answered and the modems are attempting to negotiate a connection. Connect The two modems have completed negotiation and a connection has been achieved. When the status is Connect, additional status about the connection is given. The values given are: Speed: The line speed of the connection. Typically this is 14400, 9600, 2400, 1200, or 300 bps. A value of 16800, 19200, 21600, 24000, 26400, and 28000 may also appear for the Data/Fax PCMCIA ISDN or Analog Modem. Error Correction: MNP, V.42, or blank (for an asynchronous connection). Compression: MNP 5, V.42bis, or blank for no compression. ═══ 20. Modem: Messages and Codes ═══ Modem: Messages and Codes The results of AT commands and status information from the Modem DSP software are reported to the host communications software as result codes and text messages. Reporting of the result codes is controlled by the Q: Quiet command and the result code format is controlled by the V: Verbose Response command. The X: Extended Results command and the \V: MNP* Result Codes command controls which result codes will be used. Click on AT Result Codes and Messages for a summary of the numeric and text result codes generated by the AT command set. Click on Modem LED Indicators for information on visual indicators of the modem's status. ═══ 21. AT Result Codes and Messages ═══ AT Result Codes and Messages Numeric Text Message Explanation 0 OK Acknowledges the execution of a command. 1 CONNECT Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 0-300 bps. 2 RING Indicates that an incoming call has been detected. 3 NO CARRIER Indicates a failure to connect (handshaking state) or a loss of carrier (on-line state). 4 ERROR Indicates an error condition in the command buffer being executed. Possible causes: -Invalid command -Command line too long (exceeds 40 characters) 5 CONNECT 1200 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 1200 bps. 6 NO DIALTONE Indicates that dial tone detection was attempted but not recognized. Enabled by X2 and X4. 7 BUSY Indicates that a busy signal was detected during the call establishment. Enabled by X2 and X4. 8 NO ANSWER Indicates that the required period of silence was not detected during the "wait for quiet answer" time-out period specified by modem register S7. This occurs when an @ dial modifier is used. 10 CONNECT 2400 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 2400 bps. 15 HOST DRIVER TIMEOUT Indicates that the PC is not responding to interrupts from the Data/Fax Modem adapter. 19 CONNECT ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, using MNP* or V.42 (indicated in the Modem window). 20 CONNECT ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 bis (indicated in the Modem window). 24 DELAYED Indicates that a connection has been delayed. 25 CONNECT 1200/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, using MNP or V.42 (indicated in the Modem window) at 1200 bps. 26 CONNECT 1200/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 bis (indicated in the Modem window) at 1200 bps. 30 CONNECT 2400/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, using MNP or V.42 (indicated in the Modem window) at 2400 bps. 31 CONNECT 2400/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 (indicated in the Modem window) at 2400 bps. 32 BLACKLISTED Valid only outside the US and Canada. Indicates that no further calls to this number are allowed. 33 CONNECT 4800 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 4800 bps. 34 CONNECT 4800/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, using MNP or V.42 (indicated in the Modem window) at 4800 bps. 35 CONNECT 4800/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 bis (indicated in the Modem window) at 4800 bps. 37 CONNECT 7200 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 7200 bps. 38 CONNECT 7200/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, using MNP or V.42 (indicated in the Modem window) at 7200 bps. 39 CONNECT 7200/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 bis (indicated in the Modem window) at 7200 bps. 41 CONNECT 9600 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 9600 bps. 42 CONNECT 9600/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, using MNP or V.42 (indicated in the Modem window) at 9600 bps. 43 CONNECT 9600/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 bis (indicated in the Modem window) at 9600 bps. 45 CONNECT 12000 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 12000 bps. 46 CONNECT 12000/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, using MNP or V.42 (indicated in the Modem window) at 12000 bps. 47 CONNECT 12000/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error-correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 bis (indicated in the Modem window) at 12000 bps. 49 CONNECT 14400 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 14400 bps. 50 CONNECT 14400/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data using MNP or V.42 at 14400 bps. 51 CONNECT 14400/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 at 14400 bps. 53 CONNECT 16800 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 16800 bps. 54 CONNECT 16800/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, using MNP or V.42 at 16800 bps. 55 CONNECT 16800/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link with a data compression, using MNP or V.42 at 16800 bps. 57 CONNECT 19200 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 19200. 58 CONNECT 19200/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link using MNP or V.42 at 19200 bps. 59 CONNECT 19200/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 at 19200 bps. 61 CONNECT 21600 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 21600. 62 CONNECT 21600/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link,. using MNP or V.42 at 21600 bps. 63 CONNECT 21600/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data compression,. using MNP or V.42 at 21600 bps. 64 CONNECT 24000 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 24000 bps. 65 CONNECT 24000/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link using MNP or V.42 at 24000 bps. 66 CONNECT 24000/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 at 24000 bps. 67 CONNECT 26400 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 26400 bps. 68 CONNECT 26400/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link using MNP or V.42 at 26400 bps. 69 CONNECT 26400/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 at 26400 bps. 71 CONNECT 28800 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 28800 bps. 72 CONNECT 28800/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link using MNP or V.42 at 28800 bps. 73 CONNECT 28800/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data compression, using MNP or V.42 at 28800 bps. 84 CONNECT 56000 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 56000 bps. 85 CONNECT 56000/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link at a speed of at 56000 bps. 86 CONNECT 56000/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data compression, at a speed of 56000 bps. 88 CONNECT 64000 Indicates that a connection has been established with a remote modem at a speed of 64000 bps. 89 CONNECT 64000/ECL Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link at a speed of at 64000 bps. 90 CONNECT 64000/ECLC Indicates that a connection has been established with an error correcting link, with data compression, at a speed of 64000 bps. ═══ 22. Hints and Tips for Improved Performance ═══ Hints and Tips for Improved Modem Performance Blocks Received in Error with Zmodem File Transfer Low Throughput When Transmitting or Receiving a File MNP 5 Versus V.42bis Performance MNP 4 Versus V.42 Performance Tele-Gaming Call Waiting Seeing "Double" ═══ 23. Blocks Received in Error with Zmodem File Transfer ═══ Blocks Received in Error with Zmodem File Transfer Normally with an error-correcting protocol like MNP 4 or V.42, a user would expect that no frame would be received in error when using a file transfer protocol like Zmodem or Ymodem. However, the modem can be delivering data to the PC so fast that it overruns buffers in the PC and makes it appear to Zmodem that a data block has been received in error. You can solve the problem by getting a more efficient communications program or a faster PC. You can also solve the problem by using hardware flow control. Set your application to use hardware flow control and then use the "AT\Q3" command to turn on hardware flow control in the modem. The advantage of hardware flow control is that it can compensate for slow or overloaded PCs and for inefficient applications and will guarantee that no data is lost. The disadvantage is that you may receive data at a slower rate because the modem is forced to wait for the PC and the communications software. If you use hardware flow control, make sure that you set your PC communications program to use hardware flow control. ═══ 24. Low Throughput When Transmitting or Receiving a File ═══ Low Throughput When Transmitting or Receiving a File In your PC the UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) is the piece of hardware that connects your PC to your modem. Communications software talks to a OS/2 COM driver that in turn talks to the UART hardware. The standard COM driver that comes with OS/2, however, does not take advantage of the 16-byte-deep 16550A UART FIFO. It puts only 2 bytes in the FIFO instead of 16. You can purchase drivers for OS/2 that will fix this problem. SIO.SYS, one such product, is available as shareware from the IBM PC Company Bulletin Board Service at (919) 517-0001. Search for SIO145 and download this shareware version. When you install the driver you will be presented with a registration screen. A driver of this type is highly recommended for all operations at 14400 bps (also know as V.32bis) or higher speeds. ═══ 25. MNP 5 Versus V.42bis Performance ═══ MNP 5 versus V.42bis Performance If you are getting an MNP5 connection, and you are transferring already compressed files (such as "ZIP" files), you can improve performance by disabling MNP5 with the "AT%C0" command. MNP5 will expand compressed files and will slow down throughput. V.42bis will not slow down throughput for any kind of file transfer. You can disable MNP 5 with the "AT%C0" command. ═══ 26. MNP 4 Versus V.42 Perforance ═══ MNP 4 versus V.42bis Performance Use MNP 4 instead of V.42 to improve throughput. The MNP4 protocol is 2% more efficient than the V.42 protocol. The advantage of V.42 over MNP is that it can do selective packet rejection. The ISDN Data/Fax Modem currently does not support selective packet rejection. Thus, for the ISDN Data/Fax Modem, MNP 4 is always a marginally better performer. ═══ 27. Tele Gaming ═══ Tele-Gaming If you are using your ISDN Data/Fax Modem for tele-gaming, we recommend the initialization string: "AT&F\N0." Most tele-games send tiny packets back and forth and expect a response from each packet. Using an error-correcting protocol like MNP or V.42 can add latency in a tele-gaming scenario that will bring performance of the game down considerably. With asynchronous data links (non-error corrected links), latency is reduced significantly. ═══ 28. Call Waiting ═══ Call Waiting Many local telephone companies offer a call waiting service that informs you when a call is coming in when you are already using the phone line. You normally hear a beep in the middle of a conversation. This service can cause the modem to have low throughput, errors, and even to disconnect. When using the modem, disable call waiting. Contact your local phone company to determine how to disable call waiting. However, it is generally done on a per-call basis by preceding your dialing digits with the digits "*70". So, if you want to set up a dialing string that also disables call waiting, try "ATDT*70,555-1212" where "555-1212" is the number of the remote computer to which you wish to connect. Commas between "*70" and "555-1212" cause the dialer to pause a few seconds to make sure that the line is ready for the rest of the dialing digits. ═══ 29. Seeing Double ═══ Seeing "Double" If you see double what you type, you need to change the setup of your communications program. Turn local echo off or set it for full-duplex mode. Refer to the documentation for your communications program to learn how to do this. ═══ 30. AT Command Summary ═══ AT Command Description Issuing AT Commands Command Syntax Overview Dialing Differences for ISDN A: Answer B: Select Standard C: Carrier Control D: Dial E: Echo F: On-line Echo H: Hook Control I: Info Request L: Speaker Volume M: Speaker Control O: On-line P: Pulse Dial Q: Quiet S: Select Register T: Tone Dial V: Verbose Response X: Extended Results Y: Space Disconnect Z: Software Reset ,: Wait =: Set Register ?: Query Register &C: Carrier Detect &D: DTR Response &F: Factory Defaults Command &G: Guard Tone &L: Leased Line Mode &M: Communications Mode &N: Force Speed &P: Pulse Ratio &Q: Comm Mode &S: DSR Options &U: Enable Trellis Coding &V: View Active Configuration And Profiles &W: Write Configuration &Y: Select Stored Profile On Power Up &Z: Store Number \A: MNP* Block Size \B: Send Break \K: Break Control \L: MNP* Mode \N: V.42 and MNP* Negotiation Behavior \Q: Flow Control \T: Set Timer \V: MNP* Result Codes %A: Define Auto Fallback Character %C: MNP* Compression Control %E: Fast Rate Renegotiation Control "H: V.42bis Compression Control "N: V.42bis Dictionary Size "O: V.42bis Maximum String Length -J: V.42 Detection Phase ═══ 31. Issuing AT Commands ═══ Issuing AT Commands After you have started the Data/Fax Modem by double-clicking the appropriate icon, it enters the "command state." It is then ready to accept AT commands. The modem returns to "command state" whenever a connection is broken. This would be the case when the other end hangs up or you issue an ATH0 command. When a "D" (Dial) or "A" (Answer) command is processed, the modem enters the "online" state unless the command ends in the ";" (semicolon) character. In the online state, all characters sent to the modem are transmitted to the computer at the other end of the phone line. Note: If you need to issue AT commands while in the "online" state, you can enter the sequence "+++". Your modem will respond with "OK" and you may enter AT commands. The connection remains intact, but you are in "command state." To go back to "online" state, enter "ATO." ═══ 32. Command Syntax Overview ═══ Command Syntax Overview For each AT command, a syntax description will be given. In that description, the following conventions are used. The command prefix is "AT". This is distinct from the command itself. An ellipsis, "...", may be replaced by any valid command or command sequence. "[CR]" is a carriage return. A bold face "n" represents a numeric value. A table will follow the syntax description indicating valid values for "n". ═══ 33. Dialing Differences for ISDN ═══ Dialing Differences for ISDN Calls sent over an ISDN are handled differently than calls sent over an analog network. For this reason, you may notice that some dialing modifiers work differently than they work on your analog modem. This is because all dialed digits are sent to the digital network in one block rather than one at a time. The number to be used when making the network connection is sent on one of two conditions: 1. The end of a dialed string is reached. 2. A delay of 1 second longer than the greater of S8 and S11 has occurred since the last-received dialed digit. (See S-Register Values for information on S8 and S11.) Subsequent digits will be sent out on the B-Channel as dual-tone modulation frequency (DTMF) tones for user applications, but will not be used to make a connection. The differences in dialing might affect the operation of the following dial modifiers: P, T ISDN uses digital call establishment techniques, so neither pulse nor DTMF dialing is applicable. For both dialing modes, DTMF tones are generated to help you know how your call is progressing. After the call has been connected, DTMF tones are sent across the line for use by automated menu-driven devices that can detect DTMF tones. @,W The digits succeeding these modifiers will not be sent out for 1 second longer than the greater of S8 or S11 after the preceding digits. The wait associated with the modifier will include this delay. , If multiple waits are used in succession and the total wait time is greater than 1 second longer than the greater of S8 and S11, the digits preceding the wait will be used to make the call. Subsequent digits will go out across the line if a connection is made. Otherwise, they will be lost. If dialed digits are put between the ',' modifiers, the delay is reset after each digit. ! This modifier is not supported and will return an ERROR. * This modifier is used to denote the subaddress of the number you are dialing. The numbers after the * will be recognized as the subaddress. In order for the * to denote the subaddress, it can not be the first digit in the dialing string. For example, in order for the numbers after the * to be recognized as the subaddress, it should be placed as follows: 919-555-1234*7704. ═══ 34. A: Answer ═══ A Answer The A command causes the Data/Fax Modem to begin the answer process. Syntax: AT...A [CR] ═══ 35. B: Select Standard ═══ B Select Standard The B command selects the communication standard (ITU-T or BELL) used by the Data/Fax Modem at 1200 bps or below. Syntax: AT...Bn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL ITU-T Standard (formerly CCITT); V.21 or V.22 1 Bell Standard; Bell 103J or Bell 212A ═══ 36. C: Carrier Control ═══ C Carrier Control The C command enables the transmit carrier. Syntax: AT...C1...[CR] ═══ 37. D: Dial ═══ D Dial The D command causes the Data/Fax Modem to enter the dialing state. The parenthesis, hyphen, and space characters may be added to the dialed number for clarity. Any other characters following the D command that are not dial modifiers cause a command error. Syntax: AT...D {dial modifiers}[CR] AT...D {dial modifiers};...[CR] Dial Modifiers Usage 0-9 Numeric dialing digits A-D Alphabetic dialing digits # * Special dialing digits P Pulse dial R Force answer mode S=n Dial stored number n, where n=0-3 T DTMF dial W Wait for dial tone , Wait for time specified in register S8 ! Perform hook flash @ Wait for quiet answer ; Return to command state Note: Due to differences between ISDN and analog technology, you may find some differences between dialing with your ISDN modem and dialing with an analog modem. See Dialing Differences for ISDN for more information. ═══ 38. E: Echo ═══ E Echo The E command turns command echoing ON and OFF. Syntax: AT...En...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Turns command echoing off 1 Turns command echoing on ═══ 39. F: On-line Echo ═══ F On-line Echo The F command is used by some modems to determine whether characters are echoed to the DTE (the Personal Computer) while the modem is in the on-line state. The modem does not support the F0 option. However, because the F command may be issued by older communications software, F1 is supported to ensure backwards compatibility. Syntax: AT...Fn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL On-line character echo enabled. Not supported, returns "ERROR." 1 On-line character echo disabled. Only allowable value. ═══ 40. H: Hook Control ═══ H Hook Control The H command causes the modem to take the line on-hook or off-hook. Syntax: AT...Hn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Places the line on-hook (hangs up) and causes a transition to the off-line command state. 1 Takes the line off-hook and turns on the speaker control if enabled. ═══ 41. I: Info Request ═══ I Info Request The I command presents modem identification information. Syntax: AT...In...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Returns: The speed supported by the COM Driver that you are using. 1 Returns: "OK". 2 Returns: "OK". 3 Returns the MWave version. 4 Returns the software version that you are using. ═══ 42. L: Speaker Volume ═══ L Speaker Volume The L command controls the volume of the speaker output. Syntax: AT...Ln...[CR] n Usage 0, NULL Sets the speaker volume to the minimum level 1 Sets the speaker volume to a low level 2 Sets the speaker volume to a medium level 3 Sets the speaker volume to a high level Note: The speaker volume can also be set from the Actions pull-down on the modem dialog box. ═══ 43. M: Speaker Control ═══ M Speaker Control The M command controls the operation of the speaker. Syntax: AT...Mn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Sets the speaker off. 1 Sets the speaker on until the data carrier is present during the handshaking mode. Then, it is turned off. 2 Sets the speaker always on, even after the data carrier is present. 3 Sets the speaker off during dialing and then on until the data carrier is detected. ═══ 44. O: On-line ═══ O On-line The O command causes the modem to return to the on-line state for a previously established connection. Syntax: AT...On[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Causes the modem to return to the on-line state. ═══ 45. P: Pulse Dial ═══ P Pulse Dial The P command causes the modem to use pulse dialing for all subsequent numbers. Syntax: AT...P[CR] ═══ 46. Q: Quiet ═══ Q Quiet The Q command controls the result codes generated by the modem. Syntax: AT...Qn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Enables result codes 1 Disables result codes ═══ 47. S: Select Register ═══ S Select Register The S command selects one of the modem's internal registers for future operations. Refer to S- Register Summary, the =: Set Register command, and the ?: Query Register command. Syntax: AT...S...[CR] AT...Sn...[CR] Note: N must be in the range 0-34. If N is omitted, then N=0 is assumed. ═══ 48. T: Tone Dial ═══ T Tone Dial The T command causes the modem to use DTMF (tone) dialing for all subsequent numbers. Syntax: AT...T[CR] ═══ 49. V: Verbose Response ═══ V Verbose Response The V command controls the display of result codes. Syntax: AT...Vn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Result codes are returned as digits 1 Result codes are returned as text messages ═══ 50. X: Extended Results ═══ X Extended Results The X command enables the call-progress, tone-detection capabilities and affects the associated result codes. Syntax: AT...Xn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Busy and dial tone detection are disabled. Result codes 0-4 are enabled. 1 Busy and dial tone detection are disabled. Result codes 0-4 and line-speed reporting via the "CONNECT xxxx" messages are enabled. 2 Busy detection is disabled; dial tone detection is enabled. Result codes 0-4, 6, and line- speed reporting via the "CONNECT xxxx" messages are enabled. 3 Busy detection is enabled; dial tone detection is disabled. Result codes 0-4, 7, and line- speed reporting via the "CONNECT xxxx" messages are enabled. 4 Busy and dial tone detection are enabled. Result codes 0-4, 6-7, and line-speed reporting via the "CONNECT xxxx" messages are enabled. ═══ 51. Y: Space Disconnect ═══ Y Space Disconnect The Y command controls the long-space disconnect capabilities of the modem. If enabled (Y1), when a continuous BREAK of at least 1.6 seconds is received, disconnect from the line (go on-hook). When an ATH0 command is received or DTR goes low, generate a 4-second BREAK before going on-hook. Syntax: AT...Yn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Disables the long-space disconnect feature 1 Enables the long-space disconnect feature ═══ 52. Z: Software Reset ═══ Z Software Reset The Z command causes the modem to reload a stored profile. Syntax: AT...Zn[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Recall stored profile 0. 1 Recall stored profile 1. 2 Recall factory defaults (See the &F: Factory Defaults Command). ═══ 53. ,: Wait ═══ , Wait The comma (,) command causes the modem to wait for the time specified by the contents of register S8 in seconds before processing any more characters in the command buffer. Syntax: AT... , ...[CR] ═══ 54. =: Set Register ═══ = Set Register The = command is used to set the value of the modem's internal registers S0-S34. Refer to S- Register Summary and the ?: Query Register command. The = command is usually coupled with the Sn command and is invoked as follows: AT...S3=13...[CR] If the = command is not coupled with the Sn command, then the previously selected register will be written. Some registers cannot be written by the user. An "ERROR" message will result for these registers. Syntax: AT...Sn=x...[CR] AT...=x...[CR] Note: n is a number from 0-34 and x is a number from 0- 255. ═══ 55. ?: Query Register ═══ ? Query Register The ? command is used to read the value of the modem's internal registers S0-S34. Refer to S-Register Summary and the =: Set Register command. The following is an example of using the ? command to read the S0 internal register: AT...S0?...[CR] If the ? command is not coupled with the Sn command, then the previously selected register will be read. Syntax: AT...Sn?[CR] AT...?...[CR] Note: n is a number from 0-34. The result is a number from 000-255. ═══ 56. &C: Carrier Detect ═══ &C Carrier Detect The &C command determines how the carrier-detect signal is generated by the modem. The carrier-detect signal is present in the UART register (called the Modem Status Register). Syntax: AT...&CN...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL The state of the remote modem's carrier is ignored. The carrier detect flag is always on. 1 The state of the remote modem's carrier is detected by the modem and reflected by the state of the carrier-detect status bit in the Modem Status Register. ═══ 57. &D: DTR Response ═══ &D DTR Response The &D command controls the modem's response to the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) control bit. Syntax: AT...&Dn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Ignores DTR. 1 Return to command state when ON-to-OFF transition is detected on DTR. 2 Hang-up, disable auto-answer, and return to command state when ON-to-OFF transition is detected on DTR. 3 Perform a software reset when ON-to-OFF transition is detected on DTR. The last recalled profile is restored. ═══ 58. &F: Factory Defaults Command ═══ &F Factory Defaults Command The &F extended command tells the modem to load the factory defaults into the internal registers and control variables. Syntax: AT...&F....[CR] Note: The factory default S-Register settings are: S0=0 S2=43 S3=13 S4=10 S5=8 S6=2 S7=30 S8=2 S9=6 S10=14 S11=70 S12=50 S25=5 S28=0 These values are not mapped in the S registers. However, when an &F is executed, the following values will be set: \A4 \K3 \L0 \N7 \Q0 \T0 %C1 %A0 %E2 "H3 "N1 "O32 &N0 The following control variable settings correspond to an S register listed above. When an &F is executed, their effective value will be restored as follows: B1 F1 P Y0 &D2 &P0 &S0 C1 L2 Q0 X4 &G0 &Q0 E1 M1 V1 &C1 &M0 \V1 &U0 ═══ 59. &G: Guard Tone ═══ &G Guard Tone The &G extended command controls the guard-tone selection for the V.22bis datapump. The guard tones are generated during the handshaking process when the modem is in answer mode. Syntax: AT...&Gn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Disables the V.22bis guard tones 2 Enables the 1800-Hz, V.22bis guard tone ═══ 60. &L: Leased Line Mode ═══ &L Leased-Line Mode The modem is designed to work only on the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Support for leased- line operation is not provided. Syntax: AT...&Ln...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Selects switched-network line mode ═══ 61. &M: Communications Mode ═══ &M Communications Mode The &M extended command selects the communications mode. An &M0 (asynchronous) mode is supported for the Data/Fax Modem only. Syntax: AT...&Mn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Selects asynchronous communications ═══ 62. &N: Force Speed ═══ &N Force Speed The &N extended command selects the force speed mode. This command applies to V.32bis (14400 bps) and V.34 (28800 bps PCMCIA analog) modems only. It is ignored by the V.22bis (2400 bps) modem. This command will force the modem to connect at the speed specified in the S28 register. If &N1 is specified and S28 contains a non-0 value, then the modem will connect at the speed specified by the S28 register. If &N1 is specified and S28 contains zero (S28=0), then the modem will connect at the speed specified by the UART port speed, which is generally set by the application program. If the port speed is set higher than the maximum supported line rate (for example, setting a port speed of 19,200 bps while using the V.32bis modem, which has a maximum line speed of 14,400 bps) then the modem will connect at the maximum supported line rate. If &N0 is specified, the modem will connect at the maximum allowable rate as specified in the description of the S28 register. S-Register Values contains details on each of the S-registers. For general information on the S-registers, see S-Register Summary. Syntax: AT...&Nn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Support Maximum Allowable Rate 1 Force Rate ═══ 63. &P: Pulse Ratio ═══ &P Pulse Ratio The &P command is present for compatibility purposes. It does not change the make/break ratios. Syntax: AT...&Pn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Returns "OK", but has no affect on timings 1 Returns "OK", but has no affect on timings ═══ 64. &Q: Comm Mode ═══ &Q Comm Mode The &Q extended command selects the communications mode. For the modem, only &Q0 (asynchronous) mode is supported. Syntax: AT...&Qn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Selects asynchronous communications ═══ 65. &S: DSR Options ═══ &S DSR Options The &S extended command controls the operation of the DSR status bit. The DSR status is found in the UART Modem Status Register. Syntax: AT...&Sn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL DSR is always ON while the modem is loaded. 1 DSR is turned on just after handshaking has been completed and is turned OFF when the hang-up process is started. ═══ 66. &U: Enable Trellis Codeing ═══ &U Enable Trellis Coding The &U extended command enables or disables the trellis-coded data scheme in V.32bis modems. It has no effect on other datapumps. If issued while the modem is in the online command state, the &U command does not take effect until the next connection is established. Syntax: AT...&Un...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Enable Trellis coding in V.32bis 1 Disable Trellis coding in V.32bis ═══ 67. &V: View Active Configuration And Profiles ═══ &V View Active Configuration And Profiles The &V extended command displays active and stored profiles and stored telephone numbers. Inputs from the DTE are ignored while the view information is being sent to the DTE. Syntax: AT...&Vn...[CR] The following is an example of the data output format: ACTIVE PROFILE: &Yn En Qn Vn \Vn P &Dn &Cn &Sn Yn Ln Mn Xn &G B &U \An \Kn \Ln \Nn \Qn \Tn %An %Cn %En "Hn "Nn "On S0=nn S2=nn S3=nn S4=nn S5=nn S6=nn S7=nn S8=nn S9=nn S10=nn S11=nn S12=nn S25=nn S28=nn STORED PROFILE 0: En Qn Vn \Vn P &Dn &Cn &Sn Yn Ln Mn Xn &G B &U \An \Kn \Ln \Nn \Qn \Tn %An %Cn %En "Hn "Nn "On S0=nn S2=nn S3=nn S4=nn S5=nn S6=nn S7=nn S8=nn S9=nn S10=nn S11=nn S12=nn S25=nn S28=nn STORED PROFILE 1: En Qn Vn \Vn P &Dn &Cn &Sn Yn Ln Mn Xn &G B &U \An \Kn \Ln \Nn \Qn \Tn %An %C %En "Hn "Nn "On S0=nn S2=nn S3=nn S4=nn S5=nn S6=nn S7=nn S8=nn S9=nn S10=nn S11=nn S12=nn S25=nn S28=nn TELEPHONE NUMBERS: PHONE0=nn PHONE1=nn PHONE2=nn PHONE3=nn ═══ 68. &W: Write Configuration ═══ &W Write Configuration The &W extended command saves the active modem configuration. The following registers are saved in nonvolatile storage: S0, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S14, S18, S21, S22, S23, S25, S27, S28. In addition, the following command parameters are stored: \A, \K, \L, \N, \T, %A, %C "Hn "Nn "On. The initial value of each of these profiles is defined by the &F: Factory Defaults Command. Syntax: AT...&Wn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Store profile 0 1 Store profile 1 ═══ 69. &Y: Select Stored Profile On Power Up ═══ &Y Select Stored Profile On Power-Up The &Y extended command determines which stored profile is established upon modem power-up or hard reset. Syntax: AT...&Yn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Select stored profile 0 on power-up 1 Select stored profile 1 on power-up 2 Select factory defaults on power-up ═══ 70. &Z: Store Number ═══ &Z Store Number The &Z extended command saves up to four separate Phone Numbers (dial strings) to permanent storage. The &Z command may be followed by the dial string (36 character maximum) or be of the form &Zn=dial string, where n is in the range 0-3. n is the identifier for the phone number to save. This command may not be followed by additional commands. Syntax: AT...&Z {dial modifiers}[CR] AT...&ZN= {dial modifiers}[CR] Dial Modifiers Usage 0-9 Numeric dialing digits A-D Alphabetic dialing digits # * Special dialing digits P Pulse dial R Force answer mode T DTMF dial W Wait for dial tone , Wait for time specified in register S8 ! Perform hook flash @ Wait for quiet answer ; Return to command state after number has been dialed Note: Due to differences between ISDN and analog technology, you may find some differences between dialing with your ISDN modem and dialing with an analog modem. See Dialing Differences for ISDN for more information. ═══ 71. \A: MNP** Block Size ═══ \A MNP* Block Size The \A extended command sets the maximum MNP* stream mode block size to be used by the modem during an MNP session. Syntax: AT...\An...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Negotiates for a maximum block size of 64 bytes and uses a fixed block size of 64 bytes. 1 Negotiates for a maximum block size of 256 bytes, but uses a fixed block size of 128 bytes. 2 Negotiates for a maximum block size of 256 bytes, but uses a fixed block size of 192 bytes. 3 Negotiates for a maximum block size of 256 bytes and uses a fixed block size of 256 bytes. 4 Negotiates for a maximum of 256 bytes, but uses variable size blocks during the MNP session. ═══ 72. \B: Send Break ═══ \B Send Break The \B extended command causes the modem to transmit a break signal. This command is valid only in on-line command mode. Syntax: AT...\B...[CR] ═══ 73. \K: Break Control ═══ \K Break Control The \K command controls the actions to be taken by the modem upon reception of a break signal from either the DTE or a remote modem. The DTE might generate a break either through the UART hardware or by using the \B command. Parameters 1-3 generate identical behavior for a non-ECL connection. The default is \K3. Syntax: AT...\Kn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL When a break is received from the DTE and the modem is online, the modem enters the escaped state and issues a nondestructive break to the remote modem. When a break is received from the remote modem, it is reported immediately and is nondestructive to any buffered data. 1 Breaks cause destruction of any buffered data, and they are reported immediately. The escaped state is not entered when a break is received from the DTE. 2 Breaks are nondestructive and the break is reported immediately. The escaped state is not entered when a break is received from the DTE. 3 Breaks are nondestructive and the break is queued in sequence with any buffered data and reported in turn. The escaped state is not entered when a break is received from the DTE. ═══ 74. \L: MNP** Mode ═══ \L MNP* Mode The \L extended command selects MNP* stream mode or block mode to be used by the modem during an MNP session. The mode may not be changed once an MNP is established. Syntax: AT...\Ln...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Stream mode (variable size based on \A command) 1 Block mode (maximum block size) ═══ 75. \N: V.42 and MNP** Negotiation Behavior ═══ \N V.42 and MNP* Negotiation Behavior The \N extended command selects the MNP* and V.42/V.42bis operational behavior. Whenever an Error Corrected Link (ECL) is established, the session will attempt to get a compressed link if possible. A V.42bis compressed link will be attempted first. If that fails or if an "H (V.42 bis Compression Control) command has been issued, then an MNP5 compressed link will be attempted. If that fails or if a %C (MNP Compression Control) command has been issued, a non- compressed link will be established. Syntax: AT...\Nn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL MNP is disabled. 1 Reserved. Returns "ERROR". 2 Enables MNP, and only an ECL connection is acceptable. If the MNP negotiations fail or the auto fallback character is received, then hang up. 3 Enables MNP and falls back to a non-ECL connection if the MNP negotiations fail or the auto fallback character is received. 4 Enables V.42 error correction, and only a V.42 ECL connection is acceptable. If the V.42 negotiations fail, then hang up. 5 Enables V.42 error correction and falls back to a non-ECL connection if the V.42 negotiations fail. 6 Enables V.42 error correction and falls back to an MNP connection if the V.42 negotiations fail. If MNP negotiations fail, then hang up. 7 Enables V.42 error correction and falls back to an MNP connection if the V.42 negotiations fail. If the MNP negotiations fail or the auto fallback character is received, then fall back to a non-ECL connection. ═══ 76. \Q: Flow Control ═══ \Q Flow Control The \Q command selects the flow-control method that your modem provides to your application. This prevents applications from losing data if the application cannot extract data from the modem as fast as it is being transmitted by the remote end of the communications link. Note: CTS Flow control is not used in the modem because it is not possible to overrun Mwave internal buffers. Applications can specify CTS hardware flow control, but the modem will never drop CTS because internal receive overruns cannot happen in the modem. Syntax: AT...\Qn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Flow Control Disabled. 1 Returns ERROR. 2 Returns ERROR. 3 Use the RTS (Request to Send) signal for bi-directional hardware flow control. When the application turns RTS off, the modem stops transmitting data to the personal computer in which the modem is contained. When RTS is on, the modem resumes sending data. ═══ 77. \T: Set Timer ═══ \T Set Timer The \T extended command controls the operation of the inactivity timer. Syntax: AT...\Tn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL The timer is disabled 1-90 The timer is set to 1-90 minutes ═══ 78. \V: MNP** Result Codes ═══ \V MNP* Result Codes The \V extended command enables result codes of the form CONNECT xxxx/ECL. Syntax: AT...\Vn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL Disables MNP* result codes 1 Enables MNP result codes ═══ 79. %A: Define Auto Fallback Character ═══ %A Define Auto Fallback Character The %A extended command defines a character to be used to abort the MNP* negotiation process. The auto fallback character is a 7-bit character with no parity. The auto fallback character should not be set to the ASCII SYN character (decimal 22). Doing so, causes the MNP negotiation to be aborted for valid MNP frames. The default is %A0, which disables the auto fallback feature. Syntax: AT...%An...[CR] n Usage 0-127 Defines the ASCII decimal code to be used as the auto fallback character by MNP. ═══ 80. %C: MNP** Compression Control ═══ %C MNP* Compression Control The %C extended command controls the data compression to be negotiated for in MNP* class 5. This command may be issued at anytime, but will only take effect at the establishment of the next connection. Syntax: AT...%Cn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL No data compression 1 Data compression is enabled for MNP class 5 ═══ 81. %E: Fast Rate Renegotiation Control ═══ %E Fast Rate Renegotiation Control The %E command controls the modem's response to a change in line quality and to requests for retrain or fallback/fall forward by the other end. This command affects only V.32bis and V.34. When %E2 is active, the modem monitors the line quality. When line quality is insufficient to sustain the current connect speed, the modem will initiate a rate renegotiation to a lower speed within the V.32bis modulation speeds (4800, 7200, 9600, 12,000, and 14,400 bps). The modem will keep falling back as needed until the speed reaches 4800 bps. If the line quality deteriorates further while connected at 4800 bps, the modems will hangup the telephone line. If the quality of the line increases, the modem will initiate a rate renegotiation to a higher speed if the modem currently has a V.32bis connection with the modem at the other end of the phone line. The rate renegotiation will be done without a retrain in this case. The modem will not increase the line speed if the modem is connected via V.32 to the other end of the phone line. Fall forward via Fast Rate Renegotiation is not supported in the V.32 specification. Syntax: AT...%En...[CR] n Usage 0,Null Disable Auto-Retrain and Fast Rate Renegotiation 1 Enable Auto-Retrain 2 Enable Fast Rate Renegotiation and Auto-Retrain ═══ 82. H: V.42bis Compression Control ═══ "H V.42bis Compression Control The "H extended command controls the data compression to be negotiated for with V.42bis. This command may be issued at any time but will take effect only at the next connection. Syntax: AT..."Hn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL V.42bis Disabled 1 V.42bis enabled for transmission only 2 V.42bis enabled for reception only 3 V.42bis enabled for both transmission and reception ═══ 83. N: V.42bis Dictionary Size ═══ "N V.42bis Dictionary Size The "N extended command controls the dictionary size to be negotiated for with V.42bis. This command may be issued at any time but will take effect only on the next connection. Syntax: AT..."Nn...[CR] n Usage 0,NULL 512 Entries 1 1024 Entries ═══ 84. O: V.42bis Maximum String Length ═══ "O V.42bis Maximum String Length The "O extended command controls the maximum string length to be negotiated for with V.42bis. This command may be issued at anytime, but will take effect only on the next connection. Syntax: AT..."On...[CR] n Usage 32,NULL 32 character maximum string length 6..250 6 to 250 character maximum string length ═══ 85. -J: V.42 Detection Phase ═══ -J V.42 Detection Phase The -J command disables or enables the V.42 detection phase. Syntax: AT...-Jn...[CR] n Usage 0 V.42 detection phase disabled 1 V.42 detection phase enabled ═══ 86. S-Register Summary ═══ S-Register Summary The modem's internal S-Registers are an extension to the control provided by the AT Command Set. The S- Registers are controlled by the AT = (Set Register) and ? (Query Register) commands. The Set Register command is used to set the value of the modem's internal registers and the Query Register command is used to read the value of those internal registers. Click on S-Register Values for a summary of the internal S-registers, their default, range, units, and usage. ═══ 87. S-Register Values ═══ S-Register Values Default Range Units Description S0 0 0-255 Number of rings Ring Answer: S0 contains an integer representing the number of rings to allow before going off- hook (when in auto answer-mode). When S0 contains zero, the Modem DSP will not answer. S1 0 0-255 Number of rings Ring Count: S1 contains the ring count. S2 43 0-255 ASCII Character Escape Character: S2 contains the ASCII code for the escape character. If S2 contains a value greater than 127, then the escape sequence is disabled. The default 043 is the "+" character. S3 13 0-127 ASCII Character Carriage Return Character: S3 contains the ASCII code for carriage return. The character contained in S3 is used for the command line terminator and for output the line terminator. S4 10 0-127 ASCII Character Line Feed Character: S4 contains the ASCII code for line feed. The character contained in S4 is used for the output line terminator for text output in Verbose mode. S5 8 0-32 ASCII Character Backspace Character: S5 contains the ASCII code for the backspace character. The character contained in S5 is used for editing an input line and is echoed back to the DTE to overwrite a character. S6 2 2-255 seconds Blind Dial Wait Time: S6 contains the amount of time to wait (in seconds) after going off-hook, before dialing. This allows time for a dial tone to be applied to the line. S7 30 1-255 seconds Carrier Wait Time: S7 contains the amount of time to wait for a data carrier. If a carrier is detected, a "CONNECT" result is returned; otherwise, a "NO CARRIER" result occurs. S8 2 0-255 seconds Comma Wait Time: S8 contains the amount of time to wait for a comma command or dial modifier. This register has special implications for ISDN. S9 6 1-255 1/10 seconds Carrier Recovery Time: S9 contains the amount of time to wait between a return of the carrier in the on-line state and the acceptance of the carrier. S10 14 1-255 1/10 seconds Lost Carrier Hang-Up Time: S10 contains the amount of time to wait between loss of the carrier and hang-up. S11 95 50-255 milli- seconds DTMF Dialing Speed: S11 contains the duration and inter-digit delay for DTMF tone dialing. This register has special implications for ISDN. S12 50 0-255 1/50 seconds Escape Code Guard Time: S12 contains the guard time delay for recognition of the escape sequence. S25 5 0-255 1/10 seconds Delay to DTR: S25 specifies the delay time threshold for which DTR must be active in order to be recognized. If DTR remains at a state for less than S25/100 seconds, it is ignored. S28 0 0-20 na Desired Line Speed Control Register: S28 contains the user's desired line connection speed. The connection speed will be the maximum speed supported by both modems not exceeding the speed specified by this register. 00=Use the UART divisor latch setting to determine the rate to attempt the connection with the remote modem. 01=Request a 50-bps connection using Bell 103/V.21 protocol. 02=Request a 75-bps connection using Bell 103/V.21 protocol. 03=Request a 110-bps connection using Bell 103/V.21 protocol. 04=Request a 134.5-bps connection using Bell 103/V.21 protocol. 05=Request a 150-bps connection using Bell 103/V.21 protocol. 06=Request a 300-bps connection using Bell 103/V.21 protocol. 07=Reserved. 08=Request a 1200-bps connection modem using V.22bis/Bell-212 protocol. 09=Request a 2400-bps connection using V.22bis protocol. 10=Request a 4800-bps connection using V.32bis protocol. 11=Request a 7200-bps connection using V.32bis protocol. 12=Request a 9600-bps connection using V.32bis protocol. 13=Request a 12,000-bps connection using V.32bis protocol. 14=Request a 14,000-bps connection using V.32bis protocol. 15=Request a 16,800-bps connection using V.34 protocol. 16=Request a 19,200-bps connection using V.34 protocol. 17=Request a 21,600-bps connection using V.34 protocol. 18=Request a 24,000-bps connection using V.34 protocol. 19=Request a 26,000-bps connection using V.34 protocol. 20=Request a 28,000-bps connection using V.34 protocol. Note: If the requested protocol is not loaded (V22, V32bis), the connection will be made at or below the request speed. The values for 15 - 20 apply to the Data/Fax PCMCIA Modem only. S30 1 0-14 None V.34 Options: Disables the V.34 data pump at speeds above 14,400-bps and enables the V.32 bis modem. 00=Disable call indicator. 01=Disable V.8. 02= Disable V.34. 03-07 - Reserved. S31 0 0-15 None V.34 Symbol Rates: Controls the symbol rate used by the V.34 data pump. 00=Disable 2400 baud symbol rate (receive). 01=Disable 2743 baud symbol rate (receive). 02=Disable 2800 baud symbol rate (receive). 03=Disable 3000 baud symbol rate (receive). 04=Disable 3200 baud symbol rate (receive). 05=Disable 3249 baud symbol rate (receive. 06=Disable asymmetric symbol rates. 07-15=Reserved. S32 0 0-15 None V.34 Symbol Rate Selection (bit-mapped): Reserved. S33 1 0-15 None V.34 Options (bit-mapped): Controls various features of the V.34 data pump. 00=Disable asymmetric rates for V.34. 01=Disable auxilary channel for V.34. 02-07=Reserved. 08=Disable power reduction. 09=Disable pre-emphasis. 10=Disable constellation warping. 11=Disable constellation shaping. 12=Disable precoding. 13-15=Reserved. S34 0 0-7 None V.34 Setting for Signal Processing Features (bit-mapped): Controls the signal processing features used by the V.34 data pump. 00=Disable requests for power reduction. 01=Disable requests for pre-emphasis. 02=Disable requests for constelleation warping. 03=Disable requests for constellation shaping. 04=Disable requests for precoding. 05-07=Reserved. ═══ 88. Modem LED Indicators ═══ Modem LED Indicators The Modem LED Indicators provide a visual status of the modem's operation. When lighted (ON), each LED indicator signals a specific operation or state that the modem is engaged in. ═══ 89. Modem Ready (MR) ═══ Modem Ready The Modem Ready (MR) LED indicates that communication is active. This light should be on at all times after the modem is initialized. ═══ 90. Data Terminal Ready (DTR) ═══ Data Terminal Ready The Data Terminal Ready (DTR) LED indicates that the communication application is active. ═══ 91. Send Data (SD) ═══ Send Data The Send Data (SD) LED indicates that the modem is transferring data from your computer to the remote system. When data is being transferred at fast data rates, the light may appear to be ON steadily. ═══ 92. Receive Data (RD) ═══ Receive Data The Receive Data (RD) LED indicates that the modem is receiving data from a remote system. When data is being received at fast data rates, the light may appear to be ON steadily. ═══ 93. Off Hook (OH) ═══ Off-Hook The Off-Hook (OH) LED indicates that the modem's phone line is off-hook (in use). ═══ 94. Carrier Detect (CD) ═══ Carrier Detect The Carrier Detect (CD) LED indicates that the modem has detected a remote modem's carrier signal. ═══ 95. Auto Answer (AA) ═══ Auto Answer The Auto Answer (AA) LED indicates that the modem is set up to automatically answer incoming calls. ═══ 96. High Speed (HS) ═══ High Speed The High Speed (HS) LED indicates that the modem is set up to connect at a line speed greater than 2400 bps. ═══ 97. Help for ISDN Port Configuration ═══ ISDN Port Configuration Help Euro-ISDN Network Attachment North American Network Attachment 1TR6/EURO Network Attachment INS-NET64 Network Attachment ═══ 98. Parameters for Euro-ISDN Network Attachment ═══ Parameters for Euro-ISDN Network Attachment ISDN Subscriber Number Adapter Passive Bus Incoming Call Selection Adapter Passive Bus Address D-Channel ISDN Signalling TEI Mode D-Channel ISDN Signalling TEI Value ═══ 99. Parameters for North American Network Attachment ═══ Parameters for North American Network Attachment Switch Configuration Type AT&T 5ESS Custom Northern Telecom DMS100 National ISDN 1 Phone Numbers 1 Phone Number 2 Phone Numbers Phone Number 1 Phone Number 2 Service Profile ID (SPID) Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) Auto TEI Fixed TEI Grade of Service CSV/D Voice and Data CSD Data Only CSV Voice Only ═══ 100. Parameters for 1TR6/EURO Network Attachment ═══ Parameters for 1TR6/EURO Network Attachment 1TR6 ISDN Subscriber Number Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection Passive Bus Terminal Selection Digit EURO ISDN Subscriber Number Adapter Passive Bus Incoming Call Selection Adapter Passive Bus Address D-Channel ISDN Signalling TEI Mode D-Channel ISDN Signalling TEI Value ═══ 101. Parameters for INS-NET64 Network Attachment ═══ Parameters for INS-NET64 Network Attachment ISDN Subscriber Number Adapter Passive Bus Incoming Call Selection Adapter Passive Bus Address D-Channel ISDN Signalling TEI Mode D-Channel ISDN Signalling TEI Value ═══ 102. Save ISDN Port Configuration ═══ Save Configuration The Save Configuration window allows you to save the parameters that you defined for your port connection, enable multiple configurations, and select which configuration to use. If you: ∙ Do not have a need for multiple configurations, you can select OK to save the parameters that you defined for you port connection. ∙ Select Enable Multiple Configurations and click on OK, you will be presented with the Select Configuration window. From the Select Configuration window, you can create new configurations. ∙ Select Use this Configuration Now (valid only with Enable Multiple Configurations) and click on OK, the configuration that you selected will become effective when you start your port connection. ═══ 103. Multiple Configurations ═══ Multiple Configurations Enabling Multiple Configurations from the Save Configuration window, allows you to define and assign names to more than one configuration for various port connections. A common application for having more than one port configuration would be where you need one set of parameters defining your port connection at work, and another set of parameters defining your port connection at home. ═══ 104. Select ISDN Port Configuration ═══ Select Configuration If you enabled multiple configurations during port configuration, the Select Configuration window provides you with the following options: ∙ Use Selected Configuration ∙ Edit Selected Configuration ∙ Create New Configuration ∙ Delete Selected Configuration If your connection needs change after your initial port configuration, you can access the Select Configuration window from the Port Monitor to make the required changes. To access the Select Configuration window from the Port Monitor: 1. Click on the Port Monitor icon in the Program Group window. 2. Click on Actions from the title bar in the Port Monitor window. 3. Click on Select ISDN Port Configuration. The Select Configuration window appears. ═══ 105. Switch Configuration Type ═══ Switch Configuration Type The Switch Configuration Type is the ISDN switch that serves your network. Different switch types support different protocols and services. Your provider of service will tell you the type of switch you will need to use with your ISDN Data/Fax Modem. If at any time you change the switch type, you must close and restart the Port Monitor and Com Port driver applications. ═══ 106. AT&T 5ESS Custom Switch Type ═══ AT&T 5ESS Custom Switch Type Selecting AT&T 5ESS Custom configures your Digital Modem to operate with the AT&T 5ESS 5E4 through AT&T 5ESS 5E7 and AT&T Custom network switch types. If your local phone company specified one of these switch types when you called to request ISDN service, select this option now. ═══ 107. Northern Telecom DMS100 Switch Type ═══ Northern Telecom DMS100 Switch Type Selecting Northern Telecom DMS100 configures your Digital Modem to operate with the NT Protocol Version Control One switch type. If your local phone company specified this switch type when you called to request ISDN service, select this option now. ═══ 108. National ISDN 1 Switch Type ═══ National ISDN 1 Switch Type Selecting National ISDN 1 configures your Digital Modem to operate with the National ISDN 1 compliant network switch type. The Bellcore/Regional Bell Operating Company's define protocols and services on the Basic Rate Access interface, regardless of switch manufacturer. If your local phone company specified the National ISDN 1 compliant switch type when you called to request ISDN service, select this option now. ═══ 109. Phone Numbers ═══ Phone Numbers Select whether you would like to configure one phone number or two phone numbers for the Digital Modem. ═══ 110. Phone Number - One ═══ One Phone Number Select 1 Phone Number if you have only one phone number to use with the ISDN Configuration. ═══ 111. Phone Numbers - Two ═══ Two Phone Numbers Select 2 Phone Numbers if you have two phone numbers to use with the ISDN configuration. ═══ 112. Phone Number 1 ═══ Phone Number 1 The Phone Number 1 field is where the phone number that is associated with the ISDN Adapter's first phone line is entered. The number should be entered in the following format: XXXYYYYYYY where XXX is the area code and YYYYYYY is the phone number. ═══ 113. Phone Number 2 ═══ Phone Number 2 The Phone Number 2 field is where the phone number that is associated with the ISDN Adapter's second phone line is entered. The number should be entered in the following format: XXXYYYYYYY where XXX is the area code and YYYYYYY is the phone number. ═══ 114. Service Profile Identifier (SPID) ═══ Service Profile Identifier (SPID) The Service Profile Identifier (SPID) value is determined by the ISDN network to which you are connected. You should have received a SPID when you subscribed to your ISDN service. If you did not receive a SPID, refer to the information on "Requesting ISDN Service" in the Installation and Testing Instructions (packaged with the adapter). When you receive the SPID, be sure to record it on your configuration worksheet. ═══ 115. Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) ═══ Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) The Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) is a value used to identify a specific connection endpoint within a service access point. There are two TEI types that you can specify, Auto (Dynamic) and Fixed (Static). If you specify Fixed, you must also provide the value. This will be unique to each line you configure. ═══ 116. Auto Terminal Endpoint Identifier ═══ Auto Terminal Endpoint Identifier Select Auto if you want the Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) value to be automatically assigned by the network. You should have received this information when you subscribed for ISDN service. Auto is the recommended selection for TEI type. ═══ 117. Fixed Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) ═══ Fixed Terminal Endpoint Identifier Select Fixed if you want to assign a Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) value instead of having the network assign a value automatically. You must fill in the TEI Value field if you select Fixed for TEI type. Auto is the recommended selection for the TEI type. ═══ 118. TEI Value ═══ Fixed Terminal Endpoint Identifier Value The Terminal Endpoint Identifier Value is a value used to identify a specific connection endpoint within a service access point. The Terminal Endpoint Identifier Value can be any value between 0 and 63. ═══ 119. Grade of Service ═══ Grade of Service The Grade of Service defines the types of calls that can be handled by your ISDN line. Service types include Data Only, Voice Only, and both Data and Voice. The service type for your ISDN phone line has been assigned by your service provider. ═══ 120. CSV/D Voice and Data ═══ CSV/D Voice and Data Circuit Switched Voice and Data (CSV/D) is the term used to refer to voice and data signals on an ISDN phone line. CSV/D allows both voice and data signals to be processed for the same phone line by the Digital Modem. Select CSV/D If your service provider has configured your line for CSV/D. ═══ 121. CSD Data Only ═══ CSD Data Only Circuit Switched Data (CSD) is the term used to refer to data-signals only on an ISDN phone line. CSD restricts the Digital Modem to processing data-signals only. Select CSD if your service provider has configured your line for CSD. ═══ 122. CSV Voice Only ═══ CSV Voice Only Circuit Switched Voice (CSV) is the term used to refer to voice-signals only on an ISDN phone line. CSV restricts the Digital Modem to processing voice-signals only. Select CSV if your service provider has configure your line for CSV. ═══ 123. ISDN Subscriber Name ═══ ISDN Subscriber Number This is the number allocated to you by your ISDN service provider. It must be a continuous string of digits in the range 0 through 9: for example, 98761234. ═══ 124. Passive Bus Incoming Call Selection ═══ Passive Bus Incoming Call Selection For Euro-ISDN and INS-NET64: If your terminal is connected to a passive bus that is shared by other terminals or telephones, the ISDN adapter can be given an address and only incoming calls that match the address are passed to applications. Calls that do not match the address are ignored. All Calls Choose All Calls if you want all incoming calls to be selected by the ISDN adapter and passed to the application. CPSA Choose CPSA (Called Party Subaddress) to allow only incoming calls that match the CPSA information element. The entire CPSA must match to allow the call to be selected. MSN/DDI Choose MSN/DDI (Multiple Subscriber Number/Direct Dial-In) to select only incoming calls that match the Called Party Number (CPN) information element. A match is detected if the value of the adapter passive bus address and the corresponding number of digits at the end of the CPN information element are the same. For example, if an address of 8210 is entered, an incoming call with a CPN of 98768210 is allowed. For 1TR6: If your terminal is connected to a passive bus, you can give the ISDN adapter a unique address digit, known as the Endgerateauswahlziffer (EAZ) digit. This is the final digit of the destination address. Only incoming calls that match that address are passed to the application; all other calls are ignored by the ISDN adapter. All Calls Choose All Calls if you want all incoming calls to be selected by the ISDN adapter and passed to the application. Note: This is the default. EAZ_PBTS Choose EAZ_PBTS (EAZ for Passive Bus Terminal Selection) for incoming-call selection using the EAZ digit in the destination address information element. A match is detected when the selection digit of the passive bus terminal and the EAZ digit are the same. For example, if you enter address 4, an incoming call with destination address 98768214 is passed to the applications. Note: The calling party must ensure that the EAZ digit is added to the end of the destination address. ═══ 125. Passive Bus Address ═══ Passive Bus Address For Euro-ISDN and INS-NET64: This is the address allocated to this adapter when incoming call selection by CPSA or MSN/DDI was chosen. Leave this field blank if All Calls was chosen. If CPSA or MSN/DDI was chosen, the address of the ISDN adapter must be entered in this field. The address format for CPSA can be: NSAP (X.213) A string of 1 to 20 IA5 digits starting with the letter P. For example, P3310. User specified A user-defined string from 1 to 20 alphanumeric characters in length. The address formation for MSN/DDI is a continuous string of 1 to 20 numeric digits in the range of 0 through 9. For 1TR6: This is a single digit that you must allocate to the ISDN adapter. The field should be left blank if All Calls was chosen for the Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection. If terminal call selection is used, ensure that the Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection is set to EAZ_PBTS The format for EAZ_PBTS is a digit in the range 1 to 9. A remote user must make a call that includes this digit (in the way specified by the Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection) so that the ISDN adapter can accept the call. ═══ 126. Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection ═══ Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection If your terminal is connected to a passive bus, you can give the ISDN adapter a unique address digit, known as the Endgerateauswahlziffer (EAZ) digit. This is the final digit of the destination address. Only incoming calls that match that address are passed to the application; all other calls are ignored by the ISDN adapter. Choose All Calls if you want all incoming calls to be passed to the applications. Note: This is the default. Choose EAZ_PBTS (EAZ for Passive Bus Terminal Selection) for incoming-call selection using the EAZ digit in the destination address information element. A match is detected when the selection digit of the passive bus terminal and the EAZ digit are the same. For example, if you enter address 4, an incoming call with destination address 98768214 is passed to the applications. Note: The calling party must ensure that the EAZ digit is added to the end of the destination address. ═══ 127. Passive Bus Terminal Selection Digit ═══ Passive Bus Terminal Selection Digit This is a single digit that you must allocate to the ISDN adapter. The field should be left blank if All Calls was chosen for the Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection. If terminal call selection is used, ensure that the Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection is set to EAZ_PBTS The format for EAZ_PBTS is a digit in the range 1 to 9. A remote user must make a call that includes this digit (in the way specified by the Passive Bus Terminal Call Selection) so that the ISDN adapter can accept the call. ═══ 128. D-Channel ISDN Signaling TEI Mode ═══ D-Channel ISDN Signaling TEI Mode Choose auto (default) if the TEI is assigned automatically. Choose manual if a specific TEI value has been assigned by the service provider. The value is in the range 0 through 63. ═══ 129. D-Channel ISDN Signaling TEI Value ═══ D-Channel ISDN Signaling TEI Value A value for this field is required only if you have chosen manual as the D-Channel ISDN signaling TEI mode. The value must be in the range 0 through 63 and is unique for each manual TEI. The TEI is allocated by your service provider to allow access to the D-Channel for ISDN signaling. ═══ 130. Help for V.120 Configuration ═══ Help for V.120 Configuration V.120 Driver Overview Maximum Retries (N200) Idle Timer (T203) Retry Timer (T200) Maximum Transmit Size Maximum Receive Size Error Correction Transmit Window Size ═══ 131. Maximum Number of Retransmissions ═══ Maximum Number of Retries The maximum number of retries (N200) value specifies the number of times an unacknowledged frame will be transmitted before the Digital Modem tries to restart the link. ═══ 132. Idle Timer (T203) ═══ Idle Timer The data link control (DLC) idle timer (T203) value specifies the maximum time allowed (in seconds) without frames being exchanged. If this time expires, the link is no longer present. ═══ 133. Retry Timer (T200) ═══ Retry Timer The Retry Timer (T200) value specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that the Digital Modem will wait for an acknowledgment of a transmitted l-frame before sending the frame again. ═══ 134. Maximum Transmit Size ═══ Maximum Transmit Size The Maximum Transmit Size (N201) value specifies the maximum number of bytes in the information field of a transmitted frame. The Maximum Transmit Size may be any value between 128 and 260. ═══ 135. Maximum Receive Size ═══ Maximum Receive Size The Maximum Receive Size (N201) value specifies the maximum number of bytes in the information field of a received frame. This value can help you determine whether a transmission error has occurred. The Maximum Receive Size can be any value between 128 and 260. ═══ 136. Error Correction ═══ Error Correction Select this option if you would like acknowledgment that data frames sent have been received. If you do not receive acknowledgment, data frames are resent. Do not select this option if you do not want acknowledgment that data frames have been sent and received. Some communications drivers perform error correction, so it may not be necessary for you to select this option. However, it will cause no problems if error correction is done in both the driver and the modem. ═══ 137. Transmit Window Size ═══ Transmit Window Size The Transmit Window Size (K-value) specifies the maximum number of l-frames that can be sent without receiving an acknowledgment from the remote device for the first frame in the group of frames being sent. ═══ 138. Async-to-Sync Configuration Help ═══ Async-to-Sync Configuration Help ADLC Driver Overview HDLC/ASYNC-to-SYNC Conversion TCP/IP SLIP-to-HDLC Encapsulation TCP/IP SLIP-to-RFC 1294 Encapsulation DLCI User Name ═══ 139. HDLC/ASYNC-to-SYNC Conversion ═══ HDLC/ASYNC-to-SYNC Conversion Select this option if you would like to enable remote LAN access via the LAN Distance* application. The combination of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem and the LAN Distance software allows a remote user to access the same LAN applications available to a locally LAN-attached terminal. ═══ 140. TCP/IP SLIP-to-HDLC Encapsulation ═══ TCP/IP SLIP-to-HDLC Encapsulation Select this option if you would like to remove the control characters associated with the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) and transmit the IP data packets encapsulated with HDLC framing at a 56-kbps or 64-kbps data rate. ═══ 141. TCP/IP SLIP-to-RFC 1294 Encapsulation ═══ TCP/IP SLIP-to-RFC 1294 Encapsulation Select this option if you would like to remove the control characters associated with the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) and transmit the IP data packets encapsulated with RFC1294 (RFC1490) framing at a 56-kbps or 64-kbps data rate. ═══ 142. DLCI ═══ DLCI The Data Link Control Identifier (DLCI) is a numeric identifier that is used in a frame-relay network to identify the next segment of a permanent virtual circuit over which a frame is to be relayed. ═══ 143. User Name ═══ User Name The User Name is a 24-character-alphanumeric field that uniquely identifies the Digital Modem to the device with which you are communicating. The User Name verification might be disabled by leaving this field blank. ═══ 144. Change Phone Number Discrimination - Modem ═══ Change Phone Number Discrimination Help Modem Driver Modem Driver Overview Use for placing calls Answer all calls Answer no calls Answer only voice calls ═══ 145. Change Phone Number Discrimination - V.120 ═══ Change Phone Number Discrimination Help V.120 Driver V.120 Driver Overview Use for placing calls Answer all calls Answer no calls Answer only data calls Answer only voice calls ═══ 146. Change Phone Number Discrimination - V.120/Modem ═══ Change Phone Number Discrimination V.120/Modem Driver V.120/Modem Driver Overview Ignore calls Answer calls w/V.120 Answer calls w/Modem Answer calls w/ V.120/Modem Answer data calls w/V.120 Answer voice calls w/Modem ═══ 147. Change Phone Number Discrimination - ADLC ═══ Change Phone Number Discrimination Help ADLC Driver ADLC Driver Overview Use for placing calls Answer all calls Answer no calls Answer only data calls Answer only voice calls ═══ 148. Use For Placing Calls ═══ Use for placing calls Check this option for the phone number you want to use for placing calls. ═══ 149. Answer All Calls ═══ Answer all calls Check this option if you want to answer all calls (voice or data) for this phone number. ═══ 150. Answer No Calls ═══ Answer no calls Check this option if you want to ignore all incoming calls. ═══ 151. Answer Only Voice Calls ═══ Answer only voice calls Check this option if you want only voice calls to be answered. ═══ 152. Answer Only Data Calls ═══ Answer only data calls Check this option if you want only data calls to be answered. ═══ 153. Ignore Calls ═══ Ignore calls Check this option if you do not want any of your calls answered by the driver. ═══ 154. Answer Calls With Modem ═══ Answer calls w/Modem Check this option if you want all of your incoming calls to be answered by the Modem driver. ═══ 155. Answer Calls With V.120 ═══ Answer calls w/V.120 Check this option if you want all of your incoming calls to be answered by the V.120 driver. ═══ 156. Answer Calls With V.120/Modem ═══ Answer calls w/ V.120/Modem Check this option if you want your incoming data calls to be answered by the V.120 driver and your incoming voice calls to be answered by the Modem driver. ═══ 157. Answer Data Calls With V.120 ═══ Answer data calls w/V.120 Check this option if you want your incoming data calls to be answered by the V.120 driver. ═══ 158. Answer Voice Calls With Modem ═══ Answer voice calls w/Modem Check this option if you want your incoming voice calls to be answered by the Modem driver. ═══ 159. ISA Dip Switch Settings ═══ ISA Dip Switch Settings Help I/O Port Address System Interrupt Channel Timing COMM Disable Enable Port (I/O Address) Interrupt DMA Channel Acknowledge Re-request Timer Byte/Word ═══ 160. IO Port Address ═══ I/O Port Address Each adapter installed in your computer must have a unique I/O port address to allow communication between the adapter and the system unit. You must set this address so that it does not conflict with the I/O address of any other adapter already installed in your computer. Incorrect operation might occur if conflicts exist. ═══ 161. System Interrupt ═══ System Interrupt Each device used by a computer must use a unique Interrupt Request Level (IRQ) selection to allow communication between the device and the system unit. A device is defined as any adapter, fixed disk drive controller, printer, monitor, or other such hardware being used by the computer. Incorrect operation may occur if two devices being used by the computer have the same IRQ value. ═══ 162. Channel Timing ═══ Channel Timing The channel timing parameter defines when the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's I/O channel ready signal will be generated. The channel timing parameter allows the ISDN Data/Fax Modem to be compatible with different implementations of the ISA architecture. The value for the channel timing parameter should only be changed if your are experiencing random errors or if the system fails with the switch in the Off (default) position. ═══ 163. COMM ═══ COMM The COMM port (or Serial Port) is one of the ways in which your personal computer system communicates. COMM port designations are assigned to serial ports or to internal devices. For example, if you have a personal computer system with only one serial port, by default that serial port would be assigned a COM 1 port designation. For more information on the various COMM port related settings, click on each of the following: Disable Enable Port (I/O Address) Interrupt ═══ 164. COMM Disable ═══ COMM Disable This switch selection allows you to disable the COMM port. Note: The COMM port switch must be enabled to run applications that communicate with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem through the COMM port. ═══ 165. COMM Enable ═══ COMM Enable This switch selection allows you to enable the COMM port. Note: The COMM port switch must be enabled to run applications that communicate with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem through the COMM port. ═══ 166. COMM Port ═══ COMM Port Many peripheral devices communicate with the system unit through communications ports (COMM ports). Each device must be configured to use a unique COMM port. Improper operation will result when multiple devices are assigned to the same COMM port. COMM port configuration conflicts often involve other modems or on-board serial ports. If such a conflict occurs and the devices in conflict cannot be assigned another COMM port, then a device must be disabled or removed in order to use the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. ═══ 167. COMM Interrupt ═══ COMM Interrupt This parameter determines the interrupt level used for the COMM port. The linterrupt level used is dependent on the selected COMM port. Each device using a COMM port must be assigned a uniqe interrupt level. It is standard to use the following COMM port and COMM Interrupt (IRQ) combinations: COMM Port 1 and COMM IRQ 4 COMM Port 2 and COMM IRQ 3 COMM Port 3 and COMM IRQ 4 COMM Port 4 and COMM IRQ 3 ═══ 168. DMA ═══ DMA Direct memory access (DMA) allows the transfer of data between memory and input/output units without processor intervention. This method is necessary to support the high data speeds of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. For more information on the various DMA settings, click on each of the following: Channel Acknowledge Re-request Timer Byte/Word ═══ 169. Channel ═══ DMA Channel The Direct Memory Access (DMA) channel is used by an adapter to transfer information between system memory and the adapter. Each adapter that uses DMA must be assigned a unique DMA channel. Multiple adapters attempting to use the same DMA channel will result in incorrect operation of each adapter. If each possible DMA channel for the ISDN Data/Fax Modem is already in use, one of the other adapters in the system must have it's DMA channel changed to another DMA channel or be removed. Otherwise, the ISDN Data/Fax Modem cannot be used. ═══ 170. DMA Acknowledge ═══ DMA Acknowledge Note: This parameter applies to Rev B. Data/Fax Modem Cards only. In most cases, you will not need to change this parameter from its default value. On certain ISA computers, the timing of the DMA Acknowledge signal can cause the computer to hang when the computer is powered ON. If you are experiencing trouble with the computer hanging, change this parameter from its current setting to its alternate value. The possible settings are Gated and Normal. ═══ 171. DMA Re-request Timer ═══ DMA Re-request Timer This parameter determines the amount of time the ISDN Data/Fax Modem waits between the completion of a DMA cycle and the request of another DMA transfer. If a problem is encountered when using the ISDN Data/Fax Modem in a personal computer with a 60 MHz or greater processor, changing this value may correct the problem. ═══ 172. DMA Byte/Word ═══ DMA Byte/Word Most personal computers use 16-bit memory mapping for DMA. If your personal computer uses 8-bit memory mapping, you must change the value for the DMA Byte/Word parameter. ═══ 173. ISDN Port Status ═══ ISDN Port Status The Status Messages box in the Port Monitor window displays messages that allow you to monitor the ISDN port. The status of any calls placed or received is shown in the Status Messages box. For example, you will see messages when a call is connected or disconnected, or if it is rejected. You will also see any warning or error messages in the Status Messages box. When you see a message in the Status messages box, you can view more detailed information about that message by viewing the information in ISDN Port Status Messages. In addition to the ISDN Port Status Messages, the ISDN Port Status Indicators are used to monitor the overall status of the ISDN Port on a per-channel basis. There is an LED for each of the following conditions: LA - Line Active Indicator: This indicator is turned on when the ISDN Digital Modem has determined that the ISDN physical connection to the NT1 is correct. It is important to note that this indicator does not guarantee that in all cases the connection from the telephone jack to the NT1 is correct. On some networks this indicator will not be active until a call attempt is made. D-Channel Active Indicator: This indicator is turned on when the signaling protocols have been completed on the D-Channel. Some networks require terminal initialization procedures that must also be completed before this indicator becomes active. Note: These values may be exchanged with the network as soon as the ISDN Port Monitor is activated, or they may be exchanged when either the first call has been placed or the first call has been received. B1 Channel Active Indicator B2 Channel Active Indicator These indicators are turned on when calls are active on the corresponding ISDN B-Channels. ═══ 174. ISDN Port Status Messages ═══ ISDN Port Status Messages The ISDN Port Messages give a detailed description of the status of the ISDN Port. To determine the meaning behind a specific ISDN message, select one of the items in the list below. Note that the messages beginning with IN are informational messages and the messages beginning with WN are warning messages. ISDN Port Messages for Loading IN00-IN09 Initialization Messages WN00-WN09 Initialization Warnings IN10-IN19 Incoming Call Messages WN10-WN19 Incoming Call Warnings IN20-IN29 Outgoing Call Messages WN20-WN29 Outgoing Call Warnings IN30-IN39 Call Release Messages WN30-WN39 Call Release Warnings IN40-IN49 General Status Messages WN40-WN49 General Status Warnings IN50-IN59 Line Status Messages WN50-WN59 Line Status Warnings Cause Values ═══ 175. ISDN Port Messages - Loading ═══ ISDN Port Messages for Loading ISDN D-Channel code loaded. The ISDN D-Channel programs have been successfully loaded. ISDN D-Channel code unloaded. The ISDN D-Channel programs have been unloaded because there are no active ISDN drivers. ISDN D-Channel code load failure. An error was detected when the D-Channel program was being loaded. A file may not have been installed properly. Restart the Operating System to ensure that this is not a temporary failure. If the problem persists, re-install the ISDN Data/Fax Modem software. ISDN D-Channel code load failure: Cable error. The ISDN cable was not plugged in when the D-Channel code attempted to load. Either the Analog cable was plugged in or no cable was detected at all. ISDN D-Channel suspended. The Operating system has suspended tasks to save power. The D-Channel has been suspended in the process. No calls can be received in this suspended state. ISDN D-Channel resumed. The Operating System has resumed suspended tasks. The D-Channel task has now resumed operation. Verify Switch Type Configuration. This message should follow a more detailed indication of a problem (for example, WN10: SPID initialization ignored). The Switch Type configured should be verified if initialization warnings persist. ═══ 176. ISDN Port Status Messages - Initialization ═══ Initialization Messages These messages correspond to the ISDN initialization. They are useful to determine whether the configuration options selected during installation are correct. Run the configuration option to correct any incorrect parameters and select ON to activate the ISDN Port Monitor application. IN01: TEI Initialized DN1 IN02: TEI Initialized DN2 This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor has successfully requested and received an Automatic (Dynamic) Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) for the corresponding Directory Number (DN) or Phone Number configured. When the TEI is Fixed (Static), this message will appear automatically as there is no need to request a TEI value from the network. The value is provided when you subscribe to ISDN service. IN03: SPID Initialized DN1 IN05: SPID Initialized DN2 This message appears when the network has successfully responded to the Service Profile Identifier (SPID) configured for the corresponding Directory Number (DN) or Phone Number. In this case, the successful response from the network indicates that the SPID value will not be used. IN04: SPID Initialized DN1 IN06: SPID Initialized DN2 This message appears when the network has successfully responded to the Service Profile Identifier (SPID) configured for the corresponding Directory Number (DN) or Phone Number. IN07: Network Attempted TEI Init This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor receives a message from the network attempting to initialize the given Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI). Possible Problem: If the given TEI value is 64 or greater, the network is attempting to initialize the Automatic (Dynamic) TEI value shown, and this message is informational only. If the given TEI value is less than 64, the network is attempting to initialize the Fixed (Static) TEI value shown, which is not the same value as the current Fixed (Static) TEI configured. If this message persists, this could indicate that the configured Fixed (Static) TEI value is incorrect. Possible Fix: Verify that the configured Fixed (Static) TEI value is correct using the information provided by the telephone company. If this information is unavailable, try configuring for the Fixed (Static) TEI value shown in the message. ═══ 177. ISDN Port Status Warnings - Initialization ═══ Initialization Warnings These messages correspond to the ISDN initialization. They are useful to determine whether the configuration options selected during installation are correct. WN01: TEI Establish Failed DN1 WN02: TEI Establish Failed DN2 This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor has requested an Automatic (Dynamic) Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) for the corresponding Directory Number (DN) or Phone Number from the network and the network has not responded to the request. Possible Problem: This condition can occur when the ISDN Digital Modem is configured for Automatic (Dynamic) TEI and the ISDN line is Fixed (Static) TEI. Another potential problem may be in the physical connection. Possible Fix: First, verify that the TEI type configured is correct. If this has been verified, check the complete physical connection. WN03: ISDN Establish Failed This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor has attempted to establish a protocol connection with the network and the network is not responding. Possible Problem: This condition can occur when the ISDN Digital Modem is configured for Fixed (Static) TEI and the ISDN line is Automatic (Dynamic) TEI or if the Fixed TEI value configured is incorrect. Another potential problem may be in the physical connection. Possible Fix: First, verify that the TEI type has been configured correctly. Second, in the case of Fixed TEI, check that the TEI value configured is correct. Last, check the complete physical connection. WN04: TEI Removed DN1 WN05: TEI Removed DN2 This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor receives a message from the network indicating that the Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) has been removed and is no longer valid. In the case of Automatic (Dynamic) TEI Type, this warning may occur when a modem application is closed and opened again. In this case, the messages following this one should indicate that the TEI has been reestablished. Possible Problem: If the TEI Type is configured for Automatic (Dynamic) and the messages continue to change between "IN01: TEI Initialized DN1" and "WN01: TEI Removed DN1," the ISDN line may be misconfigured for Automatic (Dynamic) when the ISDN line is actually set to a static (Fixed) value. Possible Fix: Verify that the TEI Type is correct using the information provided by the telephone company. WN06: TEI Removed DN1 (Fixed TEI) WN07: TEI Removed DN2 (Fixed TEI) This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor receives a message from the network indicating that the Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) configured for the corresponding Directory Number (DN) or Phone Number has been removed by the network and is no longer valid. Possible Problem: This condition is usually caused in the case of Fixed (Static) TEI Type when two devices are attached to a passive bus using the same Fixed TEI value. The switch interprets this as a violation. Possible Fix: This condition can be prevented by configuring the devices on a passive bus to use different TEI values. WN08: SPID Rejected DN1 WN09: SPID Rejected DN2 This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor receives a message from the network indicating that the Service Profile ID (SPID) configured for the corresponding Directory Number (DN) or Phone Number is incorrect. Possible Problem: This condition will occur if the configured SPID does not match the SPID assigned to the ISDN line. values generally contain the directory number and a suffix and/or prefix. Your service provider should provide the correct SPID value. ═══ 178. Incoming Call Messages and Warnings ═══ Incoming Call Messages These messages provide the status of incoming calls. IN10: Incoming Call (Data): This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor receives a Call Setup message from the network for a data call. IN11: Incoming Call (Voice): This message appears when the ISDN Port Monitor receives a Call Setup message from the network for a voice or an audio call. IN12: Incoming Call From: This message provides the Phone Number of the device that placed the call to the ISDN Digital Modem. IN13: Incoming Call Alerting: This message indicates that the incoming call has been acknowledged by the ISDN Port Monitor. IN14: Incoming Call Accepted: This message indicates that the incoming call has been accepted by the application currently being used with the ISDN Digital Modem. IN15: Incoming Call Rejected: This message indicates that an incoming call has been received but could not be accepted. This can occur for several reasons. One possible reason for a rejected call would be that the ISDN Digital Modem is configured to use two Phone Numbers, and one of the two already has a call active when the second call is received. The ISDN Digital Modem can handle only one active call at a time; therefore, the second call is rejected. IN16: Incoming Call To: This message provides the user with the Phone Number being called when an incoming Call Setup message is received. This can be helpful when the ISDN Digital Modem is configured to use two Phone Numbers. ═══ 179. Incoming Call Warnings ═══ Incoming Call Warnings These messages provide the status of incoming calls. WN10: SPID Initialization Ignored: The network has not responded to SPID initialization requests. The value selected for Switch Type in the configuration might not match your actual ISDN switch type. Verify the Switch Type with your ISDN service provider. WN11: SPID Value Incorrect: The network has indicated that the SPID message being used is not correct. If your ISDN Switch Type is AT&T Custom, you may still be able to place and receive calls if your ISDN line has been installed with the Default Service option enabled. Not all types of calls can be sent or received. Determine the correct SPID value from your ISDN service provided and reconfigure. ═══ 180. Outgoing Call Messages ═══ Outgoing Call Messages These messages provide the status of Outgoing Calls. IN22: Outgoing Call (Data): This message indicates that an outgoing call has been placed from the application being used on the ISDN Digital Modem and that the call type is Data (64 Kbps or 56 Kbps). This call type is most commonly used when an ISDN Digital Data application is placing the call or when the user has indicated in the configuration that the line being used is capable of supporting only Circuit Switched Data (CSD) calls. In this case, all calls placed will be data calls. IN23: Outgoing Call (Voice): This message indicates that an outgoing call has been placed from the Application being used on the ISDN Digital Modem and that the call type is Voice. This call type is most commonly used when a modem or fax call is being placed or when the user has indicated in the configuration that the line being used is capable of supporting only Circuit Switched Voice (CSV) calls. In this case, all calls placed will be voice calls. IN24: Outgoing Call To: This message provides the user with the Phone Number being called from the ISDN Digital Modem. IN25: Network Acknowledged Call: This message indicates that the network has accepted the Call Setup message. IN27: Call Accepted: This message indicates that the destination has accepted the call. Important: In some cases, this message occurs when the network has accepted the call to provide an audio message regarding the call (for example, "The number you have dialed is not in service"). If the "IN27: Call Accepted" message appears in the ISDN Port Monitor window but the call does not appear to be working correctly, increase the speaker volume for the application you are running to listen to any messages that the network may provide. IN28: Outgoing Call From: This message provides the Phone Number from which the call is being placed. This information can be helpful if the ISDN Digital Modem is configured to use two Phone Numbers. ═══ 181. Outgoing Call Warnings ═══ Outgoing Call Warnings The following message provides the status of Outgoing Calls. WN 20: Call Blocked/Blacklisted: This will occur when the Data/Fax Modem has reached network required limits on how frequently a number may be dialed within a set amount of time and how long the application must wait between calls. For example, in Japan, an unsuccessful call should not be redialed more than three times in a 3-minute period. If this message occurs, you should wait and retry the call. ═══ 182. Call Release Messages ═══ Call Release Messages These messages provide more information regarding the Disconnect or Release of a call. IN30: Initiated Call Disconnect: This message indicates that the ISDN Digital Modem has initiated Call Disconnect. This message normally appears when an application terminates a call. Use the Cause Value that follows this message to determine whether the call is being disconnected normally or whether the cause of the disconnect indicates a problem. IN31: Call Disconnect Received: This message indicates that the ISDN Digital Modem has received a message from the network indicating Call Disconnect. This occurs normally when an application on the other end of the call simply hangs up. Use the Cause Value that follows this message to determine whether the call is being disconnected normally or if the cause of the disconnect indicates a problem. ═══ 183. Call Release Warnings ═══ Call Release Warnings These messages provide more information regarding the Disconnect or Release of a call. WN30: Call Release Received This message indicates that the ISDN Digital Modem has received a message from the network indicating Call Release. This normally follows the Call Disconnect message IN30. Use the Cause Value that follows this message to determine whether the call is being released normally or whether the cause of the release message indicates a problem. WN31: Call Release Sent This message indicates that the ISDN Digital Modem has sent a Call Release message to the network. In most cases, this message will follow the Call Disconnect message IN31. Use the Cause Value that follows this message to determine whether the call is being released normally or whether the cause of the release message indicates a problem. ═══ 184. General Status Messages ═══ General Status Messages IN40: Call Not End-to-End ISDN: This message indicates that an ISDN route to/from the destination was not available. The call has been routed outside the ISDN network. If the call being made is a Data call (64 Kbps or 56 Kbps), this message indicates that a 64-kbps route is not possible and that the data will be exchanged at 56 Kbps. ═══ 185. General Status Warnings ═══ General Status Warnings This message provides general status information received from the network. WN40: Warning Status Message This message appears when the network sends a Status message in response to an ISDN message that the network received from the ISDN Digital Modem. Use the Cause Value that follows this message to determine whether the Status message received from the network indicates a problem. Possible Problem: This condition will occur when the Phone Number has been configured incorrectly and is attempting to place a call. In this case, the Cause message that follows will be "Cause=100 Diag=108." Possible Fix: Select the Configuration option from the ISDN Port Monitor and correct the configured Phone Number Value. ═══ 186. Line Messages ═══ Line Messages This message provides status information about the physical line as it changes. The message corresponds with the Line Active Indicator in the Port Status portion of the ISDN Port Monitor window. This additional information is provided so that you can determine where line interruptions occurred in reference to active calls. IN50: Line Active: This message appears when the ISDN Physical Connection is active. This message means that the ISDN Digital Modem is correctly attached to the network. Note: Some networks will not activate the physical connection until an outgoing call attempt is made or until an incoming call arrives. ═══ 187. Line Warnings ═══ Line Warnings This message provides status information about the physical line as it changes. The message corresponds with the Line Active Indicator in the Port Status portion of the ISDN Port Monitor window. This additional information is provided so that you can determine where line interruptions have occurred in reference to active calls. WN50: Line Error Reported: This message appears when the ISDN Physical Connection has been deactivated. Possible Problem: The physical connection between the ISDN Digital Modem and the NT1 has been deactivated (for example, the ISDN cable connected to the ISDN Digital Modem has been removed). Another case might be that another device has been attached on the passive bus and either the NT1 or the other device is not set up correctly. Possible Fix: First, verify that the complete physical connection has not been broken. Second, if a device has been added to the passive bus, refer to both the NT1 documentation and the section entitled "Connecting Multiple Devices" in the Guide to Operations for assistance when arranging a passive bus connection. ═══ 188. ISDN Cause Values ═══ ISDN Cause Values The cause values listed below have either been sent to or received from the ISDN Digital Modem regarding either the clearing or status of a call. The cause values may be different based on the specific network to which the ISDN Digital Modem is attached. The list below contains some explanation of situations that cause a call to be unsuccessful. However, neither the list nor the suggestions for the types of problems that may be encountered complete. These values are meant to serve as a guide to help determine whether problems exist and where they can originate. Cause Value 1 - Unallocated (Unassigned) Number: This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because, although the called party number is in a valid format, it is not currently allocated (assigned). Cause Value 2 - No Route to Specified Transit Network (National Use): This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to route the call through a particular transit network which it does not recognize. The equipment sending this cause does not recognize the transit network either because the transit network does not exist or because that particular transit network, while it does exist, does not serve the equipment which is sending this cause. This cause is supported on a network-dependent basis, Cause Value 3 - No Route to Destination: This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the network through which the call has been routed does not serve the destination desired. This cause is supported on a network-dependent basis. Cause Value 6 - Channel Unacceptable: This cause indicates that the channel most recently identified is not acceptable to the sending entity for use in this call. Cause Value 16 - Normal Call Clearing: This cause indicates that the call is being cleared because one of the users involved in the call has requested that the call be cleared. Under normal situations, the source of this cause is not the network. Cause Value 17 - User Busy: This cause is used to indicate that the called party is unable to accept another call because the user busy condition has been encountered. This cause value may be generated by the called user or by the network. In the case of user-determined user busy, it is noted that the user equipment is compatible with the call. Cause Value 18 - No User Responding: This cause is used when a called part does not respond to a call establishment message with either an alerting or connect indication within the prescribed period of time allocated. Cause Value 19 - User Alerting, No Answer: This cause is used when a called party does not respond to a call establishment message with either an alerting or connect indication within the prescribed period of time allocated.. Cause Value 21 - Call Rejected: This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not wish to accept this call, although it could have accepted the call because the equipment sending this cause is neither busy nor incompatible. This cause may also be generated by the network, indicating that the call was cleared due to a supplementary service constraint. The diagnostic field may contain additional information about the supplementary service and reason for rejection. Cause Value 22 - Number Changed: This cause is returned to a calling party when the called party number indicated by the calling party is no longer assigned. The new called party number may optionally be included in the diagnostic field. If a network does not support this cause value, cause Value 1, unallocated (unassigned) number , shall be used. Cause Value 27 - Destination Out of Order: This cause indicates that the destination indicated by the user cannot be reached because the interface to the destination is not functioning correctly. The term "not functioning correctly" indicates that a signaling message was unable to be delivered to the remote party; e.g., a physical layer or data link layer failure at the remote party, or user equipment off-line. Cause Value 28 - Invalid Number Format (Address Incomplete): The destination could not be reached as the number being called is not correct or not complete. Cause Value 31 - Normal, Unspecified: This cause is used to report a normal event only when no other cause in the normal class applies. Cause Value 34 - No Circuit/Channel Available: This cause indicates that there is no appropriate circuit/channel presently available to handle the call. Cause Value 38 - Network Out of Order: This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is likely to last a relatively long period of time; e.g., immediately re-attempting the call is not likely to be successful. Cause Value 41 - Temporary Failure: This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is not likely to last a long period of time; e.g., the user may wish to try another call attempt almost immediately. Cause Value 42 - Switching Equipment Congestion: This cause indicates that the switching equipment generating this cause is experiencing a period of high traffic. Cause Value 43 - Access Information Discarded: This cause indicates that the network could not deliver access information to the remote user as requested, i.e. user-to-user information, low-layer compatibility, high-layer compatibility, or sub-address, as indicated in the diagnostic. Cause Value 44 - Requested Circuit/Channel Not Available: This cause is returned when the circuit or channel indicated by the requesting entity cannot be provided by the other side of the interface. Cause Value 47 - Resource Unavailable: This cause is used to report a resource unavailable event only when no other cause in the resource unavailable class applies. Cause Value 50 - Requested Facility Not Subscribed: This cause indicates that the user has requested a supplementary service switch is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause, but the user is not authorized to use. For North American networks, this cause generally indicates that the SPID/TID initialization process has not been completed. Note: If you are attached to an AT&T custom switch in the U.S., this cause value frequently occurs if the SPID value is incorrect. Cause Value 54 - Incoming Calls Barred: This cause indicates that the destination will not accept the Call Setup. Cause Value 57 - Bearer Capability Not Authorized: This cause indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability that is implemented by the equipment that generated this cause but that the user is not authorized to use. Cause Value 58 - Bearer Capability Is Not Available: This cause indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability which is implemented by the equipment which generated this cause but which is not available at this time. Cause Value 63 - Service or Option Not Available: This is the default Cause Value when a specific service was not requested or is not available and no other Cause Value applies. (See Cause Value 57 for a probable problem and fix.) Cause Value 65 - Bearer Capability Not Implemented: The Grade of Service requested is not implemented. Cause Value 81 - Unrecognized Call Reference Value: This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a call reference which is not currently in use on the user-network interface. Cause Value 88 - Incompatible Destination: This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a request to establish a call which has low layer compatibility, high layer compatibility, or other compatibility attributes which cannot be accommodated. Cause Value 96 - Mandatory Information Element Is Missing: This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which is missing an information element that must be present in the message before the message can be processed. Cause Value 97 - Message Type Non-existent or Not Implemented: This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a message type it does not recognize either because this is a message not defined or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause. Cause Value 98 - Message Not Compatible With Call State or Message Type Non-Existent or Not Implemented: This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message such that the procedures do not indicate that this is a permissible message to receive while in the call state, or a STATUS message was received indicating an incompatible call state. Cause Value 99 - Information Element/Parameter Non-existent or Not Implemented: This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes information element(s)/parameter(s) not recognized because the information element identifier(s)/parameter name(s) are not defined or are defined but not implemented by the equipment sending the cause. This cause indicates that the information element(s)/parameter(s) were discarded. However, the information element is not required to be present in the message in order for the equipment sending the cause to process the message. Cause Value 100 - Information in ISDN Message Incorrect: Part of the information in the ISDN message is not correct. In this case, the Diagnostic values might be helpful. Look for the corresponding Diagnostic value for additional help: Diagnostic = 4 Bearer capability is incorrect. See Cause 57. Diagnostic = 58 SPID value is incorrect. Verify SPID value in configuration. Diagnostic = 108 Configured Phone Number is incorrect. Verify configured Phone Number. Diagnostic = 112 Number being dialed is incorrect. Verify the Phone Number being called. Cause Value 102 - Call Establishment Timer Expired: One of the necessary responses from either the terminal or the network has not been received. The corresponding timer that was set to wait for the response has expired. Possible Problem: This can occur if either the Phone Number (or Directory Number) configured is incorrect or if the Phone Number does not correspond to the correct TEI value in the case of Fixed (Static) TEI. Use the ISDN Digital Modem Configuration to verify the Phone Number and TEI type and value. Cause Value 127 - Interworking, Unspecified: Due to Interworking in the network, a valid Cause value cannot be ascertained. ═══ 189. Problem Determination ═══ Problem Solving This section contains information that will help you troubleshoot problems with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. In addition to the information in this section, there are specific error messages that you can receive. Any message that appears will also display instructions about how to correct the error. If you receive an error message, follow the instructions displayed. If the instructions displayed with an error message do not contain enough information for you to correct the error, you can use the Help option to find a more detailed description of the error. If you still cannot correct the error, use the following information to start the troubleshooting process: To troubleshoot a problem: 1. Locate the symptom below that best describes the problem. 2. Click on the recommended section to go to. 3. Read the information in the recommended section and perform any requested actions. Symptom: Recommended Action: Problem with the adapter's operation. Click on Testing the Adapter. Received errors while testing the adapter. Click on Problems While Testing the Adapter. Other problems not described here. Click on Common Errors. Note: If you are still experiencing problems after trying the suggested actions above, see Help and Service Information for information on obtaining service for your adapter. ═══ 190. Testing the Adapter ═══ Testing the Adapter If you are having problems with the adapter's operation, perform the procedure in this section and follow any suggested actions that you receive. Then, run the tests again to determine if the actions you have taken corrected the problems with the adapter's operation. Ensure that the adapter and cables are properly connected before you begin testing. See Connecting the Adapter if you need more information on connecting the adapter and cables. 1. At your computer's DOS prompt, insert the Diagnostics Diskette into your computer's A: disk drive. (To get to your computer's DOS prompt from the OS/2 system, select the OS/2 system icon, select the Command Prompts icon, and then select a DOS window icon. 2. Type a: and press Enter. 3. Type wrdiag and press Enter. The diagnostics panel appears. 4. Press Enter. The Test Selection Menu appears. 5. Select Run tests one time and press Enter. A message will be displayed to inform you that the adapter is being tested. 6. When you are presented with the option to run the Loopback and Audio (Speaker) tests, enter Y. The program will continue to prompt you for responses. Respond to the prompts until the tests are completed. 7. If an error occurs, try the suggested action and run the tests again. If you are still experiencing problems with your adapterТs operation after trying the suggested action and running the test again, go to Problems While Testing the Adapter and follow the procedure. ═══ 191. Problems Testing the Adapter ═══ Problems While Testing the Adapter If an error occurs during testing of the adapter, refer to the following instructions. 1. If you receive an error and you have not already done so, try the suggested action and run the test again, starting at Testing the Adapter. 2. If the problem persists after you test the adapter again, check that the following conditions have been met before obtaining service: ∙ All cabling is firmly connected. ∙ The adapter is firmly seated in the option slot. ∙ There are no compatibility problems between the ISDN Data/Fax Modem and one or more other ports in your personal computer. To isolate a compatibility problem, first, check to ensure that you have not configured an internal serial port to the same address as the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. Then, remove the other PCMCIA adapters from your personal computer system and run the adapter tests while these adapters are removed. Note: Mwave technology currently supports a maximum of one Mwave- compatible adapter per system. if you have another Mwave-compatible adapter in your system, it will not work with your ISDN Data/Fax Modem. ∙ If the ISDN Data/Fax Modem is connected to an NT1 through building wiring, check to ensure that the building wiring is functioning properly by disconnecting the ISDN Data/Fax Modem from the wall outlet and connecting it directly to the NT1. ∙ The NT1 (if applicable) is operating correctly. ∙ There are no problems that exist with the computer. If any of the above conditions have not been met, correct any problems and run the adapter tests again, starting at Testing the Adapter. If the above conditions have been met, have your computer, adapter, and adapter cables serviced if necessary. See Help and Service Information for information on obtaining service. ═══ 192. Common Errors ═══ Common Errors This section describes some of the common errors that can occur with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. These errors are usually the result of a configuration or setup discrepancy, and can usually be corrected by changing a configuration parameter or changing the connection of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem or NT1. The error descriptions are grouped by "Modem Errors" and "ISDN Errors." To isolate a problem, Click on the appropriate group below and then read the descriptions of each error to determine the one that best describes your problem. Then, perform the recommended actions to correct the problem. Click on: ∙ Modem Errors to view common modem errors ∙ ISDN Errors to view common ISDN errors. ═══ 193. Modem Errors ═══ Modem Errors To isolate a problem with the modem: 1. Read each description below to determine the one that best describes your error. 2. Click on the modem error number that corresponds to the description you have chosen. 3. Read the error description and follow the recommended user response. 4. To get details on a specific panel error code, for example WN06, go to the modem panel, click on Help, click on Help for Modem Driver, and then use the modem search pulldown to find details. The Port Monitor Help can also be used to search for an explanation to an error code. Modem Error Number Description: ME1 Windows error message that the selected COMM port is either not supported or is being used by another device. ME2 No response from application driver (Modem, V.120, V.120/Modem, HDLC Async to Sync, TCP/IP-SLIP) when running communications application. ME3 Modem will not connect at higher speeds. ═══ 194. Modem Error 1 ═══ Modem Error 1 OS/2 error message that the selected COMM port is either not supported or is being used by another device. Description: The ISDN Data/Fax Modem is configured as a different COMM port than the application or another application is using the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. User Response: Check to ensure that the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's COMM Port configuration value and the application's COMM port configuration value match. If not, reconfigure either the application or the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. If another application is using the ISDN Data/Fax Modem, close the other application. If you are not sure how the ISDN Data/Fax Modem is configured, run the configuration program again as described in the installation instructions shipped with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem adapter. If the ISDN Data/Fax Modem was installed after OS/2 was started, exit and restart OS/2 to have the ISDN Data/Fax Modem recognized. ═══ 195. Modem Error 2 ═══ Modem Error 2 No response from application driver (Modem, V.120, V.120/Modem, HDLC, Async to Sync, TCP/IP-SLIP) when running communications application. Description: Indicates a conflict in COMM port addresses or interrupt assignments. User Response: Make sure that all appropriate application drivers have been loaded onto your ISDN Data/Fax Modem. If all drivers have been loaded and you still get no response from your communications application, verify that the COMM port address and interrupt assignments specified in your communication applications match the COMM port addresses and interrupt assignments configured for the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. If you are not sure how the ISDN Data/Fax Modem is configured, run the configuration program again as described in the installation instructions shipped with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem adapter. If the ISDN Data/Fax Modem was installed after OS/2 was started, exit and then restart OS/2 to have the ISDN Data/Fax Modem recognized. ═══ 196. Modem Error 3 ═══ Modem Error 3 Modem will not connect at higher speeds. Description: Indicates that the wrong modem speed has been chosen or that the other modem is limiting the connection. (Modems negotiate down to the maximum bps capability of the slower modem.) User Response: Open the Modem application driver and select the Configuration pulldown. If the modem speed you want to use is not checked, select the desired modem speed and restart the modem application. ═══ 197. ISDN Errors ═══ ISDN Errors To isolate an ISDN problem: 1. Read each description below to determine the one that best describes your error. 2. Click on the ISDN error number that corresponds to the description you have chosen. 3. Read the error description and follow the recommended user response. 4. To get details on a specific panel error code, for example WN06, go to the modem panel, click on Help, click on Help for Modem Driver, and then use the modem search pulldown to find details. The Port Monitor Help can also be used to search for an explanation to an error code. ISDN Error Number: Description: IE1 Fast busy signal and a cause value of 81 when attempting a call. IE2 OS/2 error message informs you that the SPID is rejected by the network. IE3 Line Active indicator in the ISDN Port Monitor window does not come on. IE4 D channel Active indicator in the ISDN Port Monitor window does not come on. IE5 B channel Active indicator in the ISDN Port Monitor window does not come on when you attempt to place or receive a call. IE6 B channel Active indicator is on but calls cannot connect with remote device. ═══ 198. ISDN Error 1 ═══ ISDN Error 1 Fast busy signal and a cause value of 81 when attempting a call. Description: Occurs only if you have configured a fixed TEI. It indicates that there is an error in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's ISDN configuration. User Response: Go the ISDN Data/Fax Modem ISDN configuration (from the ISDN Port Monitor application). Verify that the value entered for the SPID matches the value received from the phone company. Also, make sure that the TEI value and the directory numbers you entered correspond to the configured SPID. ═══ 199. ISDN Error 2 ═══ ISDN Error 2 OS/2 error message informs you that the SPID is rejected by the network. Description: Occurs only for National ISDN-1 (NI1) compliant network switches or pre-NI-1 Northern Telecom switches. It indicates that there is an error in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's ISDN configuration. User Response: Go to the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's ISDN configuration (from the ISDN Port Monitor application). Verify that the values entered for the SPID and the directory numbers match the values received from the phone company. Also, if you selected a fixed TEI value during the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's ISDN configuration, make sure that the TEI value you entered corresponds to the configured SPID. ═══ 200. ISDN Error 3 ═══ ISDN Error 3 Line Active indicator in the ISDN Port Monitor window does not come on. Description: Indicates that the ISDN Data/Fax Modem is unable to synchronize with the ISDN line. This is caused by one of the following conditions: ∙ Cables are not connected to the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. ∙ Cabling from the adapter through the NT1 is not correct (most NT1s provide LED indicators that help determine whether the NT1 is connected properly). ∙ Incorrect settings on the NT1. User Response: Refer to your NT1 documentation or the Installation Instructions that came with your ISDN Data/Fax Modem adapter for suggestions on connecting your NT1. Check your NT1 documentation to verify that the settings on the NT1 are correct. ═══ 201. ISDN Error 4 ═══ ISDN Error 4 D channel Active indicator in the ISDN Port Monitor window does not come on. Description: Before trying to diagnose this problem, be sure to attempt at least one call. In some configurations, the ISDN Data/Fax Modem will not activate the D channel until at least one call has been attempted. If this indicator is still off and the Line Active indicator is on after you make a call, the ISDN Data/Fax Modem ISDN configuration is not valid. User Response: Check the status window in the ISDN Port Monitor window for any call status errors. Check the online help to view detailed information about any messages you see. Other possible courses of action: ∙ Verify that the TEI type you configured in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's ISDN configuration matches the TEI type you received from the phone company when you requested ISDN service. If the TEI type you have configured is fixed, verify that the value you entered is correct. ∙ If you are connected with other ISDN devices on a passive bus, make sure that each device has a unique TEI. Two devices cannot be assigned the same TEI value. If there is a conflict, change one of the devices' TEI values. (This problem is applicable only to FIXED TEI terminals.) ∙ Verify that you chose the correct switch type in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem ISDN configuration. Review the information you received from the phone company when you requested ISDN service to make sure that you have configured the correct switch type. ∙ Verify that the line is configured for the correct grade of service (voice/data, voice only, or data only). Note: You can check the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's ISDN configuration through the ISDN Port Monitor by using the Configuration option in the ISDN Port Monitor window. ═══ 202. ISDN Error 5 ═══ ISDN Error 5 B channel Active indicator in the ISDN Port Monitor window does not come on when you attempt to place or receive a call. Description: Indicates that the D channel is active but that the network cannot complete a call to the remote device. You will often receive a fast busy tone if this condition exists. This is usually caused by an ISDN configuration error. User Response: Open the ISDN Port Monitor window and watch the window while making a call. If neither of the B channel's Active indicators come on, check the status window for any messages. Check the online help to view detailed information about any messages you see. Verify that: ∙ The phone number you have configured matches the phone number you received when you requested ISDN service. ∙ Your ISDN line does not use Electronic Key Telephone System (EKTS) -- United States only. ∙ The grade of service you have configured (voice/data, data only, or voice only) is correct. Also, if the grade of service you have for your ISDN phone line is CSD (circuit switched data, there could be errors when making calls with the modem application driver, which should normally use CSV (circuit switched voice) or CSV/D (circuit switched voice/data). This is also true if you are trying to make non-modem application driver calls, which should normally use CSD, on an ISDN line that is configured for CSV. ∙ Configuration overrides are incorrectly set for outgoing calls (not applicable to the modem function). Note: You can check the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's ISDN configuration through the ISDN Port Monitor by using the Configuration option in the ISDN Port Monitor window. ═══ 203. ISDN Error 6 ═══ ISDN Error 6 B channel Active indicator is on but calls cannot connect with remote device. Description: Indicates an incompatible configuration in the Mwave application driver. User Response: Check the following conditions: ∙ TCP/IP RFC mode is correctly set. The TCP/IP Driver allows you to set the RFC 1294 mode link (TCP/IP driver only). ∙ Incorrect USERNAME for RFC 1294 mode link (TCP/IP driver only). ∙ Incorrect application driver is loaded on the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. ∙ Overrides are incorrectly set for incoming calls (not applicable to the modem function). ═══ 204. Help and Service ═══ Help and Service Information Before calling your place of purchase, please prepare for your call by following these steps: Step 1: Troubleshooting If you haven't done so already, you may want to try the Problem Solving procedures described in this online manual. Additionally, here are a few other things that you may want to try: ∙ Remove and reattach all option cables. ∙ Remove and reseat the option. ∙ Place the option in a different slot, if one is available. ∙ Reread any software instructions; be sure software settings are correct. ∙ Inspect the option for damage, such as bent pins. ∙ Check the computer manual for instructions about the installation of upgrades. Look for a section about system setup or system configuration. Follow all procedures. Step 2: Preparing for the Call Have available as much of the following information as possible: ∙ Option name, description, and serial number (if any) ∙ Proof of purchase ∙ Computer manufacturer, model, serial number, and manual ∙ Exact wording of the error message (if any) ∙ Description of the problem ∙ Hardware and software configuration information for your system If possible, be at your computer. Your technical support representative might want to walk you through the problem during the call. Step 3: Contact Your Place of Purchase ═══ 205. Glossary of Terms ═══ Glossary of Terms Analog Application Driver Asynchronous Data Link Converter (ADLC) baud B Channel Bits Per Second (bps) Channel D Channel Digital DN Group 3 Fax High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) Intergrated Services Digital Network ITU-T LED Indicators Modem National ISDN 1 (NI-1) Network Termination 1 Passive Bus protocol Request For Comment (RFC 1294) RJ-11 jack RJ-45 jack Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) Service Provider ID (SPID) terminal Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) V.120 ═══ 206. Application Driver ═══ Application Driver Software written to enable functions on and allow applications to access a hardware device. ═══ 207. General Information ═══ General Information This section contains general information on the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. Select one of the following topics of interest: Adapter Overview ISDN Overview Everyday Use of the PCMCIA PCMCIA Power Requirements Glossary of Terms Trademarks ═══ 208. Adapter Overview ═══ Adapter Overview The ISDN Data/Fax Modem is an adapter that has the flexibility to provide standard facsimile and modem functions as well as high-speed digital communication. Standard functions are accomplished over an analog public switched telephone network (PSTN) line at speeds up to 28.8 Kbps. If you connect the ISDN Data/Fax Modem to an integrated services digital network (ISDN) line, you can communicate with other digital devices at speeds up to 128 Kbps. Connecting to an ISDN line does not limit you to communications with digital devices only. The ISDN Data/Fax Modem is capable of communicating through an ISDN line to analog modems and Fax machines connected to an existing telephone network. Additionally, the ISDN Data/Fax Modem utilizes Mwave* technology. The Mwave technology platform, with its self-contained operating system, allows the functionality of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem to be easily enhanced via software upgrades. The ability to easily upgrade the ISDN Data/Fax Modem's functionality protects your investment in the adapter itself. ═══ 209. ISDN Overview ═══ ISDN Overview Integrated services digital network (ISDN) is a network architecture that uses digital technology to support simultaneous transmission of voice, data, and image at high speeds over regular telephone lines serviced by digital switches. The ISDN Data/Fax Modem can communicate with devices attached to an existing analog telephone line via conventional modems as well as with those that are directly attached to an ISDN line. When you order ISDN Basic Rate service for your home or business, you receive one physical line with three logical channels. One of the channels, called the D Channel, is used to send data and to send and receive the information needed for connecting and disconnecting calls. The other two channels, called B Channels, are used for sending voice and data. The D channel is capable of transmitting or receiving data at 16 Kbps, while the B channels are capable of transmitting or receiving data at 64 Kbps each. Multiple devices can be connected to your ISDN line simultaneously. This configuration, known as passive bus configuration, allows the D channel to establish a call for each B channel simultaneously (see the installation instructions that came with your adapter for more information on a passive bus configuration). Note: Due to differences in analog and digital technology, there are some differences between dialing with your ISDN modem and dialing with your analog modem. These differences are described in Dialing Differences for ISDN. The installation instructions that came with your adapter contain more information on ISDN Consult the installation instructions if you need more ISDN specific information. If you have questions that the installation instructions can not answer or you want additional information on ISDN or the ISDN Data/Fax Modem call (919)-254-ISDN. ═══ 210. Everyday Use ═══ Everyday Use of the PCMCIA There are a few things that you should know about your ISDN Data/Fax Modem in order to get the most out of its functions and features. Take a few moments to read the topics in this section to become familiar with daily use of your ISDN Data/Fax Modem. Starting the Modem Connecting the Adapter Disconnecting and Storing the Adapter ═══ 211. Starting the Modem ═══ Starting the Modem The following information describes starting the PCMCIA version of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. A detailed description of the Modem function and additional starting procedures are described in Modem Driver. Before you can use you modem applications, you have to start the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. You can choose to start the modem manually or automatically. To start the modem manually: 1. Insert the ISDN Data/Fax Modem adapter into an available PCMCIA adapter slot. 2. Start OS/2. 3. Locate the ISDN Data/Fax Modem group window. 4. Select the Modem icon to enable the modem functions. You can now use your modem applications. To start the modem automatically: Ensure that the adapter is inserted into an available PCMCIA adapter slot before starting OS/2. 1. Start OS/2. 2. Open the Startup group and the ISDN Data/Fax Modem group window. 3. Drag the modem icon to the Startup group window. The modem will start each time you start OS/2. Note: Starting the modem automatically may put an additional drain on your laptop's battery. ═══ 212. PCMCIA - Connecting ═══ Connecting the Adapter The following information describes connecting the PCMCIA version of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. Use this information as a guide to connecting the adapter to your personal computer during everyday use. If you need additional information on the cabling required to connect your adapter to an ISDN or an analog public switched telephone network (PSTN), see the Installation Instructions that came with the PCMCIA adapter. 1. Locate the adapter connector end of your cable. Move the latching button (the half-circle in the center of the adapter connector) toward the cable. The cable cannot be connected or disconnected unless the latch is retracted. 2. Attach the cable to the adapter. The adapter cable is keyed to attach to the adapter one way only. If you feel any resistance, remove the adapter connector, turn it over, and reattach it. 3. To lock the adapter cable securely, move the latching button toward the adapter. Hint: In some cases, you may want to leave the adapter cable latch retracted. If the adapter cable is pulled, it will disconnect from the adapter, possibly preventing your computer from being pulled off a table. 4. Insert the adapter into an available PCMCIA adapter slot. The adapter is keyed to go in one way only. If you feel resistance before the adapter is fully inserted, remove the adapter, turn it over, and reinsert it. The adapter is now connected to your personal computer and the network. ═══ 213. PCMCIA - Disconnecting ═══ Disconnecting and Storing the Adapter The following information describes disconnecting the PCMCIA version of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. When moving your personal computer from place to place, use the following steps to disconnect and safely store your ISDN Data/Fax Modem. 1. With the cable still attached to the adapter, press the eject button on the computer to disconnect the adapter. Pull the adapter from the computer. Note: If your computer does not have an eject button, remove the adapter by grasping it and pulling gently. 2. To detach the cable from the adapter, retract the latching button (the half-circle in the center of the connector) by moving it toward the cable. 3. Grasp the connector and unplug it from the adapter. The cable is still connected to the telephone network. 4. If you are taking your adapter with you to another work location, disconnect the adapter cables from the telephone network. ═══ 214. PCMCIA - Power Requirements ═══ PCMCIA Power Requirements The following information provides the power requirements for the PCMCIA version of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. These requirements are: Suspended 0mW Minimum 400mW RMS Power 870mW (ISDN ) RMS Power 825mW (Modem ) ═══ 215. Trademarks ═══ Trademarks The following terms, denoted by an asterisk (*) in this online document, are trademarks. ∙ Digital Communications Associates, Inc. ∙ Future Soft Engineering, Inc. ∙ Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. HCL-eXceed/W Hummingbird, Inc HyperACCESS/5 HilGraeve, Inc. ∙ IBM Corporation Mwave IBM Corporation ∙ Microcom Systems, Inc. pcANYWHERE Symantec Corporation ∙ Datastorm Technologies, Inc. Qmodem Mustang, Inc. ═══ 216. Applications ═══ Applications The ISDN Data/Fax Modem is a collection of application drivers. In addition to the application drivers, an ISDN Port Monitor is included. The ISDN Port Monitor controls the answering and originating of calls, and can be used to monitor the call status associated with any application. A key feature of the ISDN Data/Fax Modem is the fact that it can be upgraded easily. Once purchased, the product's function can be changed or enhanced by simply installing new software. Because technology changes so rapidly, this extends the useful life of the product and avoids obsolescence. The use of Mwave* technology makes application upgrades possible. Because all of the application drivers use some of the same adapter resources, only one of these application drivers can be loaded with the ISDN Port Monitor at any time. If you have one application driver loaded and want to run another one, you must first unload the currently loaded driver. The following topics contain detailed information on the application drivers provided with the ISDN Data/Fax Modem: ∙ ISDN Port Monitor ∙ FAX ∙ ProComm PLUS ∙ Communications Applications ═══ 217. Port Monitor ═══ ISDN Port Monitor The ISDN Port Monitor allows you to configure the ISDN D-Channel, select any alternate configurations (see multiple configurations) that you may have setup, and monitor the status of the ISDN port. In a Windows environment, the ISDN Port Monitor also allows you to log the status of the ISDN port. To start the Port Monitor, double-click the mouse pointer on the Port Monitor icon. From the Actions menu bar at the top of the ISDN Port Monitor window, you can: ∙ Configure an ISDN Port. For example, if your computer's phone number needs to be corrected, you can access the ISDN Digital Modem Configuration and make the required change. ∙ Select a Configuration. For example, if you have one configuration for working out of your office and another for working out of your home, you can select which configuration you would like to use. Note: While modem applications are active on the ISDN port, the configuration information may only be viewed. To change the port configuration, all applications must be closed. Finally, the ISDN Port Monitor gives you the ability to monitor the ISDN Port Status while applications are active. When the configured ISDN parameters are initially exchanged with the network, messages indicating whether the configured values were successfully exchanged will appear in the Port Messages portion of the ISDN Port Monitor window. As calls are being placed and received, the Status Messages window will be updated with the status of these calls. Note: A Fax application automatically starts the ISDN Port Monitor. The functions that can be performed using the ISDN Port Monitor are described below. View Call Status: The Status Messages box in the ISDN Port Monitor window displays messages that allow you to monitor the ISDN port. The status of any calls placed or received are shown in the Status Messages box. Monitor the ISDN Port: The Port Status indicators in the ISDN Port Monitor window allow you to monitor the status of the ISDN port on a per channel basis. There is a status indicator for each of the following conditions: L1 ISDN Line Active D D-Channel Active B1 B1 Channel Active B2 B2 Channel Active If any of the status indicators are not on, a connection is not established. Configure the ISDN Port: You can use the ISDN Port Monitor to change the ISDN configuration parameters. ISDN configuration parameters can be accessed through the Configuration option in the ISDN Port Monitor window. The process for changing the ISDN configuration is the same as when you initially installed the ISDN Data/Fax Modem. If you need more information on configuring the ISDN Data/Fax Modem, see the Installation Instructions that came with the adapter. Get a Log of the Status Messages: The ISDN Port Monitor window displays the last few status messages status messages so that you can observe the activity of calls being placed and received. You can scroll through the messages in the Port Monitor window, but they are not saved. You can have messages saved to a log by selecting Actions from the ISDN Port Monitor window, and then selecting Enable Logging. Messages saved in the log will be listed with the time and date that they occurred. ═══ 218. Fax ═══ Fax The Fax application (packaged with the adapter) enables you to send Fax files to a standard (G3) Fax machine or a Fax/Modem device connected to the telephone network. Fax files can also be received from a standard Fax machine or Fax/Modem device connected to the telephone network. To install the Fax application, follow the instructions provided with the application. After installing the Fax application, select the Fax icon. The Fax application will be loaded and you can begin. Refer to the documentation packaged with the Fax application software for details about selecting a file for transfer and displaying or printing a file that has been received. ═══ 219. ProComm PLUS ═══ ProComm PLUS For Windows To ensure proper application-to-application connections using ProComm, configure ProComm as follows: Default Baud Rate: 115200 bps Auto Baud Select: Off (NOT selected) Problems avoided with this setup: 1. Asynchronous communication devices cannot connect at speeds greater than the UART (baud) speed. To connect at 64000, the UART must be configured for 64000 or greater. The only choice in ProComm that allows V.120 to connect is 115200 bps. 2. If ProComm's Auto Baud Detect is on, ProComm will make connections only at its pre-anticipated (exact) speeds of 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, or 57600 bps. If the line connects at 56000 or 64000, ProComm will not recognize the connect speed and will disconnect the call. This problem can be avoided by turning Auto Baud Detect OFF in the Modem setup section of the advanced connection setup. ═══ ═══ Use Selected Configuration The Use Selected Configuration option allows you to activate a configuration that you have selected from the list of possible configurations. The selected configuration will take effect when you click on OK. You can also use a configuration by double- clicking on the entry in the list box. ═══ ═══ Edit Selected Configuration The Edit Selected Configuration allows you to edit a configuration. For example, you may want to edit a configuration that you named ISDN2 to change the TEI value. ═══ ═══ Create New Configuration The Create New Configuration option allows you to define a new set of parameters to support your port connection. For example, you may be temporarily setting up your computer in another location that requires a set of parameters that are different from the parameters required for your primary location. In such a case, you would want to create a new configuration while still maintaining the old configuration. ═══ ═══ Delete Selected Configuration The Delete Selected Configuration option allows you to remove a configuration that you no longer need. ═══ ═══ Analog Pertaining to data consisting of continuously variable physical quantities. Contrast with Digital. In this online document, analog refers to conventional telephone service. ═══ ═══ Asynchronous Data Link Converter The Asynchronous Data Link Converter (ADLC) is an application that allows you to choose HDLC or TCP/IP drivers for use in your network. The ADLC icon in the ISDN Data/Fax Modem group window provides access to the HDLC and TCP/IP drivers. See Async-to-Sync Driver for more information. ═══ ═══ Baud The rate at which signal conditions are transmitted per second. Contrast with Bits Per Second (bps). ═══ ═══ B Channel 64-bps "bearer" channel used for voice, circuit or packet switched data. ═══ ═══ Bits Per Second (bps) The rate at which bits are transmitted per second. With "K" (meaning 1000), 1 Kbps means a rate of 1000 bits per second. ═══ ═══ Channel A path along which signals can be sent. ═══ ═══ D Channel The ISDN channel that carries signaling information to control the call setup, teardown, or invocation of supplementary services. The D Channel may also be used to provide Packet Mode Data Service. ═══ ═══ Digital (1) Pertaining to data in the form of digits. Contrast with Analog. (2) Pertaining to data consisting of numerical values or discrete units. In this online document, digital refers to ISDN networks. ═══ ═══ DN A directory number, subscriber number, or telephone number. ═══ ═══ Group 3 Fax (G3 Fax) A protocol for the transmission of facsimile through the analog telephone network. ═══ ═══ High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) A synchronous bit-oriented protocol used for communicating high-speed data between two synchronous devices over a wide area network. See HDLC - ASYNC to SYNC Driver for more information. ═══ ═══ Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) An international standard defined for an all-digital network providing end-to-end digital connectivity to support a wide range of voice and non-voice (data and video) services. See ISDN Overview for more information. ═══ ═══ International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunications International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunications (ITU-T) is an organization within the United Nations charged with making recommendations regarding telecommunications. ═══ ═══ LED Indicators Indicators that provide a visual status of the operations or states that the modem is engaged in. Modem LED Indicators provides a visual representation of the modem LEDs and allows you to view a description of the operation or state associated with each LED. ═══ ═══ Modem (modulator/demodulator) A device that converts digital data from a computer to an analog signal that can be transmitted in a telecommunication line, and converts the analog signal received to data for the computer. ═══ ═══ National ISDN-1 (NI-1) The Bellcore/Regional Bell Operating Companies defined protocols and services on the basic rate interface. It is the first step in establishing a uniform ISDN definition for the US and it allows NI-1 compliant ISDN devices to connect to any switch that supports NI-1, regardless of the manufacturer. ═══ ═══ Network Termination 1 (NT1) A unit that provides physical and electromagnetic termination of the U-interface two-wire transmission line, converts between layer 1 formats used at the U and T reference points, and performs some maintenance functions. ═══ ═══ Passive Bus The customer premises wiring that allows multiple ISDN devices to be connected to an ISDN line. ═══ ═══ Protocol A set of semantic and syntactic rules that determines the behavior of functional units in achieving communication. ═══ ═══ Request For Comment 1294 (RFC1294) A communications standard for sending multiple protocols over a frame relay network. The ISDN Data/Fax Modem provides a limited implementation of this standard for communication over ISDN. Note: RFC1294 has been replaced by RFC1490. The term RFC1294 will continue to be used due to historical significance. ═══ ═══ RJ-11 Jack A four pin modular connector used to physically connect an NT1 to an ISDN line at the U-Interface, or to connect a modem to an analog telephone line. ═══ ═══ RJ-45 Jack An eight pin modular connector used to physically connect to an NT1 at the S/T-Interface. ═══ ═══ Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) An asynchronous protocol used for sending Internet Protocol data through a serial (COMM) port. ═══ ═══ Service Provider ID (SPID) A parameter provided by the telephone company when requesting ISDN service. It associates an ISDN directory number with a specific profile of service characteristics stored within the network. ═══ ═══ Terminal A device attached to the end of an ISDN line. Also known as terminal equipment (TE) or terminal equipment type 1 (TE1). ═══ ═══ Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) A value used to identify a specific connection endpoint within a service access point. ═══ ═══ Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) A set of protocols that allow cooperating computers to share resources across a heterogeneous network. Typically, this protocol is used for communicating over the Internet network. See TCP/IP Driver for more information. ═══ ═══ V.120 Terminal rate adaptation protocol for the B Channel. See V.120 Driver for more information.