README.TXT File Version 1.0 for Universal Serial Bus (USB) Communication Device Driver Support for OS/2 December 19, 1998 (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1998. All rights Reserved. Contents ======== 1.0 Overview 2.0 USB-Communication Driver Installation Instructions 3.0 USB-Communication Driver Un-Install Instructions 4.0 Requirements 1.0 Overview ============= This USBCOMM.EXE driver package provides you with IBM's most current support for Universal Serial Bus (USB) communication (modem) devices on the OS/2 Operating System. 1.1 The USBCOMM.EXE file that you received contains the following 3 USB files in a self-extracting compressed format. - README.TXT This file that you are reading - USBCINST.EXE Executable that installs USB communication driver support - USBCOM.SYS USB Communication Driver 2.0 USB-Modem Installation Instructions =========================================== 2.1 To use these USB driver files, you must expand the USBCOMM.EXE file into its 3 component files by (a.) opening an OS/2 window and (b.) typing USBCOMM at the OS/2 command prompt. Once the USBCOMM.EXE file is expanded, please continue with the USB Installation Instructions. 2.2 At the OS/2 command prompt, type USBCINST. This command will: (a.) Verify that the Basic USB device driver support is present. (b.) Create a backup copy of the existing CONFIG.SYS file. The name of the backup file is displayed on the OS/2 window. (c.) Add the USB communication device drivers to the OS2\BOOT directory on the Boot partition. (d.) Update the CONFIG.SYS file with the appropriate USB modem entry. DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\USBCOM.SYS Where C: is the drive letter of the OS/2 boot partition on your system. 2.3 This completes the installation procedure. You must now REBOOT you system to initialize the USB communication device driver support. 3.0 USB-Modem Un-Install Instructions ================================ 3.1 Restore the backup version of the CONFIG.SYS file that was created by the IBMCINST utility to be the system's CONFIG.SYS configuration file. 3.2 Safely shut down and then re-boot your system in order to remove the USB-Communication driver from the system configuration. 4.0 Requirements ================= 4.1 Hardware 4.2 Software (a.) USB Basic support (end)