Zinc Data File Version 3.1 UI_HPP UI_HELP HELP_CONTEXTS GENERAL_HELP MAIN_WIN_HELP DEV_ID_WIN_HELP DEV_CONFIG_WIN_HELP CONFIG_WIN_HELP ERROR_WIN_HELP INSTALL_PRO_HELP INSTALL_KIT_HELP INSTALL_BARE_HELP 340H ON OFF ON 310H ON OFF OFF 230H OFF ON ON 240H OFF ON OFF 210H OFF OFF ON 130H OFF OFF OFF 140H SW8 : ConfW const UI_HELP_CONTEXT GENERAL_HELP = 0x0001; // General Help WindowO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT MAIN_WIN_HELP = 0x0002; // Help WindowO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT DEV_ID_WIN_HELP = 0x0003; // Help WindowO coniguration Control *ON : I/O Port Address and BIOS Address is controlled by utility OFF: I/O Port Address is set by SW5 - SW7 and BIOS Address is set by SW2 - SW4 End of help. Press to return ... General Help Window2 The following keys are used throughout this utility : --- move to next field --- move within a field or --- select -<_> (underscore) --- jump to a specific field --- exit Jumper & Switch Setting Information : Note: * denotes default settings - Jumper Block JP 1 : SCSI Terminator Power *IN : 34FA supplies terminator power for SCSI pin 26 OUT: terminator power supplied from SCSI pin 26 - Jumper Block JP2 : VL-Bus Data Transfer Burst Length Control *1-2: 16 DWORD (64 bytes) per burst 3-4: 8 DWORD (32 bytes) per burst Switch S1 : Note: * denotes default settings SW1 : Floppy Control *ON : floppy enable/disable is controlled through utility OFF: floppy is disabled SW2 - SW4 : BIOS Address if SW8 is OFF SW2 SW3 SW4 BIOS Address *ON ON ON Disable ON ON OFF C4000H - C7FFFH ON OFF ON C8000H - CBFFFH ON OFF OFF CC000H - CFFFFH OFF ON ON D0000H - D3FFFH OFF ON OFF D4000H - D7FFFH OFF OFF ON D8000H - DBFFFH OFF OFF OFF DC000H - DFFFFH SW5 - SW7 : I/O Port Address if SW8 is OFF SW5 SW6 SW7 I/O Port Address *ON ON ON 330H ON ON OFF ll fault-tolerance utility to protect your hard disk. Drivers for CD-ROM drives, tape drives and optical drives can be installed separately through Corel SCSI diskette. [ EXIT ] button : Selecting this button will take you out from the utility at which point the system will automatically reboot for the changes to take effect. End of help. Press for keyboard keystroke help and jumper setting information. Press to return ... Help Window Choose the host adapter you want to configure and then select or click on the CONFIGURATION button. Do this for each host adapter you want to configure. [ CONFIGURATION ] button : Selecting this button will let you configure the Host Adapter you chose earlier. Only 34FA Host Adapter can be configured through this software utility. [ INSTALLATION ] button : Selecting this button will lead you to the process of installing ASPI manager and driver for a third floppy drive in your system. If you purchased UltraSCSI Kit package, you can also install drivers for CD-ROM drives and optical drives. If you purchased UltraSCSI Pro Kit package, you can also insta Press for keyboard keystroke help and jumper setting information. Press to return ... Help Window Select or click on the SCSI ID of the device you want to configure. Do this for each SCSI ID you have attached a device to until all devices are properly configured. End of help. 3 tist UI_HELP_CONTEXT DEV_CONFIG_WIN_HELP = 0x0004; // Help WindowO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT CONFIG_WIN_HELP = 0x0005; // Help WindowO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT ERROR_WIN_HELP = 0x0006; // Help WindowO const UI_HELP_CO 64 Heads, 32 Sectors SCSI Parity Check ENABLE Disconnect on SCSI Bus ENABLE Motor Spin Up Sequencing Device Auto Spin Up SCSI Device Transfer Negotiation Initi Press for keystroke help and jumper setting information. Press to return ... Help Window Device Parameter Options : * BIOS Supported Drive : BIOS INT 13h is the disk I/O routines that process disk read or write commands issued by operating system. It only handles hard disks, magneto-optical drives, and removable drives. Other type devices are excluded from BIOS INT 13h regardless of this option. The setting of INCLUDE will force the device to be supported under the BIOS INT 13h functions. If a magneto-optical drive or a removable drive is used, then the operating system will not be able to recognize media change. The device on SCSI ID 0 with the INCLUDE option set is bootable via the BIOS INT 19h function. If the setting of EXCLUDE is used, then a device driver will be needed to handle the device. * Drive Mapping Mode : DOS has a limitation of accessing no more than 1024 cylinders on a hard drive. To bypass this problem, a translation scheme must be used. Please note that DOS also has a limitation of 2GB per partition. The following table shows maximum capacity achieved under the various mapping mode selections. Mapping Mode Max. Capacity ------------------------------------------------------- 16 heads, 63 sectors 504MB 64 heads, 32 sectors 1024MB 64 heads, 63 sectors 2016MB 128 heads, 32 sectors 2048MB 128 heads, 63 sectors 4032MB 255 heads, 63 sectors 8032MB 1MB = 1,048,576 bytes * SCSI Parity Check : Parity check is a method of verifying data integrity to and from the SCSI devices. To take advantage of this function, enable the parity check function on all the SCSI devices on the chain. Note that there are some older SCSI devices that do not support the parity check function. If you have one of these devices connected, disable the parity check on the ULTRA 34FA. * Disconnect in SCSI Bus : For those devices that support disconnect, this feature allows them to work while off the SCSI bus as another SCSI device occupies the bus. This option may be set to DISABLE if there is only one device connected to the ULTRA 34FA since it may improve the performance for non-multithread operation. Do not disable disconnect in multi-tasking environments such as Windows NT (TM), OS/2 (TM) and NetWare 386 (TM) as timeout errors may occur. * Motor Spin Up Sequencing : During power-up, your system power supply may not be able to handle the strain caused by several hard drives spinning up at the same time. The SEQUENTIAL SPIN UP option will spin up hard drives individually with a 4- second delay for each SCSI ID with this option. Under the DEVICE AUTO SPIN UP option, all SCSI hard drives will spin up their motors on their own upon system power-up. Please note that some older SCSI hard drives do not support sequential spin up function. Upon power-up they will automatically spin up on their own and ignore the spin up command. * SCSI Device Transfer Negotiation : Transfer negotiation can be initiated by the target (SCSI device) or the initiator (ULTRA 34FA). The negotiation is to determine the synchronous transfer, that is, the speed at which the controller and the device agreeec. The TARGET option allows the negotiation to be initiated by the SCSI devices installed. With this option, the transfer is in asynchronous mode. [ Default Settings ] button : d upon to transfer the data. The INITIATOR 10MB/sec option sets the ULTRA 34FA as the initiator with negotiation starting at 10MB/sec. The target should response with the maximum transfer rate it can handle Select or click on this button to reset all the settings to the factory default: BIOS Supports Drive INCLUDE Drive Mapping Mode but no more than the starting negotiation transfer rate and offset. The INITIATOR 5MB/sec option sets the ULTRA 34FA as the initiator with negotiation starting at 5MB/sator, 10MB/sec [ OK ] button : Select or click on this button when you are satisfied with the settings. End of help. * Boot SCSI ID : This option allows the user the select which hard disk to boot from. The boot device has to be either a hard disk, removable hard disk or magneto-optical drive and the BIOS Supported Drive option has to be INCLUDE. NOTE: For UNIX installations, the boot device ID must be set to 0. End of help. Press for keystroke help and jumper setting information. Press to return ... Help Window General Options : * I/O Address : You have several I/O port addresses to choose from. Select one that is not in conflict with another add-in board in your system such as a network adapter or a sound card. If SW8 of switch S1 is OFF, the I/O Port Address is configured through SW5, SW6 and SW7 of switch S1. * Interrupt Channel : Choose from interrupt channels 10, 11, 14, and 15. This selection must not be the same as another add-in board. Standard MFM, RLL, ESDI, and IDE controllers usually reside on interrupt 14. * BIOS Address : Select an address range that is not occupied by another add-in board. Please note that the ULTRA 34FA BIOS occupies 16KB of address space. If SW8 of switch S1 is OFF, the BIOS Address is configured through SW2, SW3 and SW4 of switch S1. * SCSI Terminator : Both ends of the chain must be terminated. By default, the ULTRA 34FA has this setting ENABLED. If you have only internal or external devices connected, leave this setting as is. However, if you have both internal and external devices connected to the ULTRA 34FA, DISABLE the on-board SCSI terminator. * Floppy Port : Use this option to enable or disable the floppy controller. The floppy controller can also be disabled through hardware by setting SW1 in switch S1 to OFF. In this case the floppy setting configured through software will be ignored. * 3rd Floppy Cable : UltraStor provides a device driver, EXFDRV.SYS, to support 3 floppy drives under DOS. The 3rd floppy connection may be achieved using either a SINGLE-TWISTED or DOUBLE-TWISTED cable. Set this option accordingly if you are running 3 floppy drives on the ULTRA 34FA. Advanced Options : * Transfer Wait State : The wait state is used for increasing address line setup time. When encountering data transfer problem, especially in a fast CPU clock machine, set wait state to one. * Host Adapter ID : Each SCSI device on the chain must have its own unique SCSI ID. The ULTRA 34FA is no different. By default, the Host Adapter ID is at 7. However, you may choose any ID from 0 to 7 as long as it does not conflict with the SCSI ID of another device on the chain. Help Windowl WARNING : An error has occurred. This utility cannot detect the presence of an ULTRA 34F or ULTRA 34FA in your system. Please check and make sure the ULTRA 34F or ULTRA 34FA is properly installed in your system. End of help. Press for keystroke help and jumper setting information. Press to return ... are provided in the Corel SCSI diskette. If you have any of these devices connected to your system, you should install the appropriate drivers through Corel SCSI diskette. NTEXT INSTALL_PRO_HELP = 0x0007; // Help WindowO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INSTALL_KIT_HELP = 0x0008; // Help WindowO const UI_HELP_CONTEXT INSTALL_BARE_HELP = 0x0009; // Help Window End of help. Press for keystroke help and jumper setting information. Press to return ... Help Window * Install ASPI Manager : This option, when selected, installs USPI14.SYS device driver in your CONFIG.SYS. The USPI14.SYS driver provides Advanced SCSI Peripheral Interface (ASPI) services. If you plan to run an application or device that requires ASPI services, you will need to install the ASPI Manager. * Display Controller Configuration Information (/F) : Select this option to force USPI14.SYS to display the current configuration of the ULTRA 34F/34FA. * Scan All Logical Unit Numbers on SCSI Bus (/L) : SCSI devices such as a CD-ROM changer or a SCSI-to-SCSI disk array may have multiple logical units under one SCSI ID. This command line option must be used for the USPI14.SYS ASPI to scan all the available logical units. If you plan to attach devices with multiple logical units, select this option. If you do not select this option, only logical unit 0 is scanned. * Exclude Scanning of Selected I/O Ports (/X) : If you have an ethernet adapter or a MIDI adapter, you need to select this option so that USPI14.SYS does not scan for ULTRA 34F/34FA in those addresses. If the USPI14.SYS driver is allowed to scan an I/O port address occupied by another adapter card, the system may hang. * Install Third Floppy Driver Select this option to copy the UltraStor Third Floppy Driver, EXFDRV.SYS to your system. Be sure to also select the drive type of your third floppy device so your CONFIG.SYS can be properly modified. * Directory of DRIVER.SYS File : In order to use the Third Floppy Support, the DOS DRIVER.SYS (included with DOS) device driver is needed. This installation utility will need to know the location of your DOS subdirectory in order to properly modify your CONFIG.SYS. * Install Disk Mirroring Utility : The purpose of UltraMirror utility is to mirror the Primary disk so if it fails, the Secondary disk will continue functioning in its place with no user intervention. UltraMirror defaults to mirroring the entire Primary disk and all its drives, however you may select not to mirror certain drives in order to increase disk space and give up the UltraMirror safety net. NOTE : drivers for CD-ROM drives, tape drives and optical driveserve for the drive. * Install Floptical Driver : FLPTICAL.sys is the device driver for floptical drives. This driver enables the floptical drive to access 21M bytes floptical diskettes as well as 1.44M and 720K floppy diskettes. Please consult the UltraStor SCSI controller manual for specific support of removable drives; some special SC> to return ... Help Window0 * Install ASPI Manager : This option, when selected, installs USPI14.SYS device driver in your CONFIG.SYS. The USPI14.SYS driver provides Advanced SCSI Peripheral Interface (ASPI) services. If you plan to run an application or device that requires ASPI services, you will need to install the ASPI Manager. * Display Controller Configuration Information (/F) : Select this option to force USPI14.SYS to display the current configuration of the ULTRA 34F/34FA. * Scan All Logical Unit Numbers on SCSI Bus (/L) : SCSI devices such as a CD-ROM changer or a SCSI-to-SCSI disk array may have multiple logical units under one SCSI ID. This command line option must be used for the USPI14.SYS ASPI to scan all the available logical units. If you plan to attach devices with multiple logical units, select this option. If you do not select this option, only logical unit 0 is scanned. * Exclude Scanning of Selected I/O Ports (/X) : If you have an ethernet adapter or a MIDI adapter, you need to select this option so that USPI14.SYS does not scan for ULTRA 34F/34FA in those addresses. If the USPI14.SYS driver is allowed to scan an I/O port address occupied by another adapter card, the system may hang. * Install Third Floppy Driver Select this option to copy the UltraStor Third Floppy Driver, EXFDRV.SYS to your system. Be sure to also select the drive type of your third floppy device so your CONFIG.SYS can be properly modified. * Directory of DRIVER.SYS File : In order to use the Third Floppy Support, the DOS DRIVER.SYS (included with DOS) device driver is needed. This installation utility will need to know the location of your DOS subdirectory in order to properly modify your CONFIG.SYS. * Install CD-ROM Driver : The device driver for CD-ROMs is ULTRACD.SYS. The default name used to access the CD-ROM driver is MSCD0001. If you wish to use a different name you have to change it manually in the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. This CD-ROM driver also supports KODAK Multisession Photo CD for CHINON, NEC, SONY, TEAC, TEXEL and TOSHIBA drives. The UAUDIO.EXE and MSCDEX.EXE files will also be copied into the target directory when you choose to install ULTRACD.SYS. UAUDIO is a DOS-based utility program which allows the user to control the playing of Compact Audio Discs (CD-DA) in a CD-ROM drive with sound output capabilities. * Install Removable Driver : If you have removable hard drives connected to your system you should install ULTRAREM.SYS, device driver for removable hard drives. ULTRAREM.SYS supports up to 4 removable hard drives and you can reserve up to 4 logical drives for each device. When you install ULTRAREM.SYS, UFDISK.EXE file will also be copied to the selected target directory. This file is an utility program to manipulate partitions in the removable hard disks when they are supported by ULTRAREM.SYS. Please consult the UltraStor SCSI controller manual for specific support of removable drives; some special settings may be required. There are 2 methods to install the ULTRAREM.SYS driver: * Default installation: - If there is no disk in tsettings may be required. End of help. Press for keystroke help and jumper setting information. Press for keystroke help and jumper setting information. Press to return ... Help Window * Install ASPI Manager : This option, when selected, installs USPI14.SYS device driver in your CONFIG.SYS. The USPI14.SYS driver provides Advanced SCSI Peripheral Interface (ASPI) services. If you plan to run an application or device that requires ASPI services, you will need to install the ASPI Manager. * Display Controller Configuration Information (/F) : Select this option to force USPI14.SYS to display the current configuration of the ULTRA 34F/34FA. * Scan All Logical Unit Numbers on SCSI Bus (/L) : SCSI devices such as a CD-ROM changer or a SCSI-to-SCSI disk array may have multiple logical units under one SCSI ID. This command line option must be used for the USPI14.SYS ASPI to scan all the available logical units. If you plan to attach devices with multiple logical units, select this option. If you do not select this option, only logical unit 0 is scanned. * Exclude Scanning of Selected I/O Ports (/X) : If you have an ethernet adapter or a MIDI adapter, you need to select this option so that USPI14.SYS does not scan for ULTRA 34F/34FA in those addresses. If the USPI14.SYS driver is allowed to scan an I/O port address occupied by another adapter card, the system may hang. * Install Third Floppy Driver Select this option to copy the UltraStor Third Floppy Driver, EXFDRV.SYS to your system. Be sure to also select the drive type of your third floppy device so your CONFIG.SYS can be properly modified. * Directory of DRIVER.SYS File : In or